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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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the subject of consolidation and integration of the courses of the second period of high school in some courses of technical, professional and associate branches has been achieved to some extent. its approach has also been territorial as well as the needs of the country and the labor market. in the second term of theoretical high school, the subject of integration of experimental sciences and mathematics, physics, is considered due to the affinity of content. my point is that if there is a merger in the theoretical fields , naturally, the entrance exam will be merged according to that change and the test group will be merged, so the acceptance of university fields will also be done based on the changes, an issue that has supporters and opponents. according to bahram mohammadian, the former head of the research and curriculum planning organization, in my opinion, the five fields of experimental sciences, mathematics, physics, humanities, technical and professional sciences, and work and knowledge can
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be divided into three fields of basic sciences. many technical and professional fields and knowledge work lost their nature and should be reduced . mohammad badhai, former minister of education. although there are few high schools of islamic sciences and education, they have been established with the efforts of competent people and are responsible for education at the level of the islamic republic. and its outputs are degrees of hayat tayyaba the emphasis is on the fundamental change document. therefore, the integration of the field with the humanities makes it more refined, and i do not see it as good. ahmed abedini, former deputy of the supreme council of education. currently, 62 percent of middle school students are studying in high school and 38 are studying in conservatories, which does not match the goals of the education document and the needs of the labor market. therefore, by reducing the high school courses that
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do not have a job market, we can increase the teaching courses and strengthen them. ali zarafshan, former vice president of education. given that the field of mathematics is considered the field of basic sciences and the basic sciences are equal to the development of the country, the reduction or claim of the field of mathematics and its students endangers the development of the country. well, thank you, still with pride. we are at your service, mr. bayat, we are at your service, please, in fact , as i said, before we see the report, all the discussions are about the execution of the students' education, while, anyway, many of us are trying to in fact, the future of the students' work is not related to the university , they should learn their skills and then be attracted to the job market we are really seeing now that it is much
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more difficult to find a job for students who have graduate education and then university and now post-graduate doctorate than those who are recruited to the labor market after high school. thank you. it was also a very good report. almost a number of experts gave their opinions and it was good , and mr. omraei's points. let me say one thing first . mr. omraei said two or three things. now , because we have an official responsibility in education, this is
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actually a problem it is being discussed , it is being considered now, either as an idea or as a title the agenda has a very playful atmosphere , it welcomes discussions in the media, it actually welcomes various requests for opinions, it appears, it gives interviews in different media, and now about the same issue from the past, in fact, interviews by related deputies. it has taken place even now , in fact , no decision has been made in the field of education regarding this matter, neither for mehr 140d nor even for mehr 1404, that is, no decision has been made in the next two years, which is not the case now . there is no change in the majors that have been decided in your service year. can be checked
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the exact things that have been done by the zinfoni community, which correctly stated, their opinions should be taken into account , the executive effects of the work, which was correctly pointed out, should be taken. and the decision will be carried out until it is implemented. please answer how this issue is looked at in the fundamental document. see in the fundamental transformation document very clearly about the titles of the fields and how many they should be. well , in the fundamental transformation document, this was not planned. yes, yes. the discussion of becoming skill-oriented and the discussion of attention to work the closing of teachings in practice is actually part of the main spirit of the transformation document, so this is one point, i want to say that
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now this does not cause concern for families or entrance exams, that something is happening, secretly, in the void, one more point. now i will say again that it is not very related to this discussion, but since it was stated and i at least know about this matter , the discussion of the conversion of public schools to this gentleman did not happen at all. the government of the honorable minister regarding the importance of public schools, strengthening them in fact as a way to we have nothing to do
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with telling us that since we approved the age requirement of 40 years for the recruitment exams and approved the law of the parliament and the people and institutions that came to the age requirement , they have set the age requirement under 40 years, like the ministry of foreign affairs immediately. he changed his ad and uploaded his employment ad again. i think 28 years were mentioned there because the court had given a vote, fast foreign affairs. he uploads a new knowledge that he has reached the age of 40 years of education and training for 3 months, he made all the volunteers suffer for 3 months.
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i want to say that this is the opposite. if education had asked for an opinion , it would have asked for my office's opinion. giving more choices and authority to the children means that one of the approaches that is being considered in this decision is that the effects of
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this are checked. the year may come now, the first year, for example, he doesn't have the talent and desire , he goes to the country with all his time and capital, now if we let him choose the next step. according to our brother's words, he chooses the physics course , he may go now in the first secondary school, because he has not taken this course, he doesn't know what kind of talent or ability he needs, then he goes to study and see if he does n't like this course. if we give him this choice, we open up the space, he can choose this course, if he doesn't like it, he doesn't need to go to the cycle of changing majors . if he has, he can take an exam to change his major so that he can change his major next year. well, it is one of the aspects of the decision that we must carefully check to see if it is good. how effective is the ability to choose for the children? therefore, naturally, when such a discussion
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is raised, the lesson schedule will be changed, and there will be discussions about each lesson and their nature and use, and it is really a task in more than maybe a few meetings of people who here, in fact, a clip was shown, mas was interviewed in these meetings , the experiences of the world were read, in different countries, what kind of subjects are divided in the second secondary school, what kind of branches do they have, what kind of children are they led, almost to a meaning of 160 countries, their experiences were analyzed. several cases that being close to us, how is the population of the world, that is , the countries that you checked
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, see if there is a lot of diversity in their fields or not. again, i want to say this point that once we take this to the same branch of theory, we will answer it, we will go to the technical field. o and his colleague, i want to say that in most of the world, the diversity is less than this, that is , as our brother rightly said, because i have my responsibility in this field, in the field of, for example , technical and professional, our colleague, we had a lot of fields, and this lack of me was only a name sometimes. times that cause more confusion for parents of students the academic guidance for their choice was, for example, accounting and financial accounting. when we go and check the content, the work is completely technical and my bachelor's degree. those who go into the technical field , don't think about further education at the university, it means that it will become so specialized that they will be attracted to the job market later. that's why i am saying that now our fields in high school
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are divided into two categories, the fields that are required to be in the field of graduate education. find traps and threads that actually this high school and high school education is enough , that's what mr. omrai is telling me, that is , he is now saying that life is supervised by an exam subject , and all they are talking about is the correct coefficient in the entrance exam, which means that now i think that the correct coefficient should be correct, so there will not be much discussion. of course, i would like to say one thing so that nothing is taken away. yes, i have one thing now. community schools are schools where students enter a general field and choose a number of subjects according to their tastes. or in some of the subjects, for example, now we
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have an art entrance exam that children are interested in going to university but apart from the technical and professional field, we also have a number of art fields, but maybe, for example, we can combine the humanities field and the art field in some fields that are now very useful for radio and television, which actually wants to enter this field, as well as humanities and issues. he knows the social and technical issues of art, therefore, the dimensions of the issue are being carefully investigated and the follow-up of the point regarding this work, if it is to be approved , i will approve it in the supreme council of education , the supreme council of the cultural revolution, in coordination with the ministry. sciences, even we have a meeting, now i will not quote the officials we also had a meeting with the friends of the ministry of science, and they actually agreed that this structure, which
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has been almost the same since the beginning of the new education system in our country, now its old name is slightly different, for example, it is called natural science, and these are from the same when high school education entered our country, it was the same title , they said that we are actually ready and we think it is desirable to change the structure of the courses, thank you very much, mr. amra. i would like to tell you that the changes in entrance exams and tests should not be continuous. now consider that a very good report was broadcasted. it happened that in any case these changes in entrance exam, if these changes take place, in any case , these tests should also be changed at the same time . or if not, then the supreme council should give another resolution, then the supreme council should give another resolution, then the supreme education council itself
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should enter again. this will cause confusion for the candidates. we had this decision and these changes recently in the discussion of exams and education again if this comes give the changes, it means you think that for the first time, he wants to take the exam from the 10th grade. or any of these. these changes , i say, require time and need to understand the problem . i hope that the education itself will stop doing this in a general way and instead go to the point that the point i said should come first
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and integrate the disciplines that are now very close to each other and the disciplines that are being far away from each other separates the general and special courses. have a redefinition really, our education can be a much, much more capable system, mr. shayan , dear mr. bayat, education, when it takes over 12 years of education for a student from the first elementary school, when a person wants to enter the university , it is actually 18 years of education. and he is ready to study for the university. both for life and marriage. i want to tell you , are the fields that we currently have the fields that prepare us for the job market? do i now introduce the content of our textbook to ethics, life and marriage? i don't really know and i want to say that i think you don't know
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what changes have happened since 1995. according to the document. they have lessons that are really transformative lessons. let me tell you about their environment . they have lessons about the formation of their families . what is the level of family management? 12th is not a child. i will tell you something . if this book really teaches volunteers and they don't distance themselves from our students. now , i want to say in general that our fields, which
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are now humanities, experimental sciences, mathematical sciences , and islamic studies, are work, knowledge, and technology. because finally, specialist forces are being trained here it is necessary to pay attention to specialization and skill-oriented , and we completely agree with this part of the introduction of education to work, knowledge and technology, it is education and not we who want to help. it is possible and we are now witnessing that a student in the ninth grade, for example, is studying a course that in other countries is being studied in, for example, the third semester of a university
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. the mind of a student in that age group should not learn this. it's worth it. by the way, i accept the opposite of this problem. recently, there was a notice saying, sir , i think we have 5 minutes until the end of the program, how many can you give in this discussion, since we started with you , i will tell you that the end of the conversation will be divided into 5 minutes, no more. i am just now telling you that our time is running out . now there is an announcement, i am quick to say that there is an announcement that people who go from high school to university must take the pre-university language test again at the university and take the literature test. i would like to tell you that in high school, we fail in many subjects , if we were not underworked and if the content of our textbooks
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were accurate, they would not inform you that you have retaken the language exam and the literature exam. the literature that he has tested is read again in high school and in university . your point is also true that in some of our educations in the ninth grade and in universities in foreign countries , they turn to this specialty in general. let's go to the right and no matter how much we go towards the sixth form, it will be a psychological and economic burden to our society sir, i would like to accompany you, sir, and i am very grateful. thank you. i emphasize again that this is a completely expert discussion in two areas, in the area of ​​increasing efficiency and improving, in fact, the same goals that have evolved in the industry. going towards their realization , god willing, with all the experience that exists in education and the elite society that it has at its disposal, and the opinion polling that it does, god willing,
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it will bring this work to the end in a favorable way, and the necessary information will also be provided, god willing. we will have time, god willing, no matter how much time we leave for our students, it is not enough because they are the builders of the country's future, and as i said, 12 years out of all children's lives are 12 influential and personal building years. i would like to thank mr. amrai , member of the education commission of transparency and justice watch, and mr. abbas bayat, general manager of technical vocational education and training associate, for being with us in the higher program. thank you for accompanying us until we meet again. goodbye.
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the elections of the twelfth term of the islamic council were held on the 11th of march 1402, but the fate of 45 seats depended on the second round of elections, the competition of 90 candidates who won enough votes to enter the parliament.
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in 22 constituencies, one of the differences of the second round of elections on may 21 compared to the first round is the increase in the number of constituencies in which elections are held completely electronically, and in addition to verifying the voting identity and counting the votes with the machine is done on the day of the election and after that , the elections were held in the four constituencies that were held entirely electronically, so we had evaluations and, thank god, i have to say that we witnessed a monitoring and a relative satisfaction in this regard . according to the law, the condition of completely electronic elections in the regions. different countries the approval of the guardian council as the election supervisor , we saw in the feedback of the four electronic constituencies, it clearly showed that our infrastructure
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is ready and the electronic funds that we had in these four constituencies were easily used by users, people could easily, for example, in the constituencies as i said, we have four cash registers in each branch. we almost implemented it and now for the may elections with the proposal of the ministry of interior and the relative satisfaction of which the spokesman of the guardian council said: the elections are supposed to be held in eight electronic constituencies instead of four constituencies. from 22 areas the elections that have gone to the second stage in 15 provinces , the elections of tabriz, tehran, abadan, shiraz, kermanshah, harmabad and chegani, qaimshahr molayam. the electronicization of the election law allows voters to vote with their national id card, certificate of retirement card and passport.
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this device helps the election authorities to check the identity of the voters, whether they have the legal conditions to vote or not. with this device, no one can vote twice. it connects to the system of the ministry of interior after 5 seconds. a person comes to us and says that he is alive yes, when the authentication device issues the voting license , it is time to vote at the electronic ballot boxes. to vote, our citizen goes to this box which is located inside that branch, far away from the terminal. no one knows who the person is voting for, which no one is going to see here, and instead of paper tariffs to write. tariff card is used for voting. i am entering the candidate i already had here. he shows me his details
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. if he made a mistake i can correct it and say, for example, i want to vote for someone else when i enter and complete the voting button, i will show the person who we voted for, it will go into the box, and when the voting process in the country is over , it will be time to count the votes in the polling stations. we remove it from this card, it is removed with this card , it is inserted into this device, and the information is transferred to the device through the user. we will send the information to the systems of the ministry of interior, where we will find out exactly how many votes the candidate in question has received in that box at that branch. the country's elections have announced that if you did not participate in the first round of elections, you can vote in any constituency that went to the second round, and if you participated in the 11th march elections , you can only vote in the same elections.
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participate in the constituency you voted for . eat well, and then you have to help me wash the dishes . well, who will help me? it's okay . there is still someone who can help me. something that is like a strong magnet absorbs the remaining food and fats and gives it away in cleanliness. in this
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place, there is a sports equipment store in a large iranian store you can very easily choose your favorite sports equipment from all these impressive varieties, then take it to your home with an incredible price, long-term sales and free shipping, just like that at the sports equipment store. i will host you at the iranian grand palace until 2:00 in the morning in tehran. how are the prices this year? buy this year at last year's price. good job. did you hear? he says this year at last year's price. they say buying this year at last year's price. children, they say this year at last year's price. they say this year, buy from shahr farsh and
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shahr. at last year's price, it's very good. it's a great news to buy this year at last year's price.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful , i greet muhammad and his family in the presence of you who are interested in sports news. real madrid qualified for the final match of the european champions league by winning against bayern munich. in the second return match of the semi-final stage of this competition last night, real madrid was hosted in santiago bernabeu . this result in it happened that bayern took the lead from alphonso davies in the 68th minute , but ancelotti's golden talisman khoslo scored two goals in the 88th and 91st minutes of neuer's goal. with a glorious comeback to win this match and advance to the final match. the first leg of the two teams in munich was tied 2/2. in this way .


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