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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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he announced that yes, we held the elections in this way. well, look at the previous elections , the elections of municipalities, city councils and police commissioners were held on may 13, 14th . the results were announced . he was a southerner in the north west of england and he worked for himself. and this has a clear message, that is , starmer came and said that these sentiments reflect the entire nation, we want to change the page , we want change, the nation wants this , of course, this news became trending, but from onur.
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urban worker tiz vali lost in the northeast by the way, this same mr. senak went and met with him, and the one who was there generalized this and that , that is, yes, we lost that representative because he had a scandal. well, you know that for about 14 years, which has been in the hands of the conservative party, they are almost attributing and simulating, the experts who work in the field of british issues , whether inside or outside, say that it is similar to the 1997 election, which has been there for a long time. it was at the disposal of the labor conservative party that blair was finally defeated he came and those cases happened, now the process of leaving the representatives. britain has already dissolved the parliament
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, its last meetings were held, and now about 78 members of the conservative party announced that we are leaving the process, that is, we are no longer in power and from the party, and this was the last time, for example, in 2017, 12 people withdrew in 2019, 32 people withdrawing the last time in 1997 that he was headless. the conservatives lost their power to 72 workers, which means that the conservative party now feels that it needs a series of fundamental changes and is introducing fundamentally new candidates. that the workers, well, the hope of all the polls shows that the worker is ahead, of course, now i will say that almost as it was in your report, the worker and the conservative do not have much difference, and under the pressure of these lobbies,
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he withdrew and took power this is what mr. starmer entrusted within the party. well, this is not a very good situation in the economy, that is, the iaf institute, the institute of think tank, the institute of financial studies, mr. whoever comes , regardless of whether he is a worker or a conservative, with a challenge to russia, who has identified three major problems in the british economy. one is, for example, these three key problems that will be inherited by the government, the other is the evils of almost 100 % of the production of non-household goods. but the absolute poverty is still high
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, according to the polls, the ministry of labor and pensions announced that in 2022, the results of which will be announced in 2023, 11 million people out of the approximately 67 million people in britain are in absolute poverty in 2023. this is the statistics of the ministry of labor and pensions. this
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is a new day in 2023. for years , there have been changes and developments in this theory up to this day , there are also other parties, for example, you see the british reform party of that republic. yes, those who want the constitution , those who are anti-kings, well, anyway, for example , in northern scotland or even in plateau camry in wales , these have divergent tendencies from london, well, the debate over brexit, well, these are the differences between unionists. and now , clearly , what difference do you see between the labor party and the labor party in the propaganda poets of the republican in america? it is similar here , except that there is a presidential system, here it
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is a parliamentary system, and the discussion of differences is formed from the heart of things. in the industrial strategy of these two parties, i discussed civil issues and the rights of immigrants and their deportation, when rishi senak came. until the girl said that i am counting my two daughters, that is , i am counting the moment when i will win, after the announcement of the results, i will send these two daughters to serve in the army to make them proud. it is a populist who uses populist slogans. what is the story of the military, the story of the reduction of the defense forces and the police, that is, the british army and the police, they have a shortage of forces , that is, mr. ratkin himself, their joint commander
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, said that in the event of a war with russia, we will let them know about the threat of russia coming so that they can recruit here and this conscription. in any case, the main reason is that there is a need for troops, there is a shortage of troops. first of all , the times itself wrote that by 2026, the number of our military forces will reach 68,000. in 10 years, it will reach 52,000 people. it means that
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there are less and less volunteers, because public trust in the police and the army has decreased, the army you know in 2003 . the british regime is somehow paying for the attack on afghanistan and iraq after two decades and the rape, killing and crimes that it is constantly happening in the british police. now we have some news . how much stabbings are constantly increasing in london. because poverty has grown a little bit there, absolutely, now it has reached 12 million people , these crimes have developed. and the people's trust in the police has decreased a lot, despite the opposition of public opinion, they are always supporting you
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, what do you know? they are poor there, but they are abroad. it is natural that mr. dr. nadli helped you to be present in today's world we will continue to deal with this issue until july 14, when the british elections are held. the european union's foreign policy official said that israel's disregard for the international court of justice's ruling on discrediting europe weakens the international court of justice last friday by issuing a ruling called on the zionist regime to stop attacks on rifa in the south of the gaza strip. all of nato announced that this coalition has no plans to send troops to ukraine. jens stoltenberg said nato does not intend to extend its air defense shield to ukraine and does not want to be part of the conflict with russia be
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67 people were arrested during the confrontation between the armenian police and the opponents of the prime minister. since this morning, thousands of armenians have demonstrated across the country and demand the resignation of nikol pashinyan . demonstrators to decide. the government is protesting for the ownership of some border villages to the republic of azerbaijan. thousands of people in the stands of argentina protested the visit of the president to this province . came by blocking a road near the airport, the perfumers expressed their opposition to the trip of dovir milli. since milli came to power last fall and simultaneously with the reduction of government subsidies the value of the national currency of argentina has decreased by 50%. at least 14 people were killed and many others injured due to storms and tornadoes in the states of texas and arkansas. the storm caused power poles to fall and power outages. the homes of tens of thousands of local residents were destroyed.
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the number of victims of the landslide in papua new guinea reached 2000 people. the international organization for migration has announced: 150 houses have also been destroyed. the results of the investigation of the case of importing contaminated blood from the united states to the united kingdom ultimately blame the british government and are responsible for thousands of deaths. one of the recipients of these bloods announced. based on these government results, the ministry of health and even a number of british doctors did not inform the patients despite being aware of the contamination of these bloods. in the 1970s and 1980s, america procured these bloods from high-risk people such as prisoners and criminals and exported them to other countries, including england. estimated. about 30,000 people in the uk
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have been infected with madam-arab diseases and about 3,000 people have died as a result of blood transfusions infected with aids, hepatitis and other diseases. the families of the victims received the contaminated blood from the ministry of health and medicine of this country and subsequently filed a complaint against this ministry and asking for respect. i was 13 years old when my mother took me by car outside the city , she kept the car somewhere, it was very strange to me. we should be recognized, not empty, beautiful love. see what has happened to me and my family during these years , the media, the people, and the government of indonesia. the nation of
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iran declare. the imam of the prayer congregation of the esteghlal mosque in jakarta commemorates the last year's prayer of the late president of our country during his visit to indonesia. this mosque held a memorial assembly for martyr raisi. allahu akbar. jakarta's independence mosque , which last year hosted the deceased president of our country for his prayers together with indonesian muslim brothers, is now black-clad for the martyred president of iran. i convey the sadness and condolences of the people and the government of indonesia following the martyrdom of the president of iran and his companions to the supreme leader and noble nation of iran, and i remember the magnificent prayer that was held last year in the funeral of martyr raisi right here in the mosque. we have established independence, may their souls be happy and may their status be exalted, the people who in this ceremony
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expressed their sympathy and some people also paid their respects by gathering in front of our country's embassy and donating bouquets of flowers to the dignity of these high-ranking martyrs. we are in front of the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in jakarta by donating flowers and lighting candles while paying our respects. the martyred president of this country remembers the magnificent reception of the indonesian people during his trip last year. a martyr who was always committed to creating world peace, according to the famous expression of amin, the vice president of indonesia. the late president of iran was committed to maintaining world peace. indonesia as. the friend and brother of islamic iran felt a great loss with the martyrdom of this prominent figure
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does the television channels of the world's most populous muslim country also remember the memory of the late president of our country by airing the condolence statement of the head of state and special programs about the last year's trip of martyr seyed ebrahim raisi and his accompanying delegation to indonesia and the meeting with jok widodo, his indonesian counterpart. they cherished dikabarkan sebelum presiden iran ibrahim raisi berserta menteri luar negeri iran husein amir abdullahi. esmail pourhi of the sed and sima regional office of south east asia and now the final case and the third one from last week on the issue today's jahan program, we were able to review the legacy of the foreign policy of shahidan raisi and amir abdullahian
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. we see the conversation we had before the program with mr. subrak mala dutta, an indian foreign policy expert. i offer my condolences to the people of iran. it was surprising to me that we saw millions of people participating in the funeral ceremony of the president, the minister of foreign affairs and others. they were the national image of the people of iran. under the presidency of the president of iran. witness the development and numerous developments in the field it was different, especially foreign policy. iran's progress in the field of foreign policy during the presidency of raisi was remarkable. india and iran have very long relations that go back to ancient years. the relations between the two countries
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were very forward during the presidency of mr. raisi. and in the field of cultural, economic and strategic exchanges, our relations were strong. the coherence of the relations between the two countries is very important. this consistency must remain stable. this cohesion should continue during the term of the new president who comes to office . the signing of the recent chabahar port agreement between iran and india is one of the most important things during the president's term the president was elected. chabahar agreement between iran and india, which connects chabahar port to india and to central asia, russia, georgia. once again, the system of this country
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offers its condolences to the people of iran for the tragic death of the president, foreign minister and other people. now we are going to islamabad, pakistan to talk with ms. iman jameel, an international relations expert . these are very important achievements. during the presidency of ebrahim raisi and the tenure of mr. amir abdollahian at the ministry of foreign affairs after all, they have goals for their foreign policy, one of which was independence from western countries and alliance with islamic movements . they sought to strengthen their relationship with russia and
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china. one of the great achievements of their foreign policy was this, in fact, their reconciliation. it was saudi arabia, and also saudi arabia, which was known as the ideological rival of iran, they were able to make good progress in international organizations, they are doubtful of joining the organization of cooperation and also taking good measures for brics and in the field of the nuclear agreement. iran is also doing good diplomatic activities they gave and with. in fact, israel also had that conflict that iran's answer to them finally determined that iran was in a good position diplomatically and regionally, and all of these were under the management and presidency of mr. raisi , ms. jamil fekar. what role could iran play in the formation of the new world order in this period ? iran
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has identified itself as one of the countries of the global south. this time, they adjust their foreign policy based on looking to the east, and this can change the new order of the world order and the equations that change the way westerners are thinking and they can actually help. their own friends should stand by the efforts they are making against western sanctions and implement this at the global level . strengthening and we saw that hezbollah and hamas have good relations with iran and stand up well against israel after october 7th, we
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saw that brics is actually moving towards accepting iran as a permanent member and on the other hand for they are trying to eliminate the dominance of the dollar on international transactions, and this is one of them in fact, with the 25-year agreement that iran signed with china, iran also established a very important and historic partnership with them, and this is a blow to the westerners. how do you evaluate mr. raisi and amir abdullahian's relations with their neighbors, especially with pakistan, during this time?
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it was that despite the instability of pakistan caused by the withdrawal of the americans from afghanistan , iran was able to strengthen its relations with pakistan and they were able to deal with the border issues and the border issues and the agreements in this of course, some minor differences were also created between the two sides, that is, some minor problems were also created , which were resolved with a good and successful diplomacy, and we witnessed that iran
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had good relations with its eastern neighbor. the president of iran visited pakistan in the last weeks of april, and the main focus of this trip was to strengthen the economic relations between the two sides, however, in addition to their economic relations , they also had commercial relations. increasing and the volume of business relations between the two sides has increased to more than 2 billion and in their energy sector they signed agreements and in one agreement about the border areas and actually signed the borders to transfer power lines and reached an agreement. to pave the way for legal trade and legal trade between the two countries, and we have seen that both countries
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have shown their desire to strengthen and increase economic relations, ms. jameel, thank you for accepting this conversation on the khabar network . jahan, we arrive today. also, i would like to thank mr. mohsen jalili, our english translator, for translating both communications. good night, god bless you. i didn't see the faces of these workers like this even when they didn't have bread on the table, now it is working with, for example, a third of its capacity
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, so why is it like this? a device that can be produced in iran , why should he import that blessed journey, those days that are not immediate and without one , one of the children thanked him for visiting us, and he said that there is no need to thank me, my duty is to come here. the slogans that came from the heart that they chanted. madian's children are mr. raisi. that time we floor
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we were on the street.
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a workshop the size of iran, blow a little more wind to cool down. clap pat shame on you. you will perish in this house. why don't you buy a cooler? the account balance is insufficient. is this the reason? no reason. it didn't work, we are going to the city of home appliances. buy an installment plan. metroist offer. sale great variety of coolers in the city of household appliances, blue waves sports complex , owner of the most exciting water sports equipment , opens the country's largest rooftop solar power plant with an area of ​​10,000 square meters with a capacity of producing one and two tenths of megawatts of electricity, a big step towards the goal blue waves sports complex mashhad, blue waves sports complex. mashhad
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, there is an endless stream of exciting news near imam rauf's shrine to serve pilgrims and others . how long will i be interested in bicooler water? did n't i tell you its name? your father doesn't like it. if we don't tell you his name , we'll be cool. then when it's so easy, i'll buy one of these. what were we talking about ? they are telling the truth , i bought it in installments and it is very economical. now, why ca n't it be called this, low consumption, in installments, and buy it? where is it? you know, iranian sahra, special sale of all types of air conditioners with exceptional conditions in a large iranian house in the cities of qom, isfahan, and the only tehran branch in sirah afsarieh.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time . welcome to the football magazine program. start the program. what to do with the premier league, which has been very busy these weeks and the 29th week of the premier league will be held tomorrow with 8 games at the same time. the battle at the top of the table for the championship and at the bottom of the table for survival is hot. for now, the reds are their dream return in the game with esteghlal khuzestan and thanks to the draw of esteghlal tehran against nasaghi sadr gedalo from
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the rival sunt.


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