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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 7:30am-8:00am IRST

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one of the constituencies that are held electronically is malair, and you also mentioned that in the first round of malair , the elections were held electronically. in fact, you and the people of malair are familiar with holding electronic elections, and you have warmed your hand in holding them. but finally, there are some issues that may have occurred to you in the field of electronic elections that you did not know about before . during this period, which is from the first round to the second round, the problems have been solved and the infrastructure is completely ready. yes, mrs. hajipour, i should i would like to say that for the first stage, with dedicated general training for the organizers and general training for the people, by actually placing the devices that were supposed to be used to take votes during the weeks
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before the election, in coordination with the national election headquarters and the council. respected guardian of the provincial supervisory board and the executive board of the city, having these in different areas at the place of gatherings, necessary training and how to vote was given to our dear people and even through radio and television, and i must say that this election is all electronic. the difference with other branches is that the 25 stages that are specially designed there are 24 electronic stages in the whole country, and it was a counting stage, which was actually done by a computer in this constituency, and this was done electronically. fortunately , we
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had very good experiences during this period of elections. yes, please, thank you, mr. ghasemi, governor hamad, peace be upon you . in this section, let's go to the exhibition of innovations and technologies of iran and the unveiling of some scientific products that are supposed to take place in the exhibition. mr. sajjad abbasi farshmi, secretary of the international technology and innovation exhibition , is with us in the studio. mr. abbasi sobh you are welcome . you are very welcome . be healthy. good morning . i am greeting you and the dear viewers of the program. please explain a little about this exhibition. how many companies and scientists are participating in it? it can be held from today to friday at the technology park.
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we host more than 400 technological and innovative companies during the four days of the exhibition , apart from the theme of the exhibition, 40 events will be held next to innotex with the aim of investing and increasing the interactions of economic institutions. that is, between the industry and companies of scientists or between companies and researchers. the 400 that you mentioned are participating in this exhibition with several products. we have a section at the innotex exhibition this year . as a pioneer pavilion in this section, our focus has been on unveiling the latest knowledge-based products. in fact, during the last two months, more than 100 designs that he actually wanted for the first time.
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it was unveiled and sent . there were several stages of judging and evaluation, because the criterion was how much was left . our criterion was that it should be used for the first time and not have a similar sample. there are 21 products out of these. in fact, they were able to successfully pass these criteria. these 21 products will be unveiled during the exhibition during these 4 days. for the first time, in which fields are they new, especially since they want to present three new products, one of which is in there are robots with 7 degrees of freedom, one is in the field of medicine, and one is actually a granule that is used in the oil industry. . according to
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the order of now, the days of the exhibition, god willing we are very informed to unveil, god willing, which one of the fields will be more active in the exhibition, because in the past years , when you checked the fields of medicine, our scientists have many different activities, maybe they are emerging more prosperously than other fields. they will find out how this period is exactly. in fact, in the past periods of this event, the products and types of medical equipment and medicine usually allocated a higher percentage to itself, but this year , with cooperation. that the robotics association and the presidential center for excellence did in you there are many products in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence. for the first time , we have gone very far in artificial intelligence. we are working on it. the difference between this course
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and the previous courses is what makes this course so special. innotex exhibition takes place one. the theme of the festival is applied research, which we started in the last 6 months in different provinces of the country, university researches in the field of graduate studies, which were applied and problem-oriented , solved a problem from the industry . in fact to innotex exhibition finds its way and in the exhibition , the relationship between these two is established. in addition to this issue, we have 5 events this year to present the technological needs of the industry, i.e. steel industry, medical equipment industry , defense industry, chemical industry and greenhouse industry. these
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are the things that announce their technological needs during these four days. these needs have become a codified rf pi among the scientific companies that can be found in south and malaysia . apart from this, the third day of the exhibition is thursday is completely reserved to the content we receive from the foreign guests we host at the exhibition, and in fact , foreign countries can also come to meet their needs, and our academic companies can sign contracts to provide them with b2b interactions between
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the company and foreign companies and the company the planned internal meetings of these meetings will take place during these four days of holding the exhibition . thank you very much, sir.
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good morning, let's go to the international section of the good morning program. hello, reporter ms. moazzami . hello , good morning. even though it was actually expected that we would have news of a ceasefire today, because hamas announced that it accepted egypt and qatar's plan for a ceasefire , but the zionists actually followed through on their threats. apparently acting because they threatened the people of rafah yesterday to temporarily evacuate parts of this city and move to other parts, and now the latest news is that zionist tanks have entered the areas of
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the palestinian authorities and egypt announced this, and now we want to investigate the direction of the news , that's why mr. farkhandepour is an expert. the issues. west asia is our guest here, mr. farkhandepour. i greet you. you are very welcome to our program, in the name of allah, rahman, rahim . i am polite and respectful to you, ms. moazzami , your dear and respected colleagues. we are at your service, honorable viewers of the khabar network. thank you very much mr. farkhandepour . mr. farkhandepour of the resistance had announced from the beginning that the ceasefire should be comprehensive, and yet he did not reject the plan of egypt and qatar as i mentioned. ismail haniyeh, the head of hamas's political office last night, in a telephone conversation with our foreign minister, amir abdollahian a report of this case said that we responded to egypt and qatar's plan for a ceasefire, and now the ball is in the ground.
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the very wise and in fact wise action of the hamas movement in accepting the terms of the ceasefire proposed by egypt and qatar caused it to fall into the zionist land according to the order of his highness . this so-called proposed plan was a very good time, it shows that this is the so-called end of the argument for the parties who were persistent and determined to implement this ceasefire discussion, it was a very good time, and this plan , which has now been accepted by hamas, includes three the term part of the 42-day period is now. the things that mr. khalilaye stated yesterday, and the things
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that the hamas spokesman, mr. haniyeh, also brought up show the sincerity of hamas in fulfilling its commitments based on the acceptance of the so-called peace plan proposed by qatar and the country of egypt. now, in fact, the zionist should do an operation that despite netanyahu's acceptance of this scene , there are many conditions in mrs. moazzami's scene that show the wide spread of the so-called peace plan by making excuses and taking time to try to neutralize the so-called discussion. accepting peace and trying with these excuses
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yes, mr. farkhandepour netanyahu and his cabinet, after about 8 months of continuous attacks on gaza , did not reach their stated goals of destroying the epic resistance that was theirs. some of these goals are retreating , but now we are witnessing that again. blaming the public opinion and this rise of public opinion against the crimes of genocide in gaza is not important . how do you evaluate this? look at the current situation of the so-called zionist regime. the term of the cabinet members
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is very scary that with the collapse and use of this. the so-called two members of the cabinet, well , the conditions are ready for them to be handed over to the court and finally tried. for various reasons and in various ways , he is trying to kill time and make excuses. inside the occupied territory, he says that i am working for your interests and i want to protect your so-called interests. the case is not damaged and to
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the war and bloodshed that you mentioned, and this operation is being carried out in rafah , is being carried out in an operation that, well, there is survival for netanyahu , just as you said, yes, now you see that the situation is moving in a direction where the zionist people living in the occupied land with peaceful listening. it is true that hamas is celebrating the pikes and that if netanyahu does not accept these conditions, they will set the occupied lands and israel on fire. and if the global uprising against the genocide in gaza is very short, tell me how much it will affect the fate of the israeli regime in the future to say one thing, yes, we can say that according to the existing conditions and that we are witnessing from several fronts that the pressure on the zionists is increasing. on the one hand, yemen has announced that it wants
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to unveil the fourth phase of its so-called operation. well, this has a very effective effect in restraining the zionist regime. on the other hand, we see iraq, yes. with the new missiles that today are operating deep into the soil of the zionist regime of israel and tel aviv, as well as attacking haifa on the part of lebanon's hezbollah, all of these are effective, god willing, in the quick overthrow of the regime. thank you very much mr. farkhandepour for your presence . we are with you with another news event . there is no point in falling in love. there is no point in keeping secrets
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. there is no point in running after the deer. why are you knocking on the door? hold it when you reach the eyes of ghazal blood. take care of yourself, take care of yourself , it's no use trying to fall in love anymore, there's no point in pursuing anymore i ran, it's no use.
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have a good time, let's go to imam reza's world congress, which is the fifth edition, and today its plans will be announced by mrs. zohra khar azmi, secretary of the international department. the world congress of imam reza (peace be upon him), which is going to be held , please tell me the date and details of this program. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the fifth world congress of imam reza (peace be upon him)
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will be held on may 24 and 25 in mashhad, astan. moghads razavi is the host of him and the university of tehran is actually considered his alma mater. yes, alhamdulillah, 200 articles 100 national articles and 100 articles from 35 countries have been received. these have been reviewed and judged in scientific processes, and we hope to have standard lectures. in terms of academics, god bless you for coming and being judged. some of them have now reached the final stage, which you mentioned is going to be presented in mashhad on 24th of may. in fact, justice for all is injustice
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to no one, the reason why this topic was chosen in any case, we live in an environment where if it was necessary to give reasons that justice is an important issue, now with the situation in palestine and the understanding that has been created about the importance of justice in the world , i think that it is not necessary to say why this is important. the next point is that the civilizational thought of imam reza, peace be upon him, which we ourselves know little about, means that in this period we realized that even we ourselves know little about him, he lived with a lot of experience. people from different nations have the ability to talk, which means they all need justice feeling, but what model can solve this need now, this thing that has been raised in the minds of people, you can also see in the west that at least american universities and movements in different european countries are looking for an
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alternative. they are a new narrative of justice and it was interesting for us. we had articles from, for example, japan, georgia, thailand, bosnia and herzegovina, various places in russia. they completely understand their own lived experience and the gap they feel, the lack they feel in the field of justice. the conversation with the hadiths of razavi and the practical tradition of the imams has been found and they themselves refer to it and it is very interesting for us, that is, we ourselves may not have expected this connection to be established so quickly, but it shows how much the revival of this tradition is needed in the world today. you also mentioned. 50 works will be presented in the international field, as long as it is an international article, as many as domestic will be presented in these courses that you said, the statistics that
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remained in my mind is that the articles that you received were that 50 articles are going to be presented, god willing, on the 24th and please mention this too there are specialized panels, you have a special category in certain axes. this conference and congress, yes, some of them actually examine the more theoretical dimensions and foundations of the concept of justice, some of them actually connect the lived experiences and some of course are classified according to the topic, for example, cultural, social, economic justice, and naturally we tried to establish that communication and dialogue, therefore , in all panels, you have both iranian professors and international university professors, so that this fusion and transfer of experience can be realized properly. it was a forgiveness of people who lived in countries various that you very nicely pointed out that
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there are also very good articles. i will give you the basic part and the theory. we had a new theory in this field , especially since our internal thinkers are always active, researchers are doing research work. in the foreign field, we also had a theory in the field of justice that wants to present a new body , yes. you see, the capitalist and liberal world's experience of justice stopped at one point, and that point was structural justice, that is, you look at all the international profiles, the last thing they give you about justice is how wealth is explained. for example, how much is the class gap developing? something similar to this, while the dimensions of justice in the civilizational thought of imam reza (peace be upon him) are much wider than this, that is, interpersonal relationships are important in justice. the relationship between ethnic and religious views is important. for example, we have narrations about imam reza (peace be upon him) being referred to as a christian or
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a zoroastrian. it means that we have both sides . they left behind a large wealth, and the government was in the hands of muslims. they could have easily taken this wealth because they did not have a shameful inheritance and distributed it among the poor muslims. taking and telling this wealth. it should be explained to everyone that you have no right as a muslim, for example, wealth is a basis of justice in yes yes, it shows how much you see the same view even towards non-muslims or in the protests of imam reza (peace be upon him) in the debates they are having. that even the language and speech of the face to face person is respected , these are very justice-oriented. thank you very much , ms. kharzi tabir, international department of imam reza world congress, for coming to sabgahi program , dear and respected viewers, for being with us. thank you very much. see you tomorrow in 30 minutes with a flag, we tied the heart to the homeland in the sea
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when we are us too.
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8:00 am
. hello, welcome to this news section. . rainfall in most parts of the country in more than 20 provinces, flood warning . passages and flooding of rivers have been issued. the intense bombing of different areas of rafah in the south of the gaza strip and the martyrdom of at least 20 palestinians coincides with hamas agreeing to the fire. references.


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