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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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one of the places where the fundamental transformation document was implemented very well in the last 10 years was the establishment of farhangian university, one must honestly admit, but after the implementation of the document, that is, the document was announced in 1990, farhangian university was established, but it was withdrawn from israel in 1991, the document says. and the document of farhangian university itself says that no one can enter education except through these two universities, farhangian university and shahid rajaei , and article 28 of the farhangian university charter document, which is also a cultural one, says in the fields that the university cannot develop through farhangian university. this test should be held, this is article 28 farhangianeh university gives them the name of this exam, article 28, which means they have to go to farhangian university to get training and then return, so in the case of employment, they should not return before farhangian university. . farhangian university
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, for the importance of this university, once again, mr. agha went to visit the teacher, we go to his service there , he says that education is exposed to widespread retirement, we must compensate, so what will happen, compensation will not happen in 2018. corona, two years of corona has caused the rest of the education sector that we, our group of teachers, who are trained as teachers, are not all teachers.
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the rating law that was promulgated is the rating law. 26/541, the regulation will be implemented, that is , it will be implemented from that moment, the law itself will say when it will be implemented. out of 3160, those who were ranked 31, 640 were ranked by themselves, they did not wait to be ranked until 3142, suddenly together, nearly 89,90,000 the teacher has left. look, 80 thousand teachers , which is equivalent to about 7 of our home ministries, from the beginning to the end, dad, like this. a tsunami has been encountered
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therefore, we have to compensate now, but we did not neglect the development of ferangian university . last year, ferangian university increased its capacity by 25%. we passed the law of the seventh plan. the space is not more than 60,000 to 70,000 students. 60,000 students means 205, that is , i will spend 15,000 to 20,000
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in the year . was from some of the empty spaces of another device should be used , mr. minister did not turn to me, i said yes, i said according to my report, friends can't be happy , after all, we have to add it here , mr. khosravi, the noble people of iran, said to my servant , mr. minister, mr. president the university should come after me right now, the presidency, we didn't come back, we went to the presidency, he said: call two offices and 3 other people, especially the vice president of law . you heard my servant, you heard the minister, you heard one of the apparatus you should have helped. he heard the legal assistant , he heard the head of the honorable office, he heard the president of the university , he said that this should be resolved in agha's region, and this issue was resolved at that moment, 30 properties were given to farhangian university from the first of mehr barikalla, which is all doubtful. having it was determined at all, but that
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device did not care that this work, because it is finally a legal work, must be done right away, and that within 10 days, any other vacant space that friends say should be identified. let's talk about the recruitment of my teachers, whose recruitment methods have changed again, with the introduction of a report that we will come back to and the minutes. the end of this conversation is that i have not received any training , i have no expertise in this field, how can i talk to a student. the elementary guidance should be correct , the teaching of an untrained teacher in the classrooms , we have not yet learned the necessary skills for a teacher , the issue that caused the evaluation of the teachers who are going to enter the schools from october this year to change, both the public interview and the healing presentation or some kind of
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teaching. role playing, case study, and group discussion by these four tools are worthy of being examined. teacher job applicants are taken from teaching. here are some numbers. how many courses do we have? i have three bachelor's degrees in psychology . become a math teacher. well, it's the beginning of all courses , it's definitely not just math, and their virtual transmission ability is also measured. i know that i need training, this part is my strength . the scene of their conversation with the children , how is it now? it's calm, there's a smile in their conversation. we're all here. we pay attention . he uses power in his classroom. does he bring a clip? did he bring a movie? he uses it himself, he encourages my children
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to use this clip and virtual space at home or not. in this assessment, the applicants for the job of a teacher should also solve the educational problem of the students . we had a couple of disrespects in the class. personally, the order of the class is messed up . sometimes being middle to high means that they can keep some of our items. in order to be accountable to his parents, three qualifications must be examined: general qualification professional qualification and specialized qualification in a local job that is declared three times the capacity, 3 people rank one. the best choice is the way education is , naturally, if they reach the quorum, the first person who announced that new teachers this year can only enter the classrooms with a photo of their professional qualification certificate. amir sessin zulfaqi of
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sed and cima news agency is now the first in the field of attracting you this year. we held this natural teacher exam . you see, the year 1402 was the most historic year of our recruitment and recruitment. we entered training with 70,000 new teachers, of which 50,000 were from the same place. article 28 was 20,000 tashem to be a teacher of farhangian university and shahid rajaei, who was chosen to be an option once again last year . it was a rare event both in terms of quantity and especially in terms of quality. i emphasize that the historicity of this recruitment is our quality, the correct and wise selection based on the principle of discovering someone who has the talent of a teacher along with the love and interest of a teacher, because being a teacher is not really a job, it is
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not really a job. the clamp is a teacher of love that is given to you by a human being for the sake of teachers, if they look at their jobs from the perspective of love , no teacher will ever die in history because it will multiply in the next generations, this will happen this year as well. the recruitment of 28,300 students for cultural university, approximately 200 students for shahid rajaei university, and a number of students for private and exceptional schools for this year's entrance exam was a big event. of course, everything that we wanted was not possible in this basic test , because other laws have to be passed before the laws are passed it is in the parliament that has determined the start time of the change , from when it is possible
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to change something. we identify our people, you may not believe that you will be informed, we have more than 600 thousand people who have applied to 30 thousand cultural universities, and these are determined in the same entrance examination , that is, to give the teacher's talent test, 30% of it, 50 % of it, this test is the final 50 of them. . i had a special test under the title of the teacher's talent he had a few lessons that will really help him in the years to come. the important thing is that at the end of this month, god willing , we will get the first result in a few days as planned. we have a good opportunity for these evaluation centers. years ago, on august 3, 21, and august 25 , they used to check the results and say, sir, you have 15 days to return them to us.
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it is like they say that a specialist doctor should be with the patient for at least 15 minutes, but in practice what you see is 5 minutes, sometimes it is not really 20 minutes at the most. when we go to the small towns, the story is completely different. here, the evaluation centers only say their evaluations. the scores are accumulated in the system. in tehran, it is analyzed completely whether this person really has that talent as a teacher or not. yes, and all those who are in sunderkar education say that
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the 1402 recruitment exams were unique compared to the past because the person who came is very prepared . we had a plan, i was not myself at that time, but the problems i admit that it was held a little late, but when we went to class, we did not have that challenge at all. because these are ready to be completed this year , alhamdulillah, the exams are the best. the first exam was held on march 18. this exam was the same as the one that was held in 2014. the second exam will be held on march 14. i apologize for the fact that the 28th was held on december 12th. it was held on december 12th.
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an institution that was founded 43 years ago by martyrs rajaei and bahoner, an institution that was later dissolved and replaced by a student organization, and with this decision cultivation coaches lost their independence to the extent that the parliament revived the vice-culture department with 161 votes , although with this resolution full of coaches. varshi in the schools came alive again, but instead of paying attention to the individual and social needs of the students, they only
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rang the bells and became the only executors of the directives. revolution were attractive, but they have no attraction for the third and fourth generation, this has become repetitive, they don't add anything new at all. it doesn't bother us. educational affairs became more intense with the closure of schools for 3 years, the virtualization of classes, social harms have passed from our adults , passed from our youth, and today behind the doors of our schools, and have shown their effects in families, those skills or sub-skills or sub -skills that are necessary in your work, in your job, in your interpersonal relationships. relationships in life, in society, they have this or they don't have this. educational matters are so important that 5 hours out of 6
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educational hours are dedicated to him according to the transformation document. about 47 eight programs in total there are 20 programs out of the total, for example, the program that the ministry of education has is part of the field of education, and now it has been forgotten. the concerns of the directors of the educational coaches schools are the high volume of directives and... activities and programs in such a way that the directors of the coaching schools say that the volume of these programs is so much that we can only report that education and training are the two wings of education and training. which together can provide the growth of students in every way and this requires a review of education in the goals of educational affairs of schools and distance from dramatic works and dealing with deep activities is the basis of amir hossein zulfiqari sada and siim news agency, sir, we
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have two or three minutes, mr. doctor, yes, now this issue. according to hazrat agha, in a meeting with one of the country's cultural groups, he said that if we consider the body and the soul as one, which of course are not the same, logically, whatever we give to the body, we should also give to the soul. but in practice, we did not follow mr.'s words. and today, i myself felt that we answered some of the concerns of the supreme leader of the revolution about the document, he knows that the document is in our hands and we are moving forward according to this plan that he has drawn. there is a task that we have to go ahead with. the interview of the cultural council is in legal rights, in the law, but it is a very important and serious law. now it is the turn of education to focus on this. in our education discussion, our
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main problem has been human resources . to how many students in the school, we should definitely give a training coach , we can cover it with the society. the third point is our direction in our direction this year. in fact , our focus is on the issue of social damage, which is to expose students to damage. that way is tabieh, the way is really medical, a movement under the title
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nast camp, we have civilizing nast camps, with the support of many, the most important of them is that we had a comprehensive program that we are following. it will go on and on, and especially the capacity of others . i mean, i tell my friends that this is empathy , convergence, harmony, and i always tell them that we are all looking for help from the outside. yes, external help is necessary, but
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if you are blind, what do you wish for it to unite itself, that is, a cultural university. educational research and planning organization, law, educational vice-president and our two vice-presidents of education unite together, we can solve many of our problems by ourselves, and god willing , we promise the honorable people of iran that a decisive part of their worries will be solved. you have created a capacity in the 7th plan . i would like to add another point. in a few seconds , a great deal has been done in the 7th plan to strengthen education. let's go to the parliament, god willing, the government will approve this work bill. it opens the way. some of the restrictions are now legal. our schools cannot use them in non-educational shifts . it is a legal issue. there is a lot of discussion, god willing. thank you for your service, mr. doctor. thank you for looking . good night. don't hurt, be healthy, forgive me, it's the end.
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no, let her go!
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the older generation say that the jews should not go to the land that was theirs, we should have a safe place for the jews, but the young people say that this is not true. the occupation of palestine is like colonization in the united states. united and it is no different, the younger generation has seen the barbaric occupation and witnessed the barbarity of the zionists in gaza in the past decades. therefore, they recognize that israel is actually a fascist regime that considers jews above all. the young generation of america says that we cannot tolerate this issue . we see no difference between the israelis and the nazis or other fascist governments that existed. therefore , we stand with the oppressed against the oppressors who massacre people. we know that american students, especially at columbia university, are jewish. is it are the protests a threat to the zionists? these protests
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are led not only by palestinians and muslim arabs and their allies, but also by anti-zionist jews. of course, there is also a big claim that these protests are anti-semitic. but this is not true. a large number of jews are present in these reforms. there are thousands of jews who are protesting in the streets and thinking for the same reason . in your opinion , there will be a change in the decisions of the zionist lobbies in america after these protests. certainly, i think that the israel lobby has realized that it is now losing. now they see that people have access to information that is not controlled or that is new and correct. the
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israeli lobby is very worried about this issue because these young people will eventually become lawyers, politicians, doctors, and university professors. they understand that they are on the losing side of history. now the majority of young people, plus 70% of american people, support palestine . this change is for the first time in the history of america, and i believe that
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a few years ago, in a friendly meeting, my compatriot haj qasim presented the gold medal of the asian games of south korea to the national champion of iran after the inchon games of south korea, which was held in 2014. i presented my medal to this honorable man , made him great and came to our house, exactly where his photo is sleeping, this noble man is sitting and this is the best memory of my life and this finger. i want you to see the gift they gave me that day. this hero of kermani, who is now the secretary of the athletics board of his province. but
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after the operation, sadegh peyman nasiri came to tehran to thank the national hero of these days, may god bless you, don't get tired of kerman , thank god, now peyman nasiri has presented his dearest with the most valuable sign of his sports career. in the operation of the promise of sadiq, the number of flowers planted here. thanks to all the courage and bravery of this dear commander, who with the historical operation of the honest promise to punish all the bullies of the world and make the iranian flag proud all over the gate, we won the gold medal of the london paralympic games , we won our first sports medal
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. sardar hajizadeh, who was the host of this athlete , said that 20% of the strength of an army was spent in confronting the whole of america, england and france, and yet, alhamdulillah, this great victory was achieved and this was thanks to the blessing of the blood of tadbir martyrs. and that decision and will of the supreme leader. it was the prayers of the people and in fact it was the will of the people that found tolor and you, now we were not soldiers, and then the sardar had a request from this athlete. no, no , no, no, this is ours, now we are giving you a gift, it is nice that you are here , of course, sardar hajizadeh also has a gift for
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our guests. a rosary should be presented to astan quds . we will have time. mashhad is coming . we will present it to astan with your presence. this is very good. it's a good job. this is a good job. babak kazemi , sed and sima news agency. we all have to put as much as we have into the middle so that the work will go ahead. i myself
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will put everything i have worked until today. we will put everything we have before we start a new job, we will have more money, how come we just barely provided the foundation of ruby, middle ruby, you had ruby ​​and you didn't say that ruby ​​is the education with which we can increase our money and go to work with peace of mind, how should we do it? let's take action, just go to the united nations credit institution let's ask for more than what we give and take and start working. the nations of vizhi business, the credit institution of the nations, quality, variety, quality , variety, quality, variety, friends, friends, in the city of household appliances, there is quality, but there is no variety. no matter how
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you calculate it, you are the winner of this bismillah rahman raheem greetings . dear viewer, welcome to the news of 230 news channel: isis claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack on shia worshipers in herat. isis announced in a message that isis members to the worshipers.


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