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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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smile freely at your dreams. in the name of god. hello , dear viewers. at one o'clock the development of communication infrastructure is on the agenda of the ministry of communications and information technology. the minister of communications said in the special news program: 10 contracts for the purchase of communication equipment were signed with knowledge-based companies. increasing the quality and speed of the internet, the development of optical fiber and paying serious attention to the digital economy were among the most important topics emphasized by the president during his visit to the ministry of communications and information technology. it is a very important issue.
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digital economy and statistics in the digital economy you are a sign of the growth of the digital economy in the country, but if we look at our neighbors and look at the numbers , it becomes clear that we have to increase our speed in the digital economy. in the country, he said that from the efforts to develop fiber optic network , we have covered 7 and a half million families all over the country, and thanks to your presence, our plan is to increase this to 14 million by the end of the year, god willing, covering two-thirds of the country. let's put up the development of the fifth generation of our mobile phone one of the commitments we took from the operators in last year's increase plan was to increase the coverage of the fifth generation to 10% by the end of 1403, which means that we should reach at least 5 to 6 thousand fifth generation sites, and this work is being followed rapidly.
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it increases the speed of mobile communication significantly and we have determined measures to protect children in the cyberspace of three age groups with the cooperation of our friends in the ministry of farang garshad islami . in fact, it is specified there in the form of a white list the completely voluntary possibility of using the capacity of knowledge bases to build communication equipment was also created in many advanced countries. 10 contracts were closed by the operators with the scientific companies. we made a list of the country's requirements, mr. kiaei, in the field of equipment needed for the development of the network. we will provide them with education and then we will create a market for them, according to the minister of communications bish. 20 households in the country to the internet
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they are connected at high speed. morteza yaqoubi azizi , sed and broadcasting news agency. the national event of production and growth of iranian games with the participation of selected groups of game makers from 20 provinces to develop and complete games. the focus of this event is family, resistance, hope, quran, iranian islamic fragrance and identity. the operation to identify terrorists at baghdad airport at 1:20 pm. the story of a computer game . this particular person, whom we are going to follow , made a plan to assassinate sardar soleimani. these two characters have the duty to catch that person and punish him for his actions. showing the hidden history of palestine same narration. another game revolves around
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a family in one of the villages of palestine, and now during the events of 1947 onwards, when the zionist attacks were more frequent in that era, this family is forced to migrate to gaza city, and then the cases that have happened until today we are witnessing this game. here is another game being designed for smart phones, the theme of which is the largest human gathering of the year in the world, the arbaeen procession . i thought about this. to make the procession game for the global version of the religions of the world and those in iraq, we decided to make a game in the global version for in this old game, which is actually welcomed , we have a character named ilya. it is supposed to be a mystery by answering the riddle during the game. we are from the generation of a family of scientists, which
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ends with musa khar from mohammad bin musa kharazmi, and this character of the first game is the last survivor of this generation. and he has to protect a big secret. these are some narratives of the games that are being designed and produced in the baziara event. game production event centered on iranian culture islamic, like hope, family, resistance. in this three-day event, the teams are doing their final work, and on the last day, a very brief 3-minute presentation will be given in a meeting with attendees. out of 20 teams, 5 teams will be selected as the selected teams after the final evaluations and investment will be made on them. salar vaizy of sed and sima news agency. specialists of a technology company
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managed to design structures using artificial intelligence. artificial intelligence can guarantee the quality of construction. and help prevent defects in the structure. use of motive force in the name of artificial intelligence in the construction industry. you definitely need to think and spend a lot of human energy to get an idea. however, with the use of artificial intelligence , we can come up with basic ideas in design fields much more easily and quickly. patterns. which can optimize the structure of the building and increase the speed of construction by using artificial intelligence, it has helped shain in the field of speeding up the process of creating a correct system to achieve and achieve quick results in the field
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of construction. this company uses building information modeling technology or bim and technological methods in analysis and processing. by means of artificial intelligence, it allows architects and engineers to predict and optimize modeling. another approach of artificial intelligence in the construction industry includes monitoring in the construction stages , which can reduce the schedule and control the cost. we have a high-rise tower under construction, and all the designs are supervised, executed, and technical designs are supervised by. our own collection is taking place and these will reduce the cost and reduce the price. according to the managers of this company, artificial intelligence technology is still in some stages of building construction, such as diagnosis and decision-making, as well as human interactions
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, have not shown proper performance. vahid zakirirat of sed and sima news agency , the second conference on the ability of the field of industry was held with the focus on using the capacity of basic knowledge at different levels. he said that paper production was his father's profession. and now he is considered an entrepreneur in this field in the paper and cardboard industry of our country for nearly 80 years. now i can say that we were engaged in this industry since my father's age. more than 30% of the employees of his technology company are students and university graduates . what happened in this work by devices made in iran, and these devices, alhamdulillah
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, cover a certain amount, maybe 10 to 15 percent of the imports that happen from foreign countries , or companies that are in the field of production. leather is active and now it is considered one of the exporters of leather. with the research done by our research team, we are even introducing our leather to the turkish market. it means that our leather export is the turkish market. these are a part of the technology entrepreneur who attended the second conference on the capability of the industry and the role of technological and intelligent approaches in the leap of production. they had. with the presence of respected university professors. students and officials of this field, our goal is actually better communication and strengthening of communication between industry and university. technologists and entrepreneurs present in this conference raised the slogan of the year as a goal to develop their progress. maybe in the past years, despite
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the slogans, the companies of scientists did not play that serious role. we hope that this role will be done separately this year. according to the capacities and companies of scientists who actually became active today. i believe that it is possible, but it is a very difficult task. according to the officials of this conference the connection between the university and industry and the development of the scientific and technological path is considered one of the main axes for the industrialists and technologists so that the development path in the country becomes the production and export of technological products . in the morning
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the iranian coach, sharaf iran, is playing with a telegram across the country. why are you pricing this month ? your question is an interesting question . we do not want to be treated with any kind of sugar therapy. we are at your service. the law prohibiting the use of foreign phonemes, titles and terms in 1375
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was approved in the islamic council and in the the executive letter of this law, which was approved two years later , quickly emphasized the non-use of words, names and cultural titles in shop fronts, product packaging and in general in official speech and writing. however, take a look. it shows the general atmosphere of the society, the front of the shop and some packaging of the goods. after about 30 years, this law has not been implemented as it should and maybe it has not been implemented. today, in the higher program , we will discuss the obstacles to the implementation of this law with the presence of two experts. please let us know. please accompany us. today we are at the service of two dignitaries, mr. dr. abolfazl nasiri, the general manager registration of companies, non-governmental institutions, and also , sir, we are still proudly at your service, with
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a higher program, mr. nasir, if you allow us to start with mr. pirzadeh, because our question corresponds to the field in which he operates , please, dear mr. pirzadeh. is this removal of the law that exists in this law caused that after about 30 years we still witness that this law has not been implemented as it should be, or is there no problem with the implementation , in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, in the name of god, john and wisdom that does not exceed this superior thought. greetings i have the courtesy and respect to serve dear viewers all over the country and dear citizens abroad who watch this program. i congratulate hakim ferdowsi on the birthday of hakim ferdowsi, which
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is considered today. well, this shows that in the republican system islamic iran is of great importance among the culture-loving people of farsi language, that one day in the calendar is actually called the year. the persian language was considered, so i hope that these events and these programs will strengthen the preservation of the persian language, which is actually a memory of the good and the great and the ancestors of our society. god willing, let's move forward with strength in the direction of its success . it is not about the language and its linguistic issues, but about the deep historical roots, rich civilization and
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valuable culture of a nation during various works with all its ups and downs. literary greats, especially abulqasem ferdowsi , are the main guardians of this sweet and authentic language, and we hope that, god willing, we will also legislate in our own society. with respect, in fact, to literature and art, in fact, respect and respect, in fact, to our ancestors, we can move forward in this direction , what is the topic of the program with this importance that the persian language in our culture is actually ancient, we must see if it is commensurate with this importance, commensurate with the respect we should give to our original, sweet and dynamic persian language in the legislative system, in
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the legal system, whether it is the constitution or the common law. let's move in a direction that in the passage of time, in the development of science and technology in the direction of cultural invasion and cultural conflicts that have occurred as a result of the development of the human society , has this originality been preserved or not ? as a fundamental law in the islamic republic of iran iran has an important and fundamental principle in the constitution, which is the 15th principle of the constitution. what does the 15th principle say that this is actually a kind of beacon and a kind of
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rail for all the elements of the system. sometimes the executive and even the people as citizens who should be respected according to the constitution, which is based on the people's votes and opinions, according to article 15 , the official and common script of the people of iran is farsi. be it based on the principles that are in the constitution or in fact the constitution has a view on the language issue, we are faced with other normal laws of the legal sentence that you read out , the law prohibiting the use of foreign names, titles and terms of 1375, well, this is a single article in 1375, i would like to share with you several notes, about 10 of which have actually
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been approved by the islamic council, what of this law it can be understood that what we want to review and re-analyze the opinion of the legislator and its executive code, which was approved in about 17 to 18 articles, is actually the standard of action for all the people , the executive bodies and the organs. in fact, whether they are in the private or public sector, they have duties and responsibilities they should follow it if we have a culture of respect for the law. and informing in the real sense and in a way , for the original language, in fact, our own farsi, which is the memory of our ancestors and ancestors, and in fact it is ancient , in fact it is iranian, if it becomes a concern, all the pillars and all parts the society
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deals with it naturally, if there is a good law, but there were no good enforcers. well, either there is no culture or the concern is not actually the people, of course the law will not be implemented, but if the law is bad or the law is not actually there, then the people will still be. culturally, they should adhere to those beliefs, in fact , they are traditional, naturally, it can have positive effects, we do not have a legal creation, the law is perfect, yes, i would like to say that this law that exists now, we must come to this conclusion in a pathology and an expert examination. is it about saqour, this law, whether it is the constitution, the ordinary law, or the executive plan, does this concern actually exist among the various elements of different departments or not? as an example , naturally, this law, which is the constitution that was voted by the people, is the ordinary law since 1975. executive letter in 1978 until now, i would like to present it to you
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in the last two years or two and a half years, for example , one of the executive bodies or institutions, which in any law or in the regulations , has a duty to promote and protect the persian language in the true sense of the islamic republic of iran, well, naturally, in these two in the last year and a half, we are witnessing a program under the title of protecting the persian language or standard language standard in radio and television, in the real sense among the public opinion among different classes of society among the officials. this is as a mechanism and a criterion and a plumb line or a program that controls statements , statements, speeches, writings, just two days ago. in the public forum of the parliament, the honorable speaker once again openly stated that a term was expressed and that this issue is actually contradictory
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. placement can actually be effective that radio and television have actually taken an important step that seems like other positions have other capacities. as a matter of fact, now the implementation of this document is at the top, so let us conclude that the law is in your opinion. the conclusion in this section should be that we have a law in this law. i hope that i will be given a chance in the next sections , the executive offices, other sections under the title of the preservation council, actually have instructions in persian language , so we have to see if they follow their plans , do they have problems like the current one. radio, mr. nasiri, if you allow us to hear your speech very briefly , my colleagues will prepare a report. please tell us your general opinion, whether the law of impeachment
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is a hindrance or not. after we see the report , we will return to your service. we are open in the name of allah, the most merciful and the most merciful. first of all, i offer my greetings to the viewers respected and dear ones, i congratulate you on the days of the decade of dignity. to the dear ones of the persian language and literature academy and to all those who are working for the second language of the islamic world, especially for the dear iranians, in connection with this matter, i have a request from you, dear moderator , please respect the time justice this time, almost at the same time as with mr. doctor, are you going to tell me that when we come back, yes, i will summarize in one minute, this law has many loopholes and is not comprehensive. mr. nasiri, you said that the law. society is not a hindrance, and so you are the title of the person who is in charge of a part of, in fact, now you are the head of the shops, company registration and so on, of course, the head
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of the shops with instructions, but anyway, since you determine the names, it may create an atmosphere for the owners of goods and businesses to use this, for example. why, in fact , we have seen my report now, why after almost 28 years , but there is no reason that a law was established at one time , it should continue forever, that time is my space. at that time, the issue of merchants and production was not as advanced as it is now. at that time
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, it was probably about 800,000 for our entire company. now 2 we have 1,100,000 companies, so how many persian words do we have to use? yes , in my opinion, first of all, it was a good time when we had a representative representative of the law in this meeting, but 28 years have passed. we also have a problem with this from a legal point of view. article 6 has a problem. i would like to say that article 15 has a problem. you can tell me about it. i will tell you. article 15 is included in the regulations of this law. for example, he came to the company's sabbatical office and said, "i want to get a name." for example, suppose harmony, which is a foreign word, says it is iranian sir, i think we say it is not foreign. it is french, at this time we have to inquire , we correspond with the academy, this law says that you have up to 3 months to answer, well, we have registered it, according to the requirements
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we have in global trade, we have brought the establishment to less than one day for a businessman, one hour, one hour but he has time to answer our letter in 3 months, which means he has to answer us under the promissory note, which is one of the problems. well, we will give it to him, then he will go to the academy again , he will be delayed for 2 weeks or three weeks, he wants sex. and supply let him bring people to the market to do business. well, one of the problems is this, mr. nasiri. if a name comes up , like the example you mentioned of harimon, and it is french, and you are sure that this is a cultural word, do
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we still have to take his signature and dial a number? we will go to the academy, my academy, well, my strength is not that much, i am trying, we really thank and congratulate mr. haddad adel and his team , who helped a lot, but they will answer us within two weeks, for example, or 3 weeks, but for this businessman , i said one hour. hourly, if the businessman insists , it is because i said in this law because 28 years ago it was 28 years ago, there was no virtual space, like now, you don't see us at all now, sir, in
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different channels of messages from different iranian and foreign media and e-commerce. look now, many businesses are done through electronic means, so you don't see in this law that we how can we confirm these laws from this point of view, reject them, warn them , educate them, help the traders and merchants, that is , it has not been updated, it has not been updated, it has not been predicted at all. well , we will hear your answer. dear dr. nasiri, who is finally one of the clients who they are actually struggling with the implementation of this law in the field and in practice, which naturally may have some problems, but i want to say that what mr. doctor is actually doing now is called khola or as it is known, problems. it seems that these are all implementation problems or some kind of
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coordination between them. there is a device that if these in the true meaning of the will that i mentioned in the first part actually exist, in the devices entrusted with these matters, the authority of the legislator and the dignity of descent is actually the approval of the law. if they consider all these as concerns for themselves, naturally, many of these problems and issues can actually be solved. the legal and main reference here is the persian literature academy. well , if we want to check this , we can see the law itself. the law has actually stated its own ruling in this field, and there is no legal gap . what does note d say? he says that i would like to inform you that if we say note one now, we will consider it
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let's take a note, the persian language academy must select words or create words based on its own principles and criteria for the words needed, giving priority to the words that have general use, or in cooperation with scientific centers, and report its activity once every 6 months. to inform the culture commission of the parliament to the relevant commissions. well, if i tell you that we are bound by this provision of the law, the provision of the law in the true sense of the word should be properly implemented . vahdeh says words that are still equivalent to persian words he was not caused by the academy , he is not busy with this law, he is drunk, well, this is another whole thing, people , see, mr. doctor, we have to consider when the law was approved
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. until now , we should have implemented notes one and two, until now it should have been implemented , that is, after all, 27 years is not a small amount of time, why now , in rare cases, discussions may arise based on the progress of science and technology . either he didn't pay attention to it, or it cost him. let's do it for another month, 6 months, a year again, with the current problem that we may have to deal with, we don't have this executive guarantee of these two servants . whatever the reason, the language academy did not cause these equivalents, see mr. doctor.


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