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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

2:30 am
and i was saying that i came from them a lot, that is, i , the lady , used to give charity to sada soleimani every morning. hosni saadat shabiri of sda news agency , the host is mr. dr. mojtabi ferdowsipour, a diplomat and international relations expert. mr. ferdowsipour, hello, welcome to the world today. allahu rahman al rahim, i am at the service of his excellency and the respected viewers of the world. today , i would like to express my courtesy and respect . poor i prefer i would like to start our conversation with a photo . a photo of martyr amir abdullahian next to martyr ruknabadi has been passed around for the past few days. my colleagues can show this photo later.
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let me ask you about it. you are seen next to mr. amir abdullahian. where was this photo? yes , i would like to inform you that i have a history of about 30 years of acquaintance with mr. dr. amir abdollahian in my record of service in the ministry of foreign affairs, and i have made valuable use of his blessings, especially his teachings in the field of diplomacy, in my own way. this photo is in response i have to answer your question this photo is related to lebanon almost after the 33-day war and after the assassination of emad mughniyeh . yes, the funeral of haj emad mughniyeh is in beirut .
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if i will be present at this ceremony, therefore, the photo related to that date can be sent to us from the history of your cooperation and the relationship you had with shahid amir abdullahian. in africa , i had the opportunity to be with him in his travels, the important points he had in fact. moral virtues perhaps as a clear point, he said that he was prominent in his existence and this has shown itself in the ministry of foreign affairs, that is, today in your ministry of foreign affairs, if you ask anyone , they will almost always emphasize moral standards, naturally, moral standards without self-improvement. jihad in the direction of servitude and religion cannot be realized. naturally
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, he had the ministry of foreign affairs, that is, mr. amir abdollahian was definitely clearly visible . two years and eat them individually or to for example , if he has brought up a factional or a trend , there is nothing really bad about him . and it was his hand that had written this language, even it can be said that this was a special feature in the situation of the 13th government, which in the situation of mr. amir abdollahian can be definitely confirmed . you said that it is true that he did not belong to any party or crime, he did not see himself in the framework of political currents, in fact he was an independent character and a outstanding character. had knowledge the important point
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was that he actually followed the discussion of academic research in the field of diplomacy and strengthened this. the important point in the management and ethics of dr. amir abdollahian was that he used all his capacities , he was not attached to any particular crime, and he strongly believed that he should have retired diplomats alongside the diplomatic system. do you remember that you witnessed that he held joint meetings with former foreign ministers, it was not a case at all, the basic steps that he took in the field of application at the level of the country he wanted to make decisions and make a move . he was almost in this consulting field , while with all the academic fields in the country and with the prestigious universities all over the country. his country
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had both a virtual connection and a physical and direct connection , naturally, he was a professor at tehran university and a former professor at rawat international college. being the ministry of foreign affairs, because he is a graduate of the faculty of international relations from bis, in fact , he has a bachelor's degree and continued his doctorate at the university of tehran, so i want to tell him about the thought-provoking and thought-provoking sessions. they emphasized the importance of being consulted by the elite and academics, and this is one of the prominent points in their decision-making process. which was announced in the countries, some countries 3 days, some two days, one day, the totality of these countries was such that , for example, it was so complicated in the virtual space that a quarter
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of the world's population mourned for example the president of iran for at least one day, the total of these reactions that it went beyond 10 countries and international institutions how did you see your service is correct. one obvious point is that the government of mr. raisi, the 13th government , did not last more than 3 years. it was surprising that this reaction to this jankah incident that you said is actually true. what about the announcement of public member days by the countries, which are about 10 countries , putting this issue on their agenda, on the other hand, you see it in international institutions , while respecting this at the beginning of the meetings.
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the character and martyrs of this incident should remain silent or read fatkanm. it was the united nations itself . yes, these points are important. it won't happen unless you have a successful diplomacy . naturally, this incident should be seen and approved in the records of the 13th government. i have to offer your service to the esteemed viewers. it was observed by the elite strata and think tanks. it does not matter whether these messages are official messages or unofficial messages sent by the educated classes. there is an elite, the first important point is leadership, that is , everyone points to leadership, and we understand the meaning of leadership in the field of institutionalism at the level of society
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, that is, in all writings, whether articles , messages in cyberspace, or any other messages, the important point is that iran is an institutionalist country. has institutions and institutions. institutionalism you can see that a leading figure as a leader was able to create the process of institutionalization of the system and structure in a coherent manner within more than four decades. iran's power is natural for people of course, the important point of iranian authority is the next important issue that we should look at, in fact, the issue of democracy, that is, the issue of our democracy is one of the basic events in
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our country, from the burial of the holy body of imam rezwan , may god be pleased with him, to the special burial for slashgar hajj qassem soleimani took place and this recent incident is interpreted by a think tank and the world's elite field , saying that the referendum means that you held a referendum in the country, and this source of authority, i.e. , the point of gravity, based on the democratic process , is the responsibility of the people. trust and confidence alternation between the people and the ruling body does not happen in any country in the world, in any country in the world you have not witnessed such a terrible incident happen in it, but the water does not shake in the sphere of your democracy. just yesterday, we opened the assembly of experts. it means that the country's system has not changed, the system is on its own path
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. the previous implementation of the islamic council of the islamic council, according to your words , was concluded . it is clear that in this country, we are seeing the point of importance that is emphasized by the outsiders looking at the situation that this one or two days in burying the bodies and pure bodies of these martyrs. that is, you don't see any momentum in the system in the fields of society, economy and culture, the weight of the system has its own stability and it was actually able to move forward . you see this approval of the system, this point of connection and reliance. first of all, the governing body is a leader , which means trust. since the 20th election , that is, from the beginning of the elections, the beginning of the work of the martyred president
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until the day of his martyrdom, this mutual trust between the leadership and the governance system has not changed. it is important that the point of gravity is the honest promise. why i say the honest promise is because this operation found a political establishment for the system . in other words, the field of balancing in the field of regional security for iran has set geopolitics as its criterion, because we do not want balance with the hostile side, and basically we do not believe in balancing with the hostile side, because we do not accept the legitimacy of the sworn side in any way. sadegh came into being and increased iran's weight in the field of geopolitical balance, so this situation is seen from the outside in. a kind of trust towards the system and the insurance of iran's history in the field
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in fact, the people's trust in this government and this system, thank you for the reactions and condolences that we had before today. today, the main event in our relations with other countries are the personalities who came to tehran. some of these personalities are our friends and close relations. there was another one, but okay. for example, we saw that the foreign minister came to iran from egypt, or that the president of tunisia came to the country for the first time. likewise, countries like the united arab emirates sent their foreign ministers. be the promoters of diplomacy to strengthen relations with the regional neighborhood of the international sphere. when it is realized, it means that they will respect you , that is
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, they will observe you as an element, as an active actor in the field of regional interactions and regional security of the international system. one of our main issues today is the palestine issue, the oppression of the palestinian nation, perhaps it can be said that the basic approach is that the diplomacy of the 13th government, especially with the features that mr. dr. amir abdullahian has, is the area of ​​resistance, as you saw today mr. ismail. resistance and the minister of resistance introduced, i think about the meetings of the same a month and a half ago, he mentioned that he had come to tehran and met with mr. amir abdullahian , the president, and the leadership. in an official and unofficial capacity, this respect for the system and for the country. therefore, when you say that the foreign minister of egypt is coming for the first time, it means that
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i am presenting iran's essential role in the palestinian issue in the field of software , because its hardware, which has succeeded in the field of software, has this value and characteristic for iran. consultations and consultations to reach the point of compromise peace that actually has the process of maintaining resistance is self-expressive. this is that, in fact, personalities who come from the region, especially from north africa, such as the president of tunisia, such as the foreign minister of egypt, such as, in fact, a high-ranking algerian figure, all of these indicate that, in fact , the type of trust in diplomacy as playing a positive role and positive acting in the field of regional and extra-regional interactions has been achieved and this achievement. in fact , it has been proven, and this is
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true in the average governance of the president, mr. dr. raisi, within 3 years it is rare that you should at least put together a two-period time frame to achieve such an achievement, because basically , it is very rare when the delegations are among the delegations, except for a series of countries that are governed based on the frameworks of anglo-saxon and monarchy, where the ceremonies they are special. usually, such receptions do not happen in shia special events . it is possible in the president's inauguration because you have reliable time and can invite you, and ceremonial officials and many high-ranking personalities do not trust in terms of issues. i say security, that means you see this within a short period of time, we
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had about 16 heads of our forces in tehran as guests. we had about seven to eight personalities in the rank of foreign minister or head of the special envoy delegation, we were in the ranks of non- foreign ministers, and this is an important point that in fact this government was able to take a successful and effective step in the field of diplomacy and iran's position as a place in to stabilize international regional equations in principle. thank you for the question i had about the legacy of the foreign policy of mr. amir abdollahian and the president, which more or less answered your questions. the previous one has been answered, but i don't have enough time to tell you what the legacy of these two people was in foreign policy. i think the first point was the combination of the two basic axes of the field and diplomacy, which was almost able to
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assert its authority in the field of diplomacy. the most important point was that we took from the frameworks and structures of diplomacy and put this in the regional arena, which means that the region is copying and imitating iran's diplomacy, diplomacy, the authenticity of diplomacy, which is based on honesty which is based on the justice of this index values ​​and added value that appeared in iran's diplomacy, and it can be said that the islamic world is taking steps based on this standard and model . the first thing is the unity of diplomacy and the field. it happens, we interpret it as a discourse transformation. when we say that a discourse transformation has two basic characteristics , it has two basic components: one is narration
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, the other is illustration. which arose in the west the european countries in america, the interpretation of hazrat agha was that he said that in one of their meetings and speeches, if it becomes a branch tomorrow, they will say, for example, the mobilization of london, the mobilization of iran in london, the emergence and the emergence of bruce , that 's what they said. look at basij london, this is a reality that is being created based on the discourse evolution, which we believe is happening outside the framework of governance and official governments . iran's diplomacy has this feature in itself
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, and that is the power of negotiations. look at the software diplomacy when entering the negotiation table becomes a series khalafia wants an obstacle, he wants that obstacle. i have explained the obstacle . indicators such as the leadership of the institution, the process of institutionalization in the system and the structure of the security process as defense diplomacy should come and be gathered . we call it geography, which is a geopolitical interpretation. can you mention the population that you have as an indicator in the process of the year's referendum and this funeral that i mentioned is viewed from the outside, it has a referendum that can confirm the approval of the system, it can be presented as a sign of diplomacy that the power it explains the negotiations that you gave this capacity to the ministry of foreign affairs to mr. ferdowsipour. thank you very much for your presence in the world today.
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now we want to continue the program. most of the external views on the performance of the government of mr. raisi and amir abdullahian and also the legislation that has been witnessed in these one or two days.
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as a first question , what is your assessment of the funeral ceremony of the martyred president of iran, yesterday in tabriz and today in qom in tehran, the images of the millions of people who came to the streets because of the martyr raisi , what message does this image send to the world? gives. republic
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islamic iran western media. they did everything they could to try to slander and actually tarnish the names of these martyrs and them. name and actually pretend that iranians do not like their leaders, but these pictures actually proved the opposite of those claims, and we see that although this incident was a difficult incident, it we showed that the narrative that the westerners are presenting is a false and false narrative. we saw an incredible and huge crowd in the street and this made those claims and the lies that the westerners told should all
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be nullified. the propaganda machine of the west actually continues to live in a bubble that is made by its own hands, and this bubble easily bursts and disappears with events like this million presence. how do you see
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what happened to the people of iran during these years as an outside observer who endured all the hardships of economic sanctions, assassinations, wars that iran was sanctioned for 8 years, and many events that in these years the iranian nation actually played a heroic role.
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but the people of iran are a part of a great islamic culture, and in the end, they fear god more than people. read that they should be afraid of dying, and i heard from iranians that they never imagine
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that the islamic government and the islamic system will be weakened because of the system they have and on the other hand, the nation also supports them. the nation is actually standing against dangers. and this is the characteristic of muslims that they do not consider dying in the path of the ideals determined by god to actually be death, so what i can say is that they
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are worthy of praise and this is one of the positive characteristics and a strong point of the islamic republic. and the people of iran really want to achieve their goals and support the leaders themselves accept the risks and in such situations, they show themselves in millions. thank you and final question. another aspect of the recent developments was the reaction of different countries to the loss of mr. raisi and amir abdullahian, which was accompanied by the presence of nearly 60 foreign delegations in tehran today to pay their respects to mr. raisi and amir abdullahian. what do you think about this side of the story? well, of course, it is very interesting that we
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see the world now. it has become multi-polar and more and more countries find the courage to stand up against the evil western powers and they should participate in this, in fact, in this ceremony to pay tribute to the martyrs, and we even see that turkey , which is a nato member, comes and sends its representative, and other countries do the same, well, russia. there is another one of those countries and we see that there is actually a very interesting reaction. on the other hand, we have now seen in the west, for example, in israel, that they are happy about this incident, and this is very sad . some of the united states and some european countries are very reactive showing normality means that in fact they did not show any sympathy, even in the islamic republic
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, it was really commendable. many countries come to us we see, and in our opinion, we should hope that more countries will follow this procedure and continue their own work, this support, sir. mr. brett, thank you for your presence in this conversation , we have reached the end of the world today, god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings, dear viewers , at 3 in the morning, officials and delegations from more than 60 countries at the ceremony. tishiyeh and garami, the martyred president and his companions came to tehran. there is a short opportunity for the representatives of the countries to have a conversation with the president of our country. of course, in some cases this short opportunity ends in long conversations . since the last time, the martyred president and minister his speech in the hall of the host summit.


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