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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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not doing one thing is a thousand things, that is serving the people. in this short period of time, he was never stuck in one place . in his presidency, he was always looking for an answer, how to become the owner of hearts? he separated and handed over the responsibilities to the officials. goodbye, a clean, well-mannered person.
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in the name of allah , the light
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god bless you, god bless you , god bless you, god bless you i really want you to pray for everyone , especially your servants.
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literally, the servant of the nation and the servant of imam reza. save us from death and being killed. don't be afraid, a society that considers martyrdom as a blessing is victorious according to our honorable imam, so be it, khadim al-reza, peace be upon him, as if the martyrdom of haj qasim had been redeemed, he would have given us a dear, tireless leader, thank you very much sir. someone who was very concerned about the people
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, don't make us afraid of death and being killed. a society that considers martyrdom as happiness is victorious according to the interpretation of our honorable imam. greetings and good time to you, dear viewers, and i wish you success obeisances and prayers to you, dear viewers, in today's special continuation of the program , we are at the service of dr. mehdi islampanah, the head of the national standard organization , mr. islampanah . بنده هم عرض سلام و ادب و احترام دارم خدمت جنابعالی و همه بینندگان عزیز و عرض تبریک و تسلیت دارم شهادت خادم الناس خادم الرضا رئیس جمهور محبوب و مظلوم اون حضرت
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آیت الله دکتر سید ابراهیم رئیسی رو محضر همه مردم عزیز و علاقه مندان ایشون و همراهان they are the ones who have the opportunity to fulfill the great power in the capacity of the honorable president of the martyred president greetings to you, we, the institutions that were managed directly under the supervision of the martyred president, are one of the institutions that had a significant growth in this period . i want to talk about them, but before that, considering that you are the martyr of the president , seyyed ayatollah seyed ebrahim raisi, we can actually say
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that he was your direct manager. and of course, let's talk about the standard field. we had the honor to be in the national standard organization iran should work according to the law under the direct supervision of our martyr president, and this honor is a great honor for us to learn from the profession and abilities of this great and heavenly person , my unique martyr. i have a reference device . well, i believe that you also trusted the youth . yes, this is the right of this article . let's pay attention
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to them. this field, which usually takes less risk, provides provision. being and well, we all tried to make a behavioral move that he wants to make them understand that after all we were working directly with mr. president and we believe that in a definition that i had shahid raisi of the oppressed president mehboob mazloum that standard of service to the people as the key word that they are connected. they emphasize it with components such as jihadi behavior, a continuous transformational view, with a public perspective, i.e. authors like this with the component of being basic science, the component of being responsive, the component of being non
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-advertising , the component of being efficient and diligent, the component of being in the field, the component of being sincere. that means them the person. he formulated the standards of service with these components and implemented them personally, which means, in fact , it can be said that he raised the level of quality and standard at the level of an excellent manager at the level of the islamic revolution . finally, the elevation of his holiness means that ayatollah raisi is a new standard of service. the definition of the merchant was exactly, we are standardizing , we are in the process of editing, then, well, now we are looking for the implementation of this dear martyr with a lot. from the commitments and expertise and this special experience
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that they have gained over the past few decades , they have formulated a standard and implemented this standard and implemented it well. growing expectations at a very progressive level, which actually stabilizes and maintains and continues this level. there should be a special rule that this standard from our point of view in the field of service can get the score of adaptability. this is a great event. in fact, he set a great example by acquiring high qualifications in the field of service. hint. i will tell you what happened, and this was his masterpiece, and
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his direct leadership over iran's standards organization led to these great events. iran's standards became global during the period of our martyred president, this happened. it was unique that we had never gone as far as a man in any course. now, mr. doctor, if you know based on the indicators that you mentioned, being popular , being responsive, because we always talk about standards, our mind goes more towards the standard of a product or a product. here is a service that is standard in the service of the people. you have a new definition of it. you are providing a new definition of it . when
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i presented a program for the president's eid service, he said that this should be written with a revolutionary perspective and a transcendental approach. and the key word of transformation is insistence and emphasis on managers, don't get tired of daily life , don't do repetitive tasks, don't sit in a closed circle and tired, read and move the work forward. the courage in their decision was very, very continuous examples that they they were constantly repeating, and now you are from the media , you heard these key words many times from our beloved president, our martyred president, and always on topic. and i had a belief that in fact ayatollah dr. shahid beheshti
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created a new brand of management and institutionalized it. after all, maybe some people will take a certain approach for a while, for a while, and then it will be forgotten, but their behavior was institutionalized and this institutionalization was achieved by emphasizing the characteristics of the people. when we finally got this honor , we used to say to the square that we should be very persistent in keeping our promises. as a people in a people's government, with a view of continuous transformation
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, we created different systems, including the people's system , because we realized that haj agha was ahead in the field. above all , they have an excellent cover for all the issues and problems that may arise, or for example, in my position , i remember that when we took over , we handed over the work to the government. we had a deposit of goods in the customs of several million tons of the country's goods which was the news of the day. the number of 80 days of deposition and discharge and such and such, yes, well, i will tell you now that in this government, in a very short period of time, with the guidance and emphasis that sir, this treasury is the treasury of the country that
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is in your customs, and now, for whatever reason, now, with every defect, 80 days have been reduced to 8 days according to official reports. well, you were able to do this, mr. doctor , why didn't this happen before, haj, sir, you are very emphatic that, sir, these procedures, the implementation methods of these methodologies , have created a new thermology. new knowledge means with the same perspective that i had, he said to all the issues with a new perspective, he was stylish, but he always insisted that i was a simple student and
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nothing more. that the establishment and revival of these meetings was one of his characteristics and wills , that is, he revived the meetings of the supreme council of supreme councils, including the standard supreme council, after many years, for example, after 20 years, he revived the sundar supreme council under his own chairmanship. the other high councils were the same. in the two years that finally passed, 3 meetings were held with his personal presence, and we were on the verge of holding the fourth meeting. maybe this feature has become commonplace, and then he would repeat one sentence , maybe it was broadcasted several times in the media, i don't know, he said, i have time , you set up a meeting, you plan a day , count on my
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time, it means that i have free time. we knew mr. president that there are different dimensions of national and international issues in terms of cultural, economic, social, security aspects, but this unique oppressed character is forcing us to move in such a way that we say to ourselves, sir, we, but iran from apparently, we have to be a little stronger and more modern and present ourselves to shahid raisi, this shahid raisi is a bit difficult for us now, yes. mr. dr. chol , you talked a lot about mr. raisi . i remember that regarding the standard organization of our martyred president, he always said that the
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standard organization is like an inspection organization of the executive branch. short sales, yes, one of the areas that you have paid close attention to , and you have done it now in the 13th government for about 3 years now, for example, in the area of ​​collapse of the standard organization, if you have statistics, please provide the statistics. what an achievement and success , you mentioned three very delicate points and very precisely our dear president. they were constantly referring to the rights of the people and this discourse in the organization. they said that you are the public defender of the rights of the people . they were referring to this in their specialized areas, and this was a strategy for us. we sat where the rights of the people were. we are in the lives of the people, in the hearts of the people
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, the royal standard has emphasized many times . then i emphasized very much that follow up, this is an important issue, i gave an explanation, i gave statistics at that time, the number that we presented to them in the industry group was 4137, which means the low sales in the area of ​​low sales in the area of ​​low sales of packaged goods. today, i am presenting this
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report to them. this is a significant number of 162 within these 3 years, yes, less than three years , less than 3 years, i told about. with their emphasis, you are opening this amount, mr. doctor, that is , when the 13th government came, we had short sales in 42% of the goods, now it is about 16%. well, this can be summed up in one sentence, but there is a whole world of words in it. we
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did not have any implementation method or recipe for making hats that we could enter into the net sale. and they say that it should be done as a master's work, to believe in my colleagues , to always say hello to my colleagues. when we got to their service, we said that the topic of the previous discussions was the pure sale packaging means goods that must be packaged , most of the goods that people buy are packaged goods , so enter this exact number of what people buy, positive or negative, for example, remove a number, and then monitor this in production centers, distribution centers and in this chain. . part of this issue was the issue of deterrence, that is, we had this number as soon as we entered, and as soon as we
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strengthened our crimes, supervision, monitoring and control from the prior and the posterior aspect, that is, there is an approach to this corruption, haj agha , they say that this is corruption with manifestations of corruption and such violations should be included as an example. ok when we see that we are entering this scene with full force , we will enter the explanation centers, possibly the production centers in this chain and monitor and monitor. more than 10,000 field monitoring happened in the whole country and this number is 16 today. even one day, i remember him saying that there is underselling in the service. but the number is significant . we hope that this path will continue because anyway, this is a concern . we can say that it is one of the most important concerns
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of many people who are now buying this product and the amount they are paying. is is it really true or is this, god forbid, a question of underselling ? well , you mentioned a point several times in the middle of your conversation. you said that whenever haj agha wanted to talk about something , they brought up the expert discussion or the basic science of the issues. this is a significant point. in the eyes of the martyred president , you explain this a little bit, that all your field programs were based on the principles of undergraduate studies. is that right? yes, i remember a letter was sent that we are at the border of knowledge and at the edge of knowledge. to compile ours means to go towards tomorrow's standards and knowledge base as well as validation tools let's improve the evaluation and measurement of this
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. i used to respect expert opinions. i don't remember our martyr president . please read us the non-expert opinion in the envelope once. after all, being in that position, he was the head of the supreme council of standards and the president of the country , but they respected the expert's point of view . they said that in the conformity assessment institutions that you have, in the laboratories that you have , our work was so broad that it covered a wide range of goods and services let's respect these approaches that have been laid and the foundations that have been established , and we almost, i don't remember, in the meetings of the supreme council of standards, that finally, we are
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satisfied with almost all of the approved laws, except for what the law allows the secretary and the head of the data agency should be presented in the supreme council. i don't remember a resolution passed there and maybe he wants it not to be approved, because to believe that these expert meetings of the commissions, specialized working groups have been held and they have reached a level of maturity and a necessary preparation. we support here, go to the field of this work do it giving us the courage to make optimal decisions means believing and supporting the elites and experts to value this space . it was a very important point in his era that we designed the symbol of knowledge and many companies today are knowledge companies. knowledge bases have symbols, bio symbols, nano symbols, symbols of institutions
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, companies and enterprises, knowledge bases in many fields, because anyway, the scope of standard systems and qualification approval is a wide scope , it includes almost everything. being the center of even work is based on work science and knowledge is also my point. i remember my colleagues emphasizing implicit and explicit organizational knowledge. many times they say that in the last 100 years , the national governor's organization is finally inheriting an organization with civilization. the past people say to the present time that we have not seen such technical guidance and leadership , and this caused excitement from within . the issue of underselling and the issue of being a science , let's
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talk about the issue of safety in the 13th government. one of the areas that i think the standard organization entered in a very good way was the issue of safety . now it's coming from inver and inver, and finally, with the follow- up that was done, several cars that didn't have the required standard were removed from the production line , here we have a discussion . in any case, i don't want to go into the valley of the problems that exist in this area, sir, in the area of ​​the mafia, it is in the field of automobiles , but when someone enters this area, he wants to stop the current and confront a production that he feels for his people. he does not have the necessary standards, you know that he should pay for it. the fact that the martyred president stood against these costs means that he agreed to pay these costs
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, but this positive thing will happen to the people. this is a second thing , please tell us the achievements that were achieved due to this incident due to this approach in the domain of his highness. i remember that mr. doctor was in the first days of my presence when he requested a meeting of the supreme standards council, one of the agendas of that meeting was 28,1100. it was actually one of the agendas of that meeting. many of the standards that were suspended in the past were suspended. o god, you are the witness that we raised this he himself entered with energy, efficiency and support . people
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should be satisfied. to have means to get satisfaction was their concern and it was approved there that the lifting of the suspension of a number of mandatory car standards that had been suspended in the past took place , either in the field of after-sales service, in the field of automobiles, in the field of household appliances, or in the field of helmets. well, we know, we all know, that this resistance will happen. one day i told them that this is a resistance.


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