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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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please be a viewer, thank you. mr. haji babaei, you are part of a special news conversation , please let's start with this report, the same introduction that i presented. how much does this two-stage budgeting help with transparency? it makes the budget expenses not to increase. the criticisms that the members of the parliament had in previous years, how much could this two-stage process help and be a positive thing, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . as it is one of the beauties of human manifestations in every society, i would like to congratulate all the dear educators and wish them success
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for our dear ones, the budget of 1403 was two-stage as you said, that is, until the end of march, we approved stage a or the first stage, which was the general rules, the figures were the big words of the budget , and we handed them over to the government. he went to the ceiling that we had determined and compiled and brought the tables for the second stage. he brought the tables for us and we didn't have to deal with these tables anymore. we just checked the tables. we tried to prepare all the tables and provide them clearly and clearly, and for the first time, in fact, the tables in the floor of the parliament was raised. we all gave detailed reports
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, spoke against, spoke in favor, spoke in favor, the government spoke and voted for them , how was the procedure before ? the table was not presented in that way on the floor of the parliament, we checked the rulings and the main numbers , we worked in the commissions. and in the end, we prepared the tables based on the approvals and sent them to the government, apart from the transparency , what was the other positive point, see one of the important points , of course, i still think that it is a step it's better, i myself was a one-sided fan of the two , but despite all the positive points you say , each of them has a positive point, now it's because it has positive points, we have to follow up, and that's what i said. the necessary transparency can be done, but
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it will take a long time, for example, if it was one-stage, we would have finished our asfen, now that it has become two-stage, we have come in, for example, farvardin urdohasht, we are also approving the budget by march , but the budget should be finished well, it has advantages, that one also has advantages , it may have disadvantages, it may also have advantages, but whatever it was important that there was a good transparency , because sometimes in different years, one of the key points was that the examples indicate where the tables are, and why we don't see these tables , and in hand, that is, everyone from monitoring could actually use doing monitoring , they could see all the tables , look at the small tables, discuss why this number is like this, why that number is like this. we were able
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to see all the numbers at a glance and this was very positive and we were actually able to play a good role for both the honorable representatives and to be careful. look, you mentioned a point . we do not accept this point in the 1403 budget at all . no, no, i did not say that the two-stage process could have prevented the increase in the budget. one stage or two stages, we don't have an increase in the cost as it is said, really, now we have approved the budget in the first stage, it is interesting to know that in 1403, maybe for the first time , about 90 and more than 95% of the budget was lost. we did not close and did not change. that is, what the government said,
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we did not increase the costs in any way now the bill that the government brought to us, this bill that the government brought to us today, we approved and finished it, one rial higher than what the government said, one rial even, that is, everything that the government brought to us, without increasing a single rial, was approved. we did, but we may have some changes within this, the changes were very small , that is, maybe the 95 budget has not changed and we have about 45 places , we do not have an increase. 6 units actually have an additional tax on it
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which of the following is 75? 60 times 75 is 450. the government had calculated 385 and 65 is the increase of this money. so this tax did not increase, it was calculated. we also reduced the exemptions. we said, sir, the companies that have been paying taxes until now, please pay up to 500 billion tomans in taxes from this year onwards. have an exemption it was a very good job. because of the policies of the leadership that announced and in fact about the 7th plan and we decided to reduce the exemptions. a certain amount should be made towards the reduction of exemptions in tax evasion. bases tax we should have good taxes and not put pressure on the people, so we didn't raise a single rial , we didn't increase the taxes. one thing that is always discussed about the resources and the budget deficit is that in the past years, we
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had a deficit, this year's budget is 1403. there is a deficit. you see, i may have given an explanation. it also got some different reflections in the country. i believe that it is the cost. the government has more than its income and this causes a certain amount of presence. of course, this budget that the government brought this year means the previous year for this year. in fairness, in terms of transparency, in terms of more detailed investigation and good works that the budget has been done, it is better than the previous budgets , the actual resources have been considered, the expenses are more than the resources you provided, that is, we are confident, especially in the goal of mendi, friends. you know my goal is that for this year, depending on your presence , we will give direct subsidies of 120,000 billion tomans per month for basic goods, the real
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120,000 million is 120,000. we pay you a salary, that is, monthly salaries and subsidies amount to 220 thousand billion tomans, that's a lot the government is big for the issue of subsidies as much as 120 thousand billion tomans that it is spending , it will face some people in some places. finally , because i have to give you an example , when the government will spend 18 billion dollars next year. basic goods are supposed to be 15 billion, but the final reality is that it will be 18 billion. after 18 billion, the government wants to give subsidies for basic goods, which you have to pay . the dollar is now 60 tomans, when it sells for 28 tomans, for example, it is actually buying, that is, 18 to 32
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, which means a about 55 thousand billion tomans , here the government actually pays 900 subsidies real. in the note on subsidy targeting and note 8 or table 14, these add up to 140, and for example, 50 to 144 will be 50 divided by 12 each. in fact, it is about 120. you should do this. in fact, the government, now simplify. let's say how much our deficit was in the 143-year budget . see how much our budget deficit was . we don't announce the deficit now. you see, we actually have a balance . the government will announce the balance, but finally, when we reach the end of the year, if the government can make a series of predictions. we don't have anyone who can achieve what he agreed to do, but if he really can't achieve it, he will it may be very slow
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. how is our construction budget compared to last year? how much has it changed compared to last year ? that is, out of 205 and 62 shares of the government's general budget, 400 shares were for property ownership, and 375 shares were in the parliament. it became 400. how much has it changed compared to last year? how much has it changed compared to last year? last year it was 375, 375 this year it is 400 to 400. let 's go to oil. we had predicted about 624 tons of oil, 580 this year we predicted, that is, the government predicted. and what the government had predicted, we didn't increase or decrease a single rial, that is
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, we put 580 effort directly for the government, because there are three items that are effective here in order to achieve this, one is the amount of oil sales, and the other is actually the price of oil per barrel. no matter how many dollars and how many rials per dollar, these 3 reasons and three factors will make 580 efforts come true or come true. a discussion that we followed up a lot during the reform of the budget structure was the issue of the account entered into the treasury . i also wrote here that about 50,000 accounts in the central bank have not yet been centralized. obviously, now the name of the ministry of petroleum and medical sciences has not yet been transferred to the central bank. why do you see, maybe one of the main reasons. in the program commission, i mentioned here once, we followed up with some banks, some
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companies that actually have accounts in some banks, some of them are related to nafta company, some of them are from different places . for the commissions , of course, it was not very acceptable for us , the arguments that are brought is that in time let it go so that we can actually return this because of some of the actions that may exist in the society and the reactions . divan mosbat has thoroughly checked all the accounts and we have informed the government and they have used all their power to the government so that in fact they can have a good summation, god willing, and in the end they can transfer all the accounts to the bank account. the issue of transparency
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was one of the points raised in the 143 budget we wanted to come to those who get preferential treatment, make their names clear and announce that this has not happened yet. why did i say preferential treatment to those who get preferential treatment? . for example, we call it 18 billion dollars of government revenue, 15 billion dollars. you should prefer to buy basic goods . whether you are committing a violation or not, the agencies under the court of accounts should investigate and report to us . these reports are usually subtracted from the budget. it will be announced if if there is a mistake and if there is a problem , it should be announced, but usually those who make mistakes are introduced to the judiciary and not in general
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. the government of 758 hemat ro. but the government has decided that it will be able
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to compensate for this during the year. we were also of the opinion that in note 8 or table no. 14 or the targeting of various grants , we should make it available to the government so that the government can balance it throughout the year, but currently we are in here, i feel a prediction of maybe 300 tomans in fact, the government needs to repair it throughout the year. if it doesn't, it may actually face a deficit , considering the revenues and costs that unfortunately exist, one of the main reasons is that last year we imported about 2 billion dollars of gasoline. that's it. well, since we have 123.4 million liters , we consume the amount that we should have exported . we can't export anymore. in some areas , we have problems. last year
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, we imported 1 billion dollars. this year, we have to import 2 billion dollars. and my 2.7 billion dollars should be contracted with pedroshimia. it is closed so that they can convert methanol from their production to gasoline . yes, this is a formula that actually caused our note 14 or our note 8 or our table no. 14 to face a serious problem. in 1403, the parliament has not taken any decision on this issue, now that there is no change in our budget layer, and that is the point.
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one issue that many people always follow is the discussion of equating one culture with another. always follow the ranking. they are doing what happened in this , adjusting the salary of the prison, please dear pensioners who are listening , inform those who don't see the program, be sure to inform them because some people send us bitter text messages. it should be implemented this year. my budget has been predicted, but why hasn't it been implemented since the first of april, because the 90% that they call 40 cc was approved in the 7th plan, that is, the formula in the 7th plan, the 7th plan had a series of returns from the guardian council that yesterday we approved this seventh program to go to the council
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if there is no problem with the guard, it becomes a law and the government is obliged to make the orders. whenever the orders are passed, they will be calculated from the first of april. ah , that is, no matter how long it takes, i am worried that the orders should be passed from the first of april. the respected spokesperson of the government also explained. my other friends said that they are not worried. they don't know, they didn't deceive us , they didn't tell a mistake, they didn't tell a lie, a word like this, i want to ask all of you. dear those who hear my message, please tell this to those who don't hear my message hope they are true, we said it was honorable, we said that the government is really working, the parliament is working, and no one in the islamic republic system has said that they are wrong
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. everyone is honest in what they say. it was intended , we confirmed it, now i don't know if it should go, it has to find two issues and come back. it may take 15 days, but the work of the parliament is really finished now, if it is approved by the guardian council, god willing , it will be sent to another government. done, accepted now, what's wrong with your case, the form must have been sent to you by sms. at that time , it will be opened from the 31st of september. yes, the rating has been done since the 1st of mehrma, and there is a group that has not been paid , that they have a debt, that is true, but the pension organization has a legal issue. but what we
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did in the parliament is to adjust the salaries of those who got the rating or those who did not get the rating, the pain of the adjustment does not make any difference. it is supposed to be coordinated and aligned with the one who got the rating . everyone should understand, but they are saying, sir , what will happen if they don't give us that time, i ca n't lie to you, i can tell you clearly that nothing has happened so far, this case is because of legal problems , legal problems, when it can't be taken, he did something special, me too. i can't say here , hoping to god, i will follow up because it's been 3 days for they should follow up if
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they reach a legal point, but in any case , they should wait until syncing, and if that happens , it will also happen to those who are not ranked. yes , it will happen to all of them and it will be compensated. the fact that sending you text messages is an influence is explained
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by the government in iran's hefandi. i don't know how to deal with this problem it's a banking thing, i don't know, they have to apply , i don't know, deposit money, it's a bit difficult for people to tell me more, we hope that the government will solve this. they don't have to make a deposit , they have to buy a certain amount to get more credit. in parentheses, we have also said that, basically, if we want to take a look, we will see how the budget of 1403 looks like, low income, what specific changes it has. tell me about the changes in the budget. no , we have talked about the low-income groups . look at the ones that i have defined , i said that i will not be small about that fate. look, when we are in note 8 or table 14, 758 hammet is actually
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predicted. in my opinion, 900 of these 900 are explained between a welfare relief committee, bread subsidy, drug subsidy and 400 tomans. the 300 tomans they give to people means that people know. whatever we sell gasoline , we export gasoline, we export oil, gas, or we produce oil, gas, gas, and all these collect money in one place, all this money is distributed for 400 tomans and 300 tomans, drug subsidy, bread subsidy of the basist relief committee, that's right for buying products, in addition , i said that my 15 billion dollars is for aid and support, that is, in fact, these are the basic goods that i said. all 15 billion dollars means the government is 18 billion dollars, the total share of the government's oil sales this year is 18 dasham, it seems to me that the basic goods are correct for
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the guaranteed purchase of agricultural products. he predicted a smaller amount of about 160 to 70. some help is needed. i said medicine 74 years ago he has seen that it should be with up to 180, and the rest of the basic hat will also be discussed. in fact, the 15 billion dollars that i mentioned, corn, and i don't know these things, should be purchased, that is 15 billion dollars, so that these farmers' demands will not be delayed, because you said that there is a difference , something has been considered for that, mash, 6 thousand billion tomans , in fact, we put aside for help. in addition to him , we have put about $ 1 billion or one troops to help the cultivation pattern
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of about 2 billion tomans to equip all centers across the country. farmers actually want to help with that 85% and 15% as a share. we reduced the farmers to irrigate under the pressure of the greenhouse that they have to do . i have a point here, i would like to give a warning to the banks. my intention was that those who borrow up to 200 million tomans will be forgiven. unfortunately, they are seriously harassing our farmers . he called me and said that i went to tela 20 times and came back, and he gave me the correct answer. an account has not been given. i am requesting that both the central bank and other banks help and this law that the parliament implement the approved plan well and
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our dear farmers will suffer. it should be less than 20,000 billion. we predicted that there will be 200 hemats for marriage loans and housing allowances, infertility and other such issues, and how much has it changed compared to the previous year, it was 200 hemats. believing that we can't do it will cause inflation and increase the monetary base. we also tried not to put too much pressure on the government, which means that the compulsory education for banks
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has not increased much, the same figure as last year. 100 of my colleagues for the door in fact, we predicted the results of the loan production , and it was the same as last year. in fact, it is all 300. i hope that banks should pay more attention. inshallah , both the banks and the government will try to provide the necessary assistance. very good. you mentioned the production , i am grateful for your presence that the 14th budget has been planned to fulfill the slogan of the year that the production jump , how many minutes, i will tell you a few things. first, on the 31st, we actually budgeted 31 thousand billion tomans for production throughout the country. about 70 % of this is provided to the provinces about 737 provinces, the rest is in the hands of the government
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. this is done nationally, and when it is combined with the banks, the debt will increase to 93 thousand billion tomans. 100 thousand billion tomans have actually been fixed. in addition , 100 thousand billion tomans of the bank's capital, which is housing , is going to increase for the production of housing and the jump in the production of housing throughout the country. 19 billion dollars goes into the reserve fund from the place of oil sales. this fund should actually provide this loan to the private sector for production in addition to this 662 thousand billion to invest in public companies. it is possible to discuss your presence for the next year, other than now, such as the private sector, municipalities , non-governmental public institutions, these are big numbers that we
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have a minute to produce in 1403. i would like to ask you two short questions. why has the subtraction of the 1401 budget not yet been read? why has the subtraction of the 1401 budget not been read? it has been given to the board of governors . i don't know when. the board of governors should review it and take it to the parliament table. in fact, it should be read. it should go to the budget program commission for review. do you know when it will be? yes, i say, you probably don't know when i don't know now, my last question is these guys . our society is very follow-up. in the 7th plan, all police cars and uniforms were supposed to be equipped with these cameras. toman , through the incomes of the police force itself, we predicted a row that can help. thank you very much, mr. haji
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babaei, for the details of the budget. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashemzadegan with the world today, i am with you on the program we start with the latest images of the continuation of student protests against the zionist regime's genocide in gaza.


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