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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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and andanda's way was now taken during the president's trip to semnan to celebrate the revival of this factory that had been closed for many years for various reasons. tower 3, 1402 , had a cold start, it was a trial run, and from the first one we counted, we had 40 forces, and now they are 145 forces, and it has 4 and one forces. before the 13th government, hundreds of large and small production units were closed in semnan province. the 13th government put the revival of these units on its agenda. the result is the restoration of 21 units since september 1400.
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our plan is that we want about 400 people with the starting line and four, and 20,000 meters per day production, which is now about 111, the return of these units to the production circuit, 3 thousand workers have returned to their workplaces, the government is on the way to revive these units, more than 1600 billion tomans. he invested and added some units to this company, such as balmil spray and other units that need to be updated. in the last two and a half years, more than 84
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of these projects were overhauled, and how much of the engineering company's departments were concentrated and completely localized. became a company the 13th government is standing firm on the production and revival of closed and semi-closed units. this time, where is semnan province? i am working in the mechanical unit as the supervisor of the mechanical unit of the company that was closed. i was looking for a job later. he was revived here
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, i came back here, it's good, thank you for being alive, sir, first of all , his insurance is completely rejected, our salaries are paid somewhere, insurance, and i know that , thank god, no problems have arisen. we could have been five or six people, but now almost 50 children are working here and making money someday. they take good care of the personnel, we don't have any problems in terms of receiving and salaries on time, now thank god, it is going to be done this year with the classification plan that is going to be implemented from tower two, and the right way to pay them, this is all in god's hope. it is going to be fixed as usual, god willing , it will be more effective. from now on, the work is very clean and routine, and all these things make it a really good place. i am satisfied. in the
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year i was there and needed the help of the responsible managers and finally the honorable president who are in the government course, now they should help as much as they can. let this factory be set up perfectly . my conditions are very good . we started production in the first two months. the base of years is added to our salary base. in semnan province, which happens to be adjacent to the central desert of iran, and in some of its areas , the need for water is felt, a big project is being completed, the water transfer project to garm and aradan. and aradan had the problem of lack of water for khan's consumption. and for use
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in the industry of abiz habloud basin of habal rood river, it starts from the northern heights of firouzko city in tehran province. and it extends for 240 km to the south of gomsar plain, the quality of water has always been a problem, especially for the drinking of noble people and the cities of garm, aradan and shahr hafivi, for this purpose , the preliminary studies of the ableshani project in garm were carried out in the last two years of the 13th government. he rolled up his sleeves and completed 55 km of the 7-4 km water supply route to several cities in the provinces. the credit spent is 302 billion tomans, of which the amount of 186 billion tomans is after travel honorable chairman and president has been notified and paid. it is 74 km long according to the agreement
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, a part of which is located in tehran province , 19 km long, which has not been implemented, and the rest is in senan province, 55 km long. the critical line of the pumping station with a capacity of 110 liters per second and a pumping height of 305 meters , a steel hinge with a diameter of 800 and 400 water storage tanks, which you are currently looking at is one of these tanks. adjacent to the transmission line of the water project , the flow rate is 630 liters per second it is the passage of water through the transmission line that we use. the 13th government is advancing the policy of water supply everywhere in iran with proper planning. there are many examples of these plans in the country.
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one of them is the transfer of water from the persian gulf to the center of the country. a big national plan. another example is the ghadir water supply project in khuzestan province, where mr. raisi has overseen it many times. the country needs a jihad movement and a transformative work. you can't solve problems with normal slow steps, we need a leap forward movement. with the opening of the water supply project to garm sar and aradan, water is the source of life it reaches another part of iran. from
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the very beginning of the year when the leader of the revolution named the 13th government as the year of production growth with the participation of the people and dr. raisi himself , a meeting was held with the presence of experts and people's economy circles, and the attendees had solutions to implement this slogan. the revolution chose this slogan for this year, the jump in production with the participation of the people of the government quickly took the line, mr. raisi in the first days of the year from politics. to realize the slogan of the year, the government said: all the efforts of the government were concentrated to realize this slogan. economic growth in total in 1402, according to the statistics center
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, it will be at least 6 percent. it has been 3 years in a row that the country has experienced growth above 4%. but people's participation in how is it and what suggestions do production units have for participation in production? do they want financial support, ease of administration or something else? i would like to ask the honorable government to give more support to youth like us who are working and doing production work. so that we can, god willing. the 13th government is determined to involve the people for the growth of production , for economic prosperity and to get out of recession people's participation is essential. if we
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succeed in bringing people's effort, people's capital, people's initiative, serious presence of people into the economic field . if we actually make a popular mobilization in the economy, production can also jump. alhamdulillah, semnan province has very valuable indicators in various fields. in the field of industrial towns, about 19 towns of industrial districts with more than 1850 industrial units are working in alhamdulillah industrial districts. alhamdulillah, more than 4 thousand in our civil sector. billion tomans of construction credits were predicted that i here i must announce that so far 100%
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of the credits in the construction sector, 100 credits in the construction sector , alhamdulillah, have been absorbed in the economic sector, as well as about 82 economic approvals that are related to the operating banks and the payment of the fees has been realized, alhamdulillah. it is predicted that, god willing, about 15 economic projects with more than 10 thousand billion tomans will be opened and will be put into operation. there was also an increase in industrial units that operate with less capacity. they always say that one of the
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proudest moments for a nation is when their athlete is not on the championship circuit. a wrestler who becomes the world champion, a weightlifter who wins a medal in the olympics, or a martial artist who defeats all his opponents and raises the country's flag. the 13th government considers the support of championship sports as a priority and pays special attention to the support of champion athletes . asian championship freestyle wrestling competitions in kyrgyzstan, iran, with the authority of the asian champion
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to be in a message, president seyed ebrahim raeesi congratulated all his compatriots, especially the country's sports community, for winning the championship of iran's freestyle athletes in the asian championship. in a message, the president called this heroism worthy of brave men. they say with the zeal of a wrestler. this government has a basic strategy in sports. it is all-round support for championship sports. the most important asset of the government is the trust of the people , social capital, and financial and material assets also belong to this nation. we do all this , god willing, in order to be able to. sports in the country, whether it is a sport for everyone or a champion sport, is the driving force
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for public sports, god willing, the government will do its best so that our heroes are only concerned about winning. the growth and development of the country's sports medals in the past two and a half years has been accompanied by other good events in many sports fields, our heroes were able to make history for the first time in asia and the world. for example, winning a world medal in boxing for the first time in history, or winning a historic medal for the national women's weightlifting team in the world junior competition, or winning the national deaf taekwondo team in the world championship for the first time in the field of championship sports.
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athletes of our dear islamic country's champions managed to win more than 145 medals in international arenas in all sports disciplines in both men's and women's divisions. mr. president, during his trip to semnan province, he discussed the power plan of the shahid bakri power plant in semnan , the high utilization of the semnan combined cycle power plant. a special and powerful power plant in the heart of iran. this power plant was handed over to the contractor in 2018. semnan gas power plant consists of two gas units each with a capacity of 183 megawatts and a total of 366 megawatts with an efficiency of 38 under iso conditions
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. the thirteenth government followed from the very beginning there was an increase in electricity production, so the power plants should increase their power. shahid bakri power plant in semnan was also upgraded from 1400 to 1402 with the funding of 150 billion for two units 1 and 2 , but the main work done here is the construction of gas power plants. with an investment of 86 million euros, these two units produce another 366 megawatts of electricity, which means that the electricity generation capacity of the power plant has doubled, so let's see
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the user this week. seyed zhanbeh mirbabaei wrote on his personal page that the largest tile factory in semnan province after 10 years with the support of the government and food system the production of the return of the government, which is revolutionary , can be done one by one by a user with the name of haq al-iqin, the same is true of the story of the tile factory. showed a reaction. good news that was lost among marginal news. the largest tile factory in the provinces returned to the production cycle after 10 years with the support of the government and the food department. currently, 30 to 40 workers are working in this factory, and the number of workers will reach 300 to 400 by the time it is completed.
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mohammad hossein chavashi also expressed his opinion in such a way that according to the meeting that the chairman he had made very good points with the middle economic circles of the people the most important thing is the presence of people's participation in production and economy. let's accept that wherever people are present, the best progress has been made. sobhan barakati knows that this year's slogan is a jump in production with the participation of the people, which expresses the importance of national production and the vital role of the participation of all people, and said that in order to realize this slogan in a meeting with the middle circles of the people's economy, he said that with jihadi work and double efforts from the government and the middle circles of production and people's economy, as well as relying on people's capacities, we can realize this year's slogan and bring the leap of production to an acceptable level. we are very
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we are happy that people's positivity has started again. so that we can talk with you , don't deprive us of your comments. the address of our virtual space is written below . please send us your comments, god bless you. good evening, dear and respected compatriots , we have arrived at 16:49 and we are with you with the follow-up section of the khabar network. as you have learned in the news, the limit of offline transactions in the banking network has been doubled. the central bank issued a circular
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to the astana banking network for the total amount withdrawn through non-personal payment views from all non-commercial deposit accounts belonging to real customers in every credit institution , it was allowed to double up to 20 million tomans daily and 1 billion tomans monthly to follow up on the issue. for us about this recent decision. explain more to the central bank. in the name of god. i also offer greetings, politeness and respect to your excellent work and respected viewers of this program. as you mentioned, the central bank issued an important circular today, the purpose of which is actually to facilitate transfers and bank transactions were for individuals, and
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in relation to several cases, facilities were provided so that , god willing, people can actually have better status and conditions in their transfers, especially non-personal transfers and purchases. today , it was actually notified to the banking network. then, our dear people can make transactions up to 2 billion rials or 200 million tomans daily when using non-personal payment tools with the bank and internet bank. people through their bank account and through their internet bank can actually withdraw up to 100 million tomans or one billion rials from their accounts. however, with the approval of the central bank and the ablaqieh that was done today , god willing
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, it will soon be increased by the banking network to 200 million tomans. it is possible to withdraw the total sums of money through the non-present payment portal , but the question i have is whether this possibility is also available through self-service machines or is it possible to do so in the future? yes, let me know your presence in relation to atms, there is a cash withdrawal limit as well as a card-to-card transfer limit . anyway, according to the previous conditions, there is actually a card-to-card transfer from each card up to 10 million tomans per day and cash withdrawals up to the amount 200,000 tomans from each card is possible, but anyway according to the requests that the central bank received repeatedly. and many of our people had based their daily transfers on the use of payment tools with the bank, so this ceiling is up to 200 million tomans
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daily and up to 1 billion tomans it has increased monthly for people, as well as in relation to purchase transactions with acceptance tools, which are so-called in -person acceptance tools or ipgs, we know them by this title anyway. each person could actually make purchases up to 100 million tomans daily with their own bank cards , now this limit has actually increased to 200 million tomans, and each person can use their own bank cards to purchase up to 200 million tomans daily from acceptance tools. buy, yes, in addition to this, there is another opening actually due to this directive happened, according to which the same.
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they wanted explanations from the people , what is the subject of this transaction anyway and to provide the documents related to it in fact, due to the fact that today it will be the central bank. thank you very much, mr. ghafarari, the head of the war department. we say goodbye to you for being with us, and thank you very much, dear and respected compatriots
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. with the support of thousands of years of knowledge of iranians in water engineering , it is one of the biggest international projects of iran in faraway lands. implementation of multi-purpose plan but oya in sri lanka. this huge project includes the construction of 200 there are water transmission tunnels, power plants and electricity transmission lines that irrigate 5 thousand hectares of agricultural land. 530 million dollars.
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the construction cost of this project was provided and paid by the sri lankan government and it is a complex and unique iranian project on the other side of the border. construction of 24 km tunnel in the heart of saab al-abour mountain with high pressure underground water. construction of one of the longest vertical tunnels in the world with a length of 618 meters. construction of a 120 megawatt power plant at a depth of 750 meters. this project will benefit from follow-up in the 13th government a ripe fruit is a symbol of friendship and economic cooperation between iran and sri lanka.
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how are the prices this year? buy this year at last year's price.
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well done, did you hear that this year they say they buy at last year's price this year, the kids say this year at last year's price, they say this year they buy from shahr farsh and shahr home appliances at last year's price, it 's great news, buy this year at last year's price , we built a house for you. it is called this when you come to see. any way you want, big iranian mansions in the cities of tehran, qom and isfahan. 2 o'clock in the morning
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in tehran, i am your host. dear and respected compatriots, respected viewers of the network news with news at 17:00. we are with you. the government spokesman said that the value of iran's exports to pakistan increased by 38% last year. mr. bahadri jahrumi added that during the president's visit to pakistan , the trade volume of 10 billion dollars has been targeted. pakistan has the sixth position in 1402 in terms of exports in our country, that is, the sixth destination.


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