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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 9:00am-9:31am IRST

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scientific friends who say that it should be created in a company, so why not monitor this, the method means that the same guys who are in these internet taxi companies should come and monitor the taxi to this algorithm that is being developed. see this algorithm when inside your company is a company. of these platforms, in fact, no, i was wrong. yes , he is right. when this algorithm is inside these platforms, whether he likes it or not, it can create a conflict. because the proposal of mr. atziri was that, for example , the competition council itself should come and hire these children to develop the algorithms, i told him to hire them, not me. i didn't say how to use the competition, that means i will give them an algorithm.
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in fact, you bring the service as a service out of that platform, well, it is a service or another company , it becomes another company, which is only giving a price , it has nothing to do with what is happening to me, for example, this is actually the beginning. is it possible to price this when the platform that is actually doing the work is actually an internet taxi , it is actually an internet taxi and it is giving this service, this conflict and interests will be removed. from what we used to do in the internet taxi was that when the driver comes in the peak hour, the price is around 600 and it is very low. what we used to do was that we give cash incentives to the drivers at that time, that is , the company takes the commission, sometimes it returns 100 to the driver himself, so that the price does not exceed a certain limit. they should start working outside
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, so that actually the passengers are on the ground, for example, if it is another company and it is independent it is possible that the company will decide at the moment that it wants to take incentive measures, such as what you had for the drivers, for example, what do i know, 5 trips if right now there are 10 free trips, for example, many drivers are not willing to plan. i agree very much, one of the reasons that causes this discussion is that an institution comes to monitor, in fact, that we have no knowledge of
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the pricing process and algorithm , and how it happens. by the way, most of the internet taxi companies have the same algorithm. there is, and now some people compare the price with others actually, now, in my opinion, this is also a lesson for internet taxis, maybe they should clarify this, maybe their public relations unit should inform them. in my opinion, what you mentioned is a clarification in line with this, it helps a lot , besides, there is another point that i really need to point out, and that is that there are rules, that is, in the field of internet taxis , in my opinion. it is an area that has more procedures and recipes than other internet businesses for almost 3 years when i was in that company, we had back and forth with the ministry of interior of the municipality for almost 3 years, until we were able to
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remove the aynameh. that when he is saying, sir, my price today is from the agency's tariff. now this moment means, sir, go
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take a taxi, get an agency, this algorithm that you say is the same for all two or three companies that are active in this field, see, our code may not be the same, but the logic is definitely the same. thank you, mr. etziri. this kind of work means removing the pricing service from the platform. this does not in any way hinder the services that you say the platform wants to provide, in fact , to encourage the drivers. instead of pricing, or now, for example , with each other, or in fact, platforms with the competition council or anywhere else with any other institution . they start arguing about the services they want to provide to their customers . they actually start thinking about what they can do. pointing out to him that, for example, in situations where they see that drivers do not accept requests , they can provide incentives to the driver, no problem, why
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can't they have one price, one price, in fact, he offers you a pricing service, there is no difference. it means that there will be no change in your performance in terms of functionality , you will only know this service from the inside. you see, one of the reasons that balances the price is competition. well , when we were in the internet taxi, sometimes the price we offered was based on our competitor's rate, that is, our rate. we used to see the competitor that, for example, in a place where the market share is higher, for example, x gives a price, so that i can get a share of the market share from him , i lower the price. okay, the basic principle of economics is that if there is extra profit somewhere and there is a lot of it, the actor will be attracted to
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it if i want. order pricing of this and this number let's go down, not only is there not a new player, not only is there not a new competitor, the same people who are there may create a monopoly at that time. now , the point you said is good by the way, so you had price interference in some places, apart from your algorithm, so you set the price. interference is also correct, but you see, lowering the price does not necessarily mean that it will benefit the people. if it leads to dumping, it will be detrimental to the people. yes, it means lowering the price it is not that it is necessarily for the benefit of the people, maybe this will happen in a short period of time, but i think that we have witnessed this to some extent, that is , the removal of traditional agency taxis and the monopoly that has been formed now may be due to this fact. price interventions are what you
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say, so my point is exactly that if there is a platform that interferes in pricing, then the supervisory council has the right as well as the competition council . cash, which has a 5% market share, has a monopoly on taxis they don't have a monopoly on the internet. this is one thing . the second thing is that if two companies compete with each other on price, the reason is that an observer should come in. what is the argument? i have a washing machine
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. you mentioned a word of thanks from mr. hashemi. mr. hashemi, it's a very interesting thank you . i think it was march of this year. if i'm not mistaken, you can search on the internet and see that they requested that taxis can also have floating prices. yes, very good , very good. now we are coming to say that sir let's do it the other way around, that is, let's take internet taxis with their floating prices, let's put them in front of them , let's set a command price. you are a commercial company, give your pricing . let's see again. you yourself have now accepted that the price is not necessarily determined by this algorithm. in fact
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, the companies are interfering in the pricing. any company, let's assume a person, let's assume the owner of the company sits down and sets the price. is this something? see obviously
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i don't know about the conditions of competition, if the market is like between several companies, and everywhere in the world, in america, go to uber and lyfte. in england, go to uber and bolt usually, but before this, i had the right to call, for example , ali, mr. invar or should i call mohammad mr. invar or should i call asfar mr. god's price for all of them . some of our old family members are still doing the same thing. some of them are even better . yes, people have the right to choose. no, but their share is very low. i told 9 internet companies that online taxis are a product, that is, an agency is just a product this item can be delivered by bus or subway. they should be complementary jobs and people have the right to choose. if i look and see if
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i want to go to work in the morning, for example, i will put aside 400 thousand tomen, go to the street, get a taxi or call the agencies. if i want to get an agency in the middle , i don't have the right to choose, you have the right to choose the way to get to work , that's why i say it's not exclusive in any way. you have to separate the taxis that are enough they close it, isn't it a big one? i have a difference of opinion with you here. yes, i think so . no, it's not because i have this discussion
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. it means that if internet taxis were free to raise the price as much as they want , people wouldn't have any other choice. people are on their way, in addition, you should consider another thing, you should say that everyone should go and take the bus, well, no, buses, cars, cars are for the people, agencies, if the prices are 400,000 tomans, the agency that i want to actually take a taxi.
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by the way, there was a lack of transparency at that time it wasn't possible, if you remember, it wasn't possible for the agency you have to give you a price over the phone first. it wasn't possible. you had to go in the car and get a price. the other side would say, " come now, come now." he would sit in the car and listen to your phone conversations. he used to give you a price along the way, well, you had to get there in the end, or he would disbelieve in the price he gave you... he said, or you should have got off angry and fighting , solve this problem with an internet taxi, sir, the price is transparent. it is completely clear what it is, but it is not possible to bargain it is not possible to bargain , what is the reason for you ? in some places, in fact
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, they can monitor the interventions, i think what mr. atzir means is that when you, for example , can intervene in such a way as to lower the price , it is possible that the companies will somehow change the price to increase it. it is found that the price is manipulated, which is already there, if the price is this if it goes much higher than this price, everyone will go to this one, no, no, i say there is no other choice, there is no competitor , why don't you have two? i say if one of these companies raises the price.
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the price should be in such a way that we go to one, not in such a way that the price will be very low. what is the possibility of their ability? this is a very, very important point. if these two companies were to be merged or one of them would come and buy both, i would like to buy both right now. i used to write that he was signing, competition should enter, well, but this company is competing with each other, you should go and see what the owner is, one of them is in the stock market, the other is a competitor and the coordination of these two companies is not only not possible at all, but it is completely the opposite
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. there is another point that is very important for me to take into account. how many hours does full-time mean? assume, for example , that he works 44 hours a week, and that he works 8 hours a day, for example, 8 hours a day. well, calculate this number and figure, which i calculated. now, before i came to this meeting , he earned 17-18 million tomans a month. he
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will be the driver and you will pay at least 30-35% of the cost of depreciation, gasoline, spare parts and all that. 30 reduce 35% of this number, then put it to a stressful job, which is actually in traffic , you have to deal with people, everything is really high income , the original price of the internet taxi is going into the drivers' pockets, know this, it is going into the driver's pockets , that is, us. if we are saying that the price is high, it means that the price of the driver is high. thank you, mr. atziri. i would like to ask a question. one of the points we are talking about regarding exclusive markets is the possibility of new players entering and exiting this market . another internet taxi comes or by competitors will be eliminated. look, the investment to enter this market is very high . now, friends in these companies say that we have not yet reached the break-even point. the group of companies are still announcing that we
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have not actually reached the tipping point, of course i have to say this . the statistics that i actually think are confirmed by my friends who actually work in the market field, i think that my competition council should confirm these numbers, a part of this capital. there is no investment. now you are in parentheses. after you , the investment to enter this market is a high number. a large part of this is actually a number that is actually for advertising and for this incentive and so on. it can be consumed. now i will say one more thing that one or two other companies have come and they have almost been removed . now i think there were also taxis. if i am not mistaken, it is still carpino. they say that actually these two companies are competing with each other, these two companies are talking about discounts somewhere.
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you will see that the discounts are a place where dumpings are also quite evident there. and a part of the huge cost that the companies are incurring now , which has caused them to not be profitable, is because of this policy, which actually gives discounts , which makes it impossible to allow these dumpings , which does not allow the company to be in the 30s anymore. if the facts come in , it means that all this shows that the conditions are not the conditions of competition, but the conditions of monopoly. see, drug companies also give a lot of discounts to pharmacies, this makes the company not to bring new drugs . it is possible to do some kind of intervention, it was discussed recently, i am in a hurry, i don't have this option . can you give me your opinion? yes, by the way, i have a very specific opinion about it. removing this option was one of the biggest mistakes that was made in this country. look, i'm in a hurry. you know how many percent of users used this option
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. i asked the speaker of the damage when they came here. when it was removed, i said, "we don't have any information yet. we're going to check it." i'll tell you what, at least in that internet taxi that i was in, only 13% of users are in a hurry what was the result? the result was that, sir, during peak demand. if someone had this option, the option i'm in a hurry, he would have opened the percentage that actually opened the access that was reduced during the peak time, for the 13% who wanted to pay more, today this option has been removed. it doesn't have the demand , which means they don't have this possibility anymore, as a result, they return to the same money as those who ask for the same normal price, and this actually causes the open demands to go up again. here is the price algorithm again go up means, in my opinion, i am in a hurry , it was a safety valve that would give the 13% that they wanted, at the same time, it prevented the price from going up without a rush. today, that
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valve does not exist, it is going down with this automatic price algorithm. it is important to note that after removing this option, we saw an increase in the price , because of this, i have no information whether the price increase happened after the removal of the option, but logic says that it should happen. really
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, if we come, you will open the pricing let's do it and prepare a floor for it. it's a market where it's hard for investors to enter. you yourself can see that investors go where there is a lot of profit. if the profit there is high, don't doubt that there are many capable and entrepreneurial people in this country who also run internet taxis because the profit is high. come on, you will not come to this market in any way, that is, this market that you say is exclusive, which i am against , it will become more exclusive. we are talking about the commissions. in your opinion , now that you have said the definitions, an institution like the competition council should come, what about the commissions? i think the problem is mostly the main price itself, for the commissions, it can actually
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be a place of competition between the platforms, that is, it is in their own hands. there are also their drivers, you can see from this number , well, there is another range of drivers who are working with another company, they are actually more satisfied , for example, i don't want to name them now. a company actually keeps more drivers on its side and they are more satisfied with the drivers, but our number of passengers is less. in fact, you can see that there are more drivers and more users, but these drivers are not satisfied with the commission. this can be a place of competition. are they not satisfied with their income? yes , they are no longer satisfied with their income and they are not satisfied with my commission, which is almost one more in the company. we have, for example, or maybe we have 3, for example, these can go in in fact, the place of competition between the platforms is on the condition that we first
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come to an agreement about the price itself. in fact, i have an offer that i will make an invitation. i will coordinate half a day in one of these internet taxi companies, you guys can come and give a presentation on the pricing algorithms, i have no doubt that they actually agree. 100 commissions should be managed by the companies themselves, as mr. atziri said , it is very clear that there is competition between the two companies. and you think it should be more.
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considering that a major percentage of this commission is returned to the driver's pocket, what percentage is it? for example , at least when i was there, the effective rate was 7-8%. well, i don't know now. i should ask, but the effective rate is not 15%. thank you very much to both of you. guest of the program, all the good viewers of the higher program who accompanied us until this moment , may god protect you or ali.
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dust without dust, hofman's suggestion from the experts, the quality of tannouk , the quality of the variety, the quality of the variety of friends, friends in the city of household appliances, there is quality and variety, there is no quarrel. hep, the price in the city of home appliances is in the city of home appliances. any way you calculate it, you are the winner.
9:29 am
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i will host you until 2:00 am in tehran. in the name of god. with blessings on muhammad and his family, your presence, sports news enthusiasts , hello, good morning , iran's futsal national team will face thailand in the final match of the asian nations cup today. they will face each other from 14:30. we have a game against the thai team, which is the host this is the race and definitely the front


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