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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, i greet you and have a good day. dear and respected countrymen, we have arrived at 13:00 and we present the news of this section together with all my colleagues to the presence of ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, in a message on the occasion of the commencement of work. the twelfth parliament is the formation of a balanced parliament in the group of disciplined and empathetic interaction. with
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other forces and correct and patient collective behavior within the force, they considered it to be a song and emphasized that the parliament should always be reassuring and hope-giving, inspiring courage and inviting empathy and brotherhood in the public environment of the country. leader of the islamic revolution as well attracting the hearts of the people through their sincere gratitude by serving the people and doing righteous deeds is considered a divine reward and they pointed out that the multi-million funeral of the late president and his dear companions is an example of this divine reward. the following is the text of the message of the leader of the islamic revolution, which was read by hojjat-ul-islam wal-muslimeen golpayegani, the head of the office of the supreme leader, at the opening ceremony of the islamic council.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, and praise be to god, the lord of the worlds , and peace and blessings be upon him, sayyidna muhammad al-mustafa and his family, the almighty god, now that the twelfth term of the islamic council, as always it will start on the appointed date and without delay . each new parliament can create a new shine in the bright horizon of the country and increase the nation's hope and motivation. the combination of fresh representatives with experienced and experienced elected representatives conveys the message that the house of the nation
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will be able to combine modernity and innovation with seriousness by using its powers in the constitution and by adhering to its heavy responsibility among the country's pillars. and legislation to monitor from keep away from turbulence and chaos as well as stagnation . surely, the disciplined and empathetic interaction with other forces , as well as the correct and patient collective behavior within the maghneh power will help to realize all the features of a balanced parliament and will make the good memory of the representatives last. the parliament should be comforting, hopeful and inspiring and inviting to the general sympathy and brotherhood of the country. in the parliament itself. also
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, don't use the useless media contests of harmful political controversies, the time and short life of the responsibility period. otherwise, the valuable capacity of representatives in this high position will be lost. and this damage it is great. ayatollah khamenei added in this message: another point is about the oath of representation. this is not a formal or ceremonial oath. it is a real and responsible oath that will be difficult in this world and the next. respected representatives of nagheer should always keep this sharia oath in mind and adhere to it as a criterion for judging. know their performance. the next point
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is related to moral obligations. islamic lifestyle, which is an important part of moral virtues, in the arena. political challenges and legitimate competitions become more important. it is here that kimiaei reveals his main price of piety, forgiveness, fairness, honesty, responsibility and selfless work . martyrs of ardibehesht flight, who are now mourned all over the country, one of their characteristics was observing moral virtues. self-care in this field should be taken seriously. the last point: it is a reminder of the fact that each member of parliament represents the entire nation of iran. this means that the main work of the representative is to provide national interests. the follow-up of the issues
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of the constituency should be done in the framework of a macro view of the country's issues, and from the approval of development plans to extreme face and beyond the limit of endurance construction budget should be avoided. dear brothers and sisters, working with intention and goodness is divinely rewarded, and god will reward it in this world and in the hereafter. attracting the hearts of the people who are grateful to them is one of the divine rewards in the world, and the funeral of several millions of the president faqih. and his beloved companions are an example of this divine reward. loyal and vigilant people in different cities, with flowers and tears of these pure bodies, revived the memory of the martyrs of the 60s for the new generation of the country and in practice
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responded to thousands of lies, slanders and rumors. god's mercy and blessings be upon them. at the required end of the field. from i would like to thank the honorable representatives of the 11th term, especially the hard-working president and its active board of directors. peace be upon you and may god bless you. seyyed ali khamenei, june 6 , 143. following the testimony of the president. and the accompanying delegation has shown the success rate of the 13th government in expanding friendly and constructive relations with different countries of the world. we are the recipient of more than 30 messages from high officials of
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different countries of the world from diverse and plural world geography . we were high officials of our country more than 27 we received messages from leaders and officials and general managers of international organizations and institutions, the presence of more than 60 high-ranking delegations at the level of heads of state, prime ministers, presidents of foreign affairs ministers and other ministers. in a very limited period of time, it shows the level of interest that the world community has towards the position of the president of the region in the world. in
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an announcement, the government delegation appreciated the epic presence of the people in the legalization of the million body of the martyred president and his companions. in this announcement, the members of the government emphasized: with the guidance of the supreme leadership of the revolution and the support of the people, the president will continue his path shahid will not allow solving people's problems and anti-corruption to remain on the ground. also, in this announcement, the efforts of the media, especially the national media , have been appreciated for the comprehensive coverage of the enthusiastic participation of the people in this historic event. the commemoration ceremony of the martyred president and his companions was held today in some parts of the country. sardar seyyed mehdi mousavi was one of the companions of the president and the commander of the presidential protection unit, who was martyred in the helicopter crash. martyr mousavi
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was a very zealous man. this young lebanese who barely speaks farsi talks about a bodyguard. show everyone in order to be able to serve this nation, the trip of the president's protection team, which will bring back the president and the accompanying team in the province, has passed. i have news that is at the last moment of all existence.
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during his service , he was always ready to fight and protect the life of the president. his sincerity was in harmony with mr. raisi's sincerity. the same sincerity that mr. raisi had, the same sincerity was also in martyr mousavi, we were very familiar with him, we were very good friends, really , i have said very little about his goodness, despite the fact that sometimes they say that his poetry was very serious and offensive. thus, he had a very generous and kind heart , he was very serious in his work . it has been a few days since the people's campaign for the service of the martyred president ayatollah seyed ebrahim
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raisi has started in different regions of the country. some of the pictures of people's participation in this campaign have reached us. i did not hear this campaign was started by the collective efforts of people's groups to keep alive the culture of jihad and serve the people in pohesh chele khamit for 10 days at salavati station and various cultural rituals in masnavi. taqostan kermasha will be held, and god willing , today we will distribute 500 hot meals to the needy in deprived areas, and every individual and group who can provide a service to the people will join this service campaign. in order
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to serve the honorable people of kermashah , a free day of jihadi travel is organized in poish cheli. in order to serve the people , we are doing our duty in the nabi mosque of taqbestan, kermanshah. for our neighbor who can't afford to buy household appliances, i do the work of buying household appliances for him, and i ask you to help poish cheleh. join the president is gone, but his memory and name will remain forever. we will remain under fire, alireza shaukati news agency. and now we turn to the developments
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in gaza. zionist sources reported the explosion in tel aviv. a zionist was seriously injured by the explosion. the explosion caused a minibus to catch fire and damage it. more details about possible casualties and the cause of the explosion have not been announced . but following the zionist regime's air attacks on rifa. 50 palestinians were martyred and dozens of others were injured. the focus of these attacks was on the tents of refugees in rafah, most of the martyrs were wounded, children and others they are teenagers. yaba al-farakh al-farakh yaba.
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some of the images are so horrifying that they cannot be broadcast, the gaza city defense authority announced that the zionist regime targeted the areas that it previously declared safe, most of the martyrs were injured in this. attacks involve amputations and extensive burns. in the air attack of the zionist regime on a house in gaza city, a little girl was killed along with her pregnant mother. another member of his family was martyred. a couple was martyred in the bombing of tel sultan neighborhood in rifa ham. the occupying army destroyed more than 10 settlement centers for palestinian refugees in the past day and night rafe bombed, and as a result of this crime, more than 190 palestinians were martyred or injured. in addition to the south of the gaza strip, in the zionist attack on a house in
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nasirat in the center of the gaza strip, 9 people were martyred and many more. requests in gaza to track the fate of the missing palestinians are increasing since the beginning of the war against gaza, many palestinians who lived in the conflict areas have disappeared. we are in one of the refugee settlement schools in western gaza. some of the displaced people living in this school
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are currently in a worse condition compared to the beginning of the war. every family has a missing person. because of the number many missing people, we tried to show the world that there are people from disappeared families and we want to know their fate. we have come to find out about the fate of the missing people. we do not know anything about their fate, whether they were captured or martyred or injured. the gaza strip has committed the war crime of genocide in this strip. he said: the amount of food, water, medicine and fuel that israel allows to enter the gaza strip is extremely insufficient. the
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european union foreign policy official also said: the judicial situation in gaza is at its worst. yes, but the israeli attacks continue continues. at the same time, amnesty international considered the zionist regime's three attacks on gaza in late april and early may as examples of war crimes and called for their investigation in the hague court. last week , the prosecutor of the international criminal court requested to investigate the arrest of the prime minister and the minister of war of the zionist regime on charges of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. the austrian police seized the aid charity enval to gaza. this non-governmental organization is one of the leading humanitarian organizations that has provided 8 million euros of aid to earthquake victims in turkey, maghreb, and nepal in 2023. this institution so far, 68 aid trucks have entered gaza
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, but these aids have been stopped due to the confiscation of bank accounts. the austrian mercy foundation announced that it will continue its work regardless of these repressions and will send two shipments of humanitarian aid to the refugee settlement in the south of beirut next week. amnesty international asked the international criminal court to investigate three recent israeli airstrikes on the gaza strip as war crimes . in the attack on the 28th of farvardin on al-maghazi refugee camp in the center of gaza and two attacks on 31st of farvardin and 1st of may in rafah in the south of gaza, 44 palestinians from article 32 amnesty international stated that the cases recorded in these attacks show a clear pattern of the attacks of the past 7 months, in which the israeli military
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violated international law by killing palestinian civilians in complete insanity and ruthlessly ignoring human lives. have set foot prosecutor of the international criminal court with the defense of the request. in order to issue an arrest warrant for the prime minister and minister of war of the zionist regime, he said that no one has the right to commit a crime against humanity. referring to the opposition of some countries to issuing a verdict against the zionist authorities, the prosecutor of the international criminal court said that it will be clear in the coming days. are western countries honest in supporting the international criminal court or not? if the international criminal court agrees to the prosecutor's request
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, the 124 member countries of this organization are obliged to execute the arrest warrant for netanyahu and u of gallant. the un secretary general says he is concerned about israel's non-compliance with the crazy verdict. international justice is about stopping the attack on rifa. antónio guterres also said that the decisions of the hague court are necessary an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in the gaza strip is valid and must be established. the head of the international court of justice announced in a ruling on friday that israel should stop its military operations in the city of rafah and ensure unhindered access to this area to send humanitarian aid, but still the zionist regime ignores this ruling and its attacks against palestinian refugees. residents in the south of the gaza strip have especially aggravated rafah. armenian police
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arrested 67 people while dealing with the opponents of the prime minister . opponents blocked the streets and roads of different regions of armenia. from the first minutes of this morning thousands of armenians protested in this country. they demanded the resignation of prime minister nikol pashinyan . demonstrators are protesting the government's decision to return some border villages to the republic of azerbaijan. the opposition parties in the parliament also announced that they will start the impeachment process. armenia has recently announced the handing over of some uninhabited villages to the government of baku, and it is an important development in the path of achieving a peace agreement between the two neighbors. it is said that the number of victims of landslides in pap and aguinhenu reached 2 thousand people.
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the international organization for migration has announced 150 houses gone underground the previous estimate was 60 residential buildings. but the media reported that the rescuers had given up hope of finding the survivors at a depth of 6 to 8 meters. landslide. road access is blocked and helicopters are the only way to reach the area. landslide has also caused widespread destruction of buildings, food storage and gardens and has had a significant impact on the economic situation of this country. the death toll of severe storms and tornadoes in the central regions of america reached 18 people. the storm left dozens of injured. according to the announcement
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of rainstorms and floods in the philippines, more than he brought 8 thousand people. two kurds, including a 14-year-old boy, died as a result of falling trees. the philippine meteorological organization announced that more than 200 mm of rain has been recorded in parts of this province following the occurrence of a severe typhoon. according to the local authorities, the height of the flood has reached 3 meters in the coastal areas. the storm has also caused power outages in most areas of kazan province. a fire in a children's hospital in india killed seven babies. local residents were among the first to
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come to the aid of those caught in the fire and were able to save 12 babies save firefighters and police also helped to control the fire. the cause of the accident is under investigation. we are very grateful for your attention and companionship with this news section, dear citizens and respected viewers of the khabar network. good day , god bless you. i would like to greet you again, dear compatriots , have a good day. starting tomorrow, in the western half of the country, on the southern slopes of albert , we are witnessing a gradual increase in temperature in these areas
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. it can be seen in the eastern part of the country. according to the latest image received from the weather satellite now that i am at your service. it can almost be said that in most parts of the country we are witnessing stable weather and clear and sunny skies. we expect rain today in the northwestern parts of our country for the provinces of west azarbaijan, east azarbaijan , ardabil province, eastern alborz heights, for semnan province , as well as the provinces of golestan, north khorasan, and the northern parts of khorasan. razavi province and in the southern parts of sistan baluchistan province, we can see that the rains in these areas are in the form of torrential rain. if the rains continue in the eastern part of ordville province , it will reach the central alborz slopes of its heights , and in the eastern alborz highlands, the rains will continue, and in the northeastern parts of the country
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, in golestan and khorasan provinces, we will also witness showers. on tuesdays and also on wednesdays, the rains will continue in the northwestern parts and the slopes of alborz. on thursday, we witness rains in these areas, and in other parts of the country, it is stable during friday. it can be said that almost in most parts of the country , the sky is clear and sunny. another phenomenon which is noticeable due to the strong winds in the southwestern parts of the country today. in the southern regions and also in tehran province , the speed of the wind increases from the horse onwards. strong winds are the dominant phenomenon in the remote areas, causing the air quality to decrease and the visibility to decrease. in addition, for the next 5 days in the northeastern and eastern parts of the country , especially in the zabul region
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, we are witnessing strong winds, which will cause a decrease in air quality in susceptible areas. today, due to the wind from the caspian sea, the persian gulf is rough, and on tuesdays and wednesdays, the persian gulf faces the strait of hormuz and the eastern parts of the oman sea . thank you for your attention. wow, you are from the people of al-tayib, and you are
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from fadl. a bad young man should come behind the microphone and say that i am unemployed, but because when you were a child, we suffered the pain of unemployment and misery, you are a part of our blood, mr. raisi , read these letters right now, and solve our problem. the government is serious about unemployment, young man. borumand, who is ready to work here , should be concerned about work, because creating employment is one of the important issues it is on the agenda of the government. in the eyes of the 13th president, the village economy was a big factory that should be activated as soon as possible. officials should pay attention to friends and know that the village is a complex.


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