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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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in order to investigate the attack of the zionist regime on rafah in the last couple of days, at the same time that the negotiations were going on, i would like to have a conversation with mr. mansour barati , an expert on the issues of the zionist regime , mr. barati. as i said, while intensive negotiations between egypt, qatar, and the united states were being pursued, and even last night hamas announced its agreement with the package proposed by the mediators, the zionist regime attacked rifa and even the rifa crossing from the side. occupied palestine first with let's start the negotiations, what exactly did it reach and... in what conditions did hamas's reaction
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put netanyahu? well, if we want to start with the negotiation agreement . due to the fact that the negotiations are going on indirectly. with the mediation of egypt mainly , the egyptians have the most influence on these negotiations and the negotiations are being held in cairo . he has announced his agreement with this new ceasefire and it is supposed to be on the israeli side now both are actually negotiated. let's get the opinion of egypt
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and america and in fact the opinion of the israeli side as well , but what is actually stated in the draft agreement is that the war will stop for 120 days. first, in a period of 40 days, about 30 people from israel's captives or captives. israelis will be released, in exchange for each israeli, between 30 and 40 palestinians will be released from israeli prisons, and some prominent palestinian personalities will be among these people , including marwan. it is possible that in this in the course of this. first, the zionists are supposed
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to reduce the hours of their own flight operations for reconnaissance and attacks in the first two or three days of the ceasefire, and then, in fact, the war developments will stop completely, and this ceasefire will actually last for 120 days, the palestinian side announced. well, i agree. there is a ceasefire, but the israelis , although they still keep their own delegation in cairo and the head of the mossad and the head of shabak, which is israel's internal security service , are both present in the negotiations, and this shows that they are treating the negotiations very seriously. but it is serious for them the operation of the israeli army in the east of rafah has actually continued, so we will continue with this issue, yes
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, in fact, we will jump to the general situation of the negotiations. are we on the verge of a full-scale attack on rafah, or is netanyahu seeking to use the threat against rafah as a means to get more points. use negotiations. well, look at the explanation given by the israelis themselves about this attack today, it almost shows us that it will be a relatively limited attack. it will remain. it is expected that it will remain limited, and well, only to the east, the attack has been resolved , not to enter the city, to enter the crossing, and in fact , in the border strip, areas from it are under control.
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bringing them into the areas where, for example, we know that there are more than one million people , basically, the ground forces and israeli nuclear vehicles are still entering. it is said that this attack is israel's response to the attack a few days ago, a rocket attack by palestinian groups on the camp to the karam abu salem crossing, which is the closest israeli crossing to the rifa area, during this attack. so far, four israeli soldiers have been killed and 8 others have been wounded, some of whom are in serious condition. it is said that this is the answer. israel's action today is a response to that attack, the israelis themselves are claiming this, and it seems unlikely that they will call for more extensive action
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to be taken for the time being. that netanyahu's cabinet is led by some members of atalaf, who actually form the extreme right wing of the cabinet. and smotrich are against any agreement for a ceasefire before that they are trying to stop the attack and they say that if such an agreement comes to the table of the cabinet, we will reject it and vote against it . a kind of gesture of attack on rafah should be taken in such a way that it would not be thought that the war stopped before the attack on rafah. thank you, mr. brati, thank you for being with us in this conversation. in the rest of the world, today we want to go to paris
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to talk with mr. elijah mcnair, a writer and analyst of political issues , and his opinion about the nature of the zionist action. to have hello mr. magnir. what was your analysis of today's zionist attack on rafah? do you think we will face a massive attack or just a limited attack for internal purposes and also use it as a tactic in the negotiations?
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therefore, netanyahu's intention is to make sure and do something that the war will continue as long as possible, that is, to continue so long that he has the international door, that during this time, different countries, even the united states, france, and england, have warned israel about an attack. also, the heads of israel have cases in
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the international court of justice and the criminal court may issue arrest warrants for the leaders of the israeli government and the army in the world accused of genocide. has any of these cases succeeded in controlling netanyahu's behavior or not? israel is poisoned to pay no attention to the world conditions against it . continue with war crimes and genocide . see israel committed genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. in the security council and in the resolutions passed by the security council in this matter, we saw very easily that those resolutions
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were vetoed and israel went along with the masonic and actually from mesonit took advantage, so the israelis now just maybe. worry about their own image, which of course is very unlikely, unless they do this just for their own image, otherwise they will continue their attacks. they have no qualms about killing and even cleansing the palestinian ethnic group and forcing them to move from the north of gaza to the south of it and then to rafah and then again from rafah to khanyounis, if we know that khanyounis has also been destroyed, so i think i don't think that international laws are very important for israelis because they feel that in in fact, they have responsibility and nothing. thank you, and my final question is about netanyahu's current motivation and goal
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, who at the same time wants to attack the ongoing negotiations. in the latest polls inside israel published by miyarif newspaper, 54% said that the priority should be an agreement, and only 38 citizens inside israel attacked. rafah is a priority. these negotiations became more intense and serious in the past few days to the point where hamas also announced its agreement with egypt's proposal . kharbi has taken responsibility to make these negotiations fail . what is your analysis of the decisions made within israel about the negotiations, both by netanyahu himself and by other factors.
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he sends a very low-level delegation, chief musa is not in that delegation, he is not the head of shabak, that is , he does not send people who are decision-makers and have the power to make decisions, and in fact he is playing all these four parties, america, egypt, hamas and qatar, so if he was looking for a ceasefire , he would have accepted the same text that hamas accepted, in fact , if he had any reservations, he would have said them and would not have attacked rafah, but now he he has come to challenge egypt. we know that he actually challenged egypt in the past , he attacked in 1978, he is coming to egypt
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, he is bringing his forces into rafah and forcing people to actually leave their houses , ethnic and racial pakistanis are doing it there. he says that he is putting pressure on even president biden and what the israelis themselves accepted and now they are undermining him and he insists that our forces should enter rafah and now he has said that we are conducting a limited operation in rafah, minister in fact, the head of their war cabinet, benny gans, who is from the other side said no, we want to take over the whole of rafah , so we really can't trust what netanyahu says, now the biggest problem of the americans who sent this negotiation document to sign. that they themselves do not really know, in fact, their reputation and image
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are now at risk because they actually signed a document and agreed to it, but they see that israel is not burdened by it and is not ready to end the war, so in this situation, we see that netanyahu's presence in any peace agreement actually causes its instability.
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and now, in the continuation of today's world, the latest images we present to you the student protests both in america and in other parts of the world. so, wenn die kollegen auf euch zukommen und euch tajten.
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'ah, ik had het over jou, sorry, helpen,
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arrêter, as i said at the beginning of the program
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, our second case is dedicated to investigating the continuation of student protests, which, in addition to america, are continuing in other universities and places in europe and other parts of the world. does tonight's conversation is with mr. jeffrey sachs, a professor at columbia university . we are going to new york. hello mr. sachs. thank you i am very happy to be with you. thankful. in recent weeks columbia university's name was regularly in the headlines of the world media. even protests. his current spark started at columbia university. what capacity was there in the atmosphere of columbia university that could inspire protests that have now spread to universities in other countries in addition to american universities . look, columbia university students
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are very upset. from the painful war that is going on in gaza, they are defending the rights of the palestinians and asking for peace, and i think that this action of theirs is very brave, and in fact , the politicians in america are really surprised. and even the authorities of their university did not expect at all , they expected public opinion to be silent or to support israel, but this did not happen. what feedback did you get from the recent incidents? in addition to the hundreds of students who were arrested and are in danger of being suspended and expelled, we also witnessed the arrest of professors in new york itself, for example , we talked with professor dunya who was arrested in our program, plus news from
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congress. we have america where some representatives are looking to cut the university budget, colleagues. and how do your students in columbia view recent issues? what do you think about the encounters? look, of course, i can't speak on behalf of all my colleagues, but i can speak on behalf of hundreds of my colleagues, because i talked to many knowledgeable university professors , and in fact, they believe that what the university administrators are doing is completely correct. it was wrong that they violated the rights of students and professors.
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the american government, on the other hand , is actually the government against students and universities, now maybe all students. but the majority of students are now in a situation where the government is against them behaves the most important title that has been used to label students during this time is anti-semitism, while the protesters say that we are not against the jews and we are only against the genocide by the zionist government of israel. even we see jewish students and movements in america saying that right now. what do you think about the difference between judaism and zionism ? what path has been taken that now even a significant part of jews in the american university and society
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have reached such a distinction. i think the demonstrations are against the actions of the israeli regime does protests against war, war that causes killing, killing civilians, are taking place. the war is being waged by an extremist regime, and i think that this issue should be resolved with a two-state solution, not with the current war, so that the palestinians and israelis remain on both sides of the same border. this is what the protests are after. it has nothing to do with anti-semitism , it has nothing to do with judea at all, and it is only
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related to the israeli regime, a regime that is very extreme , a regime that does not seek any peace at all, and does not even agree with the two-state solution. and this door while the international community and we have a clear manifestation of it, we see it in the united nations, that everyone is asking for a two-state solution, a palestinian state, a full member of the united nations, with its capital in east jerusalem, its capital in the east, and its own islamic holy places. i think that what the students want is this and this accusation of the jews.
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yes, it has been calculated, in my opinion, because the politicians pay attention to the actions that are not supported by the public opinion, they know that america is against israel's crimes and this war in gaza are silent and in fact it is helping them in this way , providing them with weapons and financial resources, we as students and professors. we are against and we don't want the american government to be silent about the actions that israel is taking and this deadly attack that it is doing. this is what the students are saying
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. this is what the university staff is actually saying and i agree with it. we want to, but the government wants to shut down this view, the congress and the government don't want the university administrators. and protests which is against israel's actions, so these protests that are being held are against israel's actions and against america's silence, that is why the students want their voices to be heard, and i think that their voices should be heard, and this is exactly the same reason again. which was the government in washington. you said
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that these voices should be heard, but the american government has decided not to listen to these voices . why is my main question now? obviously, the american government has been for years, for example, the biden government has announced that it agrees with the two-state policy, but when it comes to the complete formation of a palestinian state in the organization it becomes a nation and membership it is only the us government that is in place. he opposes and votes against. why does the american government not want to go along with this public opinion and reconsider some policies towards israel? the reason for this is that the united states is supporting israel
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all the institutions and in fact all the countries, america should support it, it is not that it appears to say that we agree and in fact it is in the language , but they should vote in favor of admitting palestine in the united nations, their own agreement and adherence to the solution. show them, our request now is that this is america. you mentioned that the american government should hear these voices, but why does the determined government not hear the voices when it comes to israel?
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continue his past policy despite the genocide. of course , this so-called israel lobby that we are mentioning is very powerful in america. they have a lot of influence on american politics, a lot of money, very powerful campaigns. this money is used to defeat the politicians who act to defend palestinian rights, this money is also used to silence them. it is used so it is very understandable that we are actually in the middle of a political war and this war that is going on right now
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is reminding america of the fact that you cannot stand in the way of peace, you have to agree to a two-state solution with the formation and establishment of palestine to agree with the capital of east quds, and now america is caught in this situation and we see that the countries of the world and especially the islamic countries. in fact, they really have the same opinion in this regard . americans are becoming diplomatically isolated, and this is something they don't want, and so do we. we believe that the united states should no longer make excuses. 194 members of the united nations are saying that a two-state solution should be established, and in my opinion, the united states should not continue this situation and oppose it. thank you for your question.


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