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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the spokesperson of the guardian council said that the ministry of interior and the guardian council provided arrangements for holding and monitoring the may 21 elections in 22 constituencies. according to mr. tahan nazif, about 40,000 observers of the guardian council are present in the second period of the parliamentary elections. regarding the discussion of the representatives of the candidates, i must also say that this opportunity ended yesterday afternoon and
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we had about 7 thousand people registered from the so-called representatives of the candidates and candidates who can monitor this process along with the executive agents. have their own supervision, spokesperson the guardian council also explained how to investigate complaints and possible violations of holding the second round of parliamentary elections. an opportunity to face the law. finally , we provide the candidates with the opportunity to report these cases to us if there have been any violations or complaints through the daftala system and the general public through the observer system. we will meet the head of the student affairs organization announced that the country's universities will be equipped with dormitories for married couples , according to dadashpour, if the university prosperity fund
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a student gives housing loans to married students. for the past two and a half years or the past 3 years , about 3,000 high-rise dormitory units are being built, and 2,600 polling station units are being prepared to enter the construction field. we offer it within the country's university, which means that this facility is provided to students' children in the form of a loan, so that if they get married and we cannot provide them with a matrimonial dormitory , through this facility provided by the student welfare fund, they can get at least have the necessary possibility for their own space. gulabgiri ritual was held in niaser kashan as the tears of flowers. the shipment of rose water, the fruit of muhammadan flowers
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from niaser flower gardens , is sent to the holy thresholds and holy shrines of the imams of athar in the high places. a festival called ashk golkh. the purpose of holding this ritual, according to the slogan of the year, which is named the year of production leap with the participation of the people, will be production boom, business boom and sustainable urban development in the region. the result of this ritual is pure rose water. for the worshiping of the sacred shrines and shrines of sultan ali bin imam muhammad baqir and the shrine hazrat muhammad hilal bin ali bin abi talib, peace be upon him , a city that attracts a huge number of tourists during the flower picking and rose picking ceremony . we came from mazandaran because of the beautiful paradise of niaser and the natural effects of god. we came from qom to buy flowers and roses in all its alleys. it catches the eye
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. florists who extract pure rose from the tears of the flower. more than 400 tons of flowers per day , most of our exports are in persian gulf countries, we even export to american, european and chinese markets. an original rose. first of all, it is fragrant, but combo. second, it smells fresh if 10 stay healthy the third sip gives bitterness and leaves. every year more than 10 thousand tons of flowers from golestan fields are harvested and more than 40 million liters of pure rose water are extracted. the flower-picking and rose-giri ceremony, which starts from ardi behesh month in kashan city , continues until the end of june in ghamsar, niaser, berzuk, joshghan, kamu and chokan regions. mahmoud modarsi, sed and sima news agency, yasser kashan. the next part is at 3 o'clock.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashem zadegan with jahan today. in the first case of tonight's program, we are going to oslo. to talk with mr. glen dysen, a professor at the university of norway. at in the second case, we go to andrew to talk with mr. robert fontena, writer and human rights activist, about biden's confession, which was the first time he said
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that american weapons were used to kill civilians in gaza. at the beginning of the world. we present to you the student protests in the world that took place at the university of amsterdam in the netherlands.
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in america, students protesting against the crimes of the zionist regime continues. at george washington university, the students' gathering
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led to a clash with the police. the police used pepper spray to disperse the students. a group of american professors and teachers held a rally in berkeley. protesting the censorship of palestinian history, they emphasized that they face limitations in teaching palestinian history. in their gathering, these teachers emphasized that there is no anti-semitism in educational centers as advertised. under the pretext of what it calls anti-semitism, the american government arrests those protesting the crimes of the zionist regime in the university and on the streets. while some of these protesters are jews and even rabbis of the jewish religion. i didn't actually
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hear any specific examples of anti-semitism. i talk to a lot of students and ask them about i have asked many questions about what they experience in the hallways and outside of school. the students are very open with me and we have a lot of hard discussions and honest discussions and i have not heard any significant allegations of anti-semitism so far. on the other hand, a large number of important american universities canceled the graduation ceremony due to the security environment of the university. the university of southern california was one of the first american universities whose graduation ceremony was overshadowed by protests. this knowledge. about a month ago, a muslim student was appointed as the speaker of the ceremony
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he was removed because of his positions on palestine . however, the students of this university complain about the security environment. the situation in mohabbateh university is tense and security measures have been tightened . the university i love and the university of my dreams. it is now militarized. to enter the university, we have to go through the checkpoints of the transportation security organization. all the disruption this action has caused is not what i expected the week i graduate. the los angeles times also wrote that the police use facial recognition technology to identify students the protester uses this technology was used after the election protests three years ago in america, which
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led to the imprisonment of 800 election protesters. american police have arrested more than 2,600 pro-palestinian students in the last 3 weeks. the scope of student protests against the gaza war spread throughout europe. according to the report of abc news, students from universities in spain, holland, and italy also joined the group of supporters of the war against gaza. university students in spain join the wave of protests in support of gaza by setting up tents for a sit-in on campus. we to as students, we think that we should protest and follow the path of the student movements that started at columbia university in the united states and are currently going on in many countries and around the world
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. these are the scenes that show that the situation in other parts of europe is not so calm. the police forces in the netherlands removed the barriers created to keep the protestors away from the university of amsterdam. fireworks started there and 140 people opened. at the same time, about 20 policemen had set up a tent in a university campus in berlin where about 150 people were they cleaned across italy, students have staged sit-ins at universities in bologna, naples and rome. some students there are concerned about police involvement. we called the police more than 30 times under the pretext of occupying the university president's office and the protests we did in the past days.
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in paris, students gathered in the streets outside the university, some of them blocked the way with face masks and wearing scarves as scarves and by setting up tents. we have very clear demands that you end the partnership with israel or at least form a working committee that can finally stop the partnership and cooperation of our university with university. and leading to works related to israel. as the israel-gaza war enters its eighth month, students hope their actions will lead to change. now we see the latest pictures from different parts of the world where students
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are still present in the scene protesting the crimes of the zionist regime and genocide in gaza. nancy polosi, you are complicit in genocide, the blood of over 15,00 palestinian babies is on your hands, how can you be a democrat and say you hold democratic values?
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al-miya lalmiyyah i am al-miya lalmiyyah palestine arabic palestine, arabia, greetings , palestine, palestine, palestine, palestine, palestine, gaza, gaza
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, gaza, gaza, gaza. as i said at the beginning of the program, our first case is dedicated to student protests from america to europe. we want to talk about this with mr. glenn dysen, professor of political science at the southeastern university of norway. we are going to oslo . hello, mr. dysen. i say hello to you. after the rise of student protests in america, now witnessing these protests between students in europe we were. specifically, england, germany, austria, switzerland, france, spain and many other places. just like you are in norway. obviously, today
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we had a big gathering in malmö sood, and maybe the main focus of the protests in the next day or two will be the university. as a university professor , what do you think about this wave that has spread from american universities to europe? i think that the reason for it is actually the legitimacy of this demonstration, the reason for it being dragged to europe, that it actually has a rational justification, this is a violation of human rights, well, it is natural that it faces protests, we know. that the nature of the entire political west is based on liberalism and the doctrines of liberalism, so
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the highest issue it has is actually the case. after the cold war, humanity has been criticized a lot in the world because we know that some of our governments have a very high ability to preserve the values ​​of liberalism, but on the other hand, there are other countries that want to confiscate this liberalism. under the pretext of that, in fact , there are governments, including the united states, which are now doing things like ethnic cleansing under the pretext of liberalism. students are aware of this trick and deception and that's why they see it
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whose governments are supporting the massacre of palestinians by israel and that is why they are protesting. so if we see this crisis demonstration and the massacre in gaza. the students are aware of the truth and know that this is a lie, so we see that the european leaders do not support israel as much as the united states, but they also do not criticize israel, and this is the reason. students, mr. dyson , you mentioned that this is a challenge in liberal systems , in the images we have of europe, many students are forced in their own universities with
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wearing masks or covering their faces to hide their identity, what threats are there against these students that they cannot express their opinions freely in their own university. the reports that you are talking about have been published with many images. we have seen that in the images , many police forces have been sent to the universities to watch over the students. in addition, i think it is necessary that these students are actually. a very intense campaign against protesting students
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has been created and started, and it is not only in america, we see that this has happened in france and germany too , if a student opposes the war crimes of israel. if he protests, he may be accused of anti-semitism , he may be accused of support. the students are very reasonable and their work actually has a legitimate reason for them to hide their identity. american senator tim cotton also said that those who protest to protect human rights are accused of being anti-jewish people, in fact, they are jews.
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students should cover their faces. i also want to ask you about the path that the europeans are taking in search of america. we are in france. in germany and the most recent case in the netherlands , we saw the police dealing with students and arresting them, exactly the same the treatment that the american police had with the students of his country. the cost of these encounters is the negative view that is created for the students towards the police and their government , and the image of these governments in the world is also distorted. the question is why european governments are following the same path as america towards israel.
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we must have this right, the right to demonstrate, the right to protest , we must have the right to freedom of expression, and i think that when protesting the genocide, which is actually a it is a legal issue, which is a legitimate issue, and this kind of attitude of the governments follows and they are accused we can see from all kinds of violations that now a very hateful campaign has been created against this demonstration of why europeans follow america. in my opinion, this is actually a political tradition. it seems to be because europeans usually do this in the western world , whenever america has done anything, in fact, america has played the role of a leader for
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europeans after world war ii. and also during the cold war and in fact following the partnership that the europeans have with america, we see that there is actually a collective domination in the political world of the west, which is from america. there is, and the rest of the politicians also follow america, and this reason is actually a very interesting point in history, because one of the justifications for partnering with america was that america can establish a liberal order in the world. now we see that the europeans are under pressure from america to support that genocide, and this is a contradiction that is becoming apparent in the relationship between these two sides, and i think that
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is why now the students and also, people are protesting. now you think the whole what will be the cost and consequences of this genocide in gaza and the support that western governments are giving to israel, especially at the level of public opinion? a very big gap has been created between the people of the west and their political leaders, so we know that when the elections come
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, they will see the facts and that america will come back , but i must also say that the people will actually pretend to protect human rights. it is trying to deceive people. i know later
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that they will be deceived by this trick and i think that the consequences of these actions of political leaders will be that many these political leaders will have a crisis in the upcoming elections of their own countries, in any case, we see that and i think they will also have a crisis of legitimacy, western leaders, thank you and the final question of the authorities. israel has been accused of genocide in the international court of justice as well as the international criminal court, and their case is currently under consideration. do you think that in the long run, considering the crimes that israel commits non-stop , as well as the reaction of the youth and people in european countries, european governments may reconsider their policies towards israel. look
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it depends on how these events happen. we see that in fact the international institutions of the government and many governments usually seek to be on the side of the institutions of power in the international arena.


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