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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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very great, great news, this year's purchase is at last year's price.
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the first row, the first row, the first row, the line of service, the line of the people, your stronghold , your stronghold, this is the table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table , there is a martyr in your eyes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you, the people of iran, ladies and gentlemen , welcome to the first page, just like last night. i also
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said that the issue of the slogan of the year is a permanent and continuous discussion in the meetings and decisions of the rulers of the islamic republic, far from any slogan, that is, many of these meetings are not informed at all , no report is given about it, but about how to realize the slogan of the year. . can be discussed in various meetings in different institutions and one of those places where if the role of the people in the jump of production is to be highlighted, the experts talk about it . the cooperative section, in the recent meeting of the workers with the supreme leader of the revolution, the supreme leader of the revolution once again
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talked about the importance of the role of the cooperative. and all this, you want us to have an input on the subject of cooperation . tonight we are hosting a party from the cooperative, mr. weis karmi, deputy minister of cooperation, minister of labor and social welfare. hello again , thank you very much . your excellency and viewers. our dear dear all over the country, i say hello and thank you for the opportunity you have given to the cooperative sector , be healthy. how many departments does this ministry of home affairs have? well, they have a greater responsibility than the cooperative
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, but about the cooperative itself, mr. weiss kerami, whom we are hosting tonight , is the direct and highest official in the cooperative sector of the country. well, with your permission, we will start with the speeches of the leader of the revolution. let's get into the discussion at your service we are, we said. production with the participation of the people , how is the participation of the people, this is another question. now suppose a person who wants to participate in the leap of production, how to participate, that should be taught to him. this is what i mean . one of the important duties of the officials is to sit in the fields of people's presence and participation. the people in the production
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should explain the production work and prepare the fields now. one is cooperative, for example, the creation of cooperative production companies, one is help with household chores , one is help with manual work, one is help to create knowledge-based companies, of course, the economic experts who are in the government, thank god they are outside the government, the government can use them, they can use many other ways . let me start with this first , the issue of cooperatives is not at all a well-known issue in iranian society, that is, we have always
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seen cooperatives in terms of consumer cooperatives and, for example , we have seen that, well, now our office, our organization, our organization is ultimately a there is a store with the words ``cooperative'' for the use of the employees of the radio station . you and the esteemed viewers must remember that in the constitution of the islamic republic, this private sector, that is, in practice, the cooperative sector, is officially named as the second pillar of the country's economy in the constitution, and
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during the formation of the revolution, in fact, the theorists of the country's economic system were shahid beheshti, may god bless him and grant him peace. in drafting the constitution. also, the supreme leader , imam rahel azim, has expressed his great and actually favorable opinions about the issue of cooperation, and this issue has been introduced in the country's economic discourse over the past years. leadership is because the cooperation will be the crystallization of people's participation in the economy, that is, if we examine the economic models in the world, we will see that there is a place where capital is the principle and value of capital, and this capital is the other pillars of the economy and livelihoods and people have been crushed under the gears of development. in another place, authenticity
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is with labor, but when you examine the cooperative economic system, you will see that this is the place where authenticity is with labor, not with capital. the capital is at the disposal of the worker and because he works, he has value and credibility in this economic system, of course the cultural foundation is also in islam and in the culture of collective work. the economic system of cooperation means the fair distribution of wealth among all people . the result of the cooperation of different and numerous people, that is, collective interests, will be discussed here , if there is to be growth, progress, development , income, profit, this profit, this growth , and this progress for all members in a fair platform
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, in fact, which is also the field of fair and equal management. providing for all members and the basis for fair distribution of everyone according to the amount of work and the amount of capital in fact therefore, one of the main characteristics of cooperatives is the presence of people from different parts of the people, because it has the presence of different parts of the people, all classes of people can participate in this sector and participate in economic programs with any amount of capital. and of course , with this system that we have explained about cooperation , it is a system that will help to expand economic justice and social justice. it is different from, for example , a factory with public shares, a company or a factory that still has shareholders. khurd shareholders
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are very ordinary people who are the owners of this factory. yes, see in my opinion, popularization has cracks, one of these cracks is ownership. one of these passions is management, the next topic is agency and finally in the fourth part of supervision. i believe that maybe the only part that can do all four. the problem that i presented to you should be left to the people, the cooperative sector means that the cooperative member can own the company and the shares, and in the cooperative it is also possible to manage because all the cooperative members must vote on the processes, decisions, actions, programs and so on. the opinion of the body and everyone has an equal vote, and the issue of agency means that you do not buy and sell work here in this economic unit, which we call a cooperative company, this workforce also has a membership, that is
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, it is a partner in shares and a partner in capital, and to the extent that it works, it actually receives a salary, and to the extent that capital gains and capital gains increase. it is found that it also enjoys capital gains. from the monitoring side, according to the work mechanism in the cooperative sector, and inspectors are selected alongside the board of directors, at the same time, general meetings and extraordinary meetings are held with the presence of all members. it is possible to monitor the cooperative's performance. by a committee that is chosen by the people and the members themselves and each member in the assembly it is ready, but it is not like this in other companies . you may actually have a number of people in the form of the private sector, which, of course, is also people-building and respectable in its own right, but it has some differences with the cooperative sector. they establish a company , they bring their capital there in that company, the capital gains are only
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for these people, the workers actually get involved in the management of the production unit or in the dividends and partnership capital, they do not have the possibility to monitor the interventions in the sense of capital management. they don't have any because they are just labor, but in a company , it is possible to have members who are also labor announcement of the opinion of the management, help in the management, sharing of opinion and sharing of intellects in relation to the management of that economic unit, there is a cooperative. cooperation does not work in iran , i don't agree very much, i have a reason for not agreeing very much, sorry, maybe i was judgmental, but. at least let's say why the contribution of the cooperative
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is still far from what was determined in the vision document and in the general policies of the system . we have active cooperatives, these 14,000 active cooperatives have more than 2,500,000 members, and thanks to your presence, there are about 2 million job opportunities in the country. created and this is one of the strong points of cooperatives and besides these 330 efforts of people's capitals in these cooperatives are actually organized and in the economic field it is circulating and it is good that i can tell the dear viewers that it is extensive. the cooperative sector is as large as the entire economy, that is , our cooperatives in the field of industry, in the field of services, in the field of big business, in the field of export, in the field of import, in
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domestic production are actually trying and share they are paying for themselves and we are one of the countries where the number of cooperatives in the world is very high and we are the first in several countries in terms of the number of cooperatives, but is this enough ? it is definitely not enough. probably not enough , we need more effort , we definitely need more effort and we need to add depth to these activities. cooperative is that , by the way, people prefer to be in the cooperative sector and economic participation in this area of ​​interest. and i feel this interest as the custodian of this department that you have mentioned, as
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the special custodian of this department, zaeel is actually the ministry itself, but are the platforms that we have created in this area sufficient or in fact this the platforms have the necessary efficiency and meet the needs of the day, this is debatable, that is, we definitely need a transformation in the system of cooperative governance , in the methods, in the methods, in the structures, in the amendment of the laws and regulations, which we have started and have on this path. we take it in advance, but in total to in my opinion, the reception of the people is good and we have very, very good successes in the field of cooperation in some sectors of the economy in the country. the area is good. now, here you can give examples of the most successful examples of cooperatives in the country . for example, when we
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talk about the private sector, we can give examples for each of them. the houses that people know are very big. now whether they are managed well or badly is another matter, but at least they are assumed to be large examples. i don't know whether it is a car manufacturer or another industrial company. i don't know if they are the major economic sectors of banks, for example , but what example can you give about a cooperative? tell me , sir, this is an example of a cooperative, which is perhaps one of the things that have happened to us in iran . we should not tell people about these issues. it seems to me that the program doesn't allow me to mention the names of the units, so i won't do it, so i 'm going to describe some of these activities in this short space. one of the most advanced medical centers in the middle east in the form of cooperation
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at the level of the country and in the same province of tehran in other parts of the country. we have departments that are providing medical services to people, in the form of patients , yes, in the form of hospitals. i don't mind that right now i am careful that later, but if i mention this field of therapy, definitely a significant part of the people, maybe with. these names are familiar. just last week , i visited a cooperative production unit in the industry sector we had discussions with these friends and meetings that the only producer was actually the country's spring for light and heavy vehicles , it provided a significant part of the country's needs, and only yes
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, yes, i give you permission to name it here, because it is not an advertisement anymore, when you have no rival. hermes company, in the presence of you, the chahardange industrial town , which is engaged in this activity and in the presence of you , organizes the production and also looks after the development sector, and we, god willing, help in the field of development in the road transportation sector. see one billion passengers in the country every year the surface of the country's roads is changing and these travelers are reaching their destination. you see, it is possible that in these fields, at some point, the government
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actually needs a problem related to communication. with the governance around the cooperative sector, sometimes in the governments in the past , cooperatives were looked at in a cross-sectional way, that is, a need in the country was quickly identified, the cooperative came in, helped to solve the need , and then slowly, slowly, slowly went to the nest, for example, you in connection with consumer cooperatives see in the era of sacred defense when you check the major part of the distribution network of goods for consumers at the level. the country was at the disposal of consumption collusions and this role alhamdulillah, just today , we have about 6,000 consumer cooperatives in this explanation network nationwide, which is a significant explanation network, but we believe that this functionality should be updated. in those days, people
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were lucky to be present in this system to explain their goods on time, cheaply and with high quality. realizing that this incident should be repeated again , and of course this issue should be updated in the field of agriculture, a significant part of the production that is being done in the country is in the field of cooperation. it can be produced now whether the cooperatives are under the ministry of cooperatives and their license is issued by this ministry or under the rural cooperatives in the country and we have many examples in this field, except that i am wide. i think these are enough and in fact it has brought us to the desired point , it is definitely not enough and we are definitely far from the desired point. they say that when
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we talk about the jump in production with people's participation, maybe the biggest capacity in this field is money the cooperation section is fine, you must have the same opinion , right? in theory and in terms of compensation, it is a suitable platform for practical and executive attendance. i accept it and believe that it is widespread. well, now we are not only talking about attendance , we are not talking about increase, we are talking about jump in production. you have to use the capacity of the cooperative department, which according to you has the largest capacity for this story. yes, see the first point about our approach to the development of the sector cooperative is that i believe that our approach in the development
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of tawan sector should be changed from linear development and quantitative development to a three-pronged development, as i said, today we have more than 14 thousand active cooperatives in the country, which are among the first countries in the world. we are from thousands of cooperative conditions. in fact, we have a good idea, but it seems to me that i and my colleagues actually worked on this matter and formulated plans , and we are currently developing them, that this development approach should be changed to a three-pronged development approach. one of its aspects is the development of cooperatives finally, somewhere, people need to work in a platform , in the name of cooperation. but there are more important points about this issue. one is social expansion, which means that the second aspect is social expansion, and the
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third aspect is deepening, which means that we should also develop the economic depth of tabuni people. in our social development, our goal is to inform the people in different fields about the issues they have and the problems the country has. let's do it in a cooperative format and share some of the issues with knowledge let's leave the problem to the people, and secondly , social development is a diversification of activities in various social and economic fields. in my opinion, wherever there is an issue related to the economy in the country or an activity is possible, cooperation is a great way to do it. can he i will complete the activity, some of these may have been blocked from our view or we may have paid less attention to them. in new businesses, i am open to
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your presence. i am the trustee who must prepare this platform and give it to the people. if you say that you are humble now , you don't mean yourself now do you want to say that the entire government is sovereign in this field? i am far from, for example, wanting to show humility. or, after all, as an agent, as the government, i have the duty to provide the platform for daqful , which means that i want to say that you were really negligent. look, in my opinion, we had different governments in this field in the past years , one of the issues that the country the issue of graduate employment has always been the subject of emphasis and attention of the leader of the revolution. it is also decided that we will help to solve this problem. well, young man , you have graduated from the university, and in fact, you have also studied naturally, we
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cannot organize it in a traditional platform for the issue of employment, we must provide a model based on the day based on his knowledge in the form of knowledge-based activities in the form of activities based on science and technology specific to his field of study and introduce these platforms. let's do it and present it, of course. i'm not saying that it hasn't happened, but these activities haven't been diversified. therefore, one of the issues that we are considering is diversifying the activities and areas where tavani can be present according to the current conditions and according to the needs and demands of our society. god willing the second issue is the economic depth of cooperatives . it means that we need to strengthen our perspective on cooperatives in the field of economy
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. therefore, one should pay attention to the problem of utilization and improvement of productivity in it, one should pay special attention to entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial indicators in the field of compensation, one should pay attention to the issue of risk taking and reducing risk in the field of compensation, such as these indicators, that this three-dimensional model more economic depth and more social expansion will give it a little development and god willing, the growth and increase of the share of the renewable sector in the country. of course, for this issue, we also considered various projects that require the support of various departments in the government and the support of the people themselves, and in our opinion, we will convey these to them with the explanations that i believe. i realized that cooperation has the capacity to solve a part of the country's problems, a significant part of the country's problems, and by the way, this is where it can be one of the best platforms for cooperation. people
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, popularize the economy, let's see another report . we are at your service. this is one of the cooperatives it is run by women. we are currently sewing military uniforms, which are the military uniforms of the beit al-maqdis battalions of tehran province. we have women's clothing that we produce and sell in the market . they started almost from zero and now the source of income is 163 people. 120 people, 23 people who have home jobs , let's continue our activities. women's cooperatives, 60% of which produce , accounted for 22% of the country's 14,000 active cooperatives.
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the country's 70 cooperatives are actually women's cooperatives, and in our definition of women's cooperatives , women's cooperatives are cooperatives in which at least 70 % of their members are women. in the 7th plan , it is emphasized to support the cooperatives by providing facilities, on this basis, the 13th government has increased the resources of facilities by 100 compared to last year. wing 6, the effort of educational resources, from the credit lines of tehseh tawan bank, we have considered that, god willing , we will provide it with a subsidy, that is, with an interest rate lower than the conventional bank rate, and god willing, with a long-term repayment and in addition to that, without the need to make a deposit, god willing, this will be offered. in the meantime, most of the cooperatives that are supported there are small
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and medium-sized cooperatives. at present, active cooperatives have been able to create 2 million job opportunities . we have about 14,000 cooperatives in the country that are working in various sectors of the service industry and agriculture. they have been able to create about 2 million jobs. and it is possible to organize 500,000 members and create nearly 2 million job opportunities. radio and television news agency well, mr. weiss kerami, let me tell you that we now , we are far from the 25% that has been set as a vision that the cooperative share of the country's economy will be 25%
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, maybe still a third of this 25%. since the appointed time has passed and it has not been realized, now you can say that if we work in the way we will probably reach this point in a few years , we have a fundamental problem in this area, which is the contribution of the compensation sector in the economy in the past years. it has not been taken and as soon as this share is calculated. as of today, we do not have an accurate assessment in this field, whether it is a share considering 30% of it was realized, 100% of it was realized, 5% of it was realized, in my opinion, we cannot firmly state a number here, how many percent of it we were able to achieve or not, for this purpose, this much means nothing at all.


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