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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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if education really wants to go in such a direction that it actually has a reduction or a claim, come and make some changes. now the english language lesson is a general lesson in our society, while the english language lesson is a global language, the international language is now the foreign minister. our country should know the english language, because in my meetings and courses
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, there is an example of an issue that education should be aware of regarding the second issue of determining the path of the fundamental transformation document of 1990 , the roadmap was recently approved, that is , after 13 years the road map approved by the supreme council of the cultural revolution shows that some of us the documents are just rotting and practically we are facing a problem in the implementation of the document in the field of education. we are thinking about changes in the contents of the textbooks . that
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we are specific to a series of disciplines, these are also facing the financial snake, that is , if this lamb is brought up in the islamic council iran will take it, the watchdog rejects it because it is a burden, the society should at least think about the next 10 years if this happens this year , because we have to go in the direction of slowly starting with experimental sciences, fields that are also related. the fields that should be separated should be merged. pay attention, we started the field 10 years ago . science had not progressed as much as it is now, so now biology itself needs to be separated into several categories, but our accounting field, as it was previously separated, now needs to be integrated. i want to say that we we have to deal with this issue in a specialized way, it is better to say that we should increase all of them or decrease all of them or stay the same, this is a wrong view.
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work incrementally, reduce a series of fields , separate a series, and merge a series , bearing in mind that at least 10 years are necessary, 10 years . if you want to separate the field of law itself, which is known and considered a basic science field all over the world , you should first go and call the law professors. first you have to go to the sound. dear mr. biad , i would like to say that education is still not familiar with this system, how does it want to separate , how does it want to integrate or reduce or increase, the most criticism now from experts in the field of education is that education is for his decisions do not pay attention to the target society, the target society, the target society, the students, the primary target society, or at all. let's make it ten in a week
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. we would like to congratulate all the dear teachers, don't ask the teacher questions . on the same subject, the same program from many i asked experts, believe me , they didn't know what was going to happen to him in education, they said that they want to merge experimental sciences with mathematical sciences, or i said mathematics with human beings. before creating the program, the expert should have known that he should have expressed his opinion, but i thank the radio and television for putting this follow-up program to stay alive, mr. hembari, now mr. hembari's words are more about continuing the education of students, and you said that 80 actually, these courses are not very suitable for students in high school, one of my colleagues prepare a report if you let us see it. the subject of summation and claim of the courses of the second period
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of high school in some courses of the professional and associate branches has been realized to some extent. its approach has also been territorial as well as the needs of the country and the labor market. in the second term of theoretical high school , the subject of integration of experimental sciences and mathematics , physics, is considered due to the affinity of content. the important point is that if there is a claim in the theoretical fields, naturally, the entrance exam will be changed accordingly and the test group will also be claimed. therefore, admission to university courses is also based on changes will be made. a subject that has supporters and opponents. bahram mohammadian, former head of research and curriculum planning organization. in my opinion , the five fields of experimental sciences, mathematics, physics , humanities, technical and professional sciences, and work and knowledge can
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be reduced to 3 fields of basic sciences, humanities, technical and skillful sciences. and the choice of academic fields should also be done in the tenth grade. many technical and professional fields and knowledge work lost their nature and should. former minister of education islamic science and education high schools, although they are few in number, but they have been created with the efforts of competent people and are responsible for education at the level of the republic. they are islamic and the outputs of that are levels of good life emphasized by the document of fundamental transformation. therefore, the integration of the field with humanities makes it worse and i don't see it as good. ahmed abedini, former deputy of the supreme council of education. currently, 62% of secondary school students are studying in high school and 38 are studying in conservatories . therefore, by reducing the high school courses that
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do not have a job market, we can increase the conservatory courses and strengthen them. ali their container former deputy of education. considering that mathematics is considered a basic science field and basic sciences are equal to the development of the country, reducing or merging the mathematics field and its students endangers the country's development. we are at your service. please, in fact , as i said, before we see the report, all the discussions are related to the continuation of the students' education . in any case, many of us are now trying to ensure that the future of students' work is not related to the university and that the skills learn and then get involved in the job market, because we are really seeing now
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that it is much more difficult for students who have post-graduate education and for university and now postgraduates to find a job than those who are recruited into the job market after high school. thank you , it was a very good report, and there were almost a number of experts who gave their opinions, and it was good, and the points of mr. amraei, let me say one thing first , mr. amraei said two or three things. now , because we have an official responsibility in we have education, i know the short answer i will give it to you and let me tell you that if the authorities have any points , they will state them in the completion, and if there is actually an issue
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, it will be investigated . has he welcomes discussions in the media , he welcomes various requests for opinions, he is present , he gives interviews in various media, and now on the same issue in the past, in fact , there have been interviews by the relevant deputies, and now, he actually makes a decision. there has been no consultation on this issue in education, not for mehr 140 it has been decided to go through the detailed investigations that
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have been carried out by the afghan zain community, which correctly stated , their opinions should be taken. fortunately, the technical department is following this issue, god willing , with the application of the teachings in practice, it is actually part of the main spirit of the transformation document, so this is one point, i want
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to say that now this does not cause concern for families or entrance exams. sir, for example , something is happening secretly in the creation of a point now i will say again , it is not very related to this discussion, but since it was stated and i at least know about this issue of the conversion of public schools at this time, i can almost say that it happened in two years, the year when
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they told us that since we have approved the age requirement for recruitment exams to be 40 years and approved the law of the parliament and the people and institutions that have come, the age requirement is under 40 years old, like the ministry of foreign affairs, it immediately changed its advertisement and re -uploaded its recruitment information. i think they mentioned 28 years because the foreign affairs court had given a decision he quickly uploads a new information that he has reached the age of 40 years of education and training for 3 months and has made all the volunteers suffer
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for 3 months. it is comprehensive , it must be a matter of change, because perhaps one of the new approaches that exist in this transformation is to give more choice and authority to the children , that is, one of the approaches that is being considered in this decision is that it will be devised and the effects will be checked. a student for any reason, for example , came to the mathematics field, a lesson box is now closed
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he has to choose completely, for example three years now , he may come to the first year and see that, for example , he does not have the talent and desire, so all his time and money and his country's will be wasted. now he is in the first middle school, because he has not taken this course, he doesn't know what kind of talent or ability he needs, then he goes to study and finds out that he didn't like this course, but for example, he has to change the whole cost again , but if we give him this choice, we will open up the space. he can choose this lesson if he doesn't like it there is no need to go through the cycle of changing majors now , how stressful it is to take an exam to change majors so that he can change his majors next year. well, one of the dimensions of the decision that we must carefully check is its effectiveness, the ability to choose for the children, which
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will change. they talk about the different courses and their nature, their application, and really a detailed work is done. the world experiences in the meetings that i attended as part of the undergraduate meetings are formed in the research organization . i attended more than maybe a few meetings of the people who were actually shown the clip here mas had been interviewed in these meetings , the experiences of the world were reviewed in different countries , what kind of subjects are divided in the second secondary level, what branches do they have, what kind of children are they guiding, almost in a sense, 160 countries have analyzed their experiences. there were several cases that were close , how is the world, that is, the country that you checked
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, see if there is a lot of diversity in their fields. we will take a theoretical branch, we will answer it , we will go to the field of technical, professional and associate. it is less than this, as our brother said, because i have my responsibility in this field. in the field, for example, in technical and professional field, we had many fields, which had no substantive difference to me. it was just a name, which sometimes caused more confusion for the parents of the students. to guide their education, for example , it was accounting and financial accounting. when we go and check the content , the work is completely technical and my bachelor's degree. another professional technique don't think that graduate school education means becoming so specialized that later they will be attracted to the job market . that's why i'm saying that our courses in
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high school are divided into two categories, the courses that are required to find a job in graduate school and the courses that are in fact, this high school and high school education is enough. what mr. amrai says is this, that is, he is now saying that life is supervised by an exam course and all his talk is about the coefficient of the courses in the entrance exam, that is, now i think that if the coefficient is correct, there will not be much discussion. i am a don't take anything, yes, i will now if it's time because if you allow mr. vaya to complete it, then this is a tip for you . it means that we are not ready to make any decision about this matter. community schools are schools where students actually enter a general field and choose a number of subjects according to their tastes or in some subjects
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. in the technical and professional field, we also have a number of art fields, but maybe, for example, we can combine the humanities field and the art field in some fields, which are now very useful for sedasaray. kurdi, who actually wants to enter this field , knows both the humanities and social issues and the technical issues of art. therefore, the dimensions of the issue are being carefully examined, and the follow-up and point regarding this work must be approved if he wants to. farende will follow my approval in the supreme council of education, the supreme council of the cultural revolution, coordination with the ministry of science. we even had a meeting with the friends of the ministry of science. the new
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education system in our country is almost the same now the old name was a little different, for example , they used to call it natural sciences, and this has been the same title since high school education entered our country. please consider the structure of the majors. thank you very much, mr. emra. i would like to tell you that the changes in the entrance exam and tests should not be continuous. now consider that a very good report was also broadcast. however, at the same time, these tests should also be changed when we prepare a society that , for example, there is a definitive effect on the gpa or not, then the supreme council gives another resolution, then the parliament gives a resolution, then the supreme education council enters again
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. this will cause confusion for the volunteers. here to discuss the condition. i mean, this was one of the many decisions, i want to say that even now we had this decision and recently these changes in the discussion of exams, education again. he wants to take the exam and now he will tell the difference let them say no, now that you were in the 10th grade of experimental science, this is not your course, whether it is true or not, we are professional and technical, and i don't know. i am saying that these changes require time and need to understand the problem. at the same time, we are against it. i hope that education itself. education itself should give up this work in a general way and instead go to the point that i mentioned first
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, to merge the fields that are very close to each other and the fields that are very far from each other. should be separated from each other and have a redefinition of general and special courses, really , our education can be a much, much more capable system, mr. shayan. dear mr. bayat, regarding education and training, when he undertakes the 12-year education of a student from the first elementary school, when a person wants to enter the university, he is 18 years old. in fact , he must prepare himself for education and for the university, for his life and marriage. i would like to tell you whether the courses we currently have are courses that prepare us for the job market. is the content of our textbook now? they introduce you to morality, life and marriage , i don't really introduce you, and i want to say that i think
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you don't know what changes happened in 2015 , according to the transformation document, now all the children, has the transformation document even one percent been implemented in all the children now? they say to take this one for now because it has weak content. if this book really teaches our volunteers and students , they will not be far away from this deadline. now, in general
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, i want to say that our fields, which are now humanities, experimental sciences, mathematical sciences, and islamic studies, are also work, knowledge, and professional technology. according to our honorable friend, 200 of us are in the field now we have high school. we talk about work, knowledge, and technical skills , really, because finally, the forces. specialists are being trained here, it is necessary to pay attention to specialization and skill-oriented, and we agree with this part of the introduction of education to work and knowledge, it is education and not we who want to help. if it becomes more specialized, well, then we will get to that , actually, the content of the textbooks, yes, then, well, because it is actually very specialized and the content is less, the content will also become specialized , and we are now witnessing that, for example, a student in the ninth grade is studying a subject that is in another country. in, for example, they study in the university for three semesters, which means
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you have become so specialized, and then maybe the mental strength and resilience of the student's mind in that age group will not be enough to learn these topics. recently, there was an announcement saying: people who go from high school to university should take the pre-university language test again at the university, they should take the literature test. i want to tell you that in high school , we fail in many subjects, if we were not underworked, and
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if the contents of our textbooks were accurate, we would not be notified. that you repeat the language that you have tested , the literature that you have tested, yes, the literature that you have tested , they read it again in the high school course, in the university course, the point of our statement is correct that in some of our trainings, our ninth grade , three semesters of universities in foreign countries they are getting it, but in general. and in general, no matter how much we go towards this specialization and no matter how much we go towards the 6-item application , it will not burden us financially and psychologically. theoretical branches and fields professional technicians and their associates are being followed, and we are talking about increasing efficiency and improving, in fact, the same goals that have evolved in the industry. it is moving towards their realization, god willing, with all the experience that exists in education and the elite society that it has at its disposal and the opinion polling that it does
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, god willing, it will finally achieve this task in a desirable way, and the necessary information will be provided on time, god willing. we will have it, god willing, no matter how much time and time we spend on undergraduate discussions for our students, it is not enough because they are the future makers of the country, and as we said, 12 years is the life of every child. yes, 12 years have been influential and formative of our character, maybe our students are in the hands of education and education. hopefully, with the implementation of this document , some of the family's concerns will be resolved, and the screening will be resolved . thank you very much, mr. omraei. mr. abbas bayat, the member of the training commission of transparency and justice watch , general manager of technical and professional affairs, and his associate, amez parvash, who was with us in the higher program , thank you for accompanying us, until we meet again, god bless you.
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2:00 am
in the name of allah, rahman, raheem. hello dear viewers, stay with us with the morning news section. the presence of the national post company in the book fair with the establishment of three postal acceptance counters. according to the managing director of iran's national post company, apart from the establishment of these three post offices in tehran, arrangements have been made to send books with virtual orders. is. we have three mail acceptance counters in masla. we have 12 fixed post offices around the city of tehran, because usually many of the publishers do not send books from the actual exhibition site, maybe they do it from their warehouses and stores. in order to make this happen faster, we assigned post offices that are near the store. and book warehouses should be located at 11 doors


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