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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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they see the power of the iranian nation and realize that it is not this nation that influenced them and dictated something to them. thank you mr. kavanagh for your presence in this conversation.
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but in the rest of the world today , we will discuss the nature and topic of the program, which is related to foreign policy, like the previous nights, about mr. hossein amir abdullahian, our martyred foreign minister . let's see a report about them, these are some short stories from the supporters of a diplomat who was in the square, and it starts with the last meeting. the last meeting, the last moments, as always, when they are leaving, they say that they are going, god willing, that the dam that is there will actually be done.
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may it be a blessing in the families that are there and be beneficial to the people, and since i married my wife, in fact, my wife has tried, because in fact , she is both my boss and the manager of the house, and she has a very important role, everyone knows the difficulties. but, in my opinion, their work was so big that even if i suffered, it was for the sake of the people, for the sake of dear iran, for the sake of the people in the field. they are resisting, they are struggling, i didn't do anything special, family their criteria for accompanying the father of the family in the missions was high . amir abdullahian in the most dangerous trip of the family. bringing them together with damashk, which
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usually happened like this, i mean, damashk a lot . when i said, now they might fly, we might even have a bando, we believed in each other , these were the things. it was ramadan mubarak, and i personally try to take it easy during the month of ramadan, so that i can complete my days. it is necessary to encourage the ladies who are in syria. i said that i think the truth is that it is now obligatory for me to go. now that i have food, there is no problem . the family of both belief and ideal started itself. with their father, their job was such that
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they were associated with the discussion of resistance since our time we remember that their goal and effort was always to do something for iran , to do something for the islamic republic, and they see this in the power of the axis of resistance, haj qasim, which in reality they meant , we were not the time they were talking about, and now there was a meeting or a bilateral meeting. who have don't talk about this person's strength, his strength, his zeal, and i would say that i learned a lot from him. every morning, my wife used to give charity to saddar soleimani. hosni sadat shabiri, sda news agency's host, dr. mojtabi ferdosipour, diplomat and international relations expert , mr. hello, welcome to ferdowsipour today's world is in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . hello and dear viewers of the world today
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, i would like to express my courtesy and respect before starting the program . in the same way , the bereaved families of this incident, thank you , mr. ferdosipour, i prefer to start our conversation with a photo , a photo of martyr amir abdullahian next to martyr roknabadi, my colleagues can show this photo later. let me ask you about it. you are seen next to mr. amir abdollahian in this photo at all where has he been? yes, i would like to inform you that i have a history of about 30 years of acquaintance with mr. dr. amir abdollahian in my record of service in the ministry of foreign affairs, and
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i have used his presence and blessings, especially his teachings in the field of diplomacy, in my own way. photo in response to your question, i must say that this is a related photo. it is almost 33 days after the war in lebanon and it is after the assassination of martyr emad mughniyeh. yes, the funeral of hajj emad mughniyeh is in beirut, and i am grateful to you that i was lucky enough to attend this ceremony, so the photo is related to it. date can you tell us about the history of your cooperation and the relationship you had with shahid amir abdallahian? in
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fact, moral integrity can be said as an obvious point in their existence. it was outstanding and this has shown itself in the ministry of foreign affairs, that is, today in your ministry of foreign affairs, if you ask anyone , they will almost always emphasize moral standards, naturally, moral standards without self-enhancement. without jihad, the aspects of servitude and religion cannot be realized . naturally, the ministry of foreign affairs was completely visible from this point of view . he was definitely following a certain thought and opinion in foreign policy , but none of us remember that during these two years, he has spoken to an individual or to a faction or to a current, for example , that he has a bad memory of him. naturally, i would like to say that among his moral qualities
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, it was his honesty, cleanliness, and cleanness of his hands that this language was mentioned, even perhaps it can be said in the state of the government. thirteenth, this was a special feature that can be determined in the situation of mr. amir abdollahian. he did not see politics, in fact , he had an independent personality and a prominent scientific personality. the important point was that he actually used all his capacities in the discussion of scholarship . he was not attached to any particular faction and strongly believed in that
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retired diplomats should be next to the device if he has diplomacy, you remember that you witnessed that he held joint meetings with former foreign ministers, he wanted to make decisions and implement a movement. his country had both a virtual connection and a physical and direct connection, naturally , he was a professor at the university of tehran and he was previously a professor at the university of rawat international school of the ministry of foreign affairs, because he graduated from the international rawat school from bis, in fact, he was an undergraduate. having a doctorate in tehran university, i would like to say
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that he strongly emphasized the brainstorming and brainstorming sessions, and being on the side of the elite and academic circles, and this is one of the prominent points in the decision-making process. i want to ask you about the foreign policy legacy of mr. amir abdallah of my iran, but since we had today's events, i prefer to cut them and leave that question as the final question of these reactions these few days. the members of the public that were announced in the countries , some countries 3 days, some two days, one day, the sum of these countries was such that, for example, in the virtual space. it is also very complicated that a quarter of the world's population mourned for at least one day because of the president of iran , how did you see the total of these reactions that exceeded a hundred countries and international organizations? the 13th government of 33 years did not pass more than 3 years from its service status, and it
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is important that this government was so wide and penetrating in the international sphere, it was impervious and it had opened a foothold that this reaction towards this the jankah incident that you said, in fact, what about the declaration of public member's days by the countries about. 10 countries almost put this issue on their agenda. on the other hand, you can see it in international organizations, while respecting the character and the martyrs of this incident at the beginning of the meetings, keeping silent or reading the un itself was the un itself. yes, these important points will not be achieved unless you have a successful diplasia at work.
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i would like to offer you my service to the esteemed viewers. it is almost possible to say that the message and phrase in the cyberspace that was used in relation to this incident was observed by the elite and by the think tanks. it doesn't matter whether these messages are official messages or unofficial messages from the side. that is, everyone points to leadership, and we understand the meaning of leadership in the field of institutionalism at the level of society, that is, in all writings, whether articles, messages in cyberspace, or any messages, the important point is that iran is institutionalist, a country with institutions and institutions. it means that you see the security of the country and the stability of the country based on the circle of institutionalism, that a prominent personality as
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a leader was able to organize the process of institutionalization of the system and structure in a coherent manner within more than 4 decades. the reason for this amount of reactions that we saw was that the world's view of iran is that iran's power is natural for people . the important point is iran's power. our democracy is one of the fundamental events in our country, from the burial of the holy body of imam rezwan, may god almighty be upon him, to the special burial that took place for selshakar haj qasim soleimani, and this recent incident is an interpretation that is thought of by the elite. the world says that the referendum means that you held a referendum in the country and this
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the source of authority, that is, the tipping point, based on the democratic process, is the responsibility of the people. this level of mutual trust and confidence between the people and the ruling body does not occur in any country in the world. in no other country in the world have you witnessed such a terrible incident happening. it means that the country's system has not changed, it has its own path system . they emphasize it from the outside. a situation that this one or two days in the burial of the pure bodies of these martyrs happened in a social way, that is
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, you do not see any impulse in the system in the fields of society, economy and culture. let's move forward . see, this is the approval of the system . first of all, this is the point of connection and trust between the ruling body and the leadership, that is, the trust and confidence that starts from the beginning of the election, that is, from the beginning of the election, the beginning of the work of the martyred president until the day of his martyrdom. this mutual trust between the leadership and the governance system has not changed, the same bond and trust between the people president, you see, with the ruling body, the most important point is that the point of gravity and its focus is the honest promise . why i say the honest promise is because this operation found
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a benchmark for the geopolitical establishment system, that is, the area of ​​balancing in the field of regional security for iran. agreement because we don't want a balance with the hostile side and basically we don't believe in balancing with the hostile side because we don't accept the legitimacy of the sworn side in any way, so the point of departure that was created in sadegh's promise increased iran's weight in the field of geopolitical balance. this situation looks from the outside in a kind of trust ratio to the system and the system and this insurance of iran's history in a way, in fact, the people's trust towards this government and this system was thanks to these reactions and condolences that we had before today. today , the main event in our relationship with other countries are the personalities who some of these personalities and countries coming to tehran, well, being our friends, there have been closer relations, but, for example, we saw the foreign minister
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come to iran from egypt, or the president of tunisia for the first time. this time he has come to the country, as well as countries like the united arab emirates , sending their foreign ministers, what does this mean? the basis of the country's diplomacy means that when you have a successful diplomacy, the driver of diplomacy is to strengthen relations with the regional neighborhood and the international sphere. when it is realized, it means that they respect you, which means that they see you as an element, as an active actor in the field of regional interactions. . and regional security are being monitored by the international system, one of our basic issues today is the palestine issue, the oppression of the palestinian people, perhaps it can be said that the basic approach that the diplomacy of the 13th government, especially with the characteristics that mr. dr. amir abdullahian has, is the area of ​​resistance, as you saw today, mr.
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esmail haniyeh, the diplomat of the resistance and the minister of the resistance, introduced him to these meetings. i would like to mention a month and a half before them coming to tehran and meeting with mr. amir abdollahian and the president as well as with the leadership. the official and unofficial level will show this respect for the system and for the country, so when you say that the foreign minister of egypt is coming for the first time, it means acting. the essential role of iran in the palestine issue is presented in the field of software i do it because the hardware, which has succeeded in its place in terms of software for iran , has this value and indicator in consultations and consultations to reach the point of peace, a compromise that actually has the process of maintaining the resistance, it is an expression of the fact that the characters
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who coming from a regional team, especially from the north african region , all of these show that the type of trust in diplomacy as playing a positive role and playing a positive role in regional and extra-regional interactions has been realized and this achievement has actually been proven. this is in the average rule of the martyr president mr. dr. raisi within 3 years it's really rare, that is, you have to put together at least a two-term time frame to achieve such an achievement, because basically , it is very rare when the delegations are among the delegations, except for a series of countries that are governed based on the anglo-saxon and royal frameworks, where the ceremonies specially , usually such receptions
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do not take place in the funeral of special events, it is possible in the inauguration of the president. you both have enough time and you can make your invitations, and the ceremonial officials, when this event was sudden between the officials and china , i would say that you have a limited time frame as well. you have ceremonial issues, and you have a funeral based on an incident that many high-ranking personalities do not trust . we had more than 16 chiefs of our forces in tehran as guests and about 7-8 personalities in the rank of foreign minister or head of delegation. we were especially in the non-foreign minister ranks and this is an important point that in fact this government was able to take a successful and effective step in the field of diplomacy and
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iran's position as a place in the equation. establish an international region in principle . thank you. the question i had about the foreign policy legacy of mr. amir abdullahian and raisi was more or less answered in your answer to my previous questions. the single axis was almost able to assert its authority in the field of appeals. the important point was that we distanced ourselves from the framework and structures of anglo-saxon diplomacy and allowed this to emerge in the region, which means that the region is also copying this. and it imitates iran's diplomacy diplomacy, the authenticity of diplomacy based on honesty , diplomacy based on justice, these
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value indicators and added value that appeared in iran's diplomacy, and it can almost be said that the islamic world is taking steps based on this standard and model. the second important point is the transformation of the discourse, what is happening in the international arena today, we interpret it as discourse transformation, when we say discourse transformation, it has two basic features , it has two basic components, one is narration, the other is your portrayal, this is in the situation of palestine and gaza, which means crimes against humanity. and you are against the humanity of israel and gaza . you can see the stories that arose in the west, in european countries, in the united states, where the interpretation of the prophet was that he said that in one of their meetings and speeches that if it becomes a branch tomorrow, they will say, for example
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, that on the basis of a discourse transformation is being created , which we believe is happening outside the framework of governance and official governments. iran's diplomacy recognized this feature in itself and was almost able to use and exploit this capacity. this was an important point. the third point, which is the prominence of our martyred diplomat and our martyr minister, we want to say that it is a matter of moral contentment , which i mentioned several times from mr. amir abdullahian, who echoed the same explanations . i want to add a stronger point to it , and that is the power of negotiations . institutionalism in the system and structure of the security process as defense diplomacy
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should come to be included in it. in the science process of the principles of the international narrative , we call it the points that are important, we call it the population, we call it geography, which can be interpreted as geopolitics, and the population that you have as an indicator is learned from it. do it in the people's process look at this funeral that i mentioned.
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now, in the continuation of the program, we want more external views on the performance of the government of mr. he is a writer and university professor, mr. burt salam.
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tabriz and qom today, tehran, the pictures of the millions of people who came to the streets because of the martyr raisi, what message does this picture send to the world? the western media are spreading lies about the islamic republic of iran and doing everything they can to blacken the names of these martyrs. and defame them and in fact
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pretend that iranians do not like their leaders, but these pictures actually proved the opposite of those claims, and we see that this event, although it was a difficult event, but this showed us that the narrative that the westerners are presenting is a false narrative and a lie. we saw an incredible and huge crowd on the street , and this made the claims and the lies that the westerners were telling all to be discredited. the propaganda machine of the west actually continues to live in a bubble that is made by its own hands and easily this bubble with events like this, the presence of millions will disappear and disappear. mr. raisi and his minister of foreign affairs, mr. amir abdollahian, well
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, they are definitely great personalities and i am actually hated by some of the american people, and their fans are not like that, and they actually are. as an outside observer , how do you see the hardships that have been inflicted on the people of iran over the years, the economic sanctions, the assassinations , the war that iran was sanctioned for 8 years, and the numerous events that the american government has done in recent years, what about the maximum pressure campaign. and what aggressive actions
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of the government. the iranian nation actually has a heroic role it plays a role in the world arena. they
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are part of a great islamic culture with the people of iran, and in the end, they fear god more than people , they fear god, and i heard from the iranian side. they say that never imagine that those who are martyred are dead, but they are alive, but they are ordinary people. they can feel it, and therefore the brave leaders of iran like president raisi and others like general zahedi and general mohammad hadi haji rahimi, these are outstanding people and are actually martyrs because in


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