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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless him and grant him peace, dear viewers , i invite you to join us with the economic news. the chairman of the board of directors of the beans association says that the price gap between bulk and packaged beans will decrease, according to mr. lepchi. this price difference is not logical and needs to be revised.
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there should be a coherent supervision from both the jihad side and the association itself so that we can control the prices and rationalize this distance. will do and the price of the next months means how much one next month yes one next month price. paper business license with a unique id in the province, economic operators can get their license electronically by referring to the national license portal until september 25. i am talking about this with the head of the business environment improvement center, mr. tashar.
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hello, mr. sayah, please tell me how many paper licenses are now, which trade and device , have you received one id so far? hello , dear viewers, an hour ago, the 400,000th paper license was issued and the number of paper licenses that have been received so far. today, only one of the four is taken. 100,000 has passed now, two minutes ago it was 4150 41490, and thanks to the efforts of the call, alhamdulillah, which is loud and clear and has the union and the governorate, this moment is going without the provinces that are in the lead , lorestan and gilan are still leading by a distance, after that hamedan. and south khorasan and chaharmahal are chasing them, tehran and zanjan.
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tehran and zanjan alborz are sixth and seventh. eighth, it is missing from the top and east azerbaijan , it is ahead of everyone in the national standard system, and after that, the ministry of sports, all of them are above 20%. electrification of licenses, atomic energy , medical system, oil ministry, agricultural engineering system, livestock medical system, and most of all electronicization of licenses . today, the special news that happened except for 4 was
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that the elders of the real estate union of the country came to the national center for the improvement of the business environment and they themselves got the license. make the paper ones electronic and invite the union members all over the country to make their licenses electronic and show that they respect the law above all and are ready for rear monitoring and are ready that those who
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are very good mr. sayah, now the question is if if the economic activists of any trade or organization do not take action to receive and convert paper permits into electronic ones and identify the consequences , we hope that this will not happen and by may 25 all paper permits will be folded, but if someone god forbid, not because of playing with the law, for example , he was traveling or, god forbid, he was sick , for example, he could not go and do this work , gradually their government services will be cut off, because according to the explicit text of the law, 2 years after the law is required to issue a license ha means day 26 2 1403 means two the anniversary of the entry into force of this law
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, paper permits are no longer valid, and since the communication of citizens with the government and economic operators with the government is becoming electronic, the government, banking, judicial, police and all other government systems will accept paper permits from tomorrow on the 25th. they don't recognize may 20th as may 20th, and god forbid , if someone hasn't made their permit electronically by then , they might get into trouble. this is very easy , anyone can do it 24 hours a day at home with their phone. there is a guide film, the film is no longer than two minutes, the film is the film take a good look and learn the steps . there is no more than 234. 4 codes are given to their phones and their electronic license is issued
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. it is completely face-to-face, completely paperless and free 24/7. be present and get government services non-present and that is important. in those who work underground , they work without permission on government systems , they can be recognized and, god willing, they can be removed, or they can work under supervision and with permits, or if they can't work legally, if they can't work according to standards. they must have a health certificate , be under police supervision, and be legally removed from work. thank you for correcting me because at the beginning of the conversation i announced the date as 25. 5 shahrivar, 25 may this year, the final conversion of paper magus to electronic magus, mr. siah, may god protect you, more news, tax exemptions for large companies will be limited. the chairman
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of the parliament's program and budget commission, stating this news, said that according to the 1403 budget, law firms can use a maximum of 500 billion tomans from the tax mafia. we have collected 470 taxes and we have lost. this is one of the officials of the tax affairs organization throwing away the country's tax exemptions . the exemptions that have brought criticism are one of the many harms in our direct material law and even others. the material rules that came in other laws. tax exemptions are widespread. one of your friends told gol that our tax law is not a tax law, it is an exemption law. why should we give an exemption? the principle of equality means that everyone should pay the same tax for the same income. this
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exemptions have caused, for example, one of the big steel companies in 1401 to pay only about 1750 billion tomans in taxes. to pay 6 thousand billion tomans in taxes to the treasury. big companies that are using very high exemptions, we should limit this. i think this is definitely in line with justice. we tried to come up with a ruling and in the budget of 1403 with the support of the parliament , we included an exemption ceiling for natural and legal entities. now, in the 1403 budget , a ceiling has been set for such exemptions. there have been those who have higher taxes of a thousand billion exemption we said that the government will not allow anyone in the next year, those who are productive , give an exemption of 500 billion tomans more, in the end, only 500
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billion tomans, if it is a real person , give an exemption of 50 billion tomans, it is expected that with the implementation of this clause of the budget law, 50 thousand billion will be granted. tomans should be deposited into the treasury and used for public expenses . so far, more than 30,000 product reviews for laundry products. it has been received , referring to this statistic, the deputy minister of mining industry and trade said that in the new year, in addition to the identification of the product, detergent manufacturers should also receive a tracking id and place it on the product. let them insert the date themselves, we will look at where it was produced, the gender, you can really recognize it, people can safely use the products that are tied to the health of the families, if they are not of good quality. maybe people's idea is that cosmetics
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and health products can be fake because both the packaging and the numbering are written on them, but few people know that there are also fake detergents. the market is offered both to the people and to the health of the people, especially the field. health-oriented goods, do not endanger fake products it inflicts many blows on the hand and face of the user . now, in order to deal with these counterfeits, since last year and according to article 13 of the anti -trafficking law, detergent products have been included in the design of the products. last year, during the correspondences and circulars we had , we announced to all the manufacturers and suppliers that they should take action on the id to confirm the authenticity of the product so that consumers
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can use this product safely. we hope that the producers in this category will roll up their sleeves and all their production volumes have a birth certificate and have an id. in order for the product to be original, there must be a code that the consumer has an inquiry from the company that produced this product, and the easiest thing is to use the code from his mobile phone. four stars , 77, 77, square. since last year, as soon as this product id is notified , it will be included for each of our product codes. tracking , all goods should be able to have the ability to identify the goods, so that our monitoring processes can be operational. do. according to the officials of the ministry, due to the promulgation of this law, the explainers and
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sellers of detergent products without product id will be dealt with from this year. they don't have it until july 1403. on the other hand, production will be stopped. the supplier says that ben sazeh will change the structure of this 50-year-old truck. 50 salis travels on the country's roads and now it has been criticized by some consumers. look at the material, you mean it's not even glass, it's plastic you can't even see inside and hear the sound inside the cabin, the engine is making noise right here, but the reason. the manufacturer says that this truck is economical in terms of economy, that is why
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it was produced, the simplicity of its design, the simplicity of its low maintenance costs, well, it worked for many years, but the national standard organization has announced that there is doubt to continue the production of this truck, and soon the numbering will be changed. it won't be possible because it doesn't have some standards. by the end of july 1403, this car will have a numbering license from the national standard organization based on compliance with the approved technical requirements. from the end of july, that is, from the beginning of august 1403, as a rule, khodros can only produce this car for export or for special purposes such as mines, and now it is supposed to change the platform of this truck after 50 years . since we started two years ago , we decided
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to make changes to the platform as a whole. we are working on a platform that completely changes the room . it is no longer a room with a nose. the room is completely without a nose and it passes the new standards of the national organization. the standard requires that trucks must meet the 85th standard before production to continue, the mandatory standards of the automobile industry are implemented in order to increase safety and improve the performance of cars, and these standards are generally divided into two categories: active and inactive. prevent accidents and road accidents. according to the statistics of the fleet renewal and scrapping of used vehicles , there are 65,000 trucks over 35 years old in the country, which should be replaced with new trucks. fayez shabani, radio and
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television news agency. global oil deals today. a decline began. the price of a barrel of north sea brent oil in today's trades in asian markets has decreased by 96 percent to 86 dollars and 55 cents, american crude oil is traded with a decrease of more than 72 percent to 81 dollars and 52 cents. each barrel of gasoil reached 774 dollars and 38 cents with a 79 percent decrease. the increase in us crude oil reserves and the possibility of postponement. the decrease in interest rates in this country is one of the reasons for the decrease in oil prices. let's look at the efforts of young palestinians to produce vegetable seedlings. after the zionist regime destroyed palestinian agricultural lands in the north of the gaza strip with its attacks. a palestinian youth tries
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it does this by producing vegetable seedlings and distributing them among the citizens. the palestinian should take a step to prevent the hunger of his compatriots. we are in the northern region of the gaza strip, where the zionist regime's bulldozers razed many agricultural lands to the ground. this led to the destruction of palestinian crops, fruits and vegetables. but a young palestinian named
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one week is not limited after the occupying regime completely destroyed the agricultural sector and destroyed all the agricultural lands, even the basic and basic needs for the implementation of our plan are at our disposal. we didn't have the tools that we have now , a challenge left over from the past. i mean , we don't have industrial soil and we got a very small amount and we are still looking for it. fertilizers, poisons, and fuel are some of the challenges facing us. most importantly, the risk of direct attacks is greater and we may be attacked at any moment. two days after the implementation of our plan, this place was targeted by a rocket attack
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, and we thank god that we are safe. so this plan is not easy to implement. in addition to meeting needs.
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in the name and memory of god, greetings and good time, i have the presence of you, dear viewers of the khabar channel. at the moment we are witnessing the activity of the system in the western parts of the country. from the early hours of the morning until now , rain has been reported and recorded in the western parts of our country. we expect it to gradually reach the center of the slopes of alborz in the northern parts and towards the western part of the country for the next few hours. in the south and east of our country , we sometimes have rain, lightning and during the hours of strong wind , there is a possibility of torrential rain and lightning strikes during this period. the weather orange level warning has been issued for today for parts of our country. for ardabil province, the regions of east azerbaijan province and west azerbaijan province zanjan, kurdistan.
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we will have the possibility of rains, river water rising, slippery roads, as well as the flooding of canals, seasonal river flooding , we ask for accommodation. avoid the possibility of damage to farmers on the banks of rivers . but for tuesday in the western parts of our country, the intensity of the system activity will decrease. we expect the rains to continue on tuesday in the central areas of the southern parts and the entire eastern half of our country and the northern parts. intensity sha for chaharmahal bakhtiari, kokil, rahmat, northern fars, isfahan , yazd, kerman, northern parts of hormozgan, northern parts of sistan and balchestan, south khorasan, khorasan, razavi
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, semnan, parts of al bard provinces, sohran, semnan , mazandaran, golestan, parts from gilan to north khorasan. a weather warning has been issued in the form of an orange level warning for tuesday in these areas as well . rivers should be avoided. there is a possibility of flowing water and river flooding and spot floods. on wednesday , rains will continue with high intensity in the southern regions. to the east and southeast of our country , the orange weather warning is valid on wednesday as well . we will have heavy rains in parts of fars, hormozgan, yazd, kerman, sistan, baluchistan, south khorasan, khorasan, razavi , and there is a possibility of rain. due to the predicted floods, we request that you avoid traveling in these areas in the next few days.
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there is a possibility of blockage of rural roads due to heavy rains in these areas. similarly , parts of the persian gulf and the strait of hormuz are predicted for today and tomorrow. we expect parts on wednesday it should be rough from the caspian sea. marine activities during this period should be limited. for tehran , we will have an increase in clouds for the next few hours. along with the increase in rain, we expect to see thunder and wind in some parts of the province. for the next three days, mainly in the hours after dawn, there will be rain in some parts of the province. as we have already mentioned, we are predicting heavy rains in tehran from tuesday to wednesday .
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frequent visits to the doctor's office and hospital, and now there is a long queue receive medication. these worries make people weak. on the 29th of april , i trampled all the pharmacies related to this mission. what should we do? their complaint is the continuation of traditional methods of drug delivery. people should follow up more seriously.
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they are caught in the way that it was decided that after the implementation of the electronic prescription plan, the people in charge will make a plan for it by changing the methods of transporting medicine and moving towards the internet. it is also the main policy of the government, but because of health the minister of health is also very sensitive to the sale of medicine on the internet. start from the shuran centers on a trial basis and then, god willing , we will be able to do this in a completely national way, and of course there were voices of opposition and some in support. and the method was actually inquired from the vice president as a reference. responding to the differences of opinion between our devices, our biggest challenge is that they see medicine as a normal product . really help to fix. in that part of the traditional part
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of the latest news , the opinions of the internet shipping and sales regulations were usually heard, and now the drug has been amended. this regulation has been changed . there is supposed to be an incident in the transportation of the drug , neither in the prescription nor in the prescription, even that means the pharmacy will have its own nature, the technical manager of the pharmacy will have its own position . it is the implementation of the regulation, even the information is not supposed to be available to these carriers. this regulation is going to be until may 12 universities of medical sciences should be notified. tayyab kargar of sed and sima news agency.
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great iranian mansion. he opened a well-equipped and specialized digital palace in an area of ​​more than 5 thousand square meters in irani palace of qom. all kinds of mobile phones, personal computers, tablets, gaming devices and other digital accessories with incredible prices and long-term contracts, a digital equipped house in a large iranian house. bam, how are the prices this year? buy this year at last year's price. congratulations, did you hear that this year is at last year's price? last year was great, great news. buying
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this year at the price of last year , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings, i am at your service, dear and honorable countrymen, in your view. we are presenting the 12 o'clock news together with my colleagues . with the presence of the president of our country and the prime minister of pakistan, friendship between the two countries was planted in the prime minister's palace of this country. on the occasion of the president of iran's prime minister's house , he is with us on the occasion of earth day .


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