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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 9:00am-9:31am IRST

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he uses a foreign term. in fact , when he supervises, this is a guarantee of implementation, that is , public opinion is also a strong guarantee of implementation . because of what i said, if we create a culture , we will make the people and the officials concerned about these issues. article 10, which i will now continue , they say that in addition to coordinating and communicating with the identification and declaration of foreign words that are used in that institution and related units, and the proposal to equate it to the academy and. finding solutions to promote farsi equivalents approved by the academy, take action in your own device this is an article, if this is the body, now i am asking mr. nasiri, as a trustee, in fact, in dealing with these types of issues, we must see if all the executive bodies are the executive bodies in this law . they are active in farsi language training. it doesn't matter whether they are concerned or not
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. we have to do this. it seems that even the radio and television can demand these as an executive demand. in fact, this law can be demanded from the institutions. i would like to point out a gap that mr. nasir has mentioned in the discussion now virtual space has come and it is a series, that is, if the ministry of communications and information technology had decided to establish this council, many of them would have done it before. in fact , the current conditions governing the publication of newspapers through papers and these issues were given permission by the ministry of culture and islamic guidance. discussion subjet. now don't tell me the name of the platform
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here is farsi, finally, the work of the platforms that i would like to tell you that the licenses of the ministry of communications in other places , they are also required to comply with this law in their own titles and give permission with silence for that, in compliance with all the provisions of the implementation of this law. now, i want the above article from this in terms of its effect , if we can act, how effective it is in article 11 of the same regulation that you have now become accustomed to , and you are in fact, the islamic republic of iran is obliged to create an appropriate unit in its current organization while laying the groundwork for the implementation of this law and regulation. with the seriousness of using unfamiliar words the foreigner should refrain and observe standard persian grammar rules in all his programs.
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the islamic republic of iran radio and television is required to use the words of the persian language academy after the announcement. in fact, mehmani also uses a term that contradicts with the end of this issue . we have been referring to the law for a year, that is, i want to state its effect. he has a lot of audience in the discussion of this program, which now, although it is short, but less, but it has left strange effects in the society, and in many places, i myself as a citizen in many official and unofficial, scientific, cultural, and finally political and social speeches. and economic, i even see that in a way, when it goes to a foreign term, both the sensitivity on their own and the fact that there is a strong executive guarantee supervision under that radio and television , as
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we are guests of radio and television, in terms of the condition of compliance , in fact, hosting a small show. now let's get to it , so that the discussion is not forgotten, i want to see that at present, the major part that is finally ruling in the general atmosphere of the country has taken measures in its monitoring mechanism to really comply with the law for the foreign terms of the judiciary , which i am going to share now.
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he is actually monitoring this as a demand and a concern , god willing. there is no problem with the law and the agencies not fulfilling their duties in this law. now, is there a problem with the law that the agencies are freed from this burden or not? in any case , there is no monitoring method. of society as the business discussion here may belong to other groups. in relation to this law, they also have something to say in terms of legislation and implementation. now we ourselves, who are sure that there are many disqualifications, this and that we are saying may be of help to the businessmen. last year, we conducted a comparative study for 10 countries with the help of the university. we gave
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and obtained a series of good materials, one of which was that the country of china comes to determine the name . he should be protected, but he came and said, sir, i help my merchants and businessmen, the words that are not chinese are not non-chinese. but they don't have any meaning. giving them for business and production is beautiful words, but it doesn't mean anything. for example, suppose you say that lizo has no meaning at all. it's not against good morals. it's not against anything. we'll check everything. it says we give this, but in our law it says no, it must. it should be farsi, it should have meaning. we say khel, why do we say khel, mr. shai, we say sir, here are 10-12-year-old traders and merchants . it can be done, we did it
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by the grace of almighty god, since 2018, according to the statistics of our dashboard , 19 names have been confirmed in electronic discussions until then. we confirm the names, we help them, we say, sir, you can use my numbers. now, for example, put mehr 7 company , there is no problem. now that we have few words , use numbers. i want to say that this is the rule . i emphasize once again that you should have time justice because we have cases. look, now you are in a situation in the society. maybe you think it is a small job. let's open a green path economically, we say, sir , you can easily come and establish a company
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, establish your institution, do your business , we will help you . this council that mr. doctor said was absolutely correct, the council that protected the persian language, i apologize to its founder and those who manage it, has almost become a decorum, it should come to the middle of the pit and solve the problems, hold frequent meetings in the institutions with different topics, such as business topics first. we claim to this rule of all we will do more with the device. today, mr. haddad adel suggested in the meeting that he chose the word for the name of our office. that we have the most correspondence, more than 300 correspondences during the year, that is, we say, sir, can we give this or not, not to act against the law , he gives us thousands of letters, the academy says, sir , i have done this in other places, we have one in the software and system. we have a non-permissible list , whatever the culture of islam says, don't see
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it . may it be done, sir. there is a debate about the laws that were actually caused or we agreed to implement them, for example, the international laws of madrid and paris, which says that goods are allowed to use cultural names for export markets, and then some people believe that these laws because they are international laws, first of all , the laws of this law are not subject to foreign reforms and are not enforced, and sometimes it has become an escape for some who want to use cultural names . you do not to any now, this can be ignored in a way. yes , let me tell you that, first of all, what mr. dr. nasir says
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seems to be in support of our opinion, more than because he is complaining about the device that should be used. it is their duty to follow their own law and if they don't , i would like to serve you from this point of view that i think that if we start with the same song that started from sed and vasima , the rest will be left. our own supervision, for example, the islamic council should come and actually ask the persian literature academy what tasks you have done in the implementation of note 2, or why it has not been done until now. the duty of your own law did not work, or the legislative branch or even the judicial branch of the inspection organization should come to the implementation of article 10 of the regulation, finally, based on article 174 of the constitution. the general inspection organization of the country finally supervises the good implementation of the law. one of the concerns of the revival of public rights
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is the monitoring of the implementation of the law , in fact, the prohibition of the use of foreign terms, or the same council that guards the persian language in the system, if we mobilize everyone, mr. doctor, naturally, we should extract those executive capacities, the capacities that are locked. they are suspended, they are closed, or we can say that they are decaying in an organization, we should revive them , of course, the driving force is actually the implementation of this law , its effect is the guarantee of its implementation. productions and supervises the domestic workshops, supervises the social activities, not the domestic activities that
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are created from inside the country. i am a manufacturer of goods and i say that my target market is the export market i don't want this item at all for the export market of mother law and paris, it says i can use it as a farang, that means i have a product , i am producing this glass, it has a name inside
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, we started with you, two minutes, that means we have a total of 4 minutes, we have two minutes with you. and two minutes for mr. no, we have a total of 4 minutes, because we started with you, let's hear your summation, then mr. nasir's summation. that if the import of foreign goods is inside the country, then the legislator there is no prohibition to export domestic goods abroad with a certain term.
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let's mobilize the current law and all the elements, the role of the judiciary in this matter, in fact, i would like to tell the dear viewers that recently , in 1811, the honorable attorney general of the country sent a letter addressed to the honorable minister and several in the ministry. house that in the execution of your service , the fifteenth article of the constitution and the law actually prohibits the use of foreign names and terms . the executive body oversees this matter.
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in fact, i am the witness of the correct implementation of the law of effectiveness and revival in my reality, but most of the language given to us is persian, anyway, and it requires us to have time. please, how many minutes do i have? one or two minutes. well, i wanted the point you said. but i won't explain because i don't have enough time for madrid and this was very important . now, god willing
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, we will have another program at your service. justice was not opened because there were many issues. this law, dear ones, is problematic . it says that the ban letter is coming the names that are in the native areas , we can go to them there, for example , hira, which means widely, in the kurdish settlement of the aryas in khuzestan, ilda in chaharmahal. it does not help economic activists, there is a problem with the law, that is, if they change the statement right now, they will change it, the whole world is doing this, there is no problem, so now if someone in khuzestan registers this name, i know he should register it, but his product is biral, he does not want to come here. we cannot make a product from tehran let's just say that in khuzestan, although we are an iranian, the different provinces are all connected. we now have a company in tehran, but
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its work is generally in bandar abbas, for example, this is a big gap in the law. many provinces have this problem , don't tell me, there is no problem, sir, there is a problem, it has been removed from the executive of the honorable radio and television, article 11, which mr. doctor mentioned , is being implemented. mr. figo advertises alinos, well, this must be the products of the homeland of fruitland they took the title of fruitland city to advertise abroad. on tv, we say, well , we know that the discussion of commercial matters is important, but it is an illegal thing, which from the executive point of view tells your problem that the radio station should not advertise , the advertisement itself is exactly against this law. the authorities are responsible for the word, but we have the product , we are advertising it on tv, the word softlan, the word ila
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. export these, not in iran, but we, too we advertise on tv and there are many such examples, my dears. i would like to say one thing, because you gave me the opportunity to see it. if we want to help our production , help our employment, we should all sit together and amend this law in the name debate, and the economic activists are also on the side. sit from the chamber of commerce sit from the subsidiary companies from the owner of the persian language and literature academy for legal children mr. dr. let's sit down and then we will say what should we do, sir, for the sake of discussion, protect the persian language and don't harm the production. now, many businessmen want to come forward, they are afraid, they say, i want this name. i can't take it, so let's do something so that he can come forward
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, open a good path for him, so that he can be activated in the production and employment of our country. mohammad pirzadeh, general manager of the judiciary assembly, and from mr. dr. nasiri, director of the college of the company and non-governmental institutions, who were with us in today's higher program, thank you for accompanying us until the end . i want to show you a movie, what do you think? the title of a lady has an opinion about this movie.
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tell me , do you accept this kind of cover or not? no, not at all, not really, because it doesn't fit with the culture of our country. i wonder how it is that you are so free to go out. i don't like that amount of nudity at all . i don't like walking around like that because i'm really not comfortable and i don't want to because if what i have at home is walking around in my street, what's the difference between street and home? really wear something normal, at least look good
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ok, now i'm going to dress myself like someone 's going to take care of me, madam, what's this ? we weren't like this in the first place, considering the country we live in, things like this are not acceptable. everyone should know the limits of their clothes. everything has a place. well, when our society doesn't accept it, it 's not right for everyone to be the same. i think everything has its own limits. i think that limits should be respected. everywhere in the world , walk in the street in such a way that everyone's custom is right. someone who comes out with this cover, doesn't listen , what should you do, for example, as a lady, it's been a long time, it 's been a long
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time, we've lost our shawl. befete and this is a very respectful and calm lady said, i put on my shawl at the same time . people can be a bit different, in my opinion, i think that this society can be a healthy society. this is the voice of women's panic at home and on the streets complicated this is the description of the guardian columnist. regarding the protest marches of australian residents in the past days, venbata says that what australia is crying out for is not a cultural war, it is a war for
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survival. data shows that the rate of death of australian women by their sexual partners has increased by 30% in the last year. australian women are dying at a faster rate this year , one document every four days and the murderer is often their partner. their official and unofficial sexual partners are the same, for example , mrs. molly, whose name was called , was included in the list of 30 killed women this year. she was a sweet, kind and lovely young woman, she was a kindergarten teacher, 28 years old , she had a 6-year-old son from her first marriage, and she lived here . her body was found here. at his home , the case expert said about the quality of his murder: "he was brutally killed." his killer was daniel bilgins. of course, he
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had a history of several cases of harassment against women. he was free on bail. the freedom of a criminal cannot be more important than the safety of our women. that's why after molly's death, placards like these went up. i am a policeman who does his job well and a murder mystery.
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it is in the australian parliament that a few days ago on the page his avatar reported that earlier this month, the victim of a rape was injected with a large amount of drugs by the man who assaulted her. a little later , he wrote again on his page that several women contacted me and said that they had a similar experience in this city. you have already talked about the harms of the online space and social networks. how to protect young people in this environment. i think today's
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online environment is very challenging for us. especially for boys and young men, we see 11, 12 and 13 year olds who are purposefully exposed to watching pornography, that's right. when their attitude about women and sexual relations is formed and this situation is very complicated . memorials, gatherings and protest marches are still standing in various australian cities. gatherings are mostly filled with women. women who probably hand. this lady's writing is in most of their minds. am i next?
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iranian in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh. it became a chain here. it just opened, does that mean ali agha is gone? excuse me sir. mr. ali. we thought you were gone. it's hard work. our gender is good, our price is reasonable. whatever we finish, they will bring it to us. it is very good that such a store is near our home. more than a thousand stores. all over the country, there is wheat for the people of the wheat supermarket chain, ladies and gentlemen , it's time to go to the city to buy household goods . hafez, everyone, bye, no, madam, i don't want a check . will you be my guarantor?
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and speedy their fate.


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