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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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let me explain that i am here to remind you that we have planned to give gem cutting training in 11 provinces and we have planned to take about 700 people over the next month or two under the guise of gem cutting training in cities maybe a lesser amount is possible with a very simple facility, which is actually somehow possible. let's create employment and gradually develop this issue of dealing with gemstones . how is our situation in the field of production and processing in the country , especially last year? what day and new technologies and also we are looking for those minerals that we have.
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processing means extracting. convert , produce, sometimes export, so we don't have the processing of at least 40 to 50 types of civil material, which is a point that we all our knowledge companies really extend our helping hand to them, that in this field, in fact, technology please help us. now, what happened last year, two or three very happy things
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happened in 1402, we are in the shurabehs. we have it all over the country, on the border of isfahan and khorasan provinces, we have it in qom, we have it in many places , these shorabehs are rich in important minerals , such as lithium, potash, etc., and last year we managed to extract khor and biyabank in shorabeh. from these minerals and technology, it became completely indigenous, as you know that this potash is actually very useful for the production of chemical fertilizers, and we have a lot of imports, and now i hope that we can gradually eliminate all imports by the year 1404, which means that the entire domestic demand will be answered. now, i mean this example
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it was that many of the minerals we hope to be able to localize the extraction and processing technology of these materials in the following years, although sometimes we may really need to shorten the path and speed up the use and exploitation of civil resources from the owners. let's use this technology in other countries . now let's talk about persian gulf water and at what stage and when it will be opened and the specifications and features of this project, if it really needs to be completed for the development of mines and the civil industry of our country's infrastructure. in our field, we are now engaged in water infrastructure and electricity infrastructure, that is, we now have several water transmission lines through the door. we know that this transfer
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of water from the persian gulf is one of them. this first line was built and put into operation. now it will supply water to maalo golgohar chadar and kerman, yazd angari. the line will start this year from the persian gulf to meet the needs of our dear people in kerman yazd that this is also a prediction. at the same time as these lines, we now have a water transfer line from the oman sea to zahedan and then to khorasan, which according to plans will be completed by the end of this year. or at least by the beginning of next year, this line will reach zahedan, that is, zahedan has become desalinated water from the dry water of oman, that is, we are actually a water catchment near the sea.
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we carry out the desalination stage and transfer it to all these fresh water transmission lines. yes, they are all the same. in fact, those lines in the persian gulf are in the same order as by the sea. the desalination and desalination stage will be done, then it will be transported and we are also thinking about isfahan, by july and august of this year, god willing, desalinated water from the persian gulf will reach isfahan. winter is a problem we have gas, there is a problem in the summer, yes, we have electricity. now this is also one of the points that we really need to, as i said , everyone should help for that jump in production, one of the points is right here, that is, well , you have pointed out the right point, your excellency, in 1402 and 1401, there were really seasons of we lost the construction of the year in production, which means if we
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didn't have problems with electricity and gas during those seasons, maybe our production figures would have been much higher. we have started several projects, and we think that by the end of this year, we will have about 500 megawatts of electricity we will put solar into orbit, but how much will this need be met? with these two numbers, maybe by the end of 1403
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, approximately 25-25% of the industry's needs will be met, because we are also developing the industry itself. we give, that is, our consumption , despite the dilapidated situation that we
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had in the parliament when this program was in the process of approval. i had various negotiations, including these cases, in any case, the achievement of these statistics and information of quantitative goals has its own requirements, and we have now entered into the discussion of negotiations . if we want to reach that 13% plan, we need at least 200 devices per year on average. we will supply drilling , now this supply includes internal construction, which we have now identified companies and placed orders, as well as external supply, which, well, it wants its own methods, it wants its own resources, at this
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point, we hope to be able to be a part of this supply. and let's leave the exploration stages to the private sector to bring their own devices and equipment to the mining operation. well, in order for us to really be able to reach those numbers, the figures of 13% development we have reached a large number of heavy mining machines that we need now , thanks to the efforts of domestic technology companies , they have been made domestically, which is a great reason to be happy, and we hope that these companies will develop, and we are also at their service. inshallah , we will provide them with the kind of improvements and facilities and facilitation in the regulations so that they can develop their work , but in any case, reaching that goal of 13% in mining and 8.5% in industry requires its own requirements.
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he wants us to negotiate with the following materials we can provide. okay, another report. if you agree, let's meet and come back to the final part of this conversation. an opportunity and a good platform for the development of economic exchanges, they say a game and... that means both the use of minerals and access to new technologies. we are looking to be able to supply our mining industry in the markets of our partner countries, and this work is being done now . what was the most important element for us and the most decisive element for us was to go and get access to a series of sources, which happen to be affordable and economical in their place , we use those technologies
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, we use those equipments, and by the way, we receive training, according to the vice president of mining affairs of the ministry of mining industry and trade, with the implementation of internal capacities and the legal support of mining activity on the other side of the borders can provide employment and supply of raw materials needed by the country. the field of work in the countries of the region. there is so much available for the mining sector that we can actually send our own recording experts to these countries right now in the aluminum industry, in the egyptian industry, in the lead industry of materials. we use imported minerals. now, although offshore mining in our country is at the beginning, but there are these capacities in the mining sector that bring it to the level. trade and economic exchanges will transform in afghanistan's iron sector, we
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gave a plan during ashraf ghani's time, for other countries in different ways, single-use companies in kazakhstan, in tajikistan, in australia, in canada, trips made by our mining companies to different regions of the world. they say that the communication has started right now . it is producing minerals in the regions they are different in the world. of course, according to the official of the extraterritorial mining committee, the realization of the goals set in this field requires the drafting of a mining community document that is appropriate for the territorial purpose. especially, the islamic council has mandated the ministry of mining industry and trade to identify extraterritorial mineral reserves in the seventh program. farjalullah mohammadpour, sda news agency , well, very well, mr. engineer, the report
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was related to territorial mining, please tell us how much capacity we have in this sector, and what your practical measures were, and which countries we are cooperating with . today, the situation is actually the mining chain. we work in country. perhaps it really needs to be reformed. our chain, especially iron and steel, which is perhaps our most important mineral right now, and perhaps we have the largest downstream chain in this mineral . we are at your service today , and we have a steel production of over 43 million tons. this 43 million tons will reach 55 million tons. well, in order to
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provide feed for these 55 million tons of steel production today , our discoveries have not reached the point where we can provide the feed needed for these 55 million tons. now, for a limited period, maybe about 20 years to be able to respond to these 55 million tons of food , therefore, the use of extra-territorial mines and extra-territorial partnerships is inevitable for us, that's why we cooperate with different countries, especially our neighboring countries , where the transportation costs are easier for us and our projects are more efficient. economic. with their participation
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, let's develop our steel industry and actually guarantee our food supply for our own steel industries. in the same way , we also started negotiations in the field of other minerals such as gold, lead, etc., including with african countries.
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the past, especially two weeks ago, the israeli regime with attacked the islamic republic of iran embassy building in damascus, we gave a response, our response to the israeli regime was done in a limited and minimal way. this was while we could have given a tougher response to the israeli regime. we announced that our response was carried out within the framework of legitimate defense and was in accordance with international law. we will not continue our response but if the israeli regime re. if he starts an adventure and takes actions against our interests, iran's next response will be immediate and decisive. after proceeding with legitimate defense through the swiss embassy as the protector of american interests in tehran , we sent a message to the white house and the united states government, during which it was emphasized that if the israeli regime wants to make a mistake again
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, our response will be decisive and regretful. we are not looking for tension and crisis to develop in the middle east region. we hope that the israeli regime will not repeat the previous mistake. when you say your answer will be maximum, you used the word red lines. what are these red lines? what is the maximum level? you used more than 300 drones and cruise missiles in the attack. what is the higher level? the red line that the regime. israel went through the attack on the embassy building the islamic republic of iran was in damascus. in this attack , seven official iranian military advisors against terrorism were martyred by the israeli regime's missile attack. the well-known vienna conventions were violated. the israeli regime crossed red lines in the masonization of diplomatic places. yes, the attack that we
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carried out in the form of legitimate defense was minimal, because we only hit two military centers, i.e. the novati air base. and an intelligence center and an intelligence and security center, from these two centers a missile attack was launched against our embassy by the israeli regime, we responded, we did not target civilians, economic centers we did not target the israeli regime, only the two places from which the f-35 aircraft flew and from the golan heights launched a missile attack on our embassy. this was our minimum goal. i can say that the armed forces of my country have designed a regrettable action , but i hope the israeli regime does not make a mistake in calculation. any details on what the max level will be? you mentioned that in iran's minimal response, financial centers and civilians
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they were not targeted. your maximum response will target these three items. iranian warships and rockets were carefully calculated and aimed at two purely military targets inside the occupied territories. our evaluation and data show that we were able to achieve our goals. first, we showed our will. secondly , we targeted the military bases from where the attack against our embassy was carried out. and thirdly , our operations were minimal and limited because we were chasing.
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we had announced that our decision to respond to the israeli regime is definitive because this regime attacks the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in damascus attacked our sovereignty and, secondly , it violated the sovereignty and lateral integrity of syria. before the operation, we announced to the united states that iran's attack on the israeli regime is certain. this was done through some foreign ministers who contacted us. and before that , we announced through the swiss embassy, ​​of course, we are fully observing in the region that iran is being diverted or limited. it did not reach israel, but our missiles and drones hit the two intended targets. our attack was not a surprise and our opposite sides , although they did not know the time of the attack,
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they knew that it would happen soon. with a successful operation, we gave a clear answer and a clear message to the zionist regime. that is, you intended that the results of your country's response should be the same as observed, that is, 99 of your projectiles were intercepted and no significant damage was done. was this the intended answer? our goal was to warn. the operation of our armed forces on the two military centers in the occupied palestinian territories was successful. our goal was to take a proportionate action. our goal was for the israeli regime to get the message that we have the necessary will to.
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if america helps israel again since israel has said it will attack and you have said that you will give some answers. do you hit american targets? when i say the maximum response, it means that if the israeli regime makes a mistake, we will give an immediate, decisive and regretful response in the occupied territories. in this recent operation, we announced to america in advance that we will not target american bases and interests in the region. in this case, we will not have any compliments, and the interests
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of the united states cannot be protected. we believe that instead of addressing these issues, the root of the current crisis should be considered. in the meeting with the secretary general of the united nations, i emphasized that the root it is a vindictive war and a combined war crime of the israeli regime against gaza and the west bank. if the war against we imagine that america will calculate. based on the messages exchanged between us in the last 6 months, america believes that. it does not welcome the expansion of the scope of war in the region. america knows that this issue is neither in its own interest nor in the interest of the interests that america pursues in the region. we hope that america
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will stop the israeli regime and not allow a new adventurer to this regime. but in the case of a new adventure by the israeli regime , iran's conditions and next response will be different. one the iranian military commander has said that if israel attacks the sites of iran's nuclear policies may change. what does this word mean? you see, the official position of the islamic republic of iran has been announced many times on the nuclear issue. in this regard, we have the religious and religious fatwa of the great leader of iran, ayatollah khamenei. we have repeatedly announced that the program of the islamic republic of iran in the nuclear field is completely peaceful. we have a special focus on this view and our commitment. but. on the other hand, we have seen many times in the past months that some officials of the israeli regime have announced that to win in gaza, you have to use a nuclear bomb. in my opinion, america should
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focus on the adventurist regime of israel, lest it create a nuclear crisis in gaza. netanyahu showed that he does not adhere to any red line, so he must be restrained. there has been renewed pressure on women for wearing hijab. of course, the leader of iran also mentioned this issue in his recent speech . cn sources say that the presence of moral security police has increased in different cities of iran and on the streets. a woman who does not want to be named said that she is afraid for her safety ann said that a week ago, while she was sitting on the car seat with her husband without a headscarf , she received a text message from the police stating that she did not follow the hijab rules . the text message included the license number and other identifiers of the vehicle and contained a warning that the vehicle
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will be impounded if it violates the hijab rules again. protest two years ago. there was a widespread following the death of mehza amini, who was arrested by the moral security police for not observing hijab. why has renewed pressure in the field of hijab emerged now ? what is the punishment for women who violate the rules of hijab? to be very clear, america and many western countries follow the policy of double standards in various subjects. i a few days ago. i said to one of the foreign ministers of a major european country, do you remember that in the case of the tragic death of an iranian girl, a scandal was launched in the west, but today, while more than 15,000 women and several thousand children are being killed in gaza, nothing happens. it does not happen in this field and we do not hear serious action and strong voice from some european governments and the american government in support of women.
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the subject is well established and known in iranian culture. policy based on dual approach of through foreign provocations and interventions, he tried to use the capacity of women as an opposition in pursuing the policy of system change in iran. women in iran are an important and influential sector. women in iran play various social, political and cultural roles. basically, the issue of hijab is not something that affects the character of iranian women. someone wants to mess with such a topic. our women are cultured people. they have a great contribution in our society and they themselves know how to deal with the issue of social behavior. in my opinion, today, the issue of iranian women's hijab is not our problem in the region. nowadays the problem is the killing of more than 34 thousand palestinian women, children and men, and everyone should focus on this issue
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. how are the prices this year? did you hear this year's purchase at last year's price? they say this year they buy at last year's price. the kids say this year at last year's price. they say this year they buy from shahr farsh and shahr home appliances at last year's price. it 's great news. buy this year at last year's price. we built a house for you until you come. you see, this is called an installment purchase, just like
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the big iranian mansions in tehran, qom and isfahan until 2:00 in the morning at night.
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to the half-day news. thank you sincerely, the commander-in-chief. all the efforts and successes of the armed forces in recent cases, by the grace of god , the armed forces showed a good face of their ability and authority, as well as a praiseworthy face of the iranian nation. accelerating assistance to the flood victims of sistan baluchistan by sending rescuers from the province


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