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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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you are with the higher program. here in our studio , mr. momin arani, a professor at bagh rawodon university, qom , is here as a supporter of closing on thursday. hello, god bless you, i would like to invite both guests
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of the program before we start our discussion. let's start the addition plan one day to close the weekend and choosing saturday or thursday is a challenge that has many supporters and opponents, considering that this issue is very important , the higher program of khabar roz som and isfahan network, who was against this plan , started his speech with criticism. it is very strange that such an important decision is made.
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if the government itself, for example, seemed certain , it would specify that the day should be saturday, or it would specify that it should be thursday, because the number of sheets is in the hands of the government, frankly , it is in the hands of the government. now , what do you think about your character? will reduce communication with other countries they know that we share a 21 -hour week with china, 26 hours with iraq, 23 hours with turkey, 23 hours with the united emirates, 34 hours, 21 hours, that is, these 5 countries, not all countries, but these 5 countries are the current situation, and if we are closed one more day to add to our holidays, it means there are days when they work and we don't work, exactly 4 hours for china, 5 hours for iraq, 4 hours for turkey.
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but this is debatable and the final decision is supposed to be made with the help of private sector experts . just now that a representative suggested, the commission has finally voted and it doesn't matter that finally has the social commission voted, certainly the majlis of the islamic shura council should also vote, that's why these negotiations will continue and in the end, a decision will be made at the age of the majlis in consultation with social, cultural and research activists. yes, we have seen my colleague's report together . allow me to start with mr. momin and the question of where does your opposition to closing on saturday instead of thursday come from, and what are your reasons? dear viewers, i say hello again to serve the people involved in the program. mr. khalegi
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, i hope that in the short time that we are in the service of the program , we will have good content to clarify this issue in the country, the discussion that is more necessary than this question in my opinion is the discussion about why the principle of closure is so easy in our country. it will be paid. it is taken simply, its various aspects have not been addressed. this is a very important issue, considering the research that i have done on behalf of a few of my friends in various fields in a series of think tanks and research institutes who are working on this issue. it is up to you to name it now, let me tell you a part that we checked on our holiday area.
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look at what is being discussed in our media now , our vacations are few, why do we give a bar chart , we say we have 80 days, see america 120 days , china 125 days, for example, belgium 115 days, and so on . for example, 44 hours per week or 40 hours per week and comparing 37 hours of work and for example 40 hours of work or more , i am talking about the amount of days off.
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the bar graph that is broadcasted in this media and every audience looks at it and sees that we have 40 days and 35 days it's very easy for us to be convinced that our vacations are short. it's very natural. now when we look at the bar chart, in china, in the united states, in belgium, in i don't know, in switzerland, in russia, in the uae, we open what, for example , how are these 120 days? which are not the same as we see once when checking different variables and intervening, for example, a holiday variable. allowance for holidays in the annual working calendar of workers and employees in some countries, some countries have 5 days of paid leave a year , some countries have zero days, that is, 120 days. the total number of holidays in the us is zero, china is 5 days
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. i will give you an example. you are going further . did you give me a public holiday? it says that we have 15 days of public holidays. in the calendar , there are 12 of them. you are going to another country. i want to say that the number of vacations that an employee can have in a year is different from country to country. if you want to go, i will tell you about this variable, for example , they are having another discussion on vacation. these 15 and 16 days of public holidays that i set aside are 17 days , 7 days of which are fixed for the whole country
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. i left 10 days in the hands of the government to increase or decrease so that i don't find work problems during the week. he says that they have another model. he sees that some countries make their holidays public and special. in the statistics, these are 120. he says, "look, this is a holiday in my public holidays, but these seven days are for the whole country, this is four days, this is six days . well, in which country do you have children, tell us your examples in more detail, if you want to give examples, yes now i say that there should be a review in this virtual space or something, for example , how many days a week do you work
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now , what are the working days ? although what is their culture? what kind of sensitivity , for example, some countries like western european countries, religious holidays are very important to them, the general method is very maneuverable. you did how many countries are closed on thursday and friday? how many dates ?
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we are talking and hearing about it a lot these days. of course, i would like to say something first, very interested mr. important doctor , where are those thinkers in their field of expertise that they said they did this work. and maybe if we know where they are, it would be much better. in any case, we know where he did this . was it only economics or non-economics? it was a mistake. it has been religious, it has been a specialized area of ​​thinking , it is much better to tell you that this area is closed and that the places that are working, both the private sector has worked and the government has worked, but what we were waiting for before why is this thursday? and why should it be brought up on saturday, the government should have done a specific and documented expert work, the effects and consequences of this decision
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should have been clarified, if we add one day , how will its positive effects in terms of numbers and figures require the economic interests of the country. we say, well, if we extend the holiday by one day the productivity of the labor force increases, people are more motivated, their productivity increases, very well , but this is also a beneficial behavior. it also wants to mean the government that we say that the working hours of the employees are 20-25 minutes. the statistics that they announce per day are useful . now you say that two hours a day should be useful for government personnel. you have more than two million and maybe for example 300 thousand government employees. the country, let's make this number 2 million people per hour , whose productivity is less than one hour, according to the statistics that were announced before, i did not see a new foot. we have one hour of average productivity of some personnel per day we have government offices, you count
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them, they work for 5 hours in tehran on weekdays , they work for 6 hours in the cities , add it all up, so there is no benefit to the government, so we want to add one more day off so that they can benefit. let's go up, so what are we going to do for them, let their interest go up, let's go on a two-day holiday, go back, let 's assume the day is thursday, friday, saturday is closed, how high is your productivity in tehran , the productivity in tehran is going up. some people come and return to us by noon on saturday we have been off for more than two days in tehran , they are telling us to straighten up and speak the truth . i have no problem with this issue, especially if there is no problem with adding one more day off. anyway , if the world is doing this, then we will see the results. well, why are we under we have very little, so let's increase it so that there is no protest, but with this, what do we want to achieve for the country
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? i work in a company, in a government agency, anywhere. if it is going to increase by one day for my well-being, fine, i will go to my country. no matter what, our country is in the stage of growth and development our economy is not very prosperous, so we can say that we are in a very good and happy situation. now , let's add a day off and go for fun. it means that our income is so high that we want to go on vacation and spend it. we don't have anything to do with this , let's stay for two days, it's a holiday, but why do we choose thursday when the whole world is saturday and many countries in the world are closed on saturday and sunday, and on the other hand, islamic countries and our neighbors are closed on friday and saturday for that 3 days in total overlap, if it happens on friday, saturday , sunday, now, unlike the others, let's say 5th and saturday we will close friday now for the reason that if we get to the discussion why mr. momin did not eat on saturday. i was waiting for this on saturday to understand why we say saturday and thursday, not saturday
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, but thursday should be closed, i didn't hear this because your question was clearly that if we are going to close on thursday, our current working days are shared with the world, which is sunday. it's not saturday , sunday, which is a holiday, monday, tuesday , wednesday, thursday, we have 4 working days to work with the world , one day to take a day off , there are 20 of these 4 days that are convincing to see the defenders. what do they say on thursday? i didn't hear it at all. those who
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heard it, i would like to hear it from their own words. this is in the news now. one or two of my friends said that we should really come and spend it on saturday. why not? after all, friday , saturday, and sunday are closed for 3 days, so at least we can be with the world for four days. let's work , there is something important, you see, our government is supposed to serve the people , what the government wants to do is not for us to come to make the government's work easier. let's involve the private sector in rome. the government that serves should facilitate the work of the private sector. it should be shut down. the private sector also wants to work. i really don't understand, thank you, mr. momen , what is the reason for your opposition to the closure of saturdays, you see clearly, i have a reason for insisting that we do not rush into this discussion, and the society is drawn to the direction that we should go to the direction, i want to say that the discussion is much more important. from this, let's go to the bottom of the line, that is , i have not yet answered the previous 10 questions about
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the holidays that should be assigned. because it was not thought of before that now you are reducing the working hours, the salary in the private sector, who wants to pay for it? mr. khaleghi also asked a question. yes, yes, that 's exactly why i gave the same example. well, i have a question . mr. khalegi asked, if you answer that one as you said , you said that you said which of the think tanks that have been investigated, i will not say this after you in the media. yes, we have 10 questions before that, 15 questions. before that, we have a lot of serious questions to see if this fast is good or bad, is it good for us or not? he is likely to suffer listen, during this holiday, maybe government employees
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will enjoy it and say that now with this productivity, with this useful hour of work , they will earn another day's monthly income . is this holiday beneficial for them or not? we thought about whether i am thinking about vacations, what is the fate of this ? no, no, i agree with the expert that a path of expertise should be taken, its various variables should be known
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, evaluated based on them, and a decision made. it should be taken carefully. if the bottom line of this process was that i take 3 days off, we should take 3 days off, not two days we came to the conclusion that we shouldn't close for now , don't close, don't close , we said your number as an expert of the program, we have a series of thoughts, please check which jamandi you reached, which day you agreed to, in general, what we have reached is the path that has been traveled so far, this is the expert path. no, mr. khaleghi , a very good discussion, we have been closed on thursdays for 10 years now, productivity has been increased, a study has been done now, this system will tell you, look, i have been closed for 10 years, we had a big pilot, and for the holidays, the holidays that have been added, how many more provinces we also had a pilot, is it productivity?
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has it gone up? has the family strengthened? does it mean that our marriage has gone up? our divorce rate has gone down . khan's relationship with his children has improved. let me say a few words about the effects on the increase and decrease of holidays. this is not an expert. if this happens, we will enter into a system of errors and high costs in various areas of the society and the economy of the private and public sectors. hey, we will go and come back. we just understand that this is what it was that was why we didn't see this. why didn't we see that. where did this come from? so far, we are of the same opinion that the expert work is not enough, and the non- government sector has not done so to come and give an opinion when it is compiled before taking it to the parliament. according to many of you
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, it is not only the economic sector that is not referred to, for example , it is referred to the cultural sector to refer to the social sector . now this matter is being considered in the social committee of the parliament. tomorrow, one day , it will be presented in the public forum as an agenda. it will be published . well, we have to see now. assuming that you did not graduate, amana if you can leave it silent, stop it, let's go back and check it, we don't want to check it, let's assume thursday or saturday, the parliament
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has reached this point, sir, it has already reached this point. there have been some representatives who later because they have a burden. can the parliament come up with a plan to impose a financial burden on the government ? it was agreed that the government should come up with this bill . this is what happened . look, mr. khalegi. i have to comment when not considering the variables that are effective on the effects that the holidays can have on different areas, well, that's what you should have, because our discussion here between thursday and shabbat now has a higher energy, a higher power, a direction. it is going through that now maybe with the discussions that
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are being discussed by economic activists, social activists, religious activists and these social activist people, a campaign has been launched, a campaign with high signatures has been formed , comprehensive organizations in the economic sector, see 5 overarching organizations in the country we have a joint statement of chambers of commerce on a daily basis, the collection of this discussion about holidays in the country was followed up on a daily basis by the media. it is almost impossible to say that it is unlikely that you said something in this collection. in order not to be influenced only by the media, the analysis of our friends , the social commission, we contacted a number of members of the parliament
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, we found out what is going on around him , what is the issue , we contacted the employment agency organization, one or two of its deputies, and inquired about this matter with we contacted the economic department of the government about the statistics of the figures that came about this area, and we asked if this is the situation. economy what is the exact statistics of our business and we contacted a series of other places as well, i don't remember now because i wanted to say that in the course of your hand , friends , what is the reason for saturday not being a holiday at all, well, finally, mr. momen did not say whether it was thursday or saturday, why saturday no, you didn't tell us that , because now the topic of the session of the parliament was on this monday . sir, we brought a holiday, yes, because the parliament has voted in its entirety.
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saturday and thursday holidays have been formed according to the observation we had and the analysis we had. it is a very detailed discussion to explain. and a very good content analysis on these discussions in the media in this 6 7 the month has been formed and the actions and reactions and back and forth between the real situation in the parliament and the media and the answers that have been exchanged, we have that before you say this process that you said will take some time, i invite you to let's make a report together and see what the other experts think, masoud daneshmand, a member
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of the iranian chamber of commerce, if we want to have relations with international circles, we should think of saturday as a holiday, like most countries in the world. we only deal with internal work on saturdays and our external work is closed. mohammad hossein asefari, deputy chairman of the commission of internal affairs of the country and councils of the parliament , we have 10 million private workers, and we have to see what will happen to these people when thursday is closed. because we should not approve the law for two and a half million employees, but we should make a decision for the general society. daniyal shamsian, member of the board of representatives of the iranian chamber of commerce. when we consider thursdays as a holiday , we practically put the country in a situation where it has only 3 days of business contact with the world. reduction of working days with the world leads to more difficult communication of the bank. hosseini becomes the parliamentary deputy of the president it is surprising that some people suggest that saturdays should be closed. in fact, tehran is closed on thursdays. schools and universities
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are also closed on thursdays, and some provinces are also closed on thursdays. it is not time-consuming. we have our own business procedure in tehran and closing on thursdays does not cause disruption . abdullah izadpanah, a member of the parliament's agriculture commission, approved the plan to close on saturday, it is possible to make people's lives difficult, and i think it is not a good thing to deal with people's culture. report together we have seen the opinions of other experts regarding thursdays or saturdays. mr. momin, please tell me why thursdays are closed, mr. khaleghi. please tell me this. i will return to mr. khalegi because 267 minutes have passed since the program. all these variables that are effective for the holidays, we have reached a
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duality between thursday and saturday in the field of media. you know about us from kuche bazar we were polling that we want to close one day. do you think we should close thursday or saturday very naturally ? what did mr. hosseini say? for example, you say, for example, that tehran is closed on thursday , education is closed on saturday, thursday is our day off, or was it closed on saturday? everyone said saturday , well, no. we didn't get it from you, no, we have to find out what happened, because the survey you say wasn't done, we can't do it. let's say, maybe we would go and say, for example, saturday is closed for some events. in the media, thanks
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to mr. khalegi's friends, who, for example , have various media groups at their disposal to promote what they think is true, that saturday is a holiday has been established in a wide way, that is, in a limited way, that is, in a wide network in the area. in the media, newspapers, channels, groups , continuous content has been produced that our holiday should be on saturday , it is normal, that is , it is not too unnatural. why are you against saturdays off? just for me to say that i choose a day that is the only variable foreign trade factor
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, my choice is a completely wrong choice for an issue that has different dimensions in the broadest and deepest layer. different aspects of the life of the members of the society will be affected. well, we can say that because it is possible for us to do so now. i discussed that 10 years ago, thursdays are holidays, children go to school, everything happened so that i could answer this question, the growth of my country has decreased . in my opinion, this is exactly the reason. maybe this increase has the opposite effect. i say we didn't check it anymore. i wish we were going. he said we followed up in a month. for example, you told the social commission to follow up with the government because there is no time . why
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it is important to talk about vacations, then i will talk about it. you see, the issue of time in the life of an individual or society or family is life, time is a life, which is the essence of life , it means it is attached to everything, it means that i want to think , i don't have time, i can't think, i want to act, time if i don't have it, i can't act if i want to set a goal, i can't if i don't have time. if i want to plan, i don't have time , so i can't. well, mr. momin, if you still don't answer, i 'm asking you this . let me take his friends as an example , mr. momen's friends, his opinion is that from a religious point of view , saturday is compatible with the holiday of one of the divine, respected, valid and well-known religions
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of our country.


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