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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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this is an opinion, it can work like this. well , the complete case of violation has been committed. the director of the minister, the director of the municipal budget, who committed the violation , we can close this, refer it to the judicial system, say that we have done our work. this is an opinion. this is the model of behavior. in the 90th commission of the 11th term, we tried to look at this, that we simply said, sir , we gave this number of cases to the food authority , we did these things, and we did not move forward . at the same time, the violation was confirmed, our effort was to solve that problem for the people we sometimes held several meetings on the same issues , while this sword is for the principle 90 commission that can use it, we tried to interact with different institutions from the point of view of the authoritative authority, of course , to solve the people's problems in that issue, and of course always we remind this organization and the officials that if they don't do this sword, it means that it
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is inevitable, but we have tried to use this tool in the 11th period as far as possible, even in the part where we worked with the previous government. for example, in the issue of amending the check law or the same siadi checks dear mr. dr. hemti , being the head of the central bank at that time, it was a violation that these cases and the revision of the check law had not been implemented . bringing the article 90 commission for a complaint that existed, and the government's assessment at that time was that it is not capable of being implemented this soon. it is true that you have this law in the parliament and you passed it, but it is not capable of being implemented. this issue helped that this work be done in the country , after their change, the government also came and changed, and the heads of the central bank continue this law until today. it was implemented step by step, this is one of those hands. at that time, we could have said
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, mr. hemti, your violation is obviously based on a political point of view, which i sometimes said we should have told the previous government. judicially follow up on this matter, but would this be a fishing check for the people ? it is possible that we would have behaved in this way . to this day, the fishing check has not been implemented in the country according to the law . only we could say yes, we are the two officials in the country. for example, we took the judicial system and the verdict we got it for them. he did not relieve people's pain. the commission's effort was not in the 11th term, but in the part that we worked with the previous government. what in this government? that is, this view is not a political view. this view was really there to solve that problem of the people. or in this current government, the issue of the treasury unit account. well, based on the follow-up of the commission on article 90 of the constitution of the general institutions. implementing this
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, until this last week, we were still following up on the violation of the two ministries of health and oil, because some of the accounts of the universities of medical sciences have not yet been transferred to the accounts of the treasury unit, as well as the accounts of the national oil company and its related agencies, well, we can now serve the minister of health and mr. oil minister their case , close the food agency and work, but for a year and a half, this case is in our 90-principle commission. we have transferred a very large number of accounts to the account of the treasury unit, that is , we have done this, or in the matter of the law on the distribution of drugs on the internet, which is the right of the people, as you know in the level of big cities, when you are from a if you want to go from one place to another, how much does this traffic bother you and how much later you die from a drug which cannot be found in the pharmacies around their homes , it takes a day. maybe they will find it, maybe
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they won't find it. well, it is the right of the people to register the medicine they need in the virtual space . they say we need this medicine, that platform , that platform or whatever we want to call it , let him search with the pharmacy. around our house and announce that this pharmacy has it, or ask them to get it from that pharmacy, or have it delivered to their home by courier . in our country , they spend a lot of time in urban life it has also caused some of the children here to be ignorant. they may not take these medicines . parents who are very old and elderly can take the time to take prescriptions. well, the health of a part of the society is at risk. we followed up on this from the ministry of health and the food organization. and we followed up with medicine. we followed up with the ministry of communications and the institutions that are responsible in this field. well, alhamdulillah , the memorandum was signed 3 weeks ago, while
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there was a rigid atmosphere in the organization of the food and drug organization of the country. issue it is not even the country and this means that pharmacies are going out of business and are no longer working, or the safety of drugs is being compromised. we tried to use logic, while we have the law, we remind them with the logic of these materials that we are not at all looking to put pharmacies out of order, we are not looking for this at all, for example, a company comes to stockpile drugs on a large scale, he explained. it should be medicine, not the same existing pharmacies. by the way, we said that this is for the benefit of small pharmacies, because sometimes
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you are the focus of complaints, which means that there must be a complaint, for example, the role of the public prosecutor. let us feel that we ourselves can file a complaint. there are cases, i filed a complaint myself , which means that this has also happened. it's exactly like , for example, cases like chai debchi, which were raised a lot, and now i'm a judge.
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we are waiting to see about the crime that has been committed , not us, as the supervisor of the judiciary, if the judicial system handles this case in the way it is doing, whether this case or other cases that we in the judicial committee are supervising. for example, one of the cases that we followed up in the judicial system last year was the issue of one of the country's governors, who was arrested by the judge in a case. and the governor of this provincial capital had arrested him. well, we believed that the procedure for dealing with the case for the governor who was arrested in this case was not carried out properly because the judge who gave the verdict was guilty of the disclosure made by the governor. it means that the judge had given the verdict, but his way of working based on the law, it was wrong. he should not be the judge of the right to hear a case in which zainaf himself was involved, because
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he complained to the commission about the complaint of the governor's family, that is, the family of that governor, the servant of god who was arrested, so their son came to my office and said sir, like that. registering a complaint. so now, if there is a complaint that is not within the jurisdiction of the commission, it has been sent to the judiciary, a verdict has been issued, but i have an objection to the verdict. i can come to your commission again. look, we say, sir, according to the law the judge should not be involved in the zainaf case, this is how the judicial system works. there is a time when a verdict is issued, and you object to it from the point of view of content . it is again foreseen in the judiciary itself that you go to the court and appeal the opinion of the supreme court. it can be registered, for example, we have a big case in the matter of if we object to the food machine , we had a food machine in the case of a construction company and a construction cooperative that was in the west of tehran, and these are a series of people who
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prepared residential units from the citizens. he has nothing to do with us here, that fraudulent person is out of the water the unit has been sold to several people, but it has nothing to do with asald commission since the food machine has entered. and then he came as a committee and paid people's money. the question for the original commission was created based on the complaints . why did you give one of them a complete residential unit? if it was supposed to be reduced, why was the rest paid less money based on the time it took place? it is up to the commission, naturally, many of these may lead to
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the possibility of monitoring the line of macro-banking reforms , compared to the banks that exist and private banks especially do not have one . . there is a commercial complex in the west of tehran that was built with bank money. this work was done by one of the private banks that created a lot of money . there was a violation and it should have been dealt with. or those banks that are required by law to correct these violations the annual budget that we have to allocate this volume of macro education to production in the country was a matter of legislation. which
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is being registered in the budget of the last 2 years and this year as the third year, and what is interesting is that when this is the commission, it is adding 90% of each period to the budget layer, while it has many blessings in the country of its own government again. the layer of the next year has removed this, this shows the heavy lobbying of the banks regarding this legal issue, what does that clause say, it has the transparency of big banking connections , it provides its tools for the central bank, why? the government does this again in its own layer. it will remove this tool, we are putting it at the service of the central bank. the gentlemen of the central bank have expressed their opinion in the meetings of the commission , how much this has helped them to be able to take action on large-scale banking allocations, but the question is why when the government itself is the commission. nod has helped in his service and clarified the macro-banking education in his first year . well, that is, with one case that we were able to handle, this volume of the problem that we could handle
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we stopped it from identifying bank violations with a line in the law. why will it be removed again in the following years? these are also strange questions that the government should come and answer these too, but this happened, unfortunately, in our 3 years. we are re -adding this to the bill in the parliament, which does not have a financial burden on the government , nor did we want to take money, for example , to spend money in our constituency, but it will still be removed, but still for 3 years. this is happening , it happens that we won this , we put it in the 7th program, if we don't vote in the 12th period. for the time being, this should be in 5 years, everyone should be relieved that this law will be implemented until it is actually implemented , which means that sometimes we have issues regarding its transparency in the public opinion, for example, the transparency of the votes of the representatives, which is of course important and correct, and it creates social monitoring of the parliament. yes, but some people seem to not want the main issues in our country, such as economic and financial issues, to be clear. and the country's regulatory bodies can monitor the method. one of them
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, in our opinion, was the transparency of macro-banking information, which if this happens in the country and banking violations are prevented, it will prevent banks from doing business. money is created and you can correct the inflation in the following years on this basis. i will tell you about that delinquent bank and the construction that took place in the west of tehran. this 48 has created inflation for our country. well this the number is a big number, this incident is a strange incident. well, when you, a money creation in the construction of a financial system in our country , can bring about this bitter incident, it means that the money of all the people of iran has been cut in half, and it was able to cause such damage, why should i not come? let's follow the study of the word banki for its transparency or in the issue of soldiers' rights that i mentioned we also asked the producers of the program and they said, sir , we don't know what happened. look, we
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have followed up on a few issues in the issue of banks. we have seen that the banks' lobby is really strong, that is, in any area or any area, you want to go and look for problems and that corruption. fix it, you see that there are some obstacles. now i told the banks about the same banking education for related persons, that is, in the field of bank employees. we used to see the same stories or in medical issues when we referred to the increase of medical capacity, which is the law in the country , we saw this issue in the ministry of health and associations and groups are preventing the implementation of this law, because if the increase in medical capacity takes place , many of these gang games in the health field of the country may be at risk, but the al-smat commission stopped this issue and the increase in medical capacity was implemented , increasing the number of specialist doctors. it was followed up in the country and it was registered in the seventh program by the aslatt commission, and
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god willing, from this year we have seen a 12% increase in the number of specialist doctors in the country. taking pictures of women works not like the number of fingers on one hand well, this must be corrected. when we say that it must be corrected, some people say that these are luxury courses, these are money-making courses . get the same deprived areas to settle in the same area with the commitment of service and law. execute it correctly. a fair explanation means that all of us who are in tehran , we see these tents that have been pitched around the hospitals in tehran. this means that our medical facilities are low in the country. this should be transferred there . as a representative of tehran, if
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i want to look at it from a regional perspective, i should not pursue this issue, but i believe that this is the right of the noble people of sistan baluchistan province. people in the east of hormozganeh province, where we should definitely be able to increase these treatment facilities, or in the south of kerman, because i visited them, i saw the unfavorable condition of their treatment. now we can in general for example, let's find out which agencies receive the most complaints . generally, agencies that have more connections with the people receive more complaints against al-qaeda, such as municipalities, usually there are more individual complaints in these agencies. or regarding judicial issues, when people refer to the way things are done, their perception is that they complain, which sometimes is not the right perception, that is, they complain about content that the commission cannot handle, or a complaint that takes place in faraja's field is one of the there are devices that are complained about in the field of service devices that are in our country, for example
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railways of the islamic republic of iran is like an airplane company. these are the institutions that communicate with the people , the institutions that have more communication with the people, and more complaints are filed against them , but this frequent occurrence does not mean that the complainant is generally right, and it should be dealt with, and sometimes we see this. it's not like that, since we still haven't moved far from labor weeks and labor day, and these are related to the complaints that workers have, for example, because it's related to the days , i'm asking how it was, how many failures did you have, and what issues did you have? perhaps this is the title of the worker's union the recent one that took place is the issue of workers' rights . this year, the workers' representative also signed and approved the 35% salary increase in the council meeting . it was one of the most frequent protests recently. well, this
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is a flaw in the law. we must go and amend the law. let's do it, that is, this complaint is in my opinion, that is, from the point of view that the law is flawed, that the law is clear. the law is clear and does not say that it must be signed by a worker's representative. voting is a majority vote. when the representative of the government and the employer have signed, this is legal. this is now illegal. it has not been done, which means that from the point of view of working methods, i would like to say that there is no complaint, but it is giving us a warning that there is a need for a legal amendment in the field of working methods, and we raised this with the social commission to investigate this issue from a there is a demand that the determination of the rights of workers, such as employees, should come to the parliament and be in the parliament. this is an opinion. i do not want to state the negative and positive aspects of it. i am saying that it is a legislative opinion. it didn't take the year and we are about to enter the new year, what should we do for this? a solution should be thought of, that is, from one point of view, the words of the workers are correct, on the one hand, the representative of the workers has not signed, but we are entering the new year, you see , consensus wants to be reached in various meetings
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, the representative of the employers is not signing now, if you take the number up, he is now he doesn't sign anymore , if we say that it's now the new year. it's april, the worker doesn't know how much his salary is, and then on what basis the april salary should be paid now, that is, these are points that should be considered in the social commission because there is a time limit. do reforms need to be made or have we passed the teacher's day? teachers, how about our honorable teachers? one of the cases in the beginning of 1990 in the elementary years in the first year of the 11th period was the issue of not implementing the ranking of teachers. the issue was also raised in the commission of principle 90 with the education commission, the bill that was pending was brought into circulation , alhamdulillah, the issue of teacher rating was amended, and then in the implementation stages of the rating plan, there was a complaint again. his case
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has been dealt with in the article 90 commission, where a person has a claim that i included the law, but this law is for me. i was not implemented or my rating was not determined according to the law. these were personal . sharif teachers also had a complaint on this issue, which was dealt with in the commission on an individual basis . the government dealt with this matter fairly in the ministry of education, some of them misunderstood the law , that is, they were not included in the law, especially in the issue of our honorable retirees in the field of teachers , for whom the law did not specify duties. we had many meetings, whether it was the honorable minister or the ministers previously, we had meetings in the commission on issues. educational issues, issues of ranking plan and your service, i would like to tell you about the issues related to the plan of the transformation document in
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the topic of the transformation document of education and the meeting, and you are following stizah of the minister of education . you can say that there are reasons that have not been discussed so far outside of iran, i will say this very quickly, we will return to the commission. the reasons that i raised regarding mr. sahrai's criticism were that the transformational issues and the program that he presented making for the parliament the fundamental transformation document and the programs that were implemented in the field of education or in the field of recruiting teachers and such events in the first six months of their responsibility. the basic idea for us to say that these programs were implemented with a schedule, the parliament was informed about them, but it has not been seen, because sometimes i ask, they say, sir
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, what did you expect to happen in the first 6 months, 7 months of the first year of the minister's term? which did not happen, i believe that one of the first things that should have happened was that we should at least know in planning that we want to be in the country in the next 3 years what should we do? it means that 6 to 7 months is a short time for us to be in the parliament. as an observer of the government , let us be informed that for the transformation document that the supreme leader of the revolution recently said and criticized that this door has been closed, it has been put aside. recently, the supreme leader of the revolution showed that this group of men and women that we had in the parliament was also approved by him, and these likes of my servant are stronger. he said that we must follow up on this issue. well, i personally had a meeting with a number of mps with mr. wazir we held a protest. i told them right there. i said that our problem
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is not a personal problem that can be solved in a meeting. the topic should be done by you monthly and once every two months in the topics that we determined there, including the change document, among the changes that i will present to you, textbooks in the field of textbooks should be done in our field. educational khant should take place, programs that we should take the output of educational education in a direction where the believing community and expert of the believing community and scholar of the believing community are literate. this is the situation of our educational vice-chancellor, which is an important part of our schools. if we don't try in the field of education and only focus on the field of education, even if we succeed, the bitter incident that happened in fars province can happen in the field of our specialist doctors. well, this incident, which unfortunately
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caused the death of even one doctor or the hospitalization of a number of doctors, the main reason of which was the consumption of alcoholic beverages. well, when our vice-chancellor of foster care performs poorly , even if you are a specialist, this specialist can suffer a such an injury means that it is important, so the issue of breeding and breeding transactions was raised. our agreement with these friends is that you will send it monthly to the representatives who will follow up on your complaint. that meeting was when i was not selected for the twelfth period yet. but i told dr. saraei that i will follow up your reports until june 6, 2014, and if i feel that these reports do not have the results they should have for education , i will take your advice to the table again. it means that our request has not been closed, the request is available, but from the point of view of the commission of principle 9, we do not want to dismiss only one person, the dismissal of a minister does not help to solve the problems of education, but this
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the instrument of impeachment and the instrument of monitoring the parliament above the head of the minister can help the minister to know that the parliament is sensitive about this issue. well, i received their initial report . first of all, with a delay of one minute . it was interesting for you to know that even in its cultural field, for example, the children's intellectual training center, which we mentioned under education, has also submitted a report on the country's 60s film awards, which is from a famous director, for which the intellectual training center paid a fee, for example. he had worked as a reporter that is, the ministry of home affairs did not even come to review these things once and they thought that we are saying to report, it is only one form of work. this is what they said, the remains of the salad will remain for years, and i don't think so. their mind was that we don't pay attention to the report and only the number of pages is important to us
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. i wrote an open letter to mr. education minister in order to let him know that this report has been read and our honorable people know what this report was. i raised some of these issues with them that the report you gave has these important flaws that can be seen in the media all over the country. it is an observation and i believe that the ministry of education is an important place. if we are going to reform one place in the islamic republic, then it should be the main priority to reform other places. education is definitely one of the most important. today, i have to say that people sharif, our people enroll their children and their loved ones in public schools , not based on the quality of education or education. the reality is that economic problems have forced people to enroll in public schools if they can afford it. does this mean that our education has been discredited in the field of public schools? we have to do something that our people. well, not much time has passed since my education period
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. that the financial ability of a person who is the child of a worker or an employee or a local businessman, we all studied together in the same class means that the school had its own prestige . we are training good people for the country or in a certain school to be responsible for this it's happening, it's happening, it's definitely not a pleasant thing, we should be able to implement this educational justice in the country, this is a very important discussion, i didn't want him to interrupt it, but okay. there are a few important questions left . we don't have more than two minutes. about the car, it was very exciting, it was not important, but god , i don't know about the car, about the housing, about the housing rent . al-saad came to the conclusion that this work cannot be done properly. tax on empty houses. you see, we are leaving in several areas in the country.
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we had a housing construction in the 1990s with a high failure from the government. unfortunately, the minister at that time did not accept the principle of the work at all, and we also have a bad word about housing. we have one time stamp on housing , two on the issue of explaining housing and 3 on monitoring rent justice, we turned all this into a plan under the title of the plan to organize the land market , residential rent, well, this plan has now gone to the guardian council and has been finalized. i hope that by carrying out this project, we will be able to normalize the situation of the tax on empty houses for the construction of housing in the country, which according to the old law, is the production and spring rent for the people. let's do more, of course, the main work is the production of housing, which i hope, in addition to the promotional work that the ministry of roads and urbanization is doing, in the field of action, in fact , we are housing . the type of my activity
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5:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, peace be upon you, dear viewers, at 5:00 a.m. iraqi and lebanese resistance groups announced retaliatory attacks on areas in the occupied territories. islamic resistance of iraq issued a statement in line with tadawul. confronting the occupiers and responding to the zionist regime's crimes against palestinian civilians , the resistance forces targeted several vital targets in the occupied city of birseb with advanced aqrab cruise missiles . lebanon's hezbollah also announced that in retaliation for the zionist regime's airstrikes on residential areas in southern lebanon, the building where the regime's soldiers are stationed zionist


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