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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 11:00am-11:30am IRST

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i offer peace and blessings of god, in the name of god , the most merciful, the most merciful, you are at my service, and to all my dear viewers , i offer my greetings and greetings. i also offer my condolences on the martyrdom of jan gadazeh, the head of state and a great servant of the iranian nation, ayatollah raisi and his companions, especially honorable minister of foreign affairs and also the honorable friday imam of tabriz, hojjat al-islam al hashem, who is also peace be upon you, on the occasion that we are in the presence of s. salali, i would like to pursue two issues with your excellency, an area of ​​responsibility that you had in recent years alongside ayatollah raisi. but before that, it is impossible to get to know mr dear ayatollah shahid raeesi, let's not mention that it has been a long time, but let us be very brief in this field and then we will take responsibility. yes, well , mr. ayatollah raeesi.
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having a family relationship with our late grandfather means a special devotion to our late grandfather, the late mr. seyed mehdi tabatabai shirazi, who represents the presence of the noble people of tehran and iran , whose anniversary was last week . we started 10 years ago when i entered the assembly of experts. he was a member of the assembly of experts for the fifth period. also, we have a very close relationship between him and me. established at that time, he was also in charge of astan quds, and i sometimes came to his service. in astan quds , we had suggestions for the heads of programs . after i went to the judiciary, i had some interactions with them regarding some cases where i felt that there had been atrocious injustice . they suggested that
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i be responsible for communication with the clergy in the government, which i accepted , and thank god, during these 3 years, i worked closely with the people and i got to know their character and virtues , i was usually with them during their provincial trips, and i will never forget the last trip to mazandaran. it is very interesting in his good nature and spirit, which i will continue to serve you now, we will use it, surely this type of communication that you mentioned in the first part was with the late aghati tabaei in such a way that ayatollah raisi, who was also in mashhad at the time, was in the commemoration ceremony. it is the same for them to hold a meeting in hazrat reza's shrine ever since ayatollah raisi came to tehran, he regularly came to the late jedmami's house, they had a connection, he was one of the prominent scholars of tehran, and he was also interested. dear scholars, especially sadat
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, as you said, in mashhad , there was also a khatmi for the late hojjat al-islam haj, mr. taba, in the area where the responsibility was handed over to his excellency , the center of communication between the government and the clergy. what path did they define and what line did they follow? what kind of working environment did you define for your excellency? well , you see, this center has a transformational spirit in the past in the presidency as well, but it was not active at all. when they come, when they ask me, they say, well, our destination is the field, we have a close relationship with the scholars, and i request you to do two main things, one is to convey our message to the scholars, and the other is to make this two-way highway their content. transfer it to us. they emphasize that the clerics and clerics of these students are from the service and self-sacrificing stratum and are concerned about islam and the revolution. emphasizing
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that you should listen to the words of the scholars and convey them. in their recent trip to qom, a provincial trip before mazandaran qom was about 12 to 13 days ago. i said that ayatollah raisi came to qom twice in less than two weeks. they come once to serve the people of qom and the second time they come so that the people of qom compensate them for their services. during that trip , they had meetings with scholars and clerics of the hozha professors. well dear point of view. the case should be followed up, if a ministry needs to be warned, or if the ministry needs to give an explanation
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, do this, then give me a report. . i said some points, very welcome he made a point that was very interesting to me, from here i will go into some of his characteristics . you can see that he was never a power seeker , he was never looking for a suitable person unless he felt a duty . he was the first vice president in the fifth term and naturally the position closest to the presidency was his, considering his popularity among the scholars and different strata , if they had announced and prepared for the presidency of the experts and if he were still alive today, he would definitely be the president. they would become experts by saying frankly, "no, i never." i will not be a candidate for the presidency of the experts. i said why are they saying that there are elders, i am already
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serving here, there is no need for me to enter again at that time, i said, sir, i will tell this to my friends and announce it on your behalf. i said yes , you should definitely go and tell them. i have absolutely no reason to be a candidate for the presidency. it was the same for the presidency . two points made him accept the presidency, a request from the public, including the religious people, the barefooted, the oppressed. well, the people knew that he provided a lot of services to the underprivileged at the threshold of quds. and from that time he was called sayyid the underprivileged had two feelings of duty, the first of which was to accept the work and they were called agha kar. you accepted a risk, the conditions are special, the problems of the country have accumulated, and in this condition, with all these debts, with all these troubles, he said, "i have a bit of honor, i want to spend this honor on the path of the revolution. i may become infamous. i may
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be harshly criticized by the enemy." but if i can do something for the revolution , i should come to the middle, and that's why i came to the middle . very well, stay with me, dear viewers , we will get an opportunity from our colleagues in the broadcast of the news network. i am with you very much.
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the lesson for all of us today is that there is no compromise, no surrender only, no surrender only, no compromise, no surrender only.
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this shoulder, which
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we saw from the wisdom of the revolution and during the holy era and also the time of the presence of god and every wife, all of us gathered together with one voice and fell on the heads of men and women, old and young. mashallah. this consciousness is the talk of every month. curse those who hit our children. these clenched fists . death to israel, death to israel. death to israel, israel! man!
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it is being held in tehran with the poetic and historical presence of the people of tehran, both in tabriz and dar we witnessed this enthusiastic presence in qom, and also
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last night in masla, tehran, when the people bid farewell to the body of president hojat al-islam. for our viewers , please tell us about the discussions that ayatollah had a boss based on these interactions that you had in order to solve people 's problems in different fields. the question is, what happens
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when some people become personal like this? the answer is that god said in the qur'an that those who are faithful and do good deeds. there were no luxuries, and yet serving the people with love and honest service. i have seen people many times during provincial trips stressing to the respected official of the people's communication center that, sir, these letters that people send with a thousand hopes will not go unanswered. sometimes , on a route where they wanted to visit a project, an old woman on the side of the road would raise her hand, they would immediately stop the car, or
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a group of people would gather at the corner and wave a flag to the driver and tell the driver to go back. people should not be insulted. see, you can't be specific love and devotion to people is not enough for a person to pretend, maybe for a week or two, but someone has been in love for 3 years. we went on a trip with them to zanjan province. from zanjan city, we went to one of the cities , from there to one of the rural areas of qara pashlo region. the people of zanjan must remember that the villagers were gathered around them, well, with sarvarz khaki and in that rural atmosphere, mr. hossein. dear, i don't remember mr. raisi's mood being happier than that moment when he was among the people and in the circle of the underprivileged. the interview, i even did a sewing since i was a child , i tasted the taste of poverty, i know how much poverty hurts, that's why
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all his efforts were to eliminate poverty , he traveled to the farthest parts of the country in order to solve one of the problems of the people. in addition to this, he should live a simple life free from aristocracy and formalities, and maybe it is not a bad thing to say, the friends of the presidential ceremonies once came to me and said, mr. raisi does not give any right to the mission of the children of the ceremonies . i said why? anyone who wants to come with us should come for god's sake, we don't have their mission anymore, they have their rights, that's enough, he said. mr. raisi, i said, sir, it could be like this, the children of niana rituals. with love, interest and devotion , all the children come to work with pure motivation , no one had material motivation and material vision. besides
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these characteristics, well, the spirit of tireless work, which the great leader also pointed out in his message that he is tireless. for his tahjud, masumah would not miss his tahjud and worship at any time and at any cost. he said that he was in the haram for a couple of hours, then he took a short rest and continued his work twice. these are the characteristics. which is found in few people, and this is my last sentence in this section of serving dear people, we should be grateful we are a system where such people
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are placed at the top of power in this system . you cannot find people who are similar anywhere in the world and at the head of rome . thank you very much for being with us , dear viewers. let's go to the people who are present at the historic and magnificent event. dissection of the body of the martyred president and his companions in elkhebal street and azadi street in tehran. behbe varogi,
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serve the heart of the society in the way of love for the country, the story of the people. the road to raja is not closed, even though a leader won, his jealousy remains in our veins, men and women.
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with the companions of our martyred president.
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with the passionate presence of millions of people in the street the revolution and azadi street in tehran is being held after the prayer that ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution , held at the university of tehran on the body of the martyred president and his companions , hojat al-islam wal-muslimin, mohammad haj abalqasem
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dolabi, the president's adviser on clerical affairs and head of the center. the relations between the government and the clergy are with us in the studio of the khabar network . you were very blurred in the pictures, mr. jowar mohsen. yes, i believe that what we are seeing is actually a reflection of their love and devotion to the people. well, people understand. people understand very well. who are honestly looking for a solution the problems are theirs, who are they just shouting slogans , mr. raisi, all he was concerned about was solving the problems of the people , the provincial ambassadors had started something , solving the problem, solving the problem means that instead of the manager sitting in his office and managing the issues from a distance, he should go to the middle. you know, see where the problem is, then during the same trip to the province, a working group was formed, the relevant managers, relevant ministers, and industry owners or activists who have a problem in
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the meeting of the parliament film, so that their problem can be solved. well, this was very new for the people. about 10 thousand factories and the workshop was revived during the 3-year term of his presidency. well, in addition to these, he had moral qualities, humility , and purity, and he had no respect for himself. a loved one was saying that i was sitting next to him in prayer. let me give you a better excuse. he said to prepare them, and he said, "i don't have any honor. i have no honor . someone gave me an expensive dress as a gift . i took it for them. i will present it to them. they said , "i don't wear these things. they are too expensive . sell this. take two or three. give me one. i 'll be fine." i am a workaholic, this is what people do in any case, we have lost a sincere servant, that is, someone who becomes a good person.
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the same trip and the incident that happened to them, well , it was because they were going to return immediately , but there was a delay, maybe i don't know, maybe this delay was not ineffective, for example, why was it delayed because the people of the area said, sir, come to our mosque and visit you closely. let's say that he used to reach people's feet . see he paid.
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in jaja, i believe this event was an epic and a great event for the country, and definitely a huge capacity was added to the capacity of the islamic revolution. the most important service he did to the country and to the islamic revolution was to restore people's hope and trust in the system. people feel that if the service manager is in charge of the infrastructure, problems and issues will be solved. the country is going to be resolved , and this is my final message. we are aware of the time constraints, sir, he also said that the affairs of the country must move forward with strength . we hope that he will be replaced by a person who is the most similar to him. progressive elections, god willing, they want to elect a president who is cooperative , transformational, popular, tireless and at the same time simple living.


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