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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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being next to these teams, almost 50 teams of jihadi groups and popular groups, with their presence in coordination headquarters , have come to the aid of our friends in the government complex. god willing, we will be able
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to solve these problems with the cooperation and cooperation of all our friends. god willing, thank you for your explanations and also thank you for the time that was provided to us. el noor, in the name of god, noor in the name of god, light upon light, in the name of god, light upon light, in the name of god, light upon light, in the name of god, light, in the name
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of god, who is the master of affairs , god is the greatest, god is the greatest, god is the greatest , god is the greatest. the witness of muhammad is the messenger of god.
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ashhod an alia, wali allah .
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hail ali khair al-alam hail
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ali khair al-alam allah akbar allah akbar la allah in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful o allah, bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. greetings, good day, supreme leader of the islamic revolution. morning. today in a group meeting of workers, members of labor organizations and officials the ministry of cooperation, labor and social welfare attributed the fulfillment of the slogan of the year, i.e. production leap, to the effective and energetic presence of workers in the field of production, and ayatollah khamenei also emphasized that solving many economic problems, including reducing unemployment and increasing employment and income production jump depends. one of the most important issues of the country today is the economic issue, that's why in this slogan of the year, we relied on the critical economic points this
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year . i trust the opinion of our experts is the same. expert economic expert. if people enter the field of economy, enter the field of production , especially if production jumps. production that jumped. the country becomes rich. some people get rich. pocket worker workers' hands will be filled, employment will increase, unemployment will decrease, and many labor and economic problems in the country
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will be eliminated. this news will come to your notice in the next sections. at the opening ceremony of sri lanka's water and electricity projects, the president announced iran's readiness to export technical and engineering services to sri lanka. this project the complex is designed and implemented with special goals , including the production of 120 megawatts after the construction of two hundred with the use of inter-water transfer. providing drinking water for part of the people and providing water for 5 thousand hectares of agricultural land, and during the construction period of this level and power plant, while creating employment for more than 1700 people of the good and kind people of sri lanka, directly achieving
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special records in the field of digging tunnels and installing the deepest barkavi power plant in the heart of 750 meters of the ground. this land surrounded by water, which is known for its tea aroma, is nicknamed the pearl of the indian ocean although it is 3 thousand kilometers away from the borders of our country, it has hosted iranian engineers for many years since 1986, just when the 26-year civil war in sri lanka is coming to an end and the rumor of the reconstruction of the country is spreading from mouth to
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mouth . it is placed on the table of iranian contractors in umaya region, 200 km from colombo, the capital of sri lanka. among the projects that iran has been able to take in other countries so far, umaya project is the biggest project in terms of amount and even in terms of the type of work, in terms of the complexity of the work, his project maya is one of your benchmarks. iran. at the beginning of this structure, two hundred pura and dayraba collect the water of the river and streams flowing upstream. a 15 km tunnel. it receives the water of the 100-day reservoir and transfers it to the downstream side of the project at the end of our 15-kilometer tunnel, a vertical tunnel that we call a shaft in engineering. actually , we have an underground shaft with a depth of 618 meters. at the end of this shaft, 618
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umaya power plant, a successful mission. iranian contractors have caused a new horizon for the export of iranian technical and engineering services to appear in the indian subcontinent . the good technical and technological history of this company has caused we meet at all. at all levels , let us be persistent that this company enters new projects again, and the sri lankan government is also keen on this issue . it is a multi-purpose project. iran is a rich country with a high level of knowledge and technology. we are happy to host the president of iran. we are mohammadan nikbin of sedav and sima news agency, the signing ceremony of the contract of handing over two
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clubs, perspis and esteghlal , is being held at the ministry of economy in the presence of the ministers of sports and economy. we will see pictures of this event with you.
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it was held with the presence of the ministers of economy and sports and we saw parts of it together with you .
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there is hope for you on the other side of the table, your eyes are martyrs , in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful. greetings to you , honorable compatriots, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the first page . i hope you are having a good time. in the first page program tonight , we are hosting mrs. dr. pod. honorable assistant to the president in the affairs of rights and social freedoms he appeared in the program on the first page and we
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discussed various topics with him. we will talk tonight. once again, i can sit and talk face to face with people through the lens of your camera and program. thank you very much for accepting our invitation. doctor, since the last time we were at your service, it's been a few months, maybe about five or six months . and tell me about the latest things you did regarding the follow-up of social rights and freedoms. maybe many people still don't know that the president has an assistant in follow-up matters related to social rights and freedoms. what did you do in these few months?
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yes, just like you said, many people still do not have enough information about this place and in fact they don't know about its philosophy and that if this place can do it regardless of whether i am a pod there or anyone else can do it correctly. how effective can it be to carry out this mission with the help of other government agencies in promoting citizenship rights and public rights? well, i am in accordance with the mission given to me by mr. president and it is an extensive mission in many areas because it refers to chapter three of the constitution and covers a wide range of people's rights. i had the exact title of the follow-up of this assistant to the president in the pursuit of social rights and freedoms
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, and since it is a question of follow-up, naturally, in my heart, i have to supervise. to see where there are violations of people's rights, and i think that i have already given these basic explanations in your previous program . there is no need for me to say this to you. well, i was obliged to communicate with some people and even others according to this mission. the forces had a constructive interaction because basically, you can't say that a non -systematic view is the same as a non-systematic view, you can't be successful at all in the way of asserting people's rights, promoting them, and empowering them
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. in this direction, after the observation i had, maybe. i tried to prioritize the most comprehensive issues in my work and intervene. for example, in my service to hazrat ali, i would like to mention a gap that was felt in the islamic republic of iran, and perhaps we were also blamed for it. this position and belief the real heart of the islamic republic is social rights and freedoms. perhaps there are many institutions and positions and structures in the system whose main purpose is to protect the rights of citizens, but the people do not know, and this is very important, which means that the people are informed, and that is fine. in cooperation between the people , they should actually read the reality of the nature of this system , have nobles and be aware of it
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. this is actually a very important point. what was actually very important for me was to look at the executive bodies that belong to the government itself. i should have gone first and how people are with their salaries be aware that this is the first point, in fact, the first step is for the people themselves to be aware of their rights , so that this demand is made correctly from the people's side, and for your organization, this is, for example , a request to submit a report on the actions of all the ministry of home affairs , including sadasima. the addressee is article 26 of the civil service law, so i gave a letter that means in order for the people to know what their rights are, report to me what to do in order for the people to be informed, that is, to inform
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the people about their rights and their social freedoms. in my opinion, sedasima even based on this legal article, if a device did not come to sedasima and actually said. i did not produce content , i have the rights of the people, the rights of the citizens in me, for example, the ministry of education, i have the ministry of guidance , the people have these rights and i have these duties towards the people . at the same time that i sent a letter to the other ministry of home affairs, i also sent a letter to them , but i did not receive a reply. i realized that their love and support must be based on the fact that they respect people's rights and citizenship rights, and i am waiting and i
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announced that we are ready in this regard , if there is a need in the field of education that needs our help , we will announce our readiness from a legal point of view. now, some of the ministries of housing have given us the answers, that is, for example, based on their inherent and legal duties, they answered me. based on their inherent tasks and duties , they perform these actions, which is often the case people's rights will be completely lost, this will not be given special attention or, for example, in the case of prast. nurses , as one of the important elements in the process of treating nurses, sometimes even while respecting all respected doctors, respectable doctors know that, in
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fact, the effect and the final result of their work is very much based on the performance of a good nurse and a good nurse is always it is possible to be a good nurse who does not have to worry about her livelihood and salary. excuse me, before you continue this matter, nurses, i basically wanted to ask you if you have reached a category that the salary and basically, what are the types of social freedoms? let us talk about them first, then you can count the approvals. yes, during this time, we have actually compiled two books, because since this position is an established position, we need we had a list. let's have an issue of public law that has been finalized . i am talking to hazrat ali now. it is almost finalized . whether it refers to new laws based on
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new conditions and new technology, or to previous rights , we also include a definition. it means that we have a definition based on the constitution and sharia law we have subject rights. for example, we say the right to privacy of information in the virtual space, or the rights of citizens in the virtual space. well , we have made these in a comparative comparison with other countries. well, let's see the reason that, for example , citizens are satisfied with this issue. well, we did this, and then we came to the space of the idea of ​​our own governance, the islamic republic. we have defined this, so this can be very transformative, and this is final in all stages, and one of the issues in the discussion of social freedoms is
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not the first category, what category do you call the whole category? yes, there is a range of people's rights, including their welfare rights, according to the third chapter of the constitution, their social rights , their political rights, their cultural rights. and let me tell you that it is economic rights. we have about 23 principles in the constitution, which actually recognizes the rights of the people, and based on those ordinary laws , we are actually based on the same rights that i was obliged to have as a servant. i want the people to follow the correct implementation of the constitution based on the engineering of the law. basically, we came and did this work, for example, in the field of social rights employment, for example, article 28 of the constitution or , for example, the right to freedom of expression, the right to establish. the meetings of the principles
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of the 25th and 27th of the constitution or the discussion of the parties of the principle of the 26th of the constitution . this is the result of your research or editing, maybe by a week
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. yes, this is possible. for example , special rights, for example, what do i know ? do we have privacy? there should be a constitution in which we specify respect for privacy, and by the way , our fundamental singer recorded and recorded the constitutional negotiations. take a look at us and see what bases we have in fact , how our constitution was written, considering what things it had and how much human dignity was important to it, that is , dignity in the true sense, that is, when it talks about dignity in the two constitutions, then it comes to the right to freedom and choosing a job speaks, in fact , this dignity is not a sign of dignity, that is, someone who has a job he doesn't have it, and he has to work for someone else
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, or even because of unemployment, he may even steal. i say this emphatically, maybe our constitution will be explained and explained to our people one day. it causes a lot of growth and they say that we really have progressive principles, but in some places they have been poorly implemented, in some places they have not been implemented at all, and in some places they have actually been implemented due to different governments. there have been different interpretations, which means that it has actually damaged the principle itself, the main purpose of which was the right.
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in fact, we have something called privacy, for example, which is stated in all our constitutions and we are obliged to protect it from the government. and we are inviting everyone to express their activities on iranian platforms . one of the debates that have always been raised is that some people may have concerns that if we come to this iranian platform, for example, personal and family issues, and even, for example , our mistakes, our slips, are going to be punished and, for example , it will be put to some use. some people they are worried about him and talk about him
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. of course, from this side, we have different emphasis from the authorities of the islamic republic that having these platforms should not be done in such a way that this privacy can be easily violated in fact, assuming that an agent or an expert in a surveillance agency can easily gain this access. do it and use it it is possible that this chapter will also open this abuse. do you see the need for this matter ? or


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