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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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thanking the teacher for knowing the duty of the individual to the nation and pointing out that education and education cannot be compared to any other system in terms of its importance and effectiveness, the discussion of the identity of the young generation, creating enthusiasm and hope, and transforming material and non- material empowerment teachers and supporting education and training centers as well as strengthening educational support and modeling in the teacher community. considered to be the most important tasks of education. we want to know about today's meeting of the supreme leader of the revolution with teachers, educators, school renovation engineers, students, our teacher, as well as the members of the student volleyball team. who became champions in the world championships and all the loved ones who attended today's meeting with the leader of the revolution , with the presence of the honorable guest of hazrat hojat al-islam wal-muslimin haj mr. poursan. honorable vice president of
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education and culture, let's have a conversation. let's see the pictures of my colleagues , we will come back and be at your service. another one of the issues that is related to the fostering assistant. explanation of the fundamentals of the islamic republic of iran. this should be explained to the youth. if these are the millions of young people that we have in education in schools, these are fundamental materials to know the system, to know the interests of their country, to know the friend and enemy front of their country, to know the basic issues needed by their country. the propaganda of the enemies and
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all the billions of efforts they are making to advertise and mislead the public opinion of the enemy's country will come to an end if our teenagers are prevented in this field, they should be prevented, they should be vaccinated intellectually. this propaganda of the enemies will be embarrassed and let the youth of the country know what are the components of the national interest and what is the logic behind it . this is important. death to america. jovan chants, but
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he should know why we say death to america, why do we say death to the zionist regime, he should understand this , know the logic, why we say that we are not ready to communicate with such and such government of such and such a country, what is the reason for this rationality behind these general issues, you should know this. be it yes , we saw parts of the speeches of the supreme leader of the revolution in the meeting of teachers and educators from all over the country, which was held on the occasion of the 12th of ardibehesht, teacher's day . it was education. on this occasion, we are having a conversation with the vice president of education and culture of the ministry of education, haj agha. you are very welcome. the supreme leader of the revolution
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raised very important definitions in this field, discussed the importance of education , raised the issue of education and vaccination, considering that you are the cultural and educational deputy of the ministry of education, please tell me what has been done in this field, as a at one point, it was completely deleted . what is the state of the fostering institution now, and tell us your future plans? long live the teacher, all dear teachers congratulations from all over the country, god willing, we will all be among those who provide the ground for the education and growth of people in the society. well, today's meeting with hazrat agha was a very inspiring meeting for all of us . the role of deputy.
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it is not the first time to emphasize education. this is not the first time that hazrat agha said these points. last year, hazrat agha , for example, entered the field of education and pointed out a few points. it is very interesting that before the revolution, we also had an institution for educational affairs. from the revolution to actually the initiative of martyrs rajaei and bahoner, this institution was formed in the ministry of education, and i think it was around 1963-1964, the deputy minister of education was placed in the ministry of education and it was built . in one of our governments, it was replaced with the logic that a teacher in the classroom should have educational activities in addition to
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his educational activities. this is the right word. we expect educational work from all components of education but this is not a reason to shut down educational activities altogether. well, in 2005, the law on the revival of the ministry of education and physical education was approved by the islamic council and returned to the structure from 2005 to today, which i think is 18 year. it's almost been a while since mr. agha repeatedly pointed out their dissatisfaction with the situation of the education vice-chancellor in the structure, in fact, in different ways , that finally this vice-chancellor returned, but he still
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has n't provided the things they wanted. we say breeding. it means educational work in school yes, we still consider ourselves to be the educational affairs at the beginning of the revolution, we say that it was a much more accurate name, so we say that the priority should be given to education and we say that education is one of the human virtues, it also includes education other than human beings. which actually enters into a process where our student, our teacher, consciously and voluntarily enters a space, which is somewhat different from education in the field of educational issues, the expectation that goes from the educational assistant, or in a better term, the educational assistant, is that the process
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of growth facilitate students in our school let's speed up the process of student growth in the society , because the transformation document says that a student is one. mrs. hosseini is very interesting in compiling the transformation document , the goal is actually our education and training or our formal education . basically, we have a book in which the theoretical foundations of the document are mentioned in the theoretical foundations of the document. . we have one word, and that word is education, because it came to us a hundred times, it means that the authors of the transformation document believed that the name of the ministry of education should be changed to the official ministry of education of the islamic republic, because this principle
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if someone solves this educational problem , my educational problem will be solved. i was once a school principal. i was the principal of the school for 6 years. formerly , our students in that school had a very low grade point average. to solve the problem of the extracurricular class , they gave an exam. they said that this problem would be solved. you solved that problem , my studies are progressing, so we did educational work to solve the educational problem . four grades improved, how well extracurricular math class we closed the school, we started taekwondo classes for the children , we took extracurricular programs to the educational issues of a school that, for example , did not have one day of camp in a year, maybe 30 days
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of camp in a year. it's a good school to get to. when the student did not rush to leave school when the last bell rang and wanted to sit still in school, that student feels very good at school. when he has a very good feeling, he will definitely receive a good education, right ? you also said that with the points that you said and with the interpretation that the supreme leader of the revolution used to discuss the rationality of using a slogan , its philosophy should be clear because of that discussion about the importance of education and the importance of upbringing, which you yourself mentioned in your speech. that you are not satisfied because they see and talk about their satisfaction, which definitely comes from their long eyes and what they always have in front of them
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, what did you do for this issue? in the past, two very basic points in the field of education are to say one thing that something happened in the headquarters, one, the work did not reach the school, two, the internship should be attractive, we have a few points that are very important to us in the educational activities today. one thing is that the work we do should be compatible with the student's requirements , be quality-oriented, be school-oriented, and other points that we are checking, what is happening today, all our activities are turning to the school, now it is a hassle. we served you the cultural and artistic festival of the students. yes, among the 4 million students who came, it was very interesting for me, the student who mr. one of the points that was discussed today
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was the identification of students' talents and in fact their growth. some of the students who participated in the cultural and artistic festival, we had a female student from minab, hormozgan. without any class , he had actually recognized the taste of poetry in himself, he had become the first in the country. we have a student in the field of colored pencils. at first, he became a countryman . he was completely amazed that this had happened to him. we said, for example, this festival tomorrow, which is the center of our artistic programs, should be in the heart of the school today. to be drawn, we said that it was our week in our school, the ideal school of heavenly art, our iranian youth week , which was completely character building , which had become character building, now. to put it more correctly, and what had happened was aimed at
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making the summit school work. yes, the second point that the gentleman said today was to clarify the issue of jihad. it should be understood that one of the points that is very important to us in educational activities is the student's own activism. we say that the student is an effective element. and active and activist not an element affected and effective. well, this student, who is an activist and active element , is currently the biggest jihad tabgin in the ministry of education. we actually have 50,000 groups of jihad tabeen students , which is being carried out with the cooperation of our friends in the khatam al-hosiya camp. now what is this? this is that our children are divided into groups of 5 and 7 , so that they produce works
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based on the islamic revolution and hijab, that is, for girls, they read a book with veils and hijab, while for boys , they read the same book themselves. they produce effects. we have 300,000 active ingredients in the form today the biggest event in the world is natural in the country where the student himself enters the space of influence and... haj sir , what criteria do you have for evaluating it? what does it matter to us , is it our upbringing or our problem , is it a hymn group in the school, for example , they bring a hymn teacher to the school with a fee and effort that our normal public school cannot pay for that fee and effort, not us today. it is important for us to sing a song in the heart of
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the class from the content of the textbook by the class teacher the children of the same class came to start the class anthem . we started to compile the class anthem from the contents of the children's farsi book . we wrote a theater scenario from the contents of the children's textbook. it has some codes and is loaded into the textbook. a teacher who is making an impact and a student who is making an impact enter into what is important to us in this process, the quality of our work, and what we call our work process is education. he is result-oriented, the result is important to him, but the goal is not the result, we must do something to reach the result, yes, that process is important to us. therefore, this work is explained in jihad, the work that is done in the week of the month, the work that is done in the student circles with the quran, the work that is done in the koran theme memorization project, the work that is done in the student hymns, the work that
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is done in the student theaters, and all the activities that are being done in the school, what is important to us is that all of these are a tool for the growth of our students. this week, the months that we held , a manager came to me and said that i have 32 years of school management experience. and i work at school, it's very interesting to me that you are a student who until yesterday maybe only one word i didn't hear from him when we put this field, which is actually the field of producing children, the field of influencing students in the school, a student who doesn't think at all. i didn't turn around , he became an active and influential student. well, hajj, i wanted to talk more openly about the issue of influence. now, if there was another point , after these pictures that my colleagues prepared , let 's see today's speech of the supreme leader of the revolution. in this context, there was a point. if not, let's go to the topics of thanking the teacher for
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paying attention to the importance of the public opinion of the country. the importance of education and the importance of teachers. the problem with many of our issues it is caused by public opinion. if public opinion is justified about a case, they will get attention. it will be easier to do that. we now have material problems in the issue of education, livelihood problems. we have work problems , we have educational environment problems, if the public opinion becomes sensitive to this issue, knows the teacher and appreciates the teacher, this will have an effect on all these problems . we want this
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. the public opinion should pay attention to this issue, the more respectable a teacher's job is, the more attractive he will be yes, the more respectable a teacher's job is , the more attractive it becomes, sir. even a few years ago , i think maybe about 10 years ago, there was a warning about the lack of teachers, and now. we will talk to haj mr. porsani about the selection methods if we get a chance, but there is a problem that is on the minds of many people, especially parents, and they are worried about this topic. bloggers and now there is a space that has happened especially in cyber space, haj sir , do you have a solution for this issue, now see if it is possible to show
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the picture of a girl or a boy, a teenager or a child. he used it as a tool to change the future and destiny of this child. what did you do for this issue? you have a very good question. we say that the student is not a tool for us. we are not, why do we say that hymns and theater are a platform for growth . a student comes and does something. basically , he has not received anything from education, that is
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, the main mission of a teacher is the main mission of education. many of us have completely forgotten, i will tell you now that many of our teachers were your and mine's teachers for many years no one actually knows these things in the spaces , but in my opinion, we should operate and be active in two areas, one is a negative area , as you know, you know that the ministry of home affairs has dealt with how many of these dear ones have actually removed the teacher's face. through the system. the ruling that is in the board of investigation of the ministry of education's violations and this has been attributed to the friends discussed this in various meetings of the education councils and it has been acted upon. it has come across that you yourself are accused in the public school of every dear teacher who
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forgets his dignity as a teacher, which is the prophet's mission, from knowledge. a student should use it as a tool and come to this space, he will definitely be dealt with. well, what is the second thing , haj, sir? what is the role of a student in the field of virtual space, so we are discussing artificial intelligence, i don't know, virtual reality and other things. find a good media and don't let something like this happen, which is actually the cause of some of this ladies and gentlemen, see, haj agha, one issue. it is very important that now according to the point you said about the selection of teachers and how they enter this important and honorable job, what mechanism do you have now
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so that teachers can enter this job and how to select them so that you are less likely to face with teachers who have such characteristics, god forbid, an image of a teacher or a manager beating a student will appear. some of these friends say that we should say some points . unfortunately, in some of these conversations, something happened it's been years, mr. agha, to warn, to say, sir , that the entry of a teacher is only about teacher training, you should know that there was a period of teacher training and removal under the pretext of revelation , and a very bad things happened in the country, nearly 300,000 people in 30, i think 11 or 12 additions to the law. the recruitment of nahdat assistants was actually done, sometimes without a day of training, sometimes without going through the steps that
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a teacher actually needs to go through . what happened in the ministry of education in this government that today mr. one achievement to mention is the achievement of the ministry of education that in the new selection of the focal point. in fact , what are the roles of the assessment and interview center and the work of established education? this is how it has changed from a minimal role to a maximal one , that is, the role of the test has decreased. one of them is, for example , playing maps with different tools. i don't know. four of us are now, for example, in the field of education, where we are holding the employment exam for education teachers this friday, almost after 1:30 p.m., which
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was completely forgotten and we do not have it, and this education teacher non-experts who can often ruin it. now that this evaluation center has been established, the job of recruiting teachers has become a 100% professional job. it has been a wonderful and unique recruitment , yes, because it is a completely professional job based on the principles of selection and recruitment, which should be done, well, besides these focal and specialized discussions that are being conducted, the discussion of professional teacher selections is also done by our loved ones in the selection to good things are being done, so this change in the ministry of education has caused the teachers
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the teacher rating law was promised by different governments for many years, we will pay tomorrow, today is tomorrow until the end of the government. it should be done in any way. yes , thank god, lord of the worlds, this work was done and an average of a significant amount was added to teachers' salaries, and basically our view of teachers has changed. and the dignity of the teacher should be improved, in fact, we still have a long way to go, god willing, everyone will help us to reach it. thank you very much, mr. hajj. honorable vice president. minister of education , i am very grateful to you, dear viewers, it was a conversation on the occasion of today's meeting of the supreme leader of the revolution with teachers and educators. goodbye.
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where are the role model teachers in the community? they must be introduced. education, institution of education. look at the teachers who in terms of teacher indicators. there is a difference, they can find these all over the country , there is a teacher who teaches well, teaches and teaches. there is a teacher who spent a long time of his life in education . having been a teacher for 60 years is very important. this is a model of a teacher in
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difficult areas. a teacher rides a bicycle and goes . for example, let's assume that he teaches 5 to 10 students in a faraway area and comes back . he cares about them, these are heroes , find these people all over the country and introduce them as heroes.
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a friendly country for everyone who loves iran. ladies and gentlemen, now is the time to go to the city of household goods.
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we built a house for you to come and see they say that you can buy it in installments , whatever you want, come to sarad, different accessories of any model and name , don't worry about buying, they have different prices, come to sarad , come to sarad, it has a lot of discounts for anywhere you like, it has cool stuff, so what happened to buying installments
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, whatever you want? big house iranians in the cities of tehran, qom and isfahan, until 2:00 am in the city of tehran, i am your host. hello again, dear viewers, welcome to this part of the news. students in various universities around the world demonstrated in condemnation of the crimes of the zionist regime and together with american students. french police at the university of science the politician of toulouse kicked out the students protesting the installation of the zionist regime in gaza with a baton. tulbiac college of paris and don


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