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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 12:00am-12:31am IRST

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the leader of this year's hajj revolution is free from the criminal enemy. if it wasn't for america's help, the zionist regime would not have had the strength and courage to treat muslim people, women and children brutally. you can't treat this enemy with kindness. you can't treat them with gentleness like the one who is in charge.
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it is murder, the one who is the deputy of the murder is the supporter of the murder, the one who destroys the house, or the one who supports the destroyer of the house .
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continued suppression of students in american universities zionist influence in 50 american universities to help the police in beating students and disrupting gatherings. four american universities canceled graduation ceremonies for fear of spreading protests. and issuing an orange weather warning for more. the semi-western regions have increased rainfall since tonight , the meteorological data of spring rainfall with 75 mm since the beginning of april has compensated part of the lack of autumn and winter rainfall. thank god for all the blessings that god has given us. good spring , the trees are green, we farmers are very happy that hundreds are filled. the rivers are full of water.
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in the name of god. o allah, peace be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and speedy their fate. dear viewers, hello. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, in a meeting with officials and agents of hajj and a group of pilgrims of baitullah al-haram , called the mention of god and the unity and connection of muslims as two very important spiritual and social elements of hajj and referring to the great incident in gaza and the crimes of the bloodthirsty zionist regime, they said hajj this year in the light of the verses of the holy qur'an and the memory of the blessed name of prophet ibrahim , peace be upon him, we should be freed from this criminal enemy beyond every year of hajj. muslims and its supporters.
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the leader of the islamic revolution, hajj in the material aspect they listed spirituality as a multi-dimensional ritual and added: in the inner and inner dimension, remembering the lord as the true source of life and determination and individual, social and national decisions is the highlight of all stages of hajj. in the same context, he emphasized to the pilgrims of baitullah: in hajj , be aware of things that are not found anywhere else, such as the kaaba, masjid al-haram, tawaf and ziyarat of the holy prophet, may god bless him and grant him peace, otherwise, there are markets and goods everywhere. the leader of the revolution listed the salient point of the social dimension of hajj as the unity and connection of muslims with each other and said: the form of divine invitation to all people to attend
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in a certain place and on certain days, muslims get to know each other and share common thoughts and decisions. so that the happy and objective results of hajj will be granted to the islamic world and all humanity, which now the islamic world has a big gap in the field of joint decision-making. he considered ignoring national, religious and ethnic differences as a necessary prelude to unity and added: the huge gathering of followers of all religions and islamic sects of all nationalities is a clear manifestation of the social and political aspect of hajj. ayatollah khamenei added: of course, the need to overcome differences and divisive issues is not specific to hajj, and many verses of the qur'an emphasize unity and empathy.
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muslims are emphasized. pointing out that hajj must be filled with the blessed name of prophet ibrahim ( peace be upon him) and the teachings of that great prophet , he called the freedom from the enemies of god's religion among the valuable abrahamic teachings and said: our hajj this year is the hajj for freedom according to the teachings that mr. ibrahim of course, since the beginning of the revolution , there has been an exoneration in the hajj since the beginning of the revolution . vampire one
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these things are a result of western civilization. which is special for today, which means paying attention to him is not special for today and these days, this will go down in history , what is happening today in gaza and palestine, these barbaric attacks and zionist rabid dogs and zionist vampire elements. on the one hand , the oppression and at the same time the resistance of the muslim people of gaza , on the one hand, each of them is a huge sign in history
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, it is an indicator in the history of these guests, these are important indicators and will show the way to the future of humanity . hazrat ayatollah khamenei added the amazing and unprecedented reflection of gaza tragedies in other societies our rifle and the universities of america and some other countries are signs of this history-making and indexing. in explaining the duty of the islamic ummah regarding the disasters in gaza during the abrahamic hajj, he pointed to numerous examples from the qur'an of the life of prophet abraham, peace be upon him, and said: abraham, peace be upon him , is one of the prophets who has a kind heart and is very kind, but this divine prophet in front of
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cruel and belligerent enemies strongly declare their innocence and openly declare their enmity. the leader of the revolution, referring to the verses: "the qur'an completely prohibits friendship with oppressive enemies," added, "who in the world today he makes enemies of muslims, he makes them militant , he kills their wives, their husbands, their children , he drives them out of their homes and lands. those who help him, what will help him? if it wasn't for america's help, the zionist regime had the power
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, it had the courage to treat muslim people, men, women, and children in such a limited environment like this . death to america. death to america. death to america . death to america. . death in america. death in america . death in america . death in america he behaved gently, whether he is the supervisor of the murder or the deputy of the murder, the supporter. the one who destroys the house or the one
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who supports the destroyer of the house is murder. considering the current conditions of the islamic world, he called the abrahamic approach to hajj, that is, open defense in front of the enemies, more necessary than ever and said. based on this, iranian and non-iranian pilgrims should be able to convey the quranic logic in support of the palestinian nation to the entire islamic world. ayatollah khamenei added: of course, the islamic republic did not and will not wait for others, but if if the strong people of the nation and the islamic states come to help and support, the pitiable state of the palestinian nation will not continue. thanking him for the services and activities of the mission and the organization of hajj and others. for the comfort
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of iranian pilgrims and to perform hajj mabrour maqbool, plan in such a way that the gap between the current situation and the desired one is closed. at the beginning of this meeting, hujjat al-islam wal-muslimeen seyyed abdul fattah nawab, the representative of the religious jurist in matters of hajj and pilgrimage and the head of iranian pilgrims , delivered a speech. he called this year's hajj a qur'an-centered hajj based on empathy and the authority of the islamic ummah and the defense of oppressed palestine, and said that hajj ibrahimi is a platform for education is self-improvement, as well as fighting against external circumstances and defending the oppressed. mr. seyyed abbas hosseini, the head of hajj organization of the ministry, also mentioned the honor of 87,150 iranian pilgrims to this year's hajj program and activities.
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he reported on increasing the quality of health services, accommodation, nutrition and transportation, as well as starting the single umrah after 9 years of suspension and the possibility of benefiting those who wish to visit god's house. the international vice president of the leadership said: the hajj and pilgrimage organization invites pilgrims who have ideas, scientific centers and the general public, to share their ideas for barat. zionists in hajj this year share with the public relations of this organization. especially friends who have a history of visiting hajj. now this year, either they will be honored or they don't have the opportunity to attend ceremonies. they can come up with a series of ideas that can make the international capacities of hajj flourish. we are basically looking to develop the international capacities of hajj. because from the point of view of jurisprudence , you can see the most commonalities in the hajj, politically
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, culturally and socially , there are very good capacities in the hajj . face introduce us so that we can strengthen our programs. it is a necessity for the president to be completely disarmed and not to have anti-revolutionary elements in the territory of iraq during his meeting with the president of the kurdistan region of iraq. we thank you for your kind words. mr. raisi in the meeting with the head of kurdistan region of iraq, strengthening unity and cohesion within the framework of a united iraq. emphasized by the islamic republic of iran and said: iran considers the security of iraq as its security and we expect the government
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of iraq and the kurdistan region to prevent any abuse of the zionist enemy and anti-revolutionary elements from the territory of this region against iran. president in further, stating that iran has no obstacle to expanding economic cooperation and commercial interests with the kurdistan region, he said that security is the basis and necessary platform for any kind of cooperation and expansion of interactions. the kurdistan region of iraq also appreciated iran's support for iraq and the kurdistan region, especially the role of martyr soleimani in the security of the survival of iraqi kurdistan, and pointed out that if it were not for the revolution and the islamic republic, it was not known what the fate of this region would have been. emphasizing the kurdistan region's adherence to the full implementation of the iran-iraq security agreement, barzani said: "no common sense should change relations with a powerful and friendly country to cooperation with a regime that is in its worst position today would not prefer it. security of iran, security of the
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iraqi kurdistan region, the head of the iraqi kurdistan region in a meeting. with the secretary of the supreme national security council , he emphasized: he will not allow any third party from the kurdistan region of iraq to harm the security of iran. mr. barzani expressed his hope that the relations between the kurdistan region of iraq and iran will be further expanded in all aspects, including the security and economic aspects. mr. ahmadian emphasized in this meeting that no third party , including the anti-revolutionary zionist regime and the opposition, should be allowed. the islamic republic of iran will put a strain on the relations between the two sides . the secretary of the supreme national security council also announced his readiness for cooperation between the community and the kurdistan region within the framework of the iraqi constitution. in the following , the two sides emphasized on the full implementation of the tehran-baghdad security agreement until the conclusion is reached.
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in the meeting of the social council, the president emphasized the continuous compliance of the performance reports of the active institutions in the field of social harm removal with the field realities. mr. raisi also obliged the social affairs organization to continuously improve the performance of all active institutions in this field and to report various organizations to the council. introduce social in this meeting, the design of the ministry of health's education and seraj symbol was also discussed and reviewed with the aim of preventing social harm. the point is to say mr. minister with the deputy minister of education. this is the government's first response to the order of hazrat agha. in the meeting of the supreme social council of the country, the ministers of education and health were supposed to report what they have done to reduce social damage . the system of dealing with
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students' social harms. that we want to prevent social harm from the school. until the these offices in this government are actually established in all the provinces of the country, and today we will report in the meeting, we have had very good successes. now , in this meeting, the ministers will report to mr. president what they have done to realize these two drafts of the comprehensive constitution. the advice of the ministry of education has been approved for one hour of counseling in schools for every 12 students, and fortunately, we have implemented it, and this has made the number of counseling centers of the ministry reach 700. previously , we had about 30. of course, these two were also discussed by other members of the meeting. definitely the ministry of education education alone is not able to implement this plan. although i have 100% strength and capacity to work. we
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have a comprehensive plan to control and reduce social harm. in the form of this row related to the social damages that we predict for you. let's say that this year we saw 2,500 billion tomans of resources for it, and last year it was 1,580. the president said that the issue of social damage is so much my concern that he is ready to hold this meeting every week. let's look and see what we have to do, that is , what is our relationship with social harms and how much we were able to fulfill this relationship and this duty that we have promised. at whatever hour you say, i will hold a meeting so that it becomes clear that this issue is the concern of his highness, the concern of the religious, this is the concern of the lovers of this country, the young people. we can reduce it to the extent that we can. social harms, when the people come to work, this is an important support in relation to our work , sir, many times they tell the government to solve the economic problem with the people
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, let's solve the problem of social harms with the people, the people are very capable in your neighborhood, in your mosque, like people there is an elite that helps a lot the rest of the members of the meeting also told us what to do to reduce social harm. now in tehran, there is no other colony of drug addicts . the issue of marriage is what we are doing in the ministry of sports. it is the discussion of pre-marital counseling , which is very active. we have created our collection of platforms so that young couples can have a consultant from the beginning of their marriage, advice related to lifestyle education, and then if problems arise in life, they can have constant advice by their side. no matter how well the devices around this table perform their tasks, less police work.
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had but we are still far from the desired point. we are rare and have great progress in the previous trip compared to this trip . some really positive aspects were clearly evident there. the head of the judiciary tells about his trip to hormozgan province a few days ago. in relation to , for example, the acquisition organization , it was in relation to warehouses and so on, this was not comparable at all . the failure of some systems to be connected to the system
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of the business community is considered as an action against the slogan of the year, which produces wood under the cycle. unfortunately , mr. god, please follow up the systems finally, it has not been completed, it has not been connected to each other, and it will not end because the systems have not connected to each other. some things are being done late . mr. mohseni, especially regarding the confiscation of goods by the officers, thinking that they are contraband goods , ordered to be more careful in identifying contraband goods and speed up the processing of cases . some goods are seized by bailiff to smuggled woman, well, this is going to be delivered there, for example, suppose that the reference is sub-signed. this case will be filed in the penal system, and now when will it be done with a considerable distance, also in this meeting, the president the statistics and information technology center of the judiciary said
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that we are monitoring the people who appear as witnesses in various cases in an unreal and fake manner. in the first two months of this year , 36,000 people were found entering the food system by province, which was suspected to be a professional witness as well as the spokesperson of the judicial branch. regarding the issuance of some directives at the moment in the customs, he said that both the administrative court of justice and the general inspection organization of the country should try to issue the directives with a prior expert work , so that we do not witness this issue, god forbid. the issued circulars provide the basis for future problems, mohammad. on the fifth day of the one-week campaign period for the candidates of the second round of the parliamentary elections, some
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political movements and groups unveiled their supported electoral lists, simultaneously with the broadcast of the debates and programs of the election candidates on provincial media networks. national people also say about the effect of this action of the national media in the choice of weapons. those involved in the elections of the second round of the islamic council are trying to announce the results of the elections by 8:00 a.m. on saturday with the coordination of the guardian council. this the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters said. because all the processes of the second stage should be in such a way that we want the beginning of the session of the 12th islamic council on the seventh of june. that's why we tried to go through the processes very regularly so that we reach that time. of course, there is still time to protest for the respected candidates. as
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the election time approaches, political groups and currents also unveil their supported electoral lists. the front of independents and moderates of iran and the coalition of revolutionary forces from the lists supported by them in the area selective tehran and 21 other elections for the second stage of the 12th period of the parliamentary elections were unveiled. the jamiat razumdangat defender of the islamic revolution also published its list of 16 members for the constituency of tehran. today, a meeting titled "a strong assembly for a strong iran " was held at the university of science and technology with the participation of 13 candidates from tehran, focusing on the realization of the slogan of the year. mohammad hashemi, emphasizing the importance of people's participation in the second round of the parliamentary elections, said: "the participation and enthusiastic participation of the people at the polls is important because a parliament is established that takes into account the concerns and conditions of the people and for
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to try to solve people's problems and on the other hand to monitor the implementation of laws. abbas salimi namin also pointed to the decisive role of even one representative in the parliament and said: in the second round, people should choose carefully and intelligently, and if they do not get enough recognition, they should vote for people who have a brilliant record. at the same time, in order to achieve electoral justice, debates and programs of the candidates of the second round of the parliamentary elections are being broadcast on provincial channels and television. thank god that sada vasima was able to air these debates this year so that people can get to know more about those who they are going to vote for the candidates , they understand who is going to do what they can do and who to vote for. the conversations they say are much clearer , better than, for example, being a poster or going on a show or something like that in the hands of tv debate people. which is broadcasted, it makes us
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easily know the opposite party that we want to vote for. these debates have a great impact on our choice and our understanding of the candidates. look and see which of them will choose their weapon. fatemeh alikhani of the palestinian islamic resistance movement , hamas, announced that with the proposals of egypt and qatar about the ceasefire has been agreed by ismail haniyeh. the political office of the hamas movement announced the position of this movement to both parties in a conversation with the prime minister of qatar and the minister of information of egypt. taher 99, one of the leaders of the hamas movement , said: we agreed to a proposal that includes a ceasefire, the reconstruction of the gaza strip, the return of refugees and the release of prisoners. in response to the report of channel 13 of the zionist regime, which quoted the authorities
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of this regime as saying that the agreement accepted by hamas is unacceptable, he said: the authorities of the occupying regime are afraid of a ceasefire because the consequences of it will not be to their liking. tahir al-nunu said that we are waiting until let's see what the mediators do about the response of the hamas movement. at the same time, channel 12 tv of the occupying regime reported: asra zionist families announced that hamas has accepted the proposed agreement and now is the best time for netanyahu's government to be a prisoner. returned it otherwise, we will set israel on fire. at the same time as the zionist regime threatened to launch a ground attack on rifa , this southern city of the gaza strip was repeatedly bombarded. at least 26 people were martyred in the zionist attacks on rafah. 11 of the martyrs were children, one of them was born during the war. in these attacks some were also injured.
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expressing their horror about the events in the gaza strip, these experts said that some bodies discovered in mass graves showed signs of torture and that some people were probably buried alive. the total number of martyrs in the gaza strip has reached 345 and the number of wounded has reached 7,808. the final statement
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of the 15th meeting of the leaders of the organization of islamic cooperation emphasized the trade embargo against the zionist regime and the immediate cessation of arms exports to this regime. this organization also asked all members to prevent the continuation of zionist crimes in gaza by using political and legal means. here along the coast west africa the gambia is the smallest country on the black continent by population. the equivalent of 2 million and 500 thousand people hosted a meeting with the presence of high officials of 56 countries. participants from four continents of the world came to banjore to discuss the issues and challenges of the islamic world in the 15th summit of the organization of islamic cooperation. and what is more important than the critical situation of the palestinian people in the
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gaza strip these days? on necessity


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