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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm IRST

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hello, welcome to the half-day news. i swear in front of the holy qur'an, i swear in front of the holy qur'an, to the almighty god, to the almighty god
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. . the follow-up of the issues of the constituency should be done in the context of the big view of the issues of the country. the parliament should be comforting, hopeful, inspiring, and inviting to empathy and brotherhood in the public environment of the country. what are the economic priorities in the 12th parliament? improvement of people's livelihood and leap how production with people's participation will be implemented in the decision of the 12th parliament. nocturnal slaughter of the bunch.
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knowledge bases in the mass production of all kinds of computer memories, with the production of iranian memories , more than 2 million dollars are prevented from leaving the country every year. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate. good day , dear and respected viewers.
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we present to you the details of the news at 14:00. ayatollah khamenei, supreme leader of the islamic revolution, in a message on the occasion of the opening of the 12th parliament, said that the formation of a balanced parliament depends on disciplined and sympathetic interaction with the forces they considered correct and patient collective behavior within the government and emphasized that the parliament should always be reassuring and hopeful. it should inspire effort and invite empathy and brotherhood in the public environment of the country. the leader of the islamic revolution also appreciated the people's sincere gratitude through serving the people and doing righteous deeds as a divine reward . the provision of several million for the late president and his dear companions is an example of this divine reward. the text of the leader's message. the islamic revolution, which hojjat
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al-islam wal-muslimeen golpayegani, head of the supreme leader's office, in the opening ceremony of the islamic council it is recited as follows: in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, and praise be to god, the lord of the worlds, and the peace and blessings of allah, sayyidna muhammad al-mustafa, and his holiness al -tahreen. i thank the dear and wise god for the continuity and strength of religious democracy, which is a great gift of god to the nation of iran. experienced and unmarried candidates. send this message
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he said that the house of the nation will be able to take advantage of its powers in the constitution and by adhering to its heavy responsibility among the country's constituents. bring modernity and innovation with the maturity of seriousness and keep the legislation of supervision away from turbulence and confusion as well as from stagnation and stagnation. surely, the disciplined and empathetic interaction with other forces, as well as the correct and patient collective behavior within the maghneh power , will help to realize all the characteristics of a balanced parliament and will make the good memory of the representatives last. the parliament should be relaxing, hopeful, inspiring and inviting to empathy and brotherhood in the public environment be the country in the parliament itself, useless
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media contests, harmful political controversies, time and short life. do not make the time of responsibility busy, otherwise the valuable capacity of the representatives in this high position will be lost and this is a great loss . ayatollah khamenei added in this message another point about the oath of representation. the world and the hereafter will be troubled. respected representatives must always keep this sharia oath in front of their eyes and consider adherence to it as a criterion for judging their performance. the next point is related to
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moral obligations. islamic lifestyle, which is an important part of moral virtues, in the field of political challenges and legitimate competitions. becomes more important. it is here that alchemy of piety and forgiveness, fairness, honesty, responsibility and selfless work reveal their main price. martyrs of the ardibehesht flight, who are now mourned by the whole country. one of their characteristics was observing moral virtues. self-care in this field should be taken seriously. the last point: it is a reminder of the fact that each member of parliament represents the entire nation of iran. this means that the main work it represents the provision of national interests. the follow-up of the issues of the constituency should be done in the framework of a macro view of the country's issues and the approval of
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development plans should be avoided in an extreme manner and beyond the limits of the construction budget. dear brothers and sisters of carbonite. serving the people is a righteous and good deed of god's will, and god is grateful to ali and will reward it in this world and in the hereafter. attracting people's hearts to their unceasing gratitude is one of the divine rewards in the world, and the multi-million donation of the late president and his dear companions is an example of this divine reward. loyal alert people in different cities with garlands and the tearful bodies of these pure bodies revived the memory of the martyrs of the 60s for the new generation of the country and in practice answered thousands of lies, slanders and rumors
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. may god's mercy and blessings be upon them in the end. i would like to thank its active and peace and blessings of allah be upon seyyed ali khamenei. the opening ceremony of the 12th parliament was held with the presence of a group of national and military officials. according to the internal rules of the parliament , the sunni board of directors conducted today's meeting. the board of directors for the first year of the 12th parliament will be elected in the public meeting tomorrow. baharestan is the host today the military and country officials were to start their work as usual in the beginning of the term of the islamic council. today's ceremony had some absentees whose empty space was filled with this photo frame and these flowers. 290 elected members sat on the green seats of the parliament to
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have the opportunity to serve the people for 4 years under the name of representative of the nation after their credentials are approved. the records of the composition of the 12th parliament show that 126 elected members are coming to the parliament for the first time by the people's vote, and 164 elected members have a history of representation in the parliament. in this period, 14 seats in the parliament are reserved for women. education records. the elected officials also indicate that education in the fields of law management and political science is the highest number of fields of study for the elected members of the 12th parliament. according to the internal regulations of the parliament , the oldest elected person with 74 years of age was appointed as the chairman and the youngest elected as 35 years old as the secretary. six tasks. the sunni presiding committee manages the opening session and the subsequent meetings
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until the presiding committee is elected. conducting the bell ceremony of the first official session of the 12th parliament, headed by the head of the sunni committee, the islamic council rang the bell. the path of excellence, growth and progress above all to improve the level of knowledge and technology in the country. he has and will pay attention. the president was supposed to be one of the speakers at the opening ceremony. but today his first deputy filled his vacancy. we have finally started the housing until now. 400,000, we have finally either given the land or the work has started or we have finished the dowry. discussing the welfare of public issues , people's livelihood has finally become a problem. it is still there. but a poor state. the discussion of the so-called leaf goods , which now has 60 million people at the so-called prices
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of two years ago, and the so-called addition of subsidies they are using this system. the minister of interior came to the back of the assembly and read a report on the process of holding the assembly elections. in the name of allah , the most merciful, the ministry of interior is proud to host the event. elections based on the general election policies and efforts to improve the quality indicators of the implementation of the great election process of the twelfth term of the islamic council should turn it into a field for the realization of the effectiveness of the display of the government's executive power and authority . today, the chosen ones swore an oath in front of god to be the guardians of the trust he entrusted to them.
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checks the candidates and if not the objection of credentials is sent to the presidium of the house of representatives. after approving their credentials, the parliament officially represents the people in the parliament , and the parliament officially starts its work after approving two-thirds of the credentials of the elected officials. fatemeh ali khani of the radio and television agency of the islamic council. elected representatives of the people in the twelfth term of the islamic council with their presence in the holy shrine. imam rahel renewed the agreement with the ideals of the founder of the islamic republic of iran and
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emphasized on the continuation of the precious martyrs of the islamic revolution. the killing of palestinian refugees in rafah in an airstrike at least 50 palestinians were martyred and dozens were injured when the zionist regime destroyed the tents of the palestinian refugees in the al-babarksat camp in the northwest of rafah. manager of the information office of the food bar.
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the submitted report contains heartbreaking images. 3 days after this decision of the international court of justice regarding the need to stop military operations in rifa. to guarantee humanitarianism. oh god
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hasbi allah god's grace and grace the attacks of the zionist regime on rafah have increased. residential area of ​​63 square kilometers which is more than. this was a residential area that was the target of the air attack , the place of tele sultan was the place where the refugees were present, which was bombarded in this crime, mostly children and women were martyred in the place where the zionists had asked the refugees to take refuge since the beginning of the war.
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israeli army. he had declared these areas safe and asked people to take shelter in these areas. after the refugees settled in these areas, he attacked these areas. this is a part of the images of the extensive attacks by the zionists on the residential areas and the tents of the palestinian refugees in the al-babarksat camp in the northwest of rafah. many of the pictures are like this picture of a child from under the rubble. or this image of a child who was burned? or the image of pulling out the body parts of women and children from under the rubble cannot be played. another crime in rifa in the last 24 hours with more than fifty martyrs and dozens of wounded, which
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made the heart of this palestinian father hurt like this for veda and his martyred son. a crime that the palestinian islamic jihad movement considers the reason for its continuation to be the direct support of the united states and european countries to this regime. mojtaba shah soni of radio and television news agency. last night's crime by the zionist regime in rafah was accompanied by widespread worldwide condemnation. norway's foreign minister declared the bombing of rafah as a violation of international law and human rights. he is also the foreign minister of ireland while condemning this crime , he considered it a clear violation of the decisions of the international court of justice. the minister of foreign affairs of germany said without condemning the crime of the zionist regime: the judgment of the hague tribunal on gaza and rafah is binding. the head of the foreign policy of the european union also took the same position as the german foreign minister,
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only on the necessity of implementing the judgment of the hague court on stopping the attack. he settled for rafah. the foreign ministries of egypt, kuwait and jordan strongly condemned the killing of palestinian refugees in rafah in separate statements. the ministry of foreign affairs of qatar has condemned this crime and announced the killing of palestinians in rafe may bring the ceasefire talks in gaza to a bombshell. francesca albans, un special rapporteur. it is burning and should be banned. the founder of human rights watch said that by preventing humanitarian aid from entering the gaza strip, israel
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has committed the war crime of genocide in this strip. yes, nair said. the amount of food, water, medicine and fuel that israel allows into the gaza strip is grossly inadequate. the eu foreign policy official also said that the judicial situation in gaza is in the worst condition , but israeli attacks continue. at the same time , international amnesty three attacks in late april and early urdobehesht considered the zionist regime's attack on gaza as an example of a war crime and demanded their investigation in the hague court. last week, the prosecutor. the international criminal court requested the investigation of the arrest of the prime minister and minister of war of the zionist regime on charges of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. zionist sources reported that an explosion occurred in tel aviv , as a result of which a zionist was seriously injured. the explosion caused a minibus to catch fire and damage
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it. more details about possible casualties and the cause of the explosion have not been announced. lebanon's hezbollah declared the military resistance fighters the target of the attack was on the zionist in the maliki military center. they placed their artillery. the media of the zionist regime also reported that resistance rockets hit the towns of kiryat shmoune and dishion. the army of the occupying regime also acknowledged the crash of a drone in lebanon. al-quds brigades also published pictures of targeting the zionist regime soldiers in a building east of the jabalia camp. sami in the name of god. in jenin, palestinian fighters
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targeted the occupying forces at the checkpoint. so far, the zionist regime has killed 636 of its soldiers since the start of the al-aqsa storm operation did it is said that 3,601 zionist soldiers were also injured during this period. after describing the critical situation in the al-jalil region in the north of the occupied territories, the zionist ma'arif newspaper wrote sarcastically to the zionist regime's army, in a place where we see destruction every day, it is not possible to pretend that things are normal and hope for the future. i will go with my colleague who is stationed at the border of lebanon with occupied palestine. hello, mr. azimzadeh, please send this sarcasm to maarif newspaper. what items are returned? mrs. hosseinzadeh, dear viewers, hello, good time. this
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taunt of the zionist maarif newspaper took place exactly after yesterday's offensive operation by hezbollah. party allah performed 15 operations. hezbollah's most extensive offensive operation in the last 3 months happened yesterday and... hezbollah targeted the military and zionist settlements on the buildings that were used as the location of the zionist soldiers with its various weapons. as you can see behind me, hezbollah carried out this offensive operation in response to these attacks by zionist soldiers. this is one of the places that were targeted in hula by the heavy rockets and trench breakers of the zionist military, donated by the united states. the next one created in this area in hula has a depth of approximately 7 the heavy rocket that hit hula caused
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serious damage to seven buildings near this place. lebanon's hezbollah responded to the same attack by the zionist forces that happened yesterday. aimed half twice. hezbollah carried out a combined operation with guided missiles and mortars and also targeted malikieh with its own uavs. it also targeted a building that was the location of the zionist military. lebanon's hezbollah announced an hour ago that it was targeted in the margaliot military camp. gave an hour ago, the media of the zionist regime reported that the skylar-type spy drone of the zionist military is located in the south of lebanon. also , the sound of alarm bells in seven military and zionist settlements in asb al-jalil and al-jalil al-ala areas due to the infiltration of hizbullah's aerial drones
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has sounded for another hour in hola, two young men of 20 and 21 years old, who were hezbollah fighters, tariq and hossein, who yesterday in the attacks of the zionist soldiers , they were martyred on the shoulders of the people of hula, they will be dissected and buried. thank you, my colleague hassan azimzadeh was from the south of lebanon, near the border with occupied palestine, with the intensification of zionist crimes in the gaza strip, anti-occupationist protests have become more and more widespread in different regions of the world. in cape town, the capital of south africa, tens of thousands of palestinian supporters chanted the slogan zionism is terrorist. supporters of palestine in the city of vienna, the capital of austria, as well as the hague in the netherlands. they also gathered in front of the embassy of the occupied jerusalem. canada's montreal was also the scene of a large presence of palestinian supporters in the streets.
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all. in the capital of senegal, palestinian supporters protested against the genocidal war in gaza and declared solidarity with the palestinian nation. palestinians also gathered in front of the consulate of this regime in istanbul, turkey. a large number of people in islamabad, the capital of pakistan, held a march and demanded an end to the genocide of the zionist regime in gaza. during keram and several other areas of the west bank, palestinians held rallies in support of the resistance and chanted slogans. ayatollah khamenei, supreme leader of the islamic revolution
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, passed away in a message. the dear mother of hojjat al-islam and the muslims expressed their condolences to seyyed hassan nasrallah. the text of the message of the leader of the islamic revolution is as follows. in the name of god. the blessed presence of the great mujahid honorable hojjat al-islam wal-muslimin, haj seyed hassan nasrallah, the leader of the lebanese resistance, blessed be you. hello. my sincere condolences on the death of your beloved mother. in dignity it is enough that the deceased is seyyed nastuh of resistance born from his pure bosom, may god's mercy and blessings be upon him, and may god's peace and blessings be upon you and your fellow fighters in the great resistance front, seyyed ali khamenei khordad 1403, first vice president in the meeting with the chairman of the financial assembly, thank you expressing
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the country's sympathy with the government of the nation of iran after the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi and his companions, he said: despite the difficulty of the absence of the president and the minister of foreign affairs of iran, in practice shahid raisi's strategy is determined regarding the expansion of international cooperation with islamic and allied countries. the acting president considered it necessary to take advantage of mutual capacities to promote bilateral economic relations and added: iran is ready to share its experiences and capabilities for the full establishment of the financial government. the chairman of the financial council also considered the martyred president and his companions as a source of hope for the islamic world and emphasized on the expansion of bilateral economic and commercial cooperation as during the presidency of the martyred ayatollah raisi. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs said: sending bulk messages condolences from different countries following the martyrdom of the president. and
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the accompanying delegation has shown the success of the 13th government in expanding friendly and constructive relations with different countries. we received more than 30 messages from high officials of different countries of the world from diverse and plural world geography. we were for the high officials of our country , we received more than 27 messages from leaders and officials and general managers of international organizations and institutions, the presence of more than 60 high -ranking delegations at the level of heads of state, prime ministers, presidents of parliaments, ministers of foreign affairs and other ministers in a
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very limited time frame. gives probability that the international community has in relation to the position of the islamic republic of iran in the region and the world. mr. kanani also pointed to the presence of bahrain's foreign minister in tehran and the condolence message of the king of bahrain, and emphasized that iran's successful diplomacy will continue to resolve the differences of understanding with its neighbors and support the resistance. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs pointed out that supporting the palestinian nation against the zionist regime is a principled policy arising from the foundations of the islamic revolution, and there will be no problems in this way. i couldn't bear not to be present among you. this was the expression and look of a man who as


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