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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm IRST

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a welcome the work topics of the leader of the revolution for education and training, from the identification of the adolescent and young generation and the creation of enthusiasm and hope to the material and non -material empowerment of teachers and the strengthening of educational assistants. hazrat ayatollah khamenei, the crimes of the zionist regime and the complicity of america, the legitimacy of the iranian nation's position in rejecting the occupation regime.
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pro-palestinian student only at columbia university and city college of new york in the last 24 hours. the beginning of a one-week advertising period. the second election
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of the islamic council will start in less than 3 hours from tomorrow. be ready for crisis management following the warning flooding rains in the western and southwestern provinces of the country. meteorological organization: rains will peak from tonight. the risk of flooding in the province will increase tomorrow. and in a special news interview with the presence of the chairman of the parliament's program and budget commission, we will examine what are the advantages of the two-stage budget review , and how the review of the budget tables in the public arena has contributed to the transparency and reform of the budget structure.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. good night, dear and respected viewers. we congratulate all the valuable teachers of our country. i would like to congratulate my first grade teacher, mr. fatemi, on this special occasion. i hope they are healthy. i invite you to pay attention to the details of the news at 21:00. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution met thousands of teachers and educators all over the country on teacher's day.
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they called honoring and thanking the teacher as the duty of the individual of the nation, and pointing out that education cannot be compared to any other institution in terms of importance and effectiveness, they added the identification of the youth generation and the creation of enthusiasm and hope in him, continuous transformation, material and non -material empowerment of teachers, support of teacher training centers, strengthening of educational assistants and role models in the community of teachers. the most important work topics are education. ayatollah khamenei also called the spread of demonstrations in support of the palestinian nation in the united states and other countries as a sign of the continued priority of the gaza issue in the world's public opinion and emphasized the crimes of the zionist regime and the complicity of the united states with it, the legitimacy of the iranian nation's system in rejecting the occupying regime and it proved pessimism towards america. and let everyone know that there is no
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solution to the palestinian issue except the return of this the land does not exist for its muslim, jewish and christian owners, and the relations with their regime congratulated the dear community of teachers on teacher's day as the nurturers of virtue and the future builders of the country and said: everyone's attention and respect to teachers creates more attraction for this honorable job, promotion the level of society becomes teachers and as a result the country is promoted, and it is necessary for media and tribune owners. public events should be activated in explaining the position of the teacher and the need to praise him. the leader of the revolution listed the reason for the difference between the importance of education and other institutions in the training of human resources and said: all institutions
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they employ human resources, but education nurtures human resources. hazrat ayatollah considered the active teacher to be the identity builder of the youth generation and said: every word and behavior of the teacher's position and even the gesture of the teacher has an effect on the character building of the new generation. he called the existence of good human resources incomparable with natural resources and capital and said: progress, security, health, science and the realization of all human and islamic values ​​in the country are at stake. the existence of suitable manpower is the responsibility of education. ayatollah khamenei's words of the minister of education in this they assessed the meeting as good and added: thank god, some of the points
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we have made in the past years have been put into practice. in explaining the important topics of education, the leader of the revolution called the implementation of the transformation document the most important. and they said: we lost due to inaction and lack of attention to this document in the past years. but the revision of this document being finalized and the development of its implementation roadmap is good news that the restoration of the transformation document with the use of elites inside and outside of education should continue. empowerment was the second topic that ayatollah khamenei mentioned about the duties of education. raised they did he said: livelihood and material empowerment of teachers has always been emphasized and now everything possible should be done in this field. the leader of the revolution added: empowerment has another axis, and that
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is the consistency of the work of a teacher. it means that the teacher should use the spiritual power and love for education that exists in every human being and make the teacher's busy job consistent and stable by benefiting from the necessities, needs and experiences. in the same discussion, he considered the intention, spirit, motivation and true understanding of a teacher to be necessary for the education of the new generation and added: a teacher is only a class teacher. and teaching is not realized. hazrat ayatollah khamenei also requires the strengthening of teacher training centers to be achieved by the society. farhangian university and other teacher training centers should be fully strengthened. the third topic explained by the leader of the revolution was the importance and necessity of strengthening the vice-chancellor of education. he said: at
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some point, some people said that the educational assistant is not necessary and the teacher himself performs the task of education in addition to teaching. of course, this is true. but it is not enough for the teacher to pay attention to educational issues, and there should be a group in charge of this very important issue. ayatollah khamenei prevented the creation and they called the prevalence of social harms as part of the expectations from the youth and said: the premise and condition for the realization of this important thing is that there are no social harms in the schools themselves, which is part of the duties of the vice-chancellor of education. you're going to die. correcting the fundamental issues of the country's system for teenagers and young people was another task of the vice president of education, which the leader of the revolution pointed out and said: these millions of young people who we
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have in educational education in schools should know the fundamental interests of the system and the interests of their country . let your friends and enemies know their country. know the basic issues needed by their country. other enemies' propaganda. and all these billions of efforts they are making to advertise and mislead the public opinion of the enemy's country , it will end if our teenagers are prevented in this field . it will be embarrassing to tell the youth of the country
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what are the components of the country's interests and what is the logic behind it. this is important . for example, let's assume that now about america, for example , they are chanting death to america. well, the youth is chanting, but he should know why he is saying death to america. why do we say death? management stability in short change education the leader of the revolution in another headline emphasizing the importance of the term of management. they considered it to be the reason for the failure of basic works and said: i
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emphasize stability in high to mid-level management so that important programs and works can be followed. ayatollah khamenei, referring to the existence of role models for different classes of society, called role modeling by introducing the best examples of teachers as necessary and inspiring and added: education should be role models. a successful person, such as a teacher who teaches well , or has spent many years of his life teaching, or has traveled to difficult areas for teaching students has taken life to identify and introduce this teacher as the heroes of education. in another part of his speech and expressing the expectations from the community of teachers , he called the teacher not only the teacher of science but also the nurturer of the student's identity and said: a teacher can
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discover and actualize the student's potential abilities and talents like extracting gold and silver from a mine. slow therefore, in addition to learning science, the teacher should give the student motivation, effort, self-confidence and enthusiasm for lessons and work so that his inner capacities flourish. giving a national look to the waiting student there was another one that the leader of the revolution pointed to and said: what does it mean to look at this student nationally? that is, we have a broad plan to run the country for the country's progress. if the houses in this table are filled correctly, the result will be the country's progress. your class is one of these houses in this table.
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this student should feel that he is a part of a group of a whole, he should know that he is studying now , this is a part of a collective and general movement, a part of the advanced group, which should be instilled in the student. of course, the teacher must feel this before the student. this advice we want the teacher to know that your class is not an isolated part of the series. this is one of the components of the collection that has this huge machine with its own movement. there is a country , it is called a society, it is called a system, it is moving and
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moving forward . he considered creating hope as the duty of other teachers and added: hope is the guarantee of the country's future, and if someone instills hope in the hearts of young people, he has actually helped build the future of the country , and this is why he repeatedly insists on creating hope. we do ayatollah khamenei they added: people who disappoint the youth because of stubbornness with the system or the government or other people are actually harming the future of the country. encouraging students to engage in social activities as well as teaching students skills were other recommendations of the leader of the revolution to teachers. ayatollah
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khamenei addressed the issue of gaza in the final part of his speech and added: despite many efforts. zionists and their american and european supporters , the issue of gaza is still the first issue of the world, which protests against the crimes of the zionist regime in american universities and its expansion to european universities. there are signs of continued sensitivity of world public opinion to the gaza issue. he called the daily increase in the pressure of public opinion on the occupying regime as necessary and added: the brutal and cruel behavior of the zionist authorities proved the correctness of the position of the islamic republic and the people of iran, and the killing of thirty thousand people, half of whom are women and children, is the essence of evil. and the wickedness of the zionist regime and the truth of iran's permanent position were shown to the whole world. you see
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what the americans and their related organizations are doing with the university students with language opposition to israel americans do not destroy, do not make slogans of destruction , do not kill anyone, do not set fire to a place, do not break a glass, this is how they are being treated, merck in america, death in america, death in america, death in america. this behavior of the americans also showed the correctness of the position of the islamic republic in its cynicism towards the united states , that is, in fact, the death of the american that you mentioned showed everyone that the united states
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is an accomplice. this is a lie, contrary to the fact, what a person observes, in practice , shows america's complicity and complicity in this crime. how can boghor become an accomplice in this unforgivable sin with the zionist regime? how is it possible for a person to be optimistic about such a system or such a regime or trust his words? ayatollah khamenei called the only solution to the palestinian issue proposed by iran, which is the return of palestine to its original owners, including muslims, christians
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and jews, and emphasized that until palestine returns to its owners. the problem of west asia will not be solved, and even if they try to keep the zionist regime alive in 20 or 30 years, which they will not be able to do, god willing, this problem will not be solved. was. the leader of the revolution added: palestine should return to its people and after the establishment of the palestinian system, they should decide what to do with the zionists. referring to movements to normalize relations between the zionist regime and the countries. they said: some people think that the problem will be solved with these actions, while assuming the normalization of relations between the zionist regime and the surrounding arab countries, not only the problem will not be solved, but the problem will be directed at the governments that turn a blind eye to the crimes. the occupying regime has made friends with it and the nations
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will fall for the lives of those governments. at the beginning of this meeting, the minister of education and parvesh in the report: announced the final stages of revising the transformation document. mr. sahrai announced the approval of the implementation roadmap of the transformation document, focusing on teachers, educational and educational programs, schools, and educational evaluation among other activities. the unprecedented recruitment of 70,000 teachers with the priority of recruiting student teachers, completion of the construction of 2900 schools across the country, software. the contribution of technical and vocational students in the second secondary education level, following the policy of each student has a job skill, promotion of educational and counseling matters was one of the axes of the report of the minister of education in this meeting.
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with the escalation of student protests in america, the police new york arrested more than 300 students last night at just two universities, city college and columbia. in new york, police deployed hundreds of officers to deal with students who gathered at city college. the police clashed with dozens of students.
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at columbia university in new york, hundreds of police forces took action to suppress students. the spark of recent student protests from columbia university. 108 students were arrested. negotiations between the students and the university president to stop the protests failed two days ago. the police took dozens of arrested students to prison by bus. at the university in california, a group of supporters of the regime sehunist
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attacked the students who gathered in support of palestine with sticks and iron rods . these students are here to express their protest. also, be the voice of those who cannot voice their protest and for what they believe in. take action this is a beautiful issue and i want it not to be violent. at the university of north carolina , students took down the american flag and replaced it with the palestinian flag, which was followed by the arrest of at least 36 students. in other countries, in support of protesting american students demonstrations were held. england and greece were among these countries. condemning the crimes of the zionists in other universities of the world. at the university of leeds , england, hundreds of people
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joined the protestors of the gaza war with demonstrations. the french police at the university of political sciences in tellues kicked out the protesting students with batons. toluyak college of paris and bandari city university of berdo because of the protests in support of palestine and condemning the zionist regime. auckland university students in new zealand also showed their solidarity with gaza by setting up tents and demonstrating knowledge.
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in france, police anti-zionist demonstrations in the city suppressed lyon in london, the capital of england, a protest rally was held in front of the entrances of the ministry of international trade. participants. in this gathering , they demanded to stop issuing weapons export licenses to the zionist regime. the number of detained american pro-palestinian students reached 1,300. texas is one of the states that arrested protesting students, and this is while the law of freedom of speech in universities was passed in this state some time ago. last year, several rallies in various universities in texas were accompanied by police repression. after these events 4 years ago greg abt the governor of the state of texas has a new law in this.
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the state approved. some universities prohibit free speech on campus. not anymore, because i'm about to sign legislation that protects free speech on texas college campuses . this is a law. the law that was supported by the knowledge community 6 months ago during the celebration of freedom of speech week. we don't want to invest in israel as a university and as a country, but since last week abbott has deployed the department of public safety to help quell protests at the university of texas at austin. students in state universities that
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its governor approved the freedom of speech law, and now they face pepper spray and beatings by the police. on the one hand, they say you know that you have freedom of speech , and on the other hand, it completely destroys it, and the governor who supports his freedom of speech says this about them. arrests are being made now and will continue until the crowd disperses . protesters are in jail. 15 people, including 5 children, were martyred in the attack of the zionist regime's fighters in east rafah. yala yala
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in gaza city and in the north of this strip, at the same time as the zionist apache helicopters, the artillery of this regime also shelled the areas various settlements continue from zeitoun in the southeast of gaza city . the fighters of the zionist regime also targeted the jabalia camp in the north of the gaza strip . in the center of the gaza strip, the artillery of the zionist regime bombarded the areas of al-maqraqa al-zahra, sharq al-brij and deir al-balah , as a result of which dozens of palestinians were martyred and wounded. in response to the crimes of the zionists , the qassam battalions announced: they have targeted the gathering place of the zionist army in hulit town with a large number of short-range rajum missiles. zionist sources said 12 in the last 24 hours
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zionist military in the gaza strip. they were injured . lebanon's hezbollah targeted the locations of zionist soldiers in the military settlements in the north of the occupied territories. we will go with my colleague based on the border of lebanon and occupied palestine. hello mr. azimzadeh. tell me , in which cities has hezbollah targeted the locations of zionist soldiers? mr. zahorian, dear viewers, hello , happy shabtoon, lebanon's hezbollah issued four statements until this morning. in these statements, they announced three locations of the zionist military in two military settlements, a rally and a base for them. in its statements, hezbollah has targeted a building that was the location of zionist soldiers in a
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military settlement in response to the attacks of zionist soldiers on residential areas in southern lebanon. allah, as well as two buildings where zionist soldiers were stationed and gathered in ashtallah military settlement in the northwest of the occupied territories with its own guided missiles , hezbollah targeted a gathering of zionist soldiers this morning near branit barracks in the northwest. occupied territories are targeted with guided missiles as well as mortars roysat alam base is the largest zionist military base in blandi. the occupied tombs of shabaa and the occupied hills of kufrshu have been targets of hezbollah's offensive operations. zionist fighter jets have been attacking terfa since this morning. the armed drones of the zionist military have also attacked around ramya. also, the artillery of the zionist regime attacked five points in the south of lebanon, including al-mashaab and ita shaab, from this morning until now.


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