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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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he is doing the same thing as he has been afraid of iran for 45 years , but the countries of the region have proven to them that iran is their friend and that the one who is the enemy of muslim nations and the enemy of humanity is the zionist regime, which iran has shouted many times and today is the same slogan that the people of iran shouted in the streets for 45 years. it has become the slogan of the people of america, the people of europe, the students, this slogan has become a universal slogan, and in the lofty sense of the leadership of the sage of the revolution. islam is the problem of palestine and gaza has become the problem of the world, not only the problem of the islamic nation, well, this proved that our slogan is correct, the position of the islamic republic is the correct position, and we are always with the neighboring countries and the nations. we announced that iran is your friend. it has been proven that it has different manifestations. i had a meeting yesterday with the officials of the region. they
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admitted that what haj qassem soleimani did to defend the region and to prevent isis from achieving its evil goals there is nothing. time will not go away from the memory of the kurdish people , it is still in the memory of the people of iraq, the people of iraqi kurdistan , how haj qassem soleimani and iran defended them against the enemy , and we have these effects in other neighboring countries as well. what the message of this promise is true is that those who read against let the islamic republic stand up, we will stand up to them with the full strength that exists in this country, thank god. those who want to be friends, we will be friends with them, this message has this message, so we never left the negotiation table, always from the beginning our government has built that every time the discussion of negotiations.
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ok, let's go and express our logical, rational and completely defensible words there. we will never be at the negotiating table in this government. the one who broke the agreement broke the agreement. those were the americans and the europeans who repeatedly broke the agreement. that we are safe in the nuclear industry, the agency has declared many times that we do not have deviations, it has declared more than 15 times that the islamic republic has no deviations in its nuclear activities. his activities are peaceful activities. but who listens to understand that the agency is finally announcing this, the agency has announced many times. so, so that he can only negotiate to solve the problem? no, negotiations can be used , where necessary, rockets can be used. in other words, in fact, it can be said that a rocket is the answer to a rocket. yes, very well. if you allow me, now a little about politics.
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let's pass and go to foreign and international issues internal issues, and i think that at the top of internal issues and a very important issue for the people is the issue of housing . dear mr. president, one of the promises you made in the presidential election and in your election poems was the issue of four million housing units in 4 years. your presidential term has been so far, it seems that it has not been very successful in this field. do you think that you can achieve this promise by the end of the government? it means that the speed is going to pick up, what is going to happen, see how many times i have said this, let me. in this meeting , i would like to say that the country needs 4 million housing units one or two legal emphasis, that is, the national housing movement and
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the housing law have assigned 4 million housing units to the government in 4 years, so the second is the third one, which i also said based on the recognition of the need and emphasis that exists, that efforts must be made to solve the housing problem, if in the past years, we witnessed the production of housing according to the needs of the people. today , we did not face the problems that the people are facing now. if in rural housing, in a housing in a dilapidated context, and in the construction of housing, the measures that should have been taken would have been done in its own time, that is. there were 25,000 houses in one million years, 300, 400, but it has not reached this limit, so this shortage is felt completely in the country. we have started
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to implement this promise that was given to the people in accordance with what the law mandates throughout the country. active in such a way that we have now seen that if we had said that we should have 250,000 rural housing units for rural housing, now we have more than 260,000 osaian housing units that have been delivered, or in the field of aid seekers, the imam relief committee has delivered 100,000 housing units to aid seekers. it is dear to us that 33,000 of them were reported a few days ago by the media he broadcasted that many things are being done in the country in relation to housing. these housing production workshops all over the country are active in a way that you can see in jajaja from the city to the village . today, the issue of housing production has become the government's issue, then housing, not in the form that it was in the form of apartments before, it is not diverse, there are also villas in some of the countries.
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in the cities, where there is land, we have housing in the form of villas, with the help of people, we build some places that are necessary , for example, two floors, three floors, five floors. it is a problem because we have little land, but at a distance from the provincial capital, why is it possible to build housing there and it is being done? road and urban development is being done with the cooperation of the people. you know that the armed forces are
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working for their own forces. according to the facilities it has, it gives land in some places land will be given and facilities will be given. somewhere , both land and work are being done all over the country, based on the promises made by the government and looking for those promises, which, god willing, will be fully realized. there will definitely be a housing issue for every in each city and province, we have statistics showing how much housing is being built, how much land has been delivered, and what works are being done . i want to assure the respected families , i want to assure the dear young people that the government is working to fulfill this promise of providing housing. god willing, it will work, but with your own help , that means there are some places that you have to come to yourself , you know, make an effort, and the government
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will definitely use the facilities and support it has, and god willing, the promise of 2,400,000 housing units that i mentioned will be fulfilled. for example, in our mehr housing, when we took over duvalt , it had 240,000 pledges for the country's mehr housing to families who had sold their carpets and sold their gold . everyone is waiting for housing. so what should we do? the government has made a commitment. now, which government has made the commitment? two or three previous governments have made commitments but now, finally, the government is committed to what we should do , we must do it, we must do it. until today, when i am at the service of our dear people, i can say that this amount naturally demands its own resources, which we hope, god willing, with the help of our dear people and with the help of all those who the field of housing construction
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is trying to be the leader of the country's economy, because housing construction is actually a driving force and can activate many other sectors. this has been done in many provinces. yes , thank you very much. we should do our best in the field of real estate, but we don't have the necessary plan and law to prevent speculation in the housing sector. really, these problems are repeated again . i would like to hear this from the southern language, but i will ask another question a frequently asked question, mr. dr. raisi, you are always responsible. the honorable government declares that the statistics show a decrease and a relative inhibition of the growth of liquidity and the growth of the base of the policy, and of course the growth of the inflation rate, but the fact is that, if you understand, this reduction in inflation
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is not very noticeable in people's lives, people are facing problems such as these. the rent that will finally be offered close to the new season, which includes housing and relocation. or in the matter of food, etc., people are facing serious problems. first of all, please tell me why this is so and what is the government's plan to curb inflation seriously . look, what causes inflation , those causes must be eliminated so that inflation will decrease. well, we tried from the beginning of the government with inflation of 59 and 60 percent and we started working on them. so, inflation should decrease. what should we do? the first thing that inflation creates someone, the government tried to make sure that no one had a budget in the first year the year 1400 is fine. 6 months in 1400 when we came , we tried not to have any budget, even those who
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had a budget, that is, 480 thousand billion, we tried not to borrow, not to print money, but to produce and generate income, and this happened. that is , in 1400 , we tried to get a budget. 1401. similarly, our sources and expenses were consistent. all they want to do with the industrial budget is that we cover the cost we will not see an increase because the cost increase will cause inflation and the budget will be dirty . we have requested many times from our friends in the parliament that the costs should not increase. do not have second , an important issue that has an effect on inflation is the same point
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you mentioned, liquidity growth. well , how much was liquidity growth when we took over the government? we set a goal to be able to control liquidity growth so that liquidity can be controlled and reduced and today i am in the service the last report i got from the central bank is growth. liquidity 23 means that it has come to channel 23 and this is something that many people don't believe. is it possible because until the end of the year it was 25% at the end of last year 1402, now it is actually 23% and you have eaten it ? let's control it. this is one of the causes of inflation . the third cause is the problem of bank disharmony or an overdraft from the central bank
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. we have tried to control the things that cause inflation in the government, and of course, this time. you said some of these things the things that the statistics they give in the table should be found. it is true that i am in the news . i get statistics daily, every nine weeks. not a day goes by for me except that i am aware of the state of the goods, the state of the people's tables and the lives of the people. i say that i am not exaggerating daily. the friends of my office know that our ministers know that i myself am looking for someone because i am sensitive to this issue that we have to witness day by day and... the
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inflation situation has changed. 47% of us had inflation, now it has gone to the 30% channel, inflation is decreasing, that is, from that the rate of inflation is decreasing from what it used to be, and our actions should be aimed at reducing inflation, which will definitely affect the prices, and we have tried to reduce this economic pressure on the low-income groups, and in fact, the long-term seekers like the life support committee. those who really have no income are under you in the society, the life of a man should be paid attention to, so we have doubled the income of pensioners and help seekers. other than this product, we placed this product as a help sheet
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it is serious that in order for the 11 items of goods that are needed for the table of the people to be able to find a fixed price with this fixed price of 220 tomans , the government is giving other than the subsidy that is being paid. if we calculate with that subsidy , of course, those 300 tomans and 400 tomans will be paid by the person who buys the goods. he pays so that he can have a fixed price now 60, more than 60 million of the population of our country welcome the kalaberg plan to be prepared at this price . these are the things that have been done in relation to the people's table , in relation to the various sectors, in relation to the poverty alleviation of the country. really, the measures that have been taken
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are all in the direction of for families in need, for example , water, electricity, gas, health insurance , these should be provided for free. this is a help to the family. i am not saying that it will solve the problem 100%, but surely these measures should be free from that side. we are the same help seekers who are covered by the relief committee or welfare, we are witnessing their empowerment alhamdulillah, i remember this celebration that was held recently in the hall of the ministry of interior. empowering 100,000 people is now out of the scope of the aid amount . on the other hand, i have to tell my dear people that this is the first time that i have asked the officials of the relief committee. this is very good news. i don't want to say that it solves this problem or that we don't have anyone like that, but
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now, in fact , a system has been activated in our ministry of welfare that everyone across the country can so that the devices come and cover them so that they don't have problems, then on the other hand, efforts have been made to ensure that workers' rights , employees' rights, family rights for employees , and pensioners are taken measures that can put some pressure on the inflationary situation of their lives. the economy will be less for them and it has an effect in this change in the salaries given and the pensions made to different sectors, while the government is aware of the economic problems and all efforts are to reduce the economic problems day by day, god willing. excuse me, mrs. hosseini, i have a point for mr president, i would like to return to the same post, in fact, as the extension of the question, which was about dealing with merchants. we know that
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the government has taken good infrastructural measures, for example, in the matter of providing protein or meat. we know the needs of the people, that good measures are being taken , god willing, it will be put into operation. it should be said that the livestock breeding that is on a large scale in the country by the government, we know all this, so it will take some time until it reaches the people's table. it is possible to wait, but if it enters the speculative market, we will face the same challenges are you facing the discussion of the capital id tax or the discussion of the sedagari tax that has recently been discussed in the majlis alhamdulillah, finally after many years. it comes to the conclusion that you agree and the government is determined to implement this law firmly and prevent a very small amount from the farm to end up with a very exorbitant amount in the hands of the consumer and people . yes, see the supply chain and production to consumption. it should be controlled, we are not saying that this control should always be the government, by the way,
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the unions themselves, the snafus, the classes themselves can do this, this is one of those important roles that the people can participate in. find and play a role, that is, monitoring and controlling from supply or production to actually this chain to consumption, which is very important, dealing with profiteering is very important in the housing issue, well, it was very important to systematize the trading centers in this government it was done, of course, with the cooperation of the companies, a good job was done, of course, the violations were dealt with, and a disciplinary action has now been found regarding this matter regarding the rent. also, the different parts of this government are built on the fact that the implication that creates isolation must deal with the traders and the violations , of course, part of it is the responsibility of the punishment. it is the responsibility of the judicial system, they are also helping . what i want to say is that
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dealing with profit-seeking speculation is a very important issue that must have been and will be the attention of the government in order to regulate the market and control the market. in this regard , we consider the government obliged to follow and implement the regulations and laws seriously . you emphasized the central justice to him many times both in your words and in your efforts, it has been a mistake. your justice should be based on this. if you explain about your record regarding social justice , please also tell what happened in the field of cultural justice in your government. thank you. you see, justice is something that maybe after monotheism, no other issue has been emphasized so much in our religious culture
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, and it is the way that during the rule of amir al-mu'minin, peace be upon him, he emphasized that i am the center , in fact, my mission is not to implement justice in the society, but justice, which itself is the place for ali. no, that's it. this is how we really are at the feet of amir al-mominin, we are servants like me . we must try to implement justice . this is our budget. the first budget that we presented to the parliament was to explain the budget in a way based on the territorial purpose, that is, we should look at where is the privileged, where is the less privileged, where is the deprived area. really, the explanation was based on this , we tried to explain the credits in this way . in the country, in fact, the departments that need more and less attention
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should be given educational facilities for the departments that are less provided with this opportunity. action should be taken for village roads, for village water, you know that we set a target of 10,000 villages from the first time we came to the government. there was water tension. today, when i am at the service of you, our dear people, i would like to announce that the water tension in 5,000 villages has been resolved in the same period of two years or almost 3 years, and the goal of the government to solve the water problem in the villages, god willing, will be resolved within that time. it's the same with electricity, it's the same with gas supply, all the possibilities of our country are for us to pay attention to these fiber communication networks. when i look at the number of villages that have been paid attention to the areas that have been paid attention to are more than tuition areas or areas that are more in front of the eyes
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. in terms of facilities, attention must be paid to underprivileged areas in terms of roads, health houses, construction of schools, and the facilities that are in the country should be completely justice-oriented, completely with justice. our axis is to deal with the case from the other side. we also look at what justice requires, for example, educational justice , gender justice in various fields. i said that justice has a very wide and inclusive space. if you look at some sports groups saying that we came to this meeting for the first time, well, this look. it is for us to pay attention to all our heroes , of course, now there are heroes , they are in a position and position, they should be looked at in that position , but he said that granting the right to put everything in its place
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is a complete position. let's make sure that the discussions of our friends in the parliament are fully implemented as per the government's view. and when we feel that something has been done against justice , we are really angry and we believe that this is not worthy of our government and in fact it is not worthy of the islamic system. is that attention must be given to fair attention to all sectors and those places that must be done in this government , we can have this view completely. the issue of justice is one of the most central points that the government of haj agha is paying attention to. one of the issues that may not be unrelated to the issue of justice is the issue of guiding managers, which you
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raised from the beginning of your tenure in the government. how successful do you think you were in this? look, by the way, if we want to define justice correctly or from the other side let's say that what violates justice is corruption, yes, and if justice is hidden somewhere , corruption will take place, and it should not be such a thing. speaking in practice, we believe that our government should be a government of action and execution, so what should we do to bring 2000 companies to their financial balance. we put it in maraa and manzar in a clear way, and this was not possible
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. thousands of permits have been issued, in fact , the system and work is being done transparently more than 90% of the significant part of the trade system is being implemented. these systems that have been activated prevent corruption, so corrupt structures should be reformed, which we have done in this government. and the circles say so-and-so, so-and-so, we made it public, we said that everyone should know about the super-debtors of the bank, this will make it so that no one will appear like this and settle his account with the bank, the bank can give him an education. for clarification he has taken good steps in terms of dealing with corrupt people. this is the first time that
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this is happening in the government after 40 years, when you gave him the task of fighting corruption and allowed him to act completely on his own. let him implement that we announce that in the country where we have about 100 people who are responsible in different departments, they are all good people, they don't have any problems, but some of them feel inefficient, and some of them may have problems in rare cases. there are supervisions that are taking place this is different from the work done by the supervisory body , that is, it is followed by the presidential body itself. we have created this public communication center , so far 300,400,000 people have communicated with it. informing that with the cooperation of friends, monitoring centers and the judicial system , they are following up on the matter, that is, today the government itself claims that
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after this advisory patrol that i promised to our people , we have implemented it, that means that now this advisory patrol is being implemented in the center, in tehran, and in the ministries. also inform the people that, for example, by this guidance patrol has been taken from your managers and you should announce that they will be present in the devices, they will warn the device, and they will move people where it is necessary , and we do not have anything to tell anyone about this. because i don't have a special party, i don't have a special group , we are a special trend, we are related to the people , our government is a people's government, we said that the people's government or a special trend should have a relationship with me, not our connections, our government, the shape of our leaders is the shape that they are from the people and somewhere even if we feel that
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we don't have a door at all, i really do all the administrative councils, maybe if i say that i am not exaggerating, i announced that in all the administrative councils of the provinces , we went to some of the provinces, with our presence, 20 managers were encouraged and 10 of my managers were fired . no, we imagined someone who could do this, or a servant or, for example , the governor thought or the minister thought that this gentleman can play a role here or this lady can play a role, after that we will do something to solve the people's affairs. therefore, i have said many times that if someone is inefficient for any reason, he is inefficient it should be changed so that the way for this transformational spirit is always open and the transformational government can really implement and operationalize the transformation
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, so this promise that you mentioned in the work of mrs. has been implemented in the government and we have said that friends, both in the province and in the center , let my dear people be informed. yes, thank you very much. you mentioned the cultural issues . please allow me to have questions in this area, considering that we are near the exhibition of my book. you see, mr. president, the people really care. it seems that social vitality is what they need now there is, and in this field the government should order measures . now measures have been taken, to be fair, in the field of music, film, theater, but in order to create more social vitality in the society and help these cultural fields, which can be symbolized by music, it can be films and theater by the government. what program is on the agenda? first of all, i would like to point out the last point that the lady mentioned about cultural justice, the amount of libraries that


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