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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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they are supporters of israel and all the jews confirm the crime. they themselves say that israel is a racist regime. we do not accept this regime and this is actually a very big threat to the israeli regime. these social networks like tik tok are really dangerous for them. and that's why they try to limit them. thank you, i talked to mr. samer hassan, a student activist and a graduate of new york's columbia university.
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the valms what do we want justice when do we charges not the bombs drop the charges not want it now what do we want justice when do we want it now free palestine free palestine free palestine free palestine
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and now in the rest of the world today i want to talk with mr. larry johnson, a former cia analyst of the us central intelligence agency, whose reaction and laughter last week to the zionist claim that 99 of iran's missiles were intercepted there are many in social networks. larry johnson is known as a private consultant in the field of fighting international terrorism and national security of america. the american analyst worked for 4 years in the sivah organization and for the national security of the united states. he is one of the critics during these years the main ones were the presidents. it was in 2008 that his personal website was introduced as the best personal website in america, also in the field of politics.
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various media talked to him many times about the fight against terrorism and political crises. 31 years ago, johnson gave up working in the us government to appear independently and as an expert on information issues in front of cameras and in the headlines of newspapers. now we're going to cut ton in fleurie, america, to talk with mr. larry johnson, a former c analyst. mr. jansen 10 days after iran's response to israel. now we have this possibility to present a more complete and comprehensive view of this event , which was unprecedented neither in the history of iran nor in the history of israel. what changes did iran's response bring with it? i think the most important change is that this was the first time that iran directly. he responded to an israeli attack
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and did so in the name of israel. i think some of your audience, who are a bit more optimistic, should remember that in the 1980s, in israel, before the iranian revolution , american weapons were sold to iran through israel at that time. relations that iran.
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you were killed in the attacks of groups supported by israel and iran did not respond militarily in balochistan, we witnessed a group attack that
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was supported by cia and even after the attack that killed general soleimani, iran responded again. mr. jansen, according to the previous records and conditions of the region , did the shape of iran's answer surprise you? no, i was not surprised. maybe surprise is not the right question. i was impressed. this was actually an attack that showed both strength and moderation and balance, and to israel. it hit, thank you. in the past months, we had this analysis that israel
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should not fall into the trap of expanding the war with iran . later, after the attack on the iranian embassy, ​​the israeli authorities threatened to respond to the facilities if iran wanted to. his core will attack widely. it was expected that netanyahu would want to escalate the tension. but what we saw in action on friday were media and not official claims, for which there was no evidence or satellite images to show that any part of iran was damaged. then the international atomic energy agency announced that there was nothing which of iran's nuclear facilities were not damaged? you think. why did israel stop after iran's response despite all its threats? of course, we don't know what happened completely, but i
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think that there was probably some mediation or some talk behind the scenes. after a few minutes after the attack carried out by iran, the media immediately described it as a huge attack after the attack carried out by israel.
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preventing the attack from intensifying, but what we know is that there was not much damage to iran's facilities, and finally we see that for now the threats to israel have stopped, thank you, and finally , as a final question , how do you see the future of israel's conflicts and challenges in the region, both in relation to iran and in relation to the opposite axis groups. in gaza, lebanon, syria, iraq and yemen. i think israel
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is on the verge of learning an important lesson. and they cannot do their actions like this. understand now the way to peace goes through negotiations and diplomacy and there should be a dialogue between the two sides. some people tell me that the dialogue is between iran. israel is a stupid idea , but this is my opinion and i think that in the end the problem will not be solved by conflict and war . the united nations said that between 2018 and 2020, about 47,500 children in
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the world were killed or disabled in ideological conflicts. according to stefan dujerik, nearly half of these children were killed or maimed due to the use of explosive weapons against the mesfuni areas. after the european union and the united states blocked russian assets under the pretext of the ukraine war, so did the american house of representatives. a law to grant the frozen assets of russia in american banks approved ukraine, which includes only 6 billion of the 300 billion dollars of russian assets held by american banks and about 98 of which are frozen in european banks. on the other hand, russia has access to a total of 88 billion dollars of western companies' assets, and they have threatened to take countermeasures . three. germans were arrested on charges of spying for china. the german prosecutor has announced that these people
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provided sensitive information to the chinese intelligence agencies two years ago. it is said that one of these people is information related to technology he has transferred those that can be used militarily. the chinese embassy in berlin rejected these accusations and asked germany to stop espionage accusations to politically manipulate china's image and defame it. in the collision of two military helicopters of the malaysian navy, all 10 passengers of the two helicopters were killed. the incident occurred in the state of perak on the west coast of malaysia during a military exercise . the main cause of this incident has not yet been reported. but the published images show that one of the helicopters hits the tail of the other helicopter from behind, and then both fall. and now the case. third, lahore and karachi, the two cultural and economic hearts of pakistan, the destination of the president of iran. mr. raisi
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went to karachi on the second day of his official visit to the country after important meetings with high political, military and parliamentary officials of pakistan and was welcomed by elite scholars and economic activists of this city. during the visit to pakistan, iran and islamabad signed 8 documents of cooperation. during the president's visit to pakistan, 8 joint cooperation documents were signed between the officials of the two countries in various economic sectors, science and technology, agriculture, health, culture, and legal and judicial issues in the economic field. free trade zones in common border crossings and cooperation in the standard sector were among the most important documents. the act of serving the prime minister on a trip. we went to the border point , it was a manifestation of the cooperation of the country for the border trade between
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the two countries with the border markets. there is a delegation, god willing , we will quickly start the expert work so that we can create this area very soon . they have agreed to increase the volume of trade to 10 billion dollars per year. the level of commercial and economic relations between the two countries is not acceptable. we decided that the level of trade and economic relations without the country will increase by 10 billion dollars in the first step, a goal that is far from the current volume of trade between the two countries, but the president said that there are many capacities. in this context, there are meetings we had with the high officials of pakistan
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, we came to the conclusion that all the capacities can be used to develop the relations between the two countries. pakistan as well as iran's high capacity to increase energy trade can achieve this goal. the president's visit to pakistan comes at a time when islamabad has gradually become one of iran's most important export partners. the country of pakistan had the sixth position in 1402 in terms of exports in our country, that is, it was the sixth export destination of our country , of course, the amount is about four. last year , iran's exports to pakistan increased by 38, the amount of our exports increased from 1.5 million dollars to 1.5
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billion dollars to more than 2 billion dollars in 1401. 1402 has arrived. recently, south and southeast asia has become one of the priorities of iran's economic cooperation , and the president's visit to pakistan and sri lanka is in this direction. mr. bahram zahedi, an expert on subcontinental issues , was present in the rest of the world today. mr. zahedi, you are an expert on pakistan and continental issues. in your opinion, what were the important points of this trip? in the name of god. greetings and respect for your service. dear viewers, the country of pakistan, with a population of 250 million people , is one of our very important neighbors, and the two countries have long-standing and extensive economic, cultural, and political relations. well, not long ago, elections were held in this country and finally a new government came to power . now after the establishment of the new government, mr. raisi
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is the first president of a foreign country who was invited to this country and visited this country. well, with these conditions , there is a very good potential or a very good potential capacity to expand relations and exchanges between the two countries, as mentioned in your report, there are eight documents of cooperation in different areas, in economic issues, in free zones, in security issues, in cultural issues of cinema. media in legal issues, even in livestock import and standard issues. issues from these are good cooperation documents , i'm sorry, they were concluded in spite of these extensive and suitable relations between the two countries, some incidents happened in late january of last year regarding the activities of gangs in the border region of the two countries, that we killed a gang there and then we have a group, of course, at the same
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time, the leaders of two countries are very good and tactfully dealing with the issue. they found and well the tension was controlled, but he requested that the senior officials of the two countries , considering the good relations between iran and pakistan , sit together again to discuss various issues, including the issue that he time had created this problem. these three diplomatic administrations took place in this case , yes, and today, in order to actually expand relations and improve relations, it was necessary for the senior officials of the two countries to talk to each other again after that incident. another point related to the importance of the trip is that after operation sadiq's promise, we are witnessing the rise in popularity of the islamic republic of iran in pakistan and in many other parts of the islamic world. therefore, in such a situation, the trip of a senior representative of the islamic republic of iran and the senior representative of the islamic revolution of iran to
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pakistan could create a lot of excitement bring it to create and remind to a great extent. the visit of the current supreme leader to pakistan in 1364 was the visit of the president to pakistan, which we witnessed to some extent in several reports of the radio and television, the conversations that people held in lahore, islamabad, etc. the people of pakistan remembered the conversations that we were seeing, that previous trip, the previous meeting that had a leader, yes yes, it somehow entered the dna of the pakistani people. that trip was so effective and exciting that it can be said that most of the culture and politics people appreciate their age, they remember it, and those who are younger than they remember , heard and know the description of that trip and the amazing reaction of the people of pakistan in welcoming the resistant leader. mr. zahedi, now
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we want to talk about the level of relations between the two countries. it turned the relationship into a partner relationship or even further as two countries that have strategic relations with each other. yes, there are very good reasons for this issue , and of course there are obstacles. i will mention the reasons first. earlier, we said that the relations between the two nations are deep and unbreakable, and according to the good interpretation of our president, during this trip, they said that the relations between iran and pakistan are beyond neighborliness and rely on brotherhood and deep relations. it is heart and historical, which means that there is actually an underlying capacity, culturally, religiously , in terms of identity, which can be loaded with many other things. it should be the foundation
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on which the rest of the relationships can be built and become a strategic relationship. there are also signs and symptoms he mentioned, for example, during this recent trip, mr. raisi named iran street in islamabad , a street that used to be called 11th street, and in this trip, it was named after iran. it was called, of course , before in different cities of iran, we had a street named after imam khomeini last year in karachi, in lahore we even had a street named after the city of isfahan. we have muhammad ali jinnah, iqbal street , lahori, we have pakistan street, this is one of the indicators that can be achieved by paying attention to this deep relationships are better, well, a positive aspect, so those deep cultural, religious, and civilizational commonalities, yes. this is very, very important . it is the issue of the islamic revolution itself in different parts, for example, in paranar , which is one of the most important cities of shia in pakistan, and in a way,
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there are children of allama martyr seyyed arif hussain al-hussaini, the representative of the imam in pakistan , we can even see it in the naming of children. for example, it is the father's assumption that his child is named revolution or words similar to this . many people of pakistan, including the respondent, have a special devotion to the issue of islamic revolution. a religious and cultural civilization in in the economic sphere, relations are good , the sum of our economic relations and economic exchanges is about 5 billion dollars, as our officials said , it is predicted that these relations will expand to 10 billion dollars , and the political and economic conditions of the region require that these two if the country moves towards making strategic or deepening their relations , it means a win-win for both parties. the role of the two countries in connecting east and west asia and north and south asia. well, the issue of china's one belt one road is that china has many contracts with both these countries and some other countries around us.
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it is good and long-term, and these countries, i.e. iran , pakistan, and some other countries, can and should play an essential role in this process, and if they are together, they will definitely have the power to influence the future of the world. it will be more, well, the second positive aspect is that the common needs of the two countries are very good from a geographical point of view , the issue of political geography, the issue of geopolitics is a very important issue, and these two countries have many advantages in this area and they can have common ideas. having these issues as potential capacities is very much it is good, it has become real to some extent and it can move towards becoming strategic , it is also in a good process. of course, before i get into the obstacles , the pakistanis are right and fair in this trip, mr. raeesi has laid the foundation stone for the reception of all the senior officials. i even think that this
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had already started before the trip. the minister of the army, the minister of foreign affairs, the provincial officials, the president of the senate, the president of the national assembly, all with a very open face and very positive meetings. meeting with our officials means that they also try to follow this positive trend preserve it, but make it stronger and expand it, but the destructive role of america cannot be ignored in this trip and following the conclusion of several cooperation documents between iran and pakistan and the issue of the peace pipeline , which has been raised once again, the spokesperson of the us ministry of foreign affairs once again he threatened pakistan that economic exchanges with iran will result in us sanctions. america is always a negative role. in the field of iran-pakistan relations, he has tried to separate these two nations and this government, and even today he is making a lot of efforts in this regard.
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especially in the 1380s and 1990s, they played such a role . today, we hope that this role has become less , and not just a hope based on information, which in any case, the countries we have mentioned today are not very likely to read, for example, the relationship between iran and pakistan. . but the destructive role of america still remains, an example of which is the recent threat that i mentioned that the us foreign ministry made. the last thing that can be mentioned in this area is the issue of some actions in the governance of pakistan, which in my opinion does not represent the totality of the governance of pakistan. pakistan is moving towards better relations with iran, but an action like declaring lashkar terrorist. the activities that the jaish-ul-adl or jaish -e-zalum group, as the media call it , has in the region, and the retreats it is making inside pakistan's territory, these are issues that really
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need to be resolved. it is possible and it is not possible to simply pass it by, if we remember the defenders of the haram and hamas during a difficult war, for example , we cannot say after the war that zainabiun was forgotten, it doesn't matter if the government of pakistan comes, for example. declared a terrorist do it because there is really no reason or logic to do this, they have not and have not made any attempt to violate the principles of pakistan's sovereignty, and if we are neglected, bad things may happen to these heroes. it is good to mention here the martyr tale yusufov who was martyred two nights ago in the prisons of the republic of azerbaijan . zainbion was martyred in pakistan , anyway, one of the good children of that nation and it
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there is a land. actions such as the negative reaction to zainbion or some actions of jaish-ul-atal that have spread in pakistan in the last one or two years should be resolved and two friendly and brotherly nations and a friendly and brotherly government can move towards a better future and strategic relations. god willing, mr. zahedi, thank you for appearing in the world today. and the end of the episode of the world tonight program according to the picture 22號晚間10點11分發生生5.9的地眇在花線而是以在地已經連續發生超過60期。good
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completely free , send the number 5 to the 3085 system now and get 60% of gilna publications as a gift by sending the number 5 to 3085. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers, we are at your service with the three morning news section. lebanon's hezbollah issued a statement and announced that the mujahideen of the islamic resistance targeted the zionist town of mergliot with dozens of katyusha rockets on tuesday evening. according to hezbollah , this attack was in response to the zionist regime's encroachment on
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manat. in the south of lebanon, especially the horrific crime in hanin town has been completed. lebanon's hezbollah also pictures.


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