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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 7:30am-8:01am IRST

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the ones that have been operating since the beginning of last year show the same issue, that there is a serious concern that at least the level of roads in the city of tehran, from the situation that we may face after every winter, and the potholes that exist, must reach a suitable level. winter has nothing to do with this issue, well , sometimes there are surface cracks. asphalt in the winter season after the cold season that it suffers, this may be tolerable. potholes are sometimes seen on the streets and even highways, which are really dangerous. well, potholes are actually the last stage of deterioration before he left there are surfaces where these cracks cause water penetration , and we have this on our agenda, that is
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, we sometimes prevent this from happening with the sealing teams that we have on the surface of the roads. if the surface level is less than one level, we will perform the sealing operation, which is actually the life of the asphalt. let's add and actually spend it in consumption, in fact, the cost , well, apart from the issue of asphalt, which was your question, in the construction projects in tehran, before you want to pass the asphalt, i want to pass the asphalt . if i ask two points, after the asphalt. crossing let's do the program that the 5 to 10-year program mentioned, if it continues , we will have the right conditions, that is, in this case
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, we can say that tehran will be without cesspools . this year, you poured 1,500,000 tons last year, how much do you want to produce this year, so expect to hear a higher number , but our plan is that if we move with a suitable movement and inclination, better resources. it can be divided into the study that was done and 2 asphalt factories, in fact, the additional production cycle it was done with the calculation and maintaining 1 million 500 thousand tons is actually a very big task, the same thing that in the past years was 400 thousand tom 500 thousand tons, which is 1/3 of the volume of asphalt last year, it shows that last year, special attention was really paid to the issue of asphalt. done if i don't want to get off topic. asphalt and azad
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. in fact , i will pass the project that was carried out today on azadegan road. i should add one thing that azadegan road covers two and two-tenths percent of the surface area of ​​tehran. well, in 1402, approximately 10% of asphalt we performed our production on the azadegan highway, which means one note of five equality it was done to azadegan highway because there were more damages on azadegan highway and more attention should have been paid because there were more problems and people and citizens were actually more annoying. azadegan, apart from this point, we are working in other places on
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the azadegan highway. in the kandros, we are paying more attention this year, so that the kanders of azadgan are actually in a good shape, in addition to our two other construction projects on the azadegan highway, the intersection of bozor rai. we have shahid rajaee, who is north kandrovi and kandrovi it is in the south . we opened the northern kendro last year, it was a great plan and we hope to have the southern kendro this summer. no, why are you knocking on this door and that door. o careless heart
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, it is useless to close my heart and cut my heart when o heart. tell your heart that you will reach your soul, keep yourself , when you reach the eyes of ghazalkhon, keep yourself , keep yourself , it's no use to fall in love, it's no use to be cute, it's no longer to run after deer there is no use.
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stay with us. continuing with the reporter's greetings, today in this section we will deal with international news with the presence of mr. shah soni. hello, good morning. i am at your service, mr. hosseini. good morning to you. good morning to you, dear viewers. as we have seen in the news, the continuation of international support for the oppressed palestinian people in different countries continues in islamic countries yesterday after the friday prayer , demonstrations were held in support of the oppressed palestinian people. these demonstrations have continued ok, in the past few days, the demonstrations of the supporters of palestine in
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the united states turned violent . i am talking about the same issue with mr. rajabi, a news reporter of sada and sima news agency, who is with us from new york . mr. rajabi, hello, good time. tell us about the latest situation of american universities and the new wave of protests against the zionists in america. in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, the gatherings and protests in protest against the crimes of the zionist regime and in support of the people of gaza continue all over the united states , as the media reports. i want to report in more than 50 states in the united states more than 50 universities in different states. from the east to the west, from the north to the south of the united states, universities have witnessed student gatherings and protests in support of the people of gaza and in opposition to the crimes of the zionist regime. in fact, all these gatherings and protests were peaceful, but despite
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being peaceful in in all cases and in all states, students in their gatherings and sit-ins by suppressing violent gas attacks. believing and being arrested by the police. what has been published in the american media indicates that until now more than 50 students and sometimes university professors in the states various were arrested. in his first reaction to this protest and police repression, the un secretary general has announced that he supports the right to peaceful protest and freedom of expression in the united states. as it seems from the news and evidence , these protests and gatherings will continue in the coming days at columbia university in new york, which is an old university with a history of 250 years and is prestigious among the universities of tehran, which initiated
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this uprising and in fact, it has been an inspiration to other universities across the united states. today, students issued a statement that despite all the pressures, repressions , violent confrontations and arrests, as long as the genocide of the people of gaza continues at the hands of the zionist regime and with the support of the american government, they will continue to improve and gather in this university and beyond. in most of the universities where these gatherings are actually held these days , hands-on classes are still held virtually and face-to-face classes. mr. rajabi is currently closed . what was the reaction of the american authorities ? what were the latest reactions to this new wave of protests? the american authorities have not commented until now. us foreign minister anthony blinken actually
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mentioned this issue and he said that without referring to repression and harsh and excessive actions. calling it a requirement of democracy , he did not mention the actual request of the students and why he was faced with so much repression. the rest of the authorities did not mention it. and they remained silent , and the silence means that they still intend to suppress these protests, the protests. well , we also saw in the american congress that a number of senators requested in a letter to the president of the united states that in order to suppress these, in fact, the gatherings in the universities the different states of the united states will raise federal forces and the national guard, which are more skilled in repression. in international affairs, the only reaction and the first reaction was the not so strong reaction
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that the secretary general of the united nations had and the rest of the human rights circles and international institutions up to this point in the news and statements that show the condemnation of this level of violence and repression. unseen students, yes , very well, thank you very much, mr. rajavi, i will say goodbye to you. police violence has been accompanied in european countries, and yesterday in france we witnessed police violence against protestors. in addition , demonstrations in support of the oppressed palestinian people are scheduled to be held today in many other european countries, including england. mr. mazaheri, an expert on human rights issues, is with us. there are more about this issue. let's talk , mr. mazaheri. good morning. it seems that this dual policy of americans and westerners in these
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recent demonstrations and the support of the supporters of palestine in these countries and their repressive and violent treatment of these supporters of palestine seems to be their hand. what is your opinion on this matter? hello, i am at your service mr. shah soni. an all-round siege has also been imposed for the past seven months. we witnessed that the american authorities and the western countries as well as the american media
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have a dual approach to this issue , always trying to silence the false narrative of the zionist regime as the truth and silence any voice supporting palestine. there have been protests in american universities in previous months as well. it took on a new form , it took on a state of anger, setting up tents and the area the university, which began at columbia university, and the police started suppressing this sit-in , arrested about 100 students, the professors were arrested , and this suppression caused a wider wave of sit-ins and protests against the zionist regime's genocide in universities across the country. america will start and that's it. you can see that over the past few days these sit-ins
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have spread to more than 50 universities and colleges across the united states. students set up tents on university campuses and demanded to stop investing and participating with the zionist regime or any company that is involved in the zionist regime's war. university stopped mr. mazaheri, i apologize for human rights first. what do the human rights laws say about this unprecedented violence and oppression by the american police, considering that mr. rajabi also pointed out in his report that a strong position was not taken by the american authorities and the united nations, if this treatment it was done in a third country, it was done in another country, maybe the strongest positions were taken about it . americans, exactly, mr. shahsoni, see now about 550 people have been arrested, many professors
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have been arrested, many have been suspended, but the same question it is mentioned that many users have raised the question of what would happen if this happened in a third country and what would be america's reaction, but now we see that the american authorities are very openly asking for the head. well , they have these protests, while when it comes to slogans, we see that the american authorities are always talking about freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. it is said that in the last few days, the us state department has published the annual report on the human rights report of the countries. well, if you look at this report , you will see that freedom of speech and freedom the gatherings were also used in this report and it was used as a lever to accuse other countries. well, at the same time
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, we are witnessing the freedom of speech in america, how they deal with their own freedom of speech and how much. there is a gap between what american officials say and what they actually do. violence is being applied in all its dimensions against students and human rights institutions have not made a specific statement or taken a stand so far and this repression continues. the american authorities also emphasize that this repression will continue and the be suppressed and the students arrested. very well, thank you very much, mr. mazaheri. i will say goodbye to you. yes, the next news that we will follow today at the international table is the continuation of negotiations and the resumption of ceasefire negotiations about the gaza war. an egyptian delegation is negotiating with the zionist side, but some media pointed out that netanyahu because the previous cases are breaking down
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and the possibility of achieving a ceasefire in the coming days seems to be non-existent, sir. mr. hosseini, this is international news. we are at your service. thank you very much, mr. shahsehani, for you and the guests dear viewers, stay with us as the program continues. when i see your name, i will put your flag on my chest. i love you. i want the whole world to know this. anyone who is in love with me, like me
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, you are in love with me . let's read this. raise your chest, raise your head, share your flag. we will sing one, two, three. this flag accompanies your pain in iran, wherever i feel sad, i will hold your hand because you say. in iran , i believe that the back and shelter of very good days are on
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the way back. in the upper part of the world, there is a slope on the way. in these days full of insolence, between all these ways and wrongs, we are attached to show the flag. that the name of allah is the shield of the head. above, we share the flag above, we sing one, two, three. now, we are going to read you , this flag is with me, i am in pain in iran, wherever i am sad, i get pain from you, i get joy from you, iran
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, the danger of this flag is in pain with me. you are in the trap of iran , wherever you are, your hands will take you because i will . the minister of science, research and technology of iran will have a trip to staniloveh and bai rahmat today. hello , good morning, in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful dear colleagues and viewers , as you mentioned, today one of the most important events that will take place in our province is the visit of the minister of science, research and technology, but before
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i list the trips of the minister today, let me give a brief explanation. about the state of higher education centers in badim province, the first higher education center was actually a small technical and professional center that was established in the province in 1964 as a technical and vocational college with a capacity of 30 students. but now this capacity has reached more than 17 university units with more than 36 thousand students these centers are studying, that is , we must say that everything that happened in the field of higher education in the province is related to the aftermath of the islamic revolution and the achievements of the islamic revolution , but yasouj university is the largest university in the province with more than 6 thousand students. he is studying there , it is one of the most prestigious universities in the country in terms of production. science and technology has active students and faculty members. some of these professors are among the best in the country in
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the field of science production. they actually publish international articles, many of which are references of many in fact, they are sciences, but regarding the visit of the minister today , i must also mention that the minister of science, research and technology is actually in order to. he travels to the province to investigate the state of university educational facilities in the province and apparently arrives in yasuj at 9 o'clock. his plans start from this hour by attending the holy flower garden of the martyrs of yasush and renewing the agreement with the martyrs of balam maqamqam. after that, the opening of some construction projects education in yasu has several meetings prepared for him today, a meeting with the members of the academic team , a meeting with the students of student organizations , as well as a meeting with the governor and the representative of the religious jurist. in the province, one of the programs actually prepared
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for today's visit of the minister of science, research and technology is one of the most important civil projects that is going to be launched today with the presence of the minister of science, research and technology . there is a married dormitory in the province with a capacity of 250 married student as well. it will be operated from the head of yasouj university. thank you very much, mr. abbasi , i will say goodbye to you. our correspondent's colleague saeed abbasi was a reporter of sada vasima news agency in yasouj, who told about today's plans for the visit of the minister of science, research and technology to kohkiloh province. saying mercy for us and you. another program that will be held today will be in fars province in shiraz. the meeting of the commemoration headquarters of the ten decades of dignity, which is at the holy threshold of hazrat ahmad bin musa shah cheragh, peace be upon him, will be held, and the programs that
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will be held throughout the country and the special programs that will be held at the threshold of hazrat shah cheragh during the decade of dignity , my colleagues are working hard. we wanted to have a communication with the officials of astana hazrat shah chirag, but this communication was not established until we see the agenda of their meeting today. what is happening and what plans will they have in fars province in shiraz city god willing , we will get this information in the news section and present it to you . hello , we have reached the end of today's reporter .
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we used to receive aid from the united nations world food program, but now this aid has been cut off and people are left to fend for themselves. according to the un report, the people of afghanistan cannot meet their basic needs, including health, food, employment and shelter. some of their work.
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if he does not act immediately, the situation in afghanistan will deteriorate rapidly.
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in a large iranian house with exceptional new conditions and enjoy this economical purchase until the hour.
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the 6th exhibition of export capabilities of iran expo from another hour. more than 2 thousand foreign guests visit this exhibition. 30 martyrs and dozens injured in the early morning attacks of the sahgonists on the nusirat camp in gaza. the islamic resistance of iraq hit a vital target in the occupied port of haifa with a drone.


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