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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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get the resources of gilna publications as a gift by sending the number five to 30085. 3 o'clock the first vice president said in a video link with the national conference of commercial and industrial free zones that attention to free zones is the government's priority. referring to the capacities of these areas, mr. mokhbar said that the government is ready to solve the problems in the way of developing the activities of these areas. this is a very big opportunity. by the way, these countries that are our neighbors
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have some of our needs in these countries. a large part of the needs of these countries exist in the islamic republic. well, we have to use this opportunity. cooperative sector facility resources the country increased by 100%. according to the deputy minister of labor cooperation and social welfare, with the aim of increasing employment and production of the ta'abon sector in the country, 6 credit facilities will be given to the ta'abon sector this year. the positive point is that, first of all, this facility does not require a deposit by the borrowers , and secondly, this education will definitely be a subsidized education with a lower interest rate compared to the normal interest rate in the north. the country will provide assistance in the areas of
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sistan baluchistan, but some rural roads are blocked and damaged the roads have made the relief work more difficult. this road is some of the villages that were surrounded by water in the flood of sistan baluchistan province. now it has made relief work difficult , they are taking the aid to the villages whose roads are cut off and you can see this situation yourself. in this situation, the only way to help the people of sirzdah is either through helicopters or through aid vehicles. every day you take these packages to the villages that have this situation and cut off their roads. we have 24 hours of operation every day
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we are providing aid to the villages . the aid workers are delivering the aid to the people no matter how hard it is. how much does it cost? it matters to us how many days we were affected by the flood. there were no roads . it has been taken for 72 hours. it has been 72 hours so far
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. you go to school first. what do we want? first , fix my school. fix the school . hayat. now that the school is closed, why did you come? the school is closed. can't you stop coming to school just to see their love, only to study? in the course of last year and april this year, this is the south of sistan province balochistan, changing the method of car sales, minister samto pointed out that this ministry is a policymaker, not an executive , he says that instead of arranging a cross-sectional cloth , the car manufacturer does it, and our goal is that people don't have to worry about cars. and
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be in direct contact with the car manufacturer. one cloth car sales system in march 1401 with the joint cooperation of the ministry of position and the competition council. it was launched that happens between 20,000 and 300,000 cars can be allocated in each period. its purpose is to sell iranian and imported cars, mainly to clarify the whole values, but after ali abadi assumed the leadership of the ministry and rejected the responsibility for this system. the system is not ours, it is not ours, that is, we don't have an executive plan. according to the companies themselves, they sell according to the same cloth system that the council competes or anywhere else , they are responsible, we are responsible. . after this speech of the minister , there was no news of car sales except for imported cars . the one-piece car sales system started selling cars in two periods in march 1401 and june 1402, considering that it was a policy that
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underwent changes with the change in the general management of the ministry. and it practically stopped causing a large part of a demand that maybe didn't exist before june 1402 , but exists today, re-launching on the market remains unanswered. now, in his latest statement, the minister of semit announced the change in the method of selling cars. the system at one time in its period and now the relevant officials have set their goal to bring us to the point where we have the least amount of fraud in the sale of cars, that is, the maximum actually.
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that is, in fact, after the sale of the car, the car manufacturer is obliged to enter the data in the car manufacturers' system. the instruments can carry out this sale, but their supervision is clear, that in fact they will make their next reports that how many cars have been sold to whom, with a check and a bag. in the current situation where car sales are exclusively entrusted to car manufacturers and the applicants are unaware of their sales plans and final price , the situation is not in the interest of the real applicants. fayez shabani, radio and television news agency. coinciding with the new wave of demonstrations in support of palestine in the university. america , the leaders of the zionist regime expressed their concern about the expansion of the scope of these demonstrations, the suppression of supporters of palestine in american universities here in los angeles angeles, at least 50 students of the university of
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california were arrested. at the university of texas , the american police arrested at least 10 pro-palestinian students. harvard university students also set up tents in the university campus as a sign of solidarity with the palestinian people. from columbia university to brown university, we will not leave gaza , was the slogan chanted by the students of brown university in the east of america. the spread of these demonstrations in more than 10 major american universities is a concern. the fear of the zionists increased, the prime minister of the zionist regime called the pro -palestinian students mobs and described these protests as horrible. what is happening in america's universities is appalling and must be stopped. zionist war minister gallant and
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netanyahu's opposition leader yair lapid both called the demonstrations of supporters of palestine in american universities terrorist. demonstrations organized in american universities are only in opposition. it is not with the jews, but it also encourages and propagates terrorism. what is happening in american universities is anti-semitism and support for terrorism. the zionists fear the spread of demonstrations against the zionists in american universities, which is the reason for an expert on political issues it says like this. according to the polls , the university uprising means that the gap between the young generation and the american officials has widened. the divide among america's youth. and their officials, that is , the main supporters of the zionists, which was shown by the harvard university survey some time ago. 51% of americans aged 18 to 24
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support a solution that ends the jewish state and replaces it with a palestinian entity under the rule of hamas. 6 out of 10 young americans believe that jews are oppressors. mojtaba shah soni. radio news agency from your companion thank you. my daughter informed me and i said, "mom , what you wanted happened, finally we hit israel . i didn't believe it at all until the first half hour. it was news that maybe for years
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, a valuable event happened in our dear country, in our dear, powerful and proud iran. which made all of our hearts full of joy, enthusiasm, pride, and authority. in between, there were and are those who became happier among all the martyrs and the families of the martyrs because of the happy morning of sunday, the twenty-sixth of april. missile industry of iran, dear and proud martyr haj hassan tehrani moghadam, today we have the privilege of having a conversation with his beloved wife, a long-time friend of this martyr, to get to know this proud martyr more from the perspective of his wife.
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i congratulate and congratulate this great victory and to all the free people of the world . it was not a small event , it was very big, and i, like all the dear ones , rejoiced and prayed for all the fighters and commanders of the resistance front that night. like all the families of the martyrs, like all the wives of the martyrs , the mothers of the martyrs, the children of the martyrs, all the families of the azads , we all started praying like him, the last time you were so happy in your house and hosseini
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, it was such a celebration, you were feeling good, do you remember how long ago it was? similar to this feeling, perhaps in the last few years, the same attacks, which were actually the issue of isis, which was very painful for all of us, and strange events. that happened in the last few years and after us, our powerful military force was able to give a crushing answer and everyone was happy, and like this incident , now a little lower, finally, they are happy and throwing out i think it was similar to that. when you heard how did you feel
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, tell us a little bit about how you felt at that time. my daughter informed me. she said, "i like to tell you this news. how can i tell you? " i didn't believe it at all for the first half hour, now the radio was on, it was saying that the tv was in a turn because it wanted to , i had my mobile in my hand from everywhere, i was following the news , and i thanked god all the time. i can say hi like when khorramshahr was liberated and we couldn't believe it. let's go back a bit, haj khanam, the examples of shahid
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tehrani are introductions that passed through life and youth and life and family and everything until we reached this position and a person like you has been with the martyr for how many years have you lived together, almost 30 years, almost 30 how old were you? how old was shahid when you got married? he was 19 years old in hajj. hasan was 20 and 23 years old. well , what happened in these years that you lived together, that his path went towards the discussion of our missile industry, when we talked together , he was the commander of the irgc artillery, all of you. you were in the news from the beginning, which means you were with them . from the beginning, i was married to a wife who was in a special situation, that is, what was the situation when the country was at war, and they had opened this plan and this way of life to me from the beginning, but well,
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it was difficult, after all, the distance, the absence, the difficulties , how many months. there were no times when they had a test and they were supposed to test a missile in their own work area , you would have known at all, or if they came now, for example, they would tell you to pray for them, i don't know, or they would inform, and then if, for example, that test whether it was successful or, god forbid, it would fail , we would have realized that haj hassan's character was such that he did nothing at all in relation to his work. he used to say that he didn't mention anything at home, after the passage of time, finally, for a long time when we lived together, when he entered his house, i could understand everything from his face . this matter
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was made very clear to them that when dad's test is not successful, well, he is very boring, worried, tired, and maybe my skin color would even change because they will go to the desert for two or three weeks and he had said many times that the desert has a very, very cold environment , it burns our bones at night and the days are very hot. well, after a year or so , the equipment has become more suitable and maybe it will get better. it's still hard, but better than that, but before , there were fewer facilities, these loved ones suffer a lot of physical problems and difficulties, that is, the skin on their faces burns, they constantly had to put special creams on their faces
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, and the children really understood this fatigue. with all the love and affection you had for shahid tehrani moghadam and your life, fear and i feel sorry for their work, the hardships and the pressure you saw on them and you felt that you didn't want to stop them from doing this again. log in folder. of course, it was possible that he would have difficulties with me and that sometimes we might make some objections. now , family plans, sometimes parties, weddings , we will be away for a long time, and this was possible, but they would question the essence of the matter and say at all.
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change your job, change your job, just like that after the war, for many people, after 8 years of sacred defense, life became normal again, and some families were martyrs, some families of veterans, for whom life has completely changed, like you , as if the path of war and defense continues. he had and you
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had those loneliness and the absence of haj hassan after the period of holy defense, now that you are alone every period. after the holy defense, the work of haj hassan continued, and perhaps we can say that their work ability and the sense of duty they felt towards this work that they had to start and do became much more. i feel that these loved ones, these nobles, these warriors are people. to such an extent that they suffered in such a difficult and humiliating condition due to the lack of facilities at the beginning of the war that
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they never wanted this hardship of the lack of facilities to be repeated in reality and remain a clear example of barbed wire for future generations. to know that we brought the country to a position without anything, at least with the ability of which one was more difficult to be without and the loneliness was more and more difficult , yes, it was definitely more after the war, even that means you were probably one of those who said i wish at that time, it was the time of war, i loved you more i used to see that no, well, every era had its own problems before the war. i was younger, the problems were different after the war, the children had grown up , they had their own problems, but we
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were still at the same time of the war, that is, the absence, the difficulties, the problems, how did you bear them, haj khanum, what kept you going ? can you wait, that was very important to me, the life of god was believable, at the beginning of the war , haj hassan was not there for many days. at one point, i told him that it was very easy for me to be away from you every day, but it was very easy for me on friday afternoons. it's hard, he gave me a smile and said, "well , don't think it's friday, it's saturday, but i thought about it for a while. i said, "how interesting can it be, how interesting it would be, you did this to me, and i accepted it because it was so much that we finally became one." we were and i had accepted him in every way
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, i accepted his words, and every time on friday evenings, i would remember his beautiful words. change the change your perspective , look in a different way, so where do these powers come from? that you were able to make this change in yourself , which will affect your children and your life , maybe i can say that one of the biggest reasons for this is hajj's character , the things he used to say that time is passing, russia it's like coal, for example, it's not like we can leave it. and to make our country easy for people and to express and that spirit of oppression that existed in it. now i remembered a memory like this
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, which was perhaps funny and was repeated many times at home for the children, for example, during the 1990s, when it was sometimes described. he did that in the same time it was the third day of the hereafter and the 21st of bahman , and the rush of people towards the air force barracks, who wanted to open the weapons store there, everyone poured out and everyone had a weapon for himself, and there was haj hasnam in this group, he said that i was a i was an 18- or 19-year-old boy who, when i entered this barracks with the crowd, i saw that everyone was leaving just like that . because every moment the guard attacked and shot people, that's why everyone had something. i looked and saw that everyone had something. i
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went to the end and looked around . i found a very big thing. and a long pipe later, i told him that when i saw this, i said, "this is a fire, so i carried this on my shoulders. my body was very weak and thin , so i carried this on my shoulders." i saw it, i brought it, i got a van, i put it behind the van, i brought it under my father's bed, and tomorrow they announced that they wanted to take sadasima, and i poured it, and i put it in the back of the van again. come and go with that young man and with this i am very strong . everyone saying go and get over it was a show, it didn't have cartridges, it didn't do anything you could do it, but he
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had the power of deterrence, exactly that. it may be similar to a short story, that is, something very short and brief , but a psychologist can understand the character of haj hassan from this process, that he was not satisfied with the little one , and the look that all this behavior went, he thought about something else and then came up with after that show of awesomeness, the same thing happened to us after the war. we see, we see that in his plans, he brings weapons that are only the same , he made only the same one and worked for 6 months to make a launcher that can launch the missile. they say that only when the ambassadors see this in this regime, they say, well, this one is not there, there are definitely other things, and then he goes to look for the rest of his work, and then he goes. and
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definitely, in order for them to reach these great horizons and great goals , they needed to work hard, where did they get this power from , where does their power come from now, for example, if someone says, i want to be like shahid hassan tehrani moghadam. you who lived with them for many years had become one with each other, if you want to say very briefly. what does the solution to this tell him ? whose will was his faith and belief in the path he had? it was your will, he did it. our lesson is that when we do what we did, you will leave.
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although the 11th parliament is in its last month, it has various monitoring reports on the agenda of the parliament and commissions. in the first week of urdobehesht, there were more orders from specialized commissions and more orders from the majlis court. it was for supervision before legislation , the need inside the country is very high, like all the issues of worn out cars, the principle committee of the 90th parliament, by inviting the minister of mining industry and trade , put the four axes of car supervision on the agenda. discarding worn-out cars, production car safety among the orders
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of this meeting was the import of second-hand foreign cars, as well as the development of the country's public fleet. from our point of view , there has been a good acceleration compared to the previous years, we had a very significant growth, which shows that the policy of the ministry is in this direction in the matter of car safety. there is a warranty period, then there are the related tests, which we developed a system letter based on which the private sector invests in the necessary infrastructure for the controls, because you can see that these controls are possible, for example, let's assume a car in the innovation of its production, the necessary control of the method has been carried out , but there must be defects in the production process , that is why there must be constant and continuous monitoring. we didn't have any for it , just this year we said from our city that god willing , the necessary infrastructure will be created so that we can test the cars based on that. in my opinion, this is it.
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it was brought to the attention of the honorable members of the commission. in the matter of import, i told you that the regulations have been compiled this year, fortunately, it is in the budget, and they should make an effort , god willing, it will be followed up so that these regulations will be announced. god willing, we will be the executive. finally, this story of the veterans' car, which should have been included , look where it has reached. it is being implemented, it is being implemented. it is happening to the extent that it has been good for us, and i think that this year, god willing, after the veterans over 70 are finished, we will go to the veterans between 50 and 70, gradually from top to bottom. in general, we presented statistics and a report to the commission , we showed that next year we will grow by about 377. now we are ready for whatever the market needs and with us.


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