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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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this is a sports equipment store in a large iranian store , where you can easily choose your favorite sports equipment from among all the impressive variety , and then at an incredible price.
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the iranian coach, sharaf iran, has a telegram channel that plays across the country. why is it that you are pricing this month ? your question is an interesting question . we do not want any kind of medical treatment for football players. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings and have a good time. dear viewers , we are at your service with another higher program. the law prohibiting the use of foreign titles and terms in 1375 was approved in the islamic council and in the executive regulations of this law that two
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the following year, it was quickly approved that the non-use of cultural names and titles in shop fronts , product packaging and in general in official speech and writing was emphasized, however, a look at the public atmosphere of the shop front and some product packaging shows this. after about 30 years, the law is still not implemented as it should be and maybe not implemented today. in the above program , we will discuss the obstacles to the implementation of this law in the presence of two experts. please accompany us. mr. mohammad pirzadeh, director general of judiciary affairs , we are still proudly at your service with a higher plan, mr. nasir, if you allow us to start with mr. pirzadeh, because our question
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is related to the field in which he operates , dear mr. pirzadeh, please this removal of the law that exists in this law has caused that after about 30 years, we still witness that this law was not implemented as it should be, or there is no problem with the law, now it has encountered problems in its implementation. john and khart are superior to this thought don't skip it, i have greetings and respect. dear viewers all over the country and dear compatriots abroad who are watching this program , i would like to congratulate hakim ferdowsi on his birthday, which today or yesterday was the 25th of may, the day of the persian language. hakim abolghasem ferdowsi's birthday in nazar. well, this
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shows that in the system of the islamic republic of iran among the people, the culture of loving the persian language is very important. there is a day in the calendar that is actually a year named persian language, so i hope that god willing the occasion and these programs are aimed at strengthening the preservation of the persian language, which is actually a memorial of the good old men and the past of our society. god willing , we will move forward with strength in the direction of its preservation, and when we talk about the persian language, we only talk about a language and linguistic issues. it is not that, but it
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is talking about the deep historical roots of a rich civilization and valuable culture of a nation during various works with all its ups and downs. literary greats, especially abulqasem ferdowsi , are the main guardians of this original and sweet language, which is hopeful. in our own society, we pass legislation with respect, in fact, to politeness and art in fact, our ancestors should be able to move forward in this direction. what is the subject of the discussion of the program and the question of his highness, with the importance that the persian language has in our ancient culture, we must see if it fits. with this importance, commensurate with the respect that we must give to our original, sweet and dynamic persian language in the legislative system, in the legal system , whether it is the constitution or the ordinary law
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, could we actually recognize this dignity and position , or finally if we recognized it, we were able to implement it, we were able to actually implement it, we were able to actually move in the direction that in the passage of time in the development of science and technology in the direction of cultural invasion and cultural conflicts that have occurred as a result of the development of human society, has this originality been preserved or not? and basic in the islamic republic of iran, an important and basic principle is provided in the constitution, which is the 15th principle of the constitution . what does the 15th principle say, that this is actually a kind of road light and a kind of rail for all the elements of the system, in fact, the executive bodies and even the people. as
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citizens who should be based on the constitution which is derived from the votes of the people respect for the original. the official and common language and script of the people of iran is farsi. well, this should be respected as a fundamental document based on the principles that are in the constitution or in fact the constitution has a view on the discussion of the persian language. we are faced with other normal laws of the legal sentence that you have read, the law prohibiting the use of foreign names and terms, well, this is a single article in 1375. i would like to share with you several notes, about 10 of which have actually been approved by the islamic council, what can be taken from this law. and what is actually the opinion of mughnen
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we want to examine, experiment and analyze, and its executive regulations, which have been approved in about 17 to 18 articles, are actually the standard of action for all people, both the executive body and the members, whether in the private sector or the government, in their duties. and they have tasks that they must follow if we have culture building in the field of respect for the law and information in the real sense and in a way we have this and that for the original language, in fact , our own persian, which is the memory of our ancestors and elders and ancestors and in fact ancient. in fact, it is iranian, if it comes as a concern, all the pillars and all the parts, in fact the society should deal with it, naturally, if the law is good but does not have good enforcers, or
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culture is not created, or the concern is not actually the people , naturally, the law will not be implemented, but if the law is bad or the law is not in fact , still the people from the cultural point of view. adhering to those beliefs, in fact, their own tradition, naturally , our positive effects can be created legally. yes, i can say that this law that exists now. in a pathology and an expert review, we must come to this conclusion and see whether this law, the constitutional law, the ordinary law, or the ayat executive letter, does this concern actually exist among the different elements of different departments or not ? as an example, of course, this law, which is the constitution that was created by the vote of the people, the ordinary law from 1975, the executive regulations in 1978 until now . in the last two years, two and a half years, for example, one of the organs or
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executive bodies, which in any law or in the bylaws , has a responsibility to promote and protect the persian language in the true sense, the radio and television of the islamic republic of iran, well naturally in in the last two and a half years, we have seen a program called language protection farsi is the standard language in radio and television in the real sense. among public opinion, among different classes of society, among officials, this is a mechanism, a standard, a plumb line, or a control program, statements, statements, speeches, and writings. just two days ago, in the open forum of the parliament, the honorable speaker of the time said about a subject explicitly stated again that a term was expressed that this subject actually contrasted. in fact , facing the standard program, we want to see that in fact, the issue of culturalization is a great concern and
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prioritizing it can actually be effective. radio and television has actually taken an important step, and it seems that other positions have capacities in line with it. in fact, now the implementation of this document is the highest priority. let us conclude that the law is in your opinion. that we have a law, in the same law , there are other parts of the executive bodies under the title of the preservation council, in fact, they have persian language , so we have to see if they follow their instructions , do they have any concerns, like the current concern of radio and television. dear mr. nasiri, if we can hear your speech very briefly, we will give you a report my colleagues, please prepare a short piece and let me know your general opinion on whether the law of dispossession is a hindrance or not.
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i congratulate the decade of dignity to the dear ones of farhangistan , the dear viewers and you, and i congratulate the days of persian language and literature and to all those who are working for the second language of the islamic world, especially for the dear iranians . it is not a problem, and you, as the person who is in charge of a part of the shop, are now the head of the company, the registration of the company and so on, the head of the shop.
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we also saw the report, why this after almost 28 years the law has not been implemented and it seems that the main problem is that there is no guarantee of implementation of the law . first of all, thank you for the good report. we are the dear ones who tried this law. getting into the idea of ​​guarding the persian language, which should say thanks in the introduction, but there is no reason that a law in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. or caused human and financial losses in mashhad city and in
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general, in razavi khorasan province, there was a flood that the experts of the meteorological organization, at least what i heard , had predicted 24 hours more than 24 hours before many times. he was given permission, but it was not paid attention to as it might and should have been, unfortunately, and until now , based on the statistics of 7 deaths and financial damage , in order to check what the issue of spring rains is, what are its characteristics in the service of mr. we are asghari, the respected expert of the meteorological organization, mr. dr. tell us about the characteristics of spring rains. let us see that spring rains happen in the same way, that is, a shower in a short period of time. that's all it doesn't rain, it appears as flowing water, but
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this year, the incident has been happening for a few years . the events are happening around us. now we are on the news network. we can see afghanistan , the emirates, saudi arabia, tajikistan, armenia , turkmenistan, and everyone is facing this strange event. it's because of me. now we know that climatologists should explain more about climate change , greenhouse gases, an increase for our country, for the middle east , for the middle east. the temperature of the north atlantic ocean is such that these extreme conditions occur and will happen again, don't doubt that it will happen again we have to be careful and adapt ourselves to this weather condition. this orange warning that you are going to, we have a red warning, a yellow one, and an orange one that we have now. recently, most of the warnings are orange warnings, what does it mean
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, what is the difference between red and yellow? i will start with a simple example. i like mr. hamze's war movies very much. you hit a headquarters , you see a drone, you never see a daishe hit the ball with our pleasant orange tank in simple language, when for a point, a limited place, this thing is universal, its universal definition. if i give an example, is one of the global definitions of a red alert that the province must be evacuated? was it to this extent , not that it was not, but we have never evacuated a place for a red alert, why for the sin storm that came to the south of the country, for example, hormozgan. it came to evacuate the south of sistan baluchistan , evacuate the city, or what happened in golestan
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, mazandaran province, yes, 4 years ago. you were one of the activists there to announce that the evacuation was on red alert and the evacuation also caused the least loss of life. exactly , when i was in golestan, 24 hours before the flood reached gamishan, reasonable people knew that the flood was on its way, that is, they knew that the volume of water was coming from the direction of the dome. if i'm not mistaken , the water was on its way from the dome, everyone knew, yes , there was no other way, as if this water had to come to the sea. there is going to be an earthquake, you have to evacuate here. is
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everyone evacuating? ok. mashhad, pay attention to the route, pay attention to the route . these are mostly apparent travelers going from the north, because the weather conditions are such that it demands travel , so we are announcing again, thank god that the flag of the news network is up. 10 days ago, we announced that it was going to be the weekend of mashhad, sayyed, we emphasized that the holy mashhad
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was going to flood, now we said that there was a flood, seven people died . we also went to communicate, but there is one point, some colleagues we call the authorities and say, sir , an orange warning has been issued for your province . they look at them and say, "no , this is exactly what happened in aftabiye. we called , and we said, sir, let the orange warning come , give me authority." i said no, qazvin, that it is the sunny season of alamod, yes, alamod is the season of this spot. i think one of the features of the spring rains is coming somewhere. now, kalan is not involved, at least what i know is kal. the province is not involved, yes, so this goes back to our orange warning , it is like the isis that we want to attack, so we have an orange warning. what we gave was correct, and in addition to the northeast, which
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we announced, mr. hamzai, ardabil, tonight and tomorrow , the conditions are ready for heavy rains, even after tomorrow , saturday, arsbaran, east azarbaijan, ahar warzaghan, haris, these are flood prone, in the north, west azarbaijan, areas like, for example, selmas khoi qarzieddin, the conditions are quite favorable, we have six tongs, they should be careful, and also in the south of the country , i say because it is a holiday for our people. now, before the movie, you said to tell a story. see, the esteban flood was on friday. we had casualties. if this was wednesday, our casualties would be zero. weekend it is also a holiday, so there are many people in the open space, this is spring, so the possibility of damage is higher. we ask that the people who see us in kekilay and abuir ahmad, the people who see us in fars province, ishban, places like kazerun, places like lar kharamah, should know that
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the conditions for flooding today and tomorrow are expected in the next hour. the hours after a wave comes, the convective waters in the afternoon intensify the thickness of these waters that form and the rains that occur, especially in mashhad , and especially mashhad, because it is full now. well, it mechanically cools it, which means it helps . this slope helps cool the air and the formation of convective waves, which leads to the torrential rain at the limit of the flood
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. the middle is more prepared for the occurrence of floods, floods , floods, yes, and the severity of the damage , the steeper the slope, i think it was about 6 or 7 years ago, on the road, it was used by a villager . in general, the car is easy to say, the prideo car had turned into a a tin the size of my hand was compressed by the same machine, it was compressed and everything he also used to say that, for example , 80-year-old men say that we have not seen anything like this at all. there are a series of such experiences. for example , yesterday, two or three of the dear officials of razavi khorasan province said, sir, that the damage is less now
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. it has been repeated every year in shiraz, it has happened in shiraz, we have it back to back. this was not a loss of life, at least the financial loss, which is mostly due to the fact that the slope was less or the extent of the rain was more . for example, like yesterday in mashhad, when 7 people died so far, then one mr. hamzeh, one does not forget things, you , for example, the storm of the year 12 khordad 1993 in tehran , he will never forget because he was in tehran, if he was in zarandieh, for example, he was in saveh himself , it would be quickly erased from his mind. this is in mashhad , we will never forget that this happened on such a day in mashhad, and we will
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be more aware, god willing. please pay attention, dear ones, now mr. asghari has said that something will definitely happen we have a flood, now please see more or less , see khorasan. the issues of the caspian sea, especially in the slopes and heights, that is, those who are going to the north a lot during the weekend, are in the process . there is a possibility of a mountain falling, there is a landslide. the intensity of the rains is very significant in the northern parts of east azarbaijan, arsbaran region, they emphasize that even this side is dying, there are conditions of the area for heavy rains in the northern parts of west azarbaijan, this is not just for today, mr. hamzei, for days i have the next day, which means tomorrow afternoon, even the day after
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tomorrow afternoon. the southern parts of the country will become unmarried , the epidemic of mercy alternately, the intensity of the east of khuzestan province will be lower today, the center of the northern parts of fars tomorrow, the center and east of fars province, well, this is at the level of naranjayan, now with a weaker one, the northern half of kerman, yazd province, south khorasan will be higher. come on, zanjan, these are conditions whose warnings are yellow, of course. zard, they should be very careful because you gave the warnings some time ago , and you were very careful. in orange itself, no one died . in zard, i think there were two people in yazd province. getting flooded and dying, yes, that's the same again . thank you dear viewers of our news channel . we will continue to follow up. . it
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is their experience to see both the scholars and their experience, please pay attention , god willing , that the damage will be minimized. there is a law or a frequent amendment of the law . it seems that with the concern that mr. dr. nasiri also said, see, my dear, if we duties and what this law has left for the executive bodies in the true sense of the word.
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not because of slogans, not because of finally saying that something like this has become possible in the form of my skin and appearance, but because of the result of article 10 of this executive regulation, in fact, the law says that the main institutions mentioned in article 2 of this regulation are obliged to the purpose is to lay the groundwork for the implementation of the law and this regulation by forming the hess council and promoting the persian language under the chairmanship of the above representative. the highest authority of that institution, while coordinating and communicating with the academy , i said that my academy can do this based on the mechanism mentioned in article 10, if a proposal is made in advance , a request from the academy is actually wording or the option is actually suitable or equivalent or finally wording is done , all the problems of the executive body will be solved by the person in charge of the matter, for example, a a device
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as the ministry of samad is possible. in advance , ask for a term to be selected in the database that mr. nasiri went to apply for citizenship tomorrow. you can finally use that database, so these are all the enforcement mechanisms in this law and in a way. if it is implemented, that enforcement guarantee, which now, because we can say that in public opinion or people's expectations, the issue of forced entry is more than the enforcement guarantee , is not always a guarantee of forced entry.
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in fact, when he supervises, this in itself is a guarantee of implementation, that is, public opinion is also a strong guarantee of implementation, because of what i said, if we create a culture, we should concern the people and the officials about these issues. well, article 10, let's continue now. let me repeat, they say that while coordinating and communicating with the identification and announcement of foreign words that are used in that device and related units. river and the suggestion of equating it to the academy and finding the promotion vote. apply the persian equivalents approved by the academy in your own system. well , this is an issue. if this is the system, now i am asking mr. nasirin. really, as a trustee , in dealing with these kinds of issues, we should see if it is all the executive system, which is the executive system. play in this law, should we say that this council is actually maintaining persian language training ? they are not active.


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