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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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i firmly believe that ayatollah raisi was a full-fledged strategic manager. this point that you mentioned about the discussion of economics among scientists was not just a modification of the title. this was a serious strategic change. in the field of science and technology of the country, which i want to talk about for a few minutes. look at us in the past years in the first governments of the revolution, even up to the previous 34 governments. most of the progress of the country and the growth of the country were based on the economy of the basic source . if you are interested in watching this conversation, follow it on khabar network. according to
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the country's strategy in the years especially after the revolution , as it was before the revolution , it was a basic economic strategy. we generally developed our economy based on our oil resources, on the basis of our mines, that is, we sold oil , established factories, hospitals, and schools with it. and we were building a university and advanced activities like this. well, in recent years, due to the increase in the country's consumption, due to the increase in the country's expenses, the heavy sanctions that the enemy has imposed on us. the basic resource economy has shown its weakness well
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, that relying on oil and raw materials is the bane of our economy, and if we are looking for progress and balanced growth , this cannot be done based on the basic resource economy. the strategy that the supreme leadership of the revolution started many years ago, perhaps more than 20 years ago, under the title of software movement , had reached a maturity during the era of ayatollah raisi, which changed the way. the economy was in the way of their attention, this attitude that they have and this attitude you can see its output in the title of the scientific vice-chancellor, who was promoted to the science and technology vice-chancellor. knowledge-based economy is the result of that strategic view.
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it was that if we want to do something , there should be growth in the country, and the only key to this path is the path of science and technology. the issue of productivity, which he repeatedly mentioned and emphasized in his speeches, the use of elites, whether individually or in companies of scholars in all parts of the country and in all structures of the country, showed his strategic attention to the discussion. an economy that should find its creation value based on science and technology. hazrat alallah is a boss for my servant whom i came to serve for the first time they wanted to raise their points in order to draw a serious strategy. the first was that the country's scientific and technological achievements in these years should be seriously and effectively implemented in people's lives. let it penetrate
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all areas of our economy, agriculture, our health industry, our mining, our oil and petrochemicals and all our other areas. the second point is that this attention to the economy should not make you neglect the future. a strategic look at the development of future technologies. this was one of his special points of interest. it means a look at what we have in the past and its use in our economy. and a look into the future of the achievements that should be made to be i want to point out here that there was a provision in the law of the 7th plan that was supported by them and they paid attention to it. the discussion was that during the 7th plan, the country should have six large collections in the creation of modern technologies, various issues such as life
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microelectronics engineering, cognitive sciences, brain nerves, artificial intelligence and quantum sciences and technologies are among these axes. i don't think that in the government , considering all the issues that the government had in terms of daily issues, someone like him paid serious attention and follow-up to an issue such as artificial intelligence and quantum. i believe that the national center for artificial intelligence, the steering council for auditory intelligence technologies, as well as their special attention to the field of quantum technologies, which i want to establish the steering council for quantum technologies , is one of the special memories of our dear shahid raisi in the field of technology, with an eye towards the future, therefore, i
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want to learn from their two views, the view of the application of science and technology in the development of the economy, and the view of the future in order not to neglect progress and development, and we tried to do this during the two years that we were in their service two axes of all the general planning of science departments you see, fortunately, the country has achieved very good ranks in the field of science and technology in the past years , our people have heard many times in the field of biological technologies, in the field of nano technologies, in the field of artificial intelligence technologies, even we have very good achievements and global ranks, but pay attention them it was that in the strategic areas that i mentioned , i gave examples, we in the region can definitely be placed in the first to third positions during the 7th plan. this was one view
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. the technologies will be ready, well, sometime development of technology in the form of small laboratories in the form of companies of small and young scientists. it was an idea, but in today's world , which is progressing every day from the point of view of technology, paying attention to the centralized structures of large national structures is a strategic point of view, which reminds us again , this point of view is that we have at least 6 large sets of laboratories, centers of creation of technologies in the country. to be advanced was one of the special considerations that they had and in the field of elites, they looked at the elites. in the literal sense of the word, in their policies and
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strategies, they looked at the governance of the elites. i saw that it means emphasizing that today's country's problems are only with the help and cooperation of the elites of this country will solve it. you see, we are limited in terms of resources in the country, after all, we have limited oil sales , we have limited resources that the government must support and do its daily affairs . monetary and financial investments are not necessary because the space is not suitable. this progress is from the reform of governance processes towards intelligent processes of elites, which you have heard many times saying to all the ministers in your government. that even if the elites in your field
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are not in agreement with the government, take their opinions and use them. i believe that the only path of progress that hazrat agha is following is the use of elites in the pillars of governance and the use of elites in solving the country's problems. the solutions to the problems of this country are elite solutions, not financial, capital, and resource solutions. therefore , you see this policy even in the government. i don't think we have experienced a younger government than ours during these years. or you in. the middle tens of management in the ministry of different houses , the ministry of industry and mining, the ministry of agriculture, the ministry ministry of health, young managers of the 1960s and 1970s, you can see that they are working and operating with the eyes of the elites. this
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was their view of the elites in the elites' union issues , in the issues of handling and paying attention to the elites . more than that , i have never heard from them in any field. without exception, every meeting i attended, their first question was what is the state of the country's elites, the country's elite atmosphere. are you working? what can i do ? i remember that i raised the issue of the conditions of the doctors, nurses and medical staff with them less than two times. a week with all the most effective people in this field , we held intensive meetings and one meeting that led to 12 operational solutions took 3 hours, 3 hours focused on what the government. he can do it to preserve the manpower , i remember, many issues were raised in
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that meeting, haj agha said that these are general issues , it is recommended to operate on the ground. that everyone knows what should be done, exactly what to do, where , how much, when, much emphasis on this word i had an offer. therefore, this was another point of their attention, the last story of their official page, if you remember, was their order to me in the council of cyberspace, supreme council of cyberspace to form a committee to maintain and strengthen the country's elite human resources in the field of cyberspace and other fields. soft this emphasis was in all other areas as well, so he believed that the greatest of the country's elites is to create a playing field for their influence in different areas, from
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consulting to management areas, as well as paying special attention to the discussion of the elites themselves. it was special that it developed our communication with iranian children abroad. i am proud that according to the statistics of the recruitment and identification systems and the development of our international cooperation in the year 4002 compared to the year 401, our cooperation with iranians abroad in the field the elite increased 3 times. the return of our elites from the top 200 universities to the country had been improved by 1 and 8 times . i will give you an example of what to do in your operation for the past year at your service, these elites who returned
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to work as faculty members in universities, some of them, about 35 to 60 people, were given the opportunity to create scientific companies, and some others were in the form of specialist forces in companies. ayatollah raeesi had a different view on the level of scientists. which was a very sublime point of view was that iranian children who are abroad but for whatever reason have a situation in which they cannot return to the country and are interested in serving the country. children of our country, last year we defined more than 200 cases of strategic projects with iranian children who were abroad, which we did there and used their services here . these are examples of this
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vaccine that did not contain live virus and in the new ones reach the resistant vaccine in the shortest time. there is an intermediate limit. there is an intermediate molecule for the expression of these genes, which has a short lifespan and actually transmits the message from the gene to the production of proteins to the production of all the compounds that are being made in our body. new technology that officials. they were unfamiliar with it, the discussion of new technologies in our country, it is very difficult to open the way for it, the reason
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is that they do not know the support of the president, god willing , you will continue with the same spirit. one of the raw materials that we wanted to import, for just our clinical phase, with the production that we did here, we saved 1 million dollars on the raw materials. this product is one of the thousands of products that were the result of the approval of the knowledge-based production leap law. the law that came into existence requires the companies of scientists to grow by 17% their savings should be millions of dollars. what made the law accelerate and go for approval was the direct and serious support of mr. president. in the shadow of this law, the products grew and reached the export stage. sometimes they became the focus of negotiations. 12 important hospitals in indonesia
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should be equipped with medical equipment made in iran. the equipment , all of which are the work of scientists and new innovations , we now have close to 90 million dollars of contracts with knowledge-based companies in this trip . the market here is very demanding for products actually made in iran, and there are iranian products in all areas. vahid zakari arad of sada vasima news agency, it was also mentioned in this report. in several places, mr. president mentions that, may god have mercy on him , we will support him. you see, the point that mr. haj agha emphasized to me many times is that mr. dehghani, the biggest thing that you have to do, your duty is to bring all the country's institutions and all the government to use the products and services of scientific companies. see what i am saying. mr. raisi
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was a strategically minded person, this is where you spend your strategic time on the greatest service to these companies, i want to create a playground and a market for them, mr. khosravi. i dare to say that the greatest intellectual supporter, discourse supporter, and political supporter of the flow of scientists in the country during all the past years has been hazrat agha, and the biggest executive supporter of hazrat agha's decrees for development. mr. raisi's economist was a person of scientists. that is, he personally advocated the development of the market of scientists. many times they said that you have seen the reports, friends, refer them. it can be checked. they said many times that
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he was not allowed in any way. goods and services that exist in the country. the company of scientists can. to provide it was a red line for them. i remember once i was doing the same . it is your duty to do something like this without permission. i ask you to follow up on this. you are the one who should be the claimant of our scholars and if it is necessary to enter somewhere , i will enter. the government has repeatedly emphasized that it is not accepted at all. we will take the goods that are produced in the country from abroad and get the result this intellectual and prayerful support was supported by him intelligently and he really personally claimed to support this market. there were tremendous events that happened last year
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. they get promoted. this is the result of the policy that mr. president emphasized many times that our oil ministry signed more than one billion dollar contracts with academics only because of the result of that support . width the government has something close to 20 billion dollars. i would like to point out to you that last year daneshpourians received 5 billion dollars. they exported two and a half billion dollars, which was twice the average value of our exports. please note that our scientists are not all products of scientists. they have scientists and non-scientists in their basket. however, this story was worth twice as much. but
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here is the main thing. this is equivalent to 20 billion dollars. the product and service that scientists sell to the country, which is generally worth 60-70% of the foreign price , is the discussion that these friends have mentioned here. talking about horizontal saving means 5 billion dollars and allocation of 2.5 billion dollars for exports , which is 3 times the number of 4001. providing goods and services to the country with the foreign equivalent of 30 billion dollars. a drug for which we had to spend 180 million dollars a year until yesterday. that we should take it from abroad , it was provided with only 20 million dollars of foreign exchange in the country , and the people did not feel that we were sanctioned . the biggest support of mr. president
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was this story. this happened in all spheres. the strength of the ministry of energy quadrupled in the support of scientific companies in 4002 compared to 401. the first time contracts were supported by the scientific vice-chancellor and contracts were signed in government agencies. 4 and 8 were equal to the year 41. this market development was the biggest support for the president to personally pursue these companies for sustainable growth for the companies to stay. i want to mention one more thing that happened here. the budget of the scientific assistant has grown by 20% every year. we were close to 7 thousand billion tomans last year. we had the year 403 that we are in despite all the problems the problems that the country is facing, the budget capacity of the scientific vice-chancellor
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is now more than 35 thousand billion tomans according to the seventh plan law and the budget law . a source that he emphasized and was emphasized in the group of heads of state and was approved with his help was a package of 7 thousand billion tomans for the year 403 and a package of 8 thousand billion tomans for the year 404, which the vice president of science with the help of the country's institutions, a series of projects define in the economics of scientists with this concept of projects a technology that knowledge bases can be used by government agencies and people can directly feel its effect in their lives. this is another important source and source of the law on the leaps of production of resources, which
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was created this year in the form of the clause of the 43rd budget note for the vice-chancellor. it can be seen that it is more than 20, which the law says that the organization of the budget program is obliged to allocate in the form of one twelfth. that is, this year we were not able to serve haj agha, we were not able to serve him, and i hope that the almighty god will compensate for his focus and attention on the field of scientists. this year, something amazing happened. you know the situation of the country. in terms of the current budget , 1000 billion tomans and 200 billion tomans are discussed.
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you know, we have approved in the government or in the construction board of the fund that after years of capital of 3 thousand billion tomans, the fund will become 100 thousand billion tomans. approvals of mr. president shahideh. this attention is only one the strategic view of the martyred president that science and technology are the key to the country's progress makes sense, and i hope that, god willing, in the future government that the people will choose well, this sacred goal-setting, this high-minded goal-setting that he did, will continue and develop. we will witness that the economy of the country. we are very serious about transforming the economy of basic resources into the economy of scientists , god willing, and they also emphasized that the technological diplomatic space should be used and
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the achievements of scientists be presented as gifts to the authorities of different countries during trips. they provide a market abroad for the scientists there, may god have mercy on shahid amir abdullahian, again, i refer you to look at your past. in a foreign trip, you can find that our martyred president did not talk about the field of science and technology. this is not the case. you can find a foreign delegation that came to iran and the president did not talk to them about the country's scientific and technological cooperation. the trips that mr. president visited even went to new york with them. i was assigned to every trip with my friends at the scientific vice-chancellor of the international relations organization this is one of the souvenirs of our martyr raisiyeh this year and last year, that is meso. we wanted
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the international scientific and technological cooperation organization of iran to be formed. it was announced last year that the national science foundation of iran was announced last year. that in none of the past courses of scientific assistantship as a foundation . mr. khosravi , last year, we had more than 300 business delegations. we hosted this number 6 times in 41 years. last year, i
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hosted 43 political delegations at the scientific vice-chancellor at the level of the minister, at the level of the speaker of the parliament, at the level of the president, that is. every week, there is a delegation of these policies, emphasizing the facilitation of international communication, which results in the export of scientists three times , may god have mercy on him. in the field of science and technology , we have an advantage over many countries and for this reason, he said. therefore, the central discourse of science and technology is more important for us than other discourses he himself was one of the advocates and serious follow-ups of this story of the ministry of foreign affairs, which i have a place here . i would like to thank all my friends in the ministry of foreign affairs who we worked with, the economic sphere of the ministry of foreign affairs and other spheres, for full support and cooperation so that exports product based on
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iranian knowledge only for presentation. it is not the export of authority , the export of culture, the export of an advanced message, and our martyred president has understood this very well from a strategic point of view. my deputy is the subjects that i don't know how much i do in a minute, thanks to his careful follow-up of the whole process. scientific vice-chancellors support the companies in the vice-chancellor and the service fund, the clarifications of the definition of the companies are clear, who received what support, where, what the results were, and as i have said many times and i will say it again as hassan khattab, the law of production leap is the law. which will create changes in this country in the next 10 years, and this is a memory of our martyred president, i hope we can
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implement this law well, and the promise of this law is that this country will undergo many changes within the next 10 years, god willing. god willing, he will see for himself the greatness in his economy , god willing, thank you very much, mr. d, for the presence of your excellency , i am happy for you, your colleague, and thank you for accepting our invitation for tonight. thank you very much. may god have mercy on my dear president. the islamic revolution is over . we will end this program by mentioning the blessings of allah. peace be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad , and god
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hasten, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. by reviewing the most important news and developments in the world i will be with you in about an hour. following the expressions of sympathy and messages of condolence from religious and political authorities of different countries to the government of the iranian nation, a number of anti-zionist rabbis in england expressed their sympathy to the government of the iranian nation .


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