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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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the city of household appliances is a specialized reference for household appliances in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. i invite you to join us with economic news . the head of the food and drug organization announced the export of 13 million dollars of sports nutritional supplements and natural and traditional products. the deputy minister also said that in 1402 compared to 1401, about 25% increase in the export of food supplements.
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we had sports and natural and traditional products. from the production of supplements for children and athletes. sports supplements are hospital supplements. the first company in the middle east to produce whey protein concentrate. until the natural and traditional products. we have more than 100 herbal medicines. their producers are gathered together. became in the 12th conference of the exhibition of food supplements, sports diet and natural and traditional products. 100 production units in the field of complementary production and more than 200 production units in the field of production capacities without factories in this ministry of industry, madan tejarat have licenses to produce their products. 12 thousand supplements and 2000 natural and traditional products are produced in iran. 20 to 2050 million. now
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we have identified a number of these products as supplements or herbal products according to the announcement of the food and drug organization, 13 million dollars are the figure for the export of supplements and natural and traditional products. compared to 401, we were able to take 25% measures in the export field. we have products that we have with domestic technical know-how in the market outside of iran , the european market, the market that we have in the uk , we produce and sell to the persian gulf countries, neighboring countries, especially iraq, and also in the countries that are in eastern europe and on the shores of the caspian sea. we are doing our exports , we are self-sufficient in supplementary production in the country, but on average, 30 to 40 percent of this industry is empty. in the natural products industry, out of 1,200 pharmaceuticals
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in iran, only 300 products, i.e. a quarter of those products, are produced. the economics headquarters of the students of traditional medicine and medicinal plants was able to get 50 billion tomans of financial aid, which, of course, i mentioned , was the beginning of the journey. it is stated in the national document of medicinal plants that iran should achieve the first rank in the export of herbal products in the region. haani jalinjad, radio and television news agency. according to the statistics of the iranian chamber of commerce, last year the export of cosmetic detergents was about 130 million dollar receipt activists and exporters participating in the 31st international exhibition of cellulosic sanitary detergents and related machines say that the quality of iranian products in this field has increased and can compete with foreign samples. the cosmetic detergent industry
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of iran is one of the famous countries, especially in the west asia region. last year, the cosmetic detergent industry had about 130 million dollars in exports alone. we are currently exporting continuously to more than 20 countries. from the cis countries , russia, turkey, and other countries african exporters talk about the export of their products and the effective strategies for its development. same products. we produce the new , we have the latest technologies of the world, we have to improve the packaging as much as possible. we ourselves are in the field of quality, and to attract customers abroad, we need commercial consultations in our embassies in different countries
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, through which we can export more to our target markets. let's get acquainted in terms of the scent of rangb. ambulance and packaging that made us very different inside the country so that we can make these products competitive with foreign export products . our plan for 1403 is to enter the export field and help our member collections to be able to enter the markets, god willing. it is an opportunity for producers to pay more and better attention to exports. in fact, they should have products similar to international quality products , and this has been very good in the past few years. well, dear viewers, just like that information of the president on the second day of his trip to semnan province, he attended the people of damghan, while
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saying goodbye, i invite you to watch the president's speech. and quaid and nasir, delilala. lovers of the islamic revolution and imam azim al-sha'an and the people of damghan province , i am grateful to the almighty god for this success that he has granted today
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in this holy place in the presence of the dear people. in damghan city, what we know about damghan is the ancient heritage of civilization and exemplary civility . what we know about the people of damghan and this region is culture, science, faith and affection. god. in the history of damghan and everywhere in damghan, there is evidence of the religiosity of the people, the culture of the people of this system, and the possession of a national civilization that
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is combined with islamic civilization. and the civility and civilization of damghan people and the ancient history is proof of that people with culture, people with insight, people with knowledge and faith have always lived in this region . i should honor the memory of all martyrs and send greetings to their pure souls and pay tribute to
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their respected and cherished families. from this proof. and for this spirit of gratitude and patience , i am grateful for all the patience. the spirit of patience and gratitude, before i come to your bright gathering, at the service of the honorable representative of the supreme leader in the province, our honorable and dear governor, and the light of all our eyes, hazrat hojat al-islam al-muslimeen, mr. taqvi, may your blessings be upon you. we went to the house of one of the honorable families of the martyrs of damghani , the mother of three martyrs has two children and one grandchild
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. the words of this mother were truly a classroom for me and those like me from the authorities. there is a spirit of patience, a spirit of gratitude in this mother and in this family, they always give themselves despite the capital investing for the islamic revolution, for the defense of the sacred , for the defense of the sanctuary , they consider themselves indebted to the system, to the country, to the province . anyone who has wealth should be in the way of god in the way of imam hussain. well, this spirit
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is a spirit that definitely has victory with it, with victory and with the believers. these are the believers whom god has promised a certain victory with the presence of these mothers, these sisters, these dear young people. and broumand damghani and shahroudi semnani of mashhad and tehrani, and everywhere in the country, it is the same spirit , the same capital, and the same faith that has kept the people of palestine and gaza on their feet today, a mother who has given up her children, her husband, and all her people and raises her hands to the sky, god willing. he is a capital that cannot be replaced by anything, and a child who has lost all of his people
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. god, god, god, god, god, god, god, god, god, god, god, god, god, god, god, god, god. the first capital. the biggest is cultural capital. we as the government and you as civilized people, seminarians and academics, men and women, dear boys and girls in this city. the first duty of all of us together is to preserve this culture. this civilization, and this civilization is called religion in damghan and in this province. all the efforts of the cultural officials should be to preserve this capital
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, protect and promote this great capital , development is inevitable, our city, our village should develop, it should be able to use all the tools that exist today for the development of contemporary human life it is benefiting, but if this development is with the preservation of cultural assets, there is no worry if those basic principles are maintained , there is no need to worry, not for our girls, boys, young, or old. it must be defined with these communication tools and fields of information that exist in the world today and life is based on this. no more worries. it doesn't exist, the secret is that
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the original culture and those foundations must be preserved, which preserve the family, preserve the youth, preserve the city , preserve the civilization and the cultural foundations with this cultural invasion that exists in the interpretation of the wise leadership of the islamic revolution with this invasion. a culture that has an enemy against culture and cultures in the world nations want to have their own cultures , have many of their own, this invasion will be ineffective and will be ashamed of the fact that the cultural figures who observe and patrol are bordering culture and religion. see the values ​​of resistance and standing, faith
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, recognize the harms, warn of the harms in time and try to both the pathology and the de-harmization , this is the first word of the government and the government agencies from the education and higher education of the cultural heritage. all the sectors that are responsible for culture should know that this great capital must be preserved and this huge capital must be promoted may he find day by day in the blessed pond of the pure blood of the martyrs the problems that the honorable imam juma mentioned in the city. the first issue is to mention the issue of health and treatment
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. it is important to pay attention and don't forget it for the officials in this area. i mentioned last night in a meeting in shahrood city that the planning for the province should not be only for the fixed population of this province or city. we also have a variable population in this city. damghan is very good and religious regarding the guests of ali bin musa al-reza. the pride of the people of the province and the people of damghan in particular has always been to host the guests of imam reza , peace be upon him, and this is a great honor for the
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pious people in this system that those who pass through here are the people of damghan, not this year or last year. be it after the revolution or this 100 years or 200 years, for many years, 20 out of 1000 years, the people of damghan have been serving the guests of ali bin musa al- reza, peace be upon him, so it should not be considered a hospital bed in our calculations. people here, let's say per capita bed how much is the hospital everywhere, how much is it here ? yes, according to the constant population, this calculation is correct, but according to the variable population, the calculation must be different, so by looking at the constant population and the variable population , which consists of the guests of ali bin musa reza, peace be
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upon him, health and treatment conditions the situation of medical centers here must change. allahu akbar. allahu akbar. allahu akbar. khamenei is your former leader. greetings to the believers of islam. hello. down with america. death to andrews. down with. but staffing is very important for medical centers , students who are developed and ready to serve and doctors who whether from the province or from all over the country, they can work in these centers, but the best thing is for us
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to have a talent and talent development center in damghan itself. my way is with the good talents that exist in the province. the boys and girls of this city, this province can study in university centers, i.e. the faculty of medical sciences in these provinces and in this city in a special way, which can be a supplier of medical centers in the city itself, and be effective for the surrounding areas. in our opinion, the activation of the faculty of medical sciences in this city can provide the required manpower there should be medical centers in the city and the surrounding areas , god willing, the
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issue of water. it is very important for kalan. you know, dear gentlemen, dear ladies, dear boys and girls, when our government started working, we were faced with disagreements in the field of electricity, water and water tensions. water tensions in significant parts of the country. but we look not only at water. and electricity and gas, in relation to housing, in relation to employment, in relation to various issues that the country was facing, from the issue of corona, which the government started with 700 families who were grieving because of the loss of their loved ones, that is, the government started its work with casualties
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there were 700 people in the country, but our eyes were on the door of the almighty god, the capable hands of the dear youths , our slogan was the same as the slogan of the martyrs, that we can be sure that the favor of the almighty god is with us, and it is possible, well, within a short period of time, god will forgive and this situation will change. regarding the economic issues, the enemy thought that with his actions , he could stop the country from production , stop the economic growth, and he could develop unemployment. expand the grievances , expand the social, economic and cultural anomalies , the situation changed with the grace of god almighty and the help
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of our people in these two and a half years and almost 3 years in in 1400, unlike the last 10 years, when the economic growth was less than one percent. the country was less than 1% in the first year of the government, i.e. in 1400, we had 4% economic growth in the second 6 months when the country's government accepted its responsibility in 1401, the same growth of 4% and nearly 55% in 1402 was also announced that the country has economic growth, production units . rocket returned to the production cycle. 8400 production units that were rocketed , some of them, i went to semnan and shahrood yesterday
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and saw the reports. it had been rocketed for 10 years and 12 years after the initial establishment. thank god, they returned to the production cycle in the province, in addition to the amount announced yesterday it was in the news that 21 production units have been put into the production cycle . the report given by mr. governor was that we will not let any production unit in the province be shut down . it doesn't want to, but the iranian nation has decided to do both production growth and economic growth in the areas of agriculture, mining and industry. the situation
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is completely different. the war is a war of wills. in this war of wills, we believe that the will of the great nation of iran has won and will win after this. god is great, god is great, god is great. dear sirs and madams, the operation of the honest promise. it brought about unity and unity in the country
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. it was unifying and unifying to the country. today, all groups, all factions , all political currents are united. this action is a necessary and necessary action to bring unity and honor to
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our great country. whether it is agricultural water or industrial water in the life program, bahmadullah a part of the province's problems were solved in a short period of time . it was also announced yesterday that the part related to shahrood and damghan is on the agenda. it will be followed by your own ability and with the service and service of the dear ones in the government. we know for sure that this issue will be resolved soon, god willing, with the efforts of you, the people, and the follow-up of mr. governor, governor, and the local officials, and god willing, the solution will also be for all of you. it will be announced and you will witness the solution of this water problem, which is one of the problems here. one thing
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i have to say about water. my time has passed. it is time for the noon prayer. dear ladies and gentlemen, inayat. there is a water issue, one is water management. we believe that the issue of water management is not less important than the water itself. the government has started water management. at the beginning of the government, we announced that 10,000 villages are facing water problems and tension. blue. today i want to announce to you. after two and a half years and almost 3 years of the government, 5 thousand villages, which include some villages in the same city and province. the problem of water supply to them has been solved, thank god. the rest will be resolved, god willing. regarding
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the water issue. water management we had a problem solving meeting last night in shahrood with the officials of our province and country our method is to solve the problem. some things should be solved in a meeting . we can't solve this by letter, letter, and phone. our method is this. where is the obstacle? let's solve the obstacle. we only had a problem-solving meeting until late last night. and, god willing, follow all the dear ones who are responsible, both mr. governor and
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executive vice president, god willing, this water issue one of the concerns of the people of this region will be solved, especially the water for the dear pistachio farmers who should not worry here and the hardworking farmers of damghani whose products are always famous not only for the country but also for the world. the issue of the road, pointing to the improvement of the roads, all this, my time is over , we left four or five resolutions in the second round of the trip for the issues that mr. imam juma mentioned and sometimes he may not have mentioned, but it was worked on and examined in our meetings. god willing, all these things to the grace of almighty god will follow you, dear people , you are the support of the revolution of the system. friday prayers
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in the center. and the gathering of religious, religious and state-oriented people and people who are fond of the revolution of the system, we need each and every one of your prayers and the help of all you good and pious men and women of damqani. and the mercy of god. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, the 12 o'clock news section of the army chief in isfahan province, after hearing a sound in the east of isfahan in the early hours of this morning, said that there was an explosion this morning in isfahan. related to doubt


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