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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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number 5 to the sms system 30085 , get 60% of your educational resources completely free , get 60% of the resources of gilna publications as a gift by sending the number 5 to 3085. 4 o'clock in the morning, dear viewers, the deadline for converting paper licenses to electronic unique identifiers will end in 4 days. according to the announcement of the business environment improvement center, so far, about 25%, i.e. more than 599 thousand licenses have been converted to unique identifiers . business licenses can
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be obtained by visiting the national portal of licenses in person and free of charge for old licenses of unique identification. according to the announcement of the environmental improvement center the businesses of lorestan, chaharmahal bakhtiari and gilan provinces were the best, and the kurdistan provinces of central ilam , isfahan and fars had the weakest performance in converting paper magus to yekada id. the deputy of entrepreneurship and employment development of the ministry of labor said that 1,500 entrepreneurship centers in the country will solve the problem of unemployed graduates and graduates in two stages in the form of development of the call center plan. first, it will start soon, god willing. if they have something
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, contact us, we will establish this connection with the counseling centers, which is a matter for them to be handled in the next phase, this year we have a special program that, using the labor market information system or lmis, we can identify the unemployed according to the national code in different educational levels, and so to speak, we will go to the unemployed and solve their problems. launching the public system, buyers of goods and services can register their complaints about the quality and standard of the goods in this system, according to the standard organization, the most registered complaints about the low quality of goods are in the automotive and food industry. i bought a product that has packaging
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an example of a citizen's report regarding the quality of the product he bought is incomplete. in the follow-up section of public reports , they should enter the tracking code that was sent to them and follow up on their own relationship. people on the standardization system is a lot of actually complaints that people now. reflecting, it can be said that there was a shortage in the field of goods, there was a shortage of goods in the discussion of gasoline nozzles, it was in the field of elevators, and in the field of goods, the share of the food industry is mainly high, according to the law of strengthening and development of the standard system of the national standard organization in order to improve the quality of production of goods and services .
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the follow-up of people's reports and suggestions of their criticisms is active. zohreh parvash of sed and sima news agency , the ceo of the national petrochemical industry company , informed the petrochemical units of the country about new petrochemicals this year. according to mr. shahmirzaei , in addition to supplying gas in the cold seasons, production societies have plans for storing and providing sustainable food. as many as 15 small and large plans were prepared for the planning that was done that to the basket. the production of the country will increase, god willing
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, and the current communities will reach the limit of 80, god willing, and our production capacity by the end of the year. we predict that, god willing, we will be able to reach the 100 million tons mark, and we will cross the 100 million tons mark, god willing. the director general of the wildlife protection and management office of the environmental protection organization said that 35 species of birds migrating to iran are in the list of endangered species. referring to the world day of migratory birds, gholamreza abdulai said: planning and predicting appropriate conservation measures requires collecting field data. it is continuous. therefore, the census of aquatic and near-aquatic migratory birds is considered one of the most important wildlife management activities. the silence
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of ponds and lakes is broken by singing of migratory birds. a sign of the divine greatness of these birds and the sea and how good it is. there are still places in our country that birds still trust, and among them more than 80 species of waterfowl and waterside birds migrate to our country every year . these birds are our guests and we come here to see these beautiful birds together with the family of rare birds and we here we are seeing a very beautiful view. iran is a suitable destination despite its climatic diversity and abundant water areas. it is a migratory bird , they usually travel a distance of up to 50 kilometers every morning to feed. yes , in the region, they return to talib to rest at the end of the day, but sometimes illegal hunting by profiteers threatens the lives of these birds. on
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the other hand, the contamination of talib water and the use of herbicides and insecticides in the cemetery poisons the water and food of these guests. some migratory birds are treated here in the wildlife clinic. two bird pieces there are hunters who fell ill after eating poisoned prey and are currently undergoing recovery treatment. some hunting species come to us with poisoning by eating poisoned food and we try to recover and release them as soon as possible . migratory birds play an important role not only in maintaining the cycle of nature but also in the development of tourism. as a host, it is better that we allow the migratory birds to move towards organic agriculture when they are safe in the area of ​​their migration, and
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use less poisons, fertilizers and weed grass in the fields of talabionu. let's save our aquatic life. every year, more than one million migratory birds migrate to our country , most of them from the families of ducks, pelicans and cranes. teen, radio news agency . thank you for your companion.
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the front page of the line of sacrifice is over there on the other side of the fence, see the joy of meeting is there, o seat, sit on the first page , stand up for justice, what is left on your shoulders, the burden of trust, stand up , the first line, the first line, the first line, the line of service, the line of humanity , this is your stronghold. on the other side of the table, there is a martyr in your eyes
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. in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , honorable compatriots, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the first row . today, the oil, gas and petrochemical exhibition is over. daily news related to oil and petrochemical sector. it was even hotter in the media and social media space , even we have an oil guest under this pretext tonight on the front page of mr. fallahtian , the honorable deputy minister of oil planning, but now we are not going to talk only about the exhibition , we have a lot to say with them, in the name of allah the most high. al-rahim , greetings, i am at the service of your excellency and all the viewers of this program, and i hope that in the minutes that i am at your service and all my dear compatriots, i will be able
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to provide good and appropriate information to all dear ones , god willing, we will start with a report on the governments in the 17th and 12th, only 13 billion dollars of contracts were signed in the oil industry, that is, 16 billion dollars a year , worth 70 million euros, and in the 13th government. this figure quadrupled. in the two and a half years of this 13th government, we signed more than 15 billion dollars in contracts , that is, 6 shares of billion dollars a year, which means that we signed four times more contracts than the previous two governments. one of the important challenges of the oil industry is the inconsistency in the gas sector, which must be solved for the growth of production. one of the solutions that can be paid attention to in the short term is the discussion of
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gas storage in other seasons for petrochemical complexes. according to the law, the completion of a half-finished project in the oil regions should be the priority of the ministry of oil. 79 projects worth 25 billion dollars should be put into operation , both in the upstream and downstream sectors, and 50 new projects, and we have already started this. half -finished projects and the start of new projects this year, god willing , we plan to add another 300,000 to 400,000 barrels of oil to our production. completing the value chain of this industry means preventing raw sales and increasing foreign exchange in line with production jump. completing the chain means converting the upstream feeds of the petrochemical industry into final products and those products it will be the final raw material for others. other industries rena zarbanian of radio and television news agency, mr.
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falahatian, in the year when the production jump is supposed to happen with the participation of the people , what did you do to attract people's capital in order to meet the demands of the supreme leader, who put the year as the focus of the year, in fact, the growth of production and the rise of inflation and due to the influence of the oil, gas and petroleum industry and the refinery on the economy of the country, very important tasks were naturally assigned to the ministry of petroleum. here , i would like to say that with the efforts of the honorable minister and my colleagues in various departments of the ministry of petroleum and its subsidiaries last year this tuff. it turned out that we achieved a growth of over 20% for the oil and gas sector, and this
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20% growth had a great impact on the macroeconomic growth of the country last year. mainly, the realization of oil, gas, petrochemical and refinery industry plans is considered to be the driving force and economic engine of the country because the volume of contracts exchanged in oil, gas and petrochemical refinery is compared to other projects in the country. it is much, much bigger. it means that when a petrochemical or refinery actually starts operating, its construction on its site sometimes requires more than 3,000 people to work. work, and with the jobs that are
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created besides this, in fact, the petrochemical refinery to support the construction stages of these complexes, usually tens of thousands of jobs are created in the country. therefore , the development of oil and gas has a significant impact on the economy of the country in the direction of the growth of our production during the last 3 years , just as it was mentioned in your report , we have accepted many contracts and commitments or put them in the hands of investors so that we can let's increase the production of crude oil , let's increase the production of gas, the production of the main products needed by the country, such as gasoline, oil, gas, fuel oil, kerosene, lpg. increase airplane fuel and also increase petrochemical products, in fact, the products that have a significant supply for the country. well, in order to
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realize these issues, we brought the country's holdings or large economic enterprises to the stage. and bankraa, considering that if we want to build a 300,000-barrel refinery , it will require an investment of 10 billion dollars for this refinery , or an oil field expansion that we want to do , or a gas field, usually requires an investment of more than 1 billion dollars. sometimes it is the contract of azadegan square, whose development was recently signed about 11 billion dollars of one contract was exchanged . well, in order for us to achieve production growth , we must bring the people's capital and what is actually the wealth of the country's economic centers and banks to the stage , otherwise this success will be less achieved in the conditions of sanctions or with difficulties and challenges. is facing therefore, the plan that has been taken in this direction
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is to rely more on internal sources than on external sources, as past experiences have shown that we cannot work in the conditions of sanctions and with those who have licenses or technical knowledge and technology and owners of foreign capital. actually like in fact, normal conditions. in this regard , the contracts that have actually been signed with the economic enterprises of the country with the participation of several enterprises and several banks have actually been carried out. it is possible for them to bring the needed information to the stage and actually make the project move. in order to actually grow the production, the first step is to define the plan correctly , secondly, the financial resources should be provided .
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at the same time, technical knowledge is necessary, and then we will be able to complete the works of contracting engineering and the implementation and start-up of those facilities well. towards a coherent planning in all areas , for example, we envision a challenge for the coming years, and that is the reduction of gas pressure in the fields of south pars. well, these studies were actually being done for years, but finally the decision was made definitively. it was not decided whether this pressure increase should be done from the sea or on land. finally, it was decided that this work should be done at sea, despite the complications it has, and recently, fortunately, we got a contract worth 20 billion dollars. we exchanged with domestic companies until these are major
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produce the required equipment inside the country , why do we say 20 billion when the parties are domestic. dollars , because the costs of these are mainly in supply, even if we are able to make the needed compressor, part of the raw materials for the equipment must be available. let's turn it into a turbine , let's turn the raw materials into the needed compressor, let 's turn the raw materials into electrical panels, cables, wires, instrumentation systems and other equipment we need. all that to in any case, but because of the fluctuations. there is a lot of rule and then some adjustments are necessary for it . usually, these indicators that are actually considered in the oil and gas industry in the world
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are usually based on the euro or the dollar, so that they can actually decrease if the value of the national currency actually decreases. it is easy to make this comparison less , more easily, and less adjustments are actually noticed. you didn't take the basis of the euro, no, i don't. now, i don't. at the same time when this news came, the dollar announced that the main part of this contract is the elimination of the dollar in iran's foreign exchange policy, so wait. you are right, yes, this issue is also considered by our main subsidiary companies, and we have tried to ensure that if it is not a complicated issue , it should be done in the same way as we mentioned, but in any case, in response to mr.
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i would like to share this matter that in order to achieve production growth, we must finally crystallize this production growth in our industry and activity, increase crude oil production, increase production of gas intermediates, increase gas production, increase production of refinery products, and increase production of petrochemical products. we have a plan to increase the refining capacity of the country to increase the number and production of petrochemical products in the country , and in this direction, a very extensive planning has been done in the field of petrochemicals, where the production of petrochemical products from the current 94 million tons, within the next 5 years, god willing, we will reach the threshold of 140 million tons. refinery capacities are also expected to be able to increase at least 24 within the next two years. we have tried
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to increase the refining capacity of the country by using the domestic capacities of the country and increasing the utilization of the existing refineries. but this is not enough because after all, we are a country that, unfortunately , is not in a good and nutritious situation in the field of consumption of all kinds of energy carriers. it will lead to added value, it will lead to production, it will not harm the country's economy, but if we want to use all the energy in heating and cooling for our cars, in fact, to the fullest of these resources. god, we did not use it, therefore , in general, to manage and resolve existing conflicts whether in the consumption of gasoline or gas, oil, gas and
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other products that we need and petrochemical products, many efforts have been made to overcome these inconsistencies by constructing new refineries, god willing, we intend to overcome discussion of need. gasoline and diesel , of course, we also follow non-price policies so that we can influence the automobile manufacturers to produce cars that consume less gasoline, trucks and buses that consume less gas or oil. houses and office centers should be built if the energy consumption is actually lower, the domestically produced heaters will become an asset. it should be more efficient or more efficient than the existing situation and all the energy products that are made inside the country should be improved in order to
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consume less energy until the price of energy carriers is like this . i do, but this does not mean that it is necessarily only our price policy. we have to implement non-price policies along with the price policy, they should complement each other . i want you to see that if you assume that now the fleet , for example, taxiranion, snap, and internet cars , most of them are cng-burning, but when we actually give them a significant quota of gasoline, then they have no incentive to go and use cng. well, we have to go to the direction of forcing these loved ones who are actually using gasoline in this field to
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go to gasoline without actually needing to use gasoline. let's reduce this in this issue, but i agree with your excellency's statement that in any case, when we want to create motivation in the consumption of pregnant women, we should stop in fact, we should use all the policies so that we can create the necessary synergy, the result of which will actually be energy consumption management or energy consumption optimization, which, god willing, i will discuss more about
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this in your next questions. explain to 20 billion dollars. at the same time , write social networks or something about these agreements, for example, the ministry of oil came and signed an agreement with the groups under its own sub-category to invest, for example, 20 billion dollars in the oil industry sector. what was the form of this work? the ministry of oil has never entered into a contract with its sub-group for, for example, increasing pressure or building a petrochemical refinery, and it is not my policy to do this. see, i said in the introduction of this interview that we the field of development of oil and gas fields or even the construction of refineries
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brought a series of large economic enterprises of the country to the stage. for example, let's assume that i don't want to give an interview in this case, but we identified everyone or any big group that you know in the country and brought them to the stage because of their work. we are cost-effective, there should be people who should do this work, they should have the financial capacity to meet the needs , they should be able to supply, and they should be able to manage this project in terms of knowledge. as far as petrochemicals , it has 5 refineries, for example , it is familiar with the technical literature of oil and gas and petrochemicals , for example, let's say that recently, in order to solve the gas imbalance for petrochemicals, we brought the petrochemicals to the stage , we negotiated and promoted them. that you say part
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invest your profit to guarantee your food for the coming years in the upstream of gas. all these large petrochemical holdings that own two or more petrochemicals are actually consolidating their capital when they come to the scene and with this investment, they are concentrated in in fact, they take charge of the development of gas fields, whatever amount of gas they succeed in producing. we will allocate that gas to them and we will not make them face the limitation of gas supply in the cold season . you see, if we want to look at this issue from an economic point of view, and when we come, it will be a priority. if we consider the supply of gas for houses in winter, naturally, it is possible that other consumer sectors will be in losses in an irreparable way.
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now, if someone is actually in a world that is not like iran, for example, in european countries, countries like korea, japan , these are not energy producers at all, what do they do? let's support our own steel industry for the cold season so that its gas does not actually fluctuate from other producers. which need domestic consumption or petrochemicals naturally, we have to create the conditions to determine and supply enough gas for their winter, so we also have the big steel industry, we will bring them to the scene to use their funds. this is, unfortunately, part of a lot of this


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