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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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i would like to invite you to get all the infrastructure needed for production work, from water and gas to telecommunication works, basically everything is available for producers so that they can produce and do their work more easily in one space . let us remind you of a law, article 81. what does the law of adding some articles to the law of regulating part of the government's financial regulations tell us that for 2013, sir, all the infrastructure that is needed, as i told you , water, gas, communication infrastructure that goes back to the three ministries of oil, energy and the communication of these three ministries is to express these works build an infrastructure so that we don't have problems like this in our industrial towns. today's debate is dedicated to this issue, to see how many industrial towns were able to implement these axioms and priorities set by the law so that a production job can be done in an industrial town and their work can be done easily. please accompany us all the way.
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on the other side, mr. valipour, ceo of shams abad industrial estate, while saying hello and god bless to both guests of the program, before we start our discussion, i would like to prepare a report from my colleagues at guru sanat news agency. i invite you to go together and see if we can come up with something, we will come back. we will start farshad moghimi, head of the small industries and industrial towns organization. according to statistics, more than 65% of industrial units are located inside industrial towns. according to the law, the units that consume more than one megawatt of electricity must obtain a part of the energy through solar power plants and invest in this issue, and we provide conditions for them as well. rezaei from
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food industry producers in abbas abad industrial town. power outages cause damage to materials our primary machines have been. of course, this closure will make workers unemployed. when our electricity is cut and production stops, we have to increase the price of our goods to compensate. tehmur selahouti, deputy director of small industries and industrial towns organization of iran, clearly states that article 25 of the business environment improvement law. that the ministry of energy , when it exchanges the contract for the assignment of the branch , must include the damages caused by the power cut in the intermediate contract and even pay the damages. this issue is our demand now and we are following this issue seriously. conquest ali mohammadzadeh, the former technical deputy of iran's small industry and industrial estates organization, based on the regulations we have inside the industrial estates, for each hectare of land we prepare.
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we provide 250 kilowatts of electricity, 200 cubic meters of gas, several telephone lines, and 3 to 5 tenths of liters of water, the sum of which is the amount we receive from the artisan as usufruct rights . in addition, if the artisan requests, in the form of we provide them with surplus services provided by the ministry of energy. if the law is implemented correctly and the service providers fulfill their duties, the artisans and industrial units will not be able to implement it last year, due to the problems that occurred in gas transmission, their production decreased. the expectation of the industrialists is that the interruptions will be minimized so that they can solve the problems and not lose production and competition. jamshidi is one of the activists of abbas abad industrial town. power outage every hour can cause several damages. millions of tomans to raw materials and
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much more serious damage to industrial equipment. of course, when these outages occur without prior notice , the situation will be worse. ali rasoulian , former head of iran small industries and industrial towns organization. in some big cities like tehran, in tabriz, shiraz and isfahan, there are restrictions on land allocation. that is, if any amount of land in tehran is ready to be handed over today, there is a demand for it. and the person is not willing to go from tehran to another place. everyone wants to invest in tehran. sajjad hashemi, an industrial activist in abbas abad industrial town. when a town is under load, it is necessary to build its infrastructure. the infrastructure of the settlement is behind their handover. as a result, if there is a problem with the supply of water, electricity, treatment plants and access roads, it is because before the infrastructure the settlement is completed and handed over. this
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has caused the production units to fall behind. yes , we have seen the report of mrs. parvaresh together from the industry group of the sed and cima news agency. the manager of shams abad industrial co., and i would like to ask them if they are ready for the same question. basically , the infrastructure is already in your town, which is one of the largest towns, and in general, if you know, how much is the preparation of these legal materials that have been assigned to ministry of housing various people who prepare the expression of these infrastructures have been observed in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. respected colleagues, respected guests of the program and viewers , the topic of the program is about the infrastructure of industrial towns. if you allow me, i will give you an introduction about the infrastructure of industrial towns . you can see that construction in industrial towns is generally divided into two sections, the infrastructure of which is responsible for its creation.
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the company of industrial partners and at the head of it are the organization of small industries and industrial partners. the second category is the infrastructure that is provided by other ministries and the devices related to the issue have the task of supplying them. regarding the first discussion, the infrastructure that the industrial partners company should create in the partners, the friends have a schedule based on the operational plan they have. it is not necessary for them to get a license from another department for the program that they compile every year and provide a supplementary program and create a part of the infrastructure that is their commitment. i will continue to serve you, but somehow a reliable system means that the person is listening, we can
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go to a meeting, hold a meeting and make a demand . an industry where a media service company takes some kind of service, such as electricity supply, gas supply, for example , access to industrial partners must be communicated with other organizations. in this matter, the main challenge in industrial partners is in the discussion, that is, there is no accountability body. there is no one who is responsible for these cases .
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people have pledged their money. people received according to the latest report that i got from my friends, the capacity that has been created now is about 250 megawatts, which means that half of 50% of them have not been able to provide it yet. the issue is that they took money, a contract was signed with me, i am an investor, i am an industrial activist, and i have fulfilled my obligations. friends , there is no accountability anywhere for not fulfilling the commitment , the monitoring device should come in and clarify this issue. by the way , friends are persistent that you come and go and invest. i said that we have invested. my suggestion is that in this electricity sector, friends, there is a commitment to create a capacity. they have another one they should enter the rest of their commitment, they should go to the industrialist themselves, go to the power plant , provide electricity to the city, and save themselves from this trouble and trouble
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. this is really a discussion. it is a serious challenge. you should join the company now. ask anyone what is your main problem. electricity, power supply, power cut , i will continue to serve you. during the peak load time, which usually starts from mid-june to early october, this position continues last year, two days a week, which days depend on the schedule they give, for example, on monday and wednesday in a city like shamsabad, you would be cut off, like abbas. abad tuesday and thursday cut off two days a week should be two days a week really disaster for the city for the unit.
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if you allow me to tell you about a sudden power outage , you cause terrible damage to industrial machines. i mean , tell me how much you followed up on these infrastructures. the problems i say still exist. how much did you follow up? where did you go? yes
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, in the name of allah, may god bless you, may god bless you. i offer my greetings and respect to you and your dear colleagues, to valipour and to all those who watch this program. salipour rightly pointed out that part of the obligations that we can fulfill in the town , almost according to our schedule, we will meet the needs of the industrial units. of course, i said it is not desirable . you accept this. overall, i think it is desirable, that is, the part that is the inherent duty of an industrial town, i believe it is desirable, but it is a part of the joint work with the ministry of energy, the national gas company, and the regional water organization. yes, those parts that we we are not alone and our friends are working in other services . in fact, we
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have a serious distance from the desired level. how many communes are included in this? we have 86,860 bread towns in the country, of which there are actually industrial units located in this total. the infrastructure is suitable and the units are located there. and they demand new settlements, almost half of these towns are among the demand-oriented towns , that is, basic infrastructure services, with the cooperation of your presence, a service system has been established in shamsabad, which you mentioned as an example, mr. mandes valipour, one of the it is true that the good towns of kishreh have a shortfall and a deficit in the field of electricity. i agree that the development of electricity substations has not been done in the past years, but the sana finfesa settlements have done their work and have signed a substation agreement with the ministry of energy and
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fulfilled their financial obligations. you should also note that the electrical post is a specialized job. if it is supposed to do all the activities of service providers and industrial towns. we will do the electricity, we will do the water work, and we will do the gas work. inside the town, mr. valipur engineer, we will do it. yes, inside the town but what the law said. sir, up to the entrance of the town, it is the responsibility of the media services of the ministry of energy to build the electric posts , to bring the electricity transmission lines, and to transfer the water to the entrance of the gas company in the same way. darren, we just recently had a meeting with tawanir. we have 124 mous in the country, about 5,000 megawatts.
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the initial number of these agreements at the time of the signing of the agreement was about 9 hemats . the increase in inflation, the events that have happened , the completion of these posts requires a higher number, some of them the equipment may need to be imported from abroad that cannot be produced in the country . a large part of it is available. i hope you will be able to see the same issue yourself. this mr. valipour is because of the lack of that service provider. i can't credit those services, man, mr. mohandath ibrahim, i listened to your instructions carefully
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. look, the issue is that the government agency has no credibility. that issue should be dealt with by itself. i explained my problem to you clearly. sanatgar, the representative of the small industry organization , should enter into the discussions in the places where decisions are being made. i mean, if i did my commitment, how much is 600 megabytes, not how much it costs, how much it costs according to the time in the past years, see if the problem is somewhere else. the company of industrial partners and the government service apparatus, according to the time of the money they receive, this money loses its value, with the inflation that happens, it loses its value. we helped with the cooperation of small industry organization. we went when the bill to amend the value added tax law was being reviewed in the parliament
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. the tax of industrial units is allocated here by the government on time, there is 1% of the added value that is collected from industrial units for this purpose, not only to discuss the renovation of the structure, but to fulfill the obligations of the small industry organization, which could not be done in time and on time. god, they couldn't do it in time, because the construction of a modern settlement does not happen in one year for at least 3 years, the money that was taken from industrial units has lost its value. we made this proposal to compensate for this provision of financial resources. unfortunately , the government did not approve it. it was proposed through the small industry organization. his industrial is part of their remaining commitments that have not yet been completed. in your report, first of all, mr.
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mohammadzadeh, you gave information that in the industrial town, we are used to supply water at 30 liters per second, as is well known, and 250 cubic meters of gas per hectare. let's provide these settlements according to their growth has not been provided, the exact information of shamsabad, i am now telling you, shamsabad, the operation phase is about 1700 hectares, with the same softness, if you ask , calculate something about 300 liters, at least water should be provided for it, our water resources are now about 150 meters, of course, they have projects. they work but it has not come to a conclusion yet. what i am saying is not desirable. there are some points that need to be planned, mr. mamasses , regarding water. please allow me to say one thing . look at the water issue. it may be a position in the ministry we agree with this story, forgiveness is out of our blood ministry, see mr. engineer, you are correct, the share
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of the industry sector is at least 2% of the total of 8 in industrial towns. if the industry goes from two to four percent, it means that if this happened , there would definitely be a revolution in the industry sector. not only that, the policies announced by the ministry of energy have actually not only increased this issue, but also moderated it. we are talking with the ministry of energy, that is , we are on your side. we also agree with the ministry of agriculture. the model of agriculture should be changed. in some areas, water productivity in the agricultural sector should be increased. find it, it means from the place of water saving in the agriculture sector, the need of the industry sector of the country, you
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are talking about our language, look, sir , i don't know your honorable name. dear sir, i would like to inform you that the discussion that happened last year in the budget law was really a disaster. mr. eng. ebrahimi, mentioning the share of the industrial sector in the consumption of fresh water is ridiculous. unfortunately , any restriction and according to the management, generally , the sector of tradition is not sweet. well, not now. sarjam , i want to tell you something. i want to tell you something. shamsabad industrial town with 150 liters. the water allocated to the outlet employs 45,000 people. 45,000 people are employed. we at shamsavad industrial co., i say that it is not desirable. in sibel, the electricity has been cut
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, in sibel, water consumption has been managed, in sibel, it is not true that the contribution of the agricultural sector is 98. we invite you to defend these issues seriously, not to go to the parliament for approval by the way, by the way, please let me know that this is the same as note 8 of the budget law of 1402. your order is correct in saying that the water of the industrial sector should be replaced with neutral water. it was communicated to the honorable minister of energy that this issue was resolved to some extent. first, we said that all the cities.
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they don't have it because of its origin or even if it has been approved , such as cosmetics, food, medicine, yes , another part of the document, they can use this water. at the very least, in the same circular issued by the honorable minister of energy at the end of 1402, tower 12, we said that the units above 300,000.
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we have a food industry, we have a drug industry , there is also a water network, they all use that network, as the famous saying goes, and water is supplied
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to them. i wanted to point out that before you make your point, we are in contact with mr. alizadeh, the head of the shrekgardam board of directors, to ask him how favorable the conditions of their infrastructure are, as mr. ebrahimi mentioned. in most of the towns, the service condition of the infrastructure that we are talking about is favorable, mr. alizadeh. is this happening in your town favorable or not? can you hear me? and my dear, i am present from shams abad company . i would like to say the industrial city of hashgerdu, and if i had the chance, i would visit the same infrastructures that the dear ones mentioned and we
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worked in the non-governmental industrial city of hasheg, which i am talking to you about until now. maybe 70-80% of our infrastructure problems were solved by ourselves. if you allow me , i will continue. and it was supposed that the units that want to move out of the radius of 120 km from tehran and not be polluting in terms of the environment should be settled there, and in fact, they will be settled there by omran shahr new development company. he should have established this town in one place, which later has an area of ​​about 250 hectares, which has now been developed into an employment area, and then about 12 years ago
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, we became a town based on the permission we received from the company of settlements. non-governmental industrial company 8. your offer is my brother's service. the reality is as my friends pointed out at that time. well , the company of the industrial estates was not the builder of the settlement, but the construction company of the new town of hashke. in the discussion of the well, there were four deep wells, and this deep well was shared between the industrial estate company and the cities. newly , they feed from one source, well, nature.
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from the very beginning, the household consumer was given priority, and there were the same problems that almost 12 years ago , when the industrial estates company came , they declared us non-governmental and gave us the license to operate independently . do you have water, electricity, gas service after the license we signed gave us to start work at the same time. we came out from under the ticket of the municipality, we became independent, and until we started work , the first argument was that we came and told shahraksaz, which was the new city development company of hashgerd, what obligations did he have here and did not fulfill. we did and filed a lawsuit in the judicial authorities that mr. shahreks should have fulfilled these obligations for the benefit of the production units , and he did not do this. right now
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, our complaint is still ongoing . the ministry of urban housing or the company should address this as the first point, but the second point is that we came to the general assembly of the city and gathered the production units. industrial partners, because during this period, not only the future units are facing. we request and follow up. if we want to stand on our own feet, we have to invest on our own right now, after 12 years, we are independent.
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i would like to inform you that we have solved the subscription problem of two deep wells with 70 liters per second we took the opportunity to separate ourselves from the new city of hashket by installing a 200 cubic meter source. 3 years ago we follow up on ourselves , we must follow up on the task we have, this demand
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from the ministry of energy. thank you for your presence, which we will have on your behalf, of course we are colleagues in the government, but we will follow up on this, but the point i want to make is that we are the part where having a water challenge, usually for high-consumption units , that is, units where water is finally effective in their production cycle, the demand we have
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is for them to use recirculation systems. an industry has happened . i said that a town like shamsabad with an area of ​​over 2,800 hectares with 150 liters per second, 1,800 active industrial units, nearly 45,000 workers working in that town, 200 hectares of green space for rs. the engineer is talking about water. the government's view on the water consumption management of the industrial unit is that they zoom in on the smoke, this should be corrected, not only the government of the honorable parliament should enter, i did not expect the honorable parliament to pass the budget law 1402 as a resolution to cut the water sources of the cities and go to the sewage. it is possible to provide for them, it was corrected with your efforts


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