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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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we definitely need a supply side plan . we definitely need a shared development plan between the powers. in this sense, having a national approach , which i emphasized, is separated from the controversies of defining the role of the parliament beyond the legislature as an intellectual aid to other powers. it is a very important issue. you can see that we have come to a positive direction , that from the next round, the parliamentary and presidential elections will actually be held at the same time. it is not possible to introduce a list for a person's parliament he introduced for the republic a hand order should be introduced to practice this new path that we did not experience in the past in the parliament. the twelfth will be done
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, its markings will be done here. transforming the role of the parliament from a purely political element to a separate brain, a separate thinking brain to build other structures, components of the political structure is something that should be practiced in the 12th parliament, and i think that our time for this issue is limited but sufficient, that is, regardless of what happened in the central bank area, in the tax area, the things that we talked about, you are taking a closer look than what should be done in 4 years. the future will happen in the area of ​​the parliament. yes, i think that this parliament will have a fundamentally different meaning, and from now on it should be planned and actively planned for its different meaning, so it is not necessary to engage the parliament to continue controversies on local issues. relatively low-level things like, i don't know, trying to revive a certain factory in a certain city in the form of artificial respiration . surely, the minds of the members of the parliament should be changed and
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a completely new look should be given to that parliament as an important component in order to change its role , mr. pour ebrahimi. mr. shakri, in your opinion , what should be the prioritization of the 12th parliament in the field of economy , continuing the same path of the 11th parliament in the field of legislation, or in the words of mr. shakri, beyond what we have discussed so far, well, the duties of the parliament in the constitution. it is defined, we cannot define different duties or a literature beyond that, naturally, we cannot define the parliament for the parliament. the parliament has two main headings , legislation and supervision of the implementation of the law. what happens in the sphere of the parliament is around this process. the supreme leader of the revolution in his statements in his message to the parliament twelfth, he raised and one of those headlines was the points that are mentioned even now, and that we
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should move the flow and approach of decisions in the parliament towards national interests instead of regional measures . the budget discrepancies are due to the same decisions that we sometimes take in the regional areas. you know, let's pay attention to where the effects of that are and what are the negative consequences . apart from this discussion that i want to raise now, mr. doctor , i want to talk about something that what i think determines the direction of the movement of the parliament i think that in the new term of the parliament , it can definitely put it on its agenda as a priority . the first issue is that we take immediate measures in relation to the issues that affect the society and today are their current problems. well, one of the problems that i have in the department earlier, i mentioned that the main areas of criticism, i mentioned the two main elements of changes caused by inflation in the economic system , are imbalances and imbalances in the banking system
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, currency policies today are one of our main challenges in the economic field. we must do pathology at the same time, we thank the government for the good actions that have been taken, and the good cooperation that was fair between the economic commission and the economic team of the government, for this reason, i have to point out that, in addition to these issues that have been ongoing, but along with them, our criticisms to the field currency policies are still in their own power. just this year , i wrote a letter to mr. president, and in that letter i mentioned the challenges of the 13th government's foreign exchange policy . in the second part of the letter , we also presented our solutions. it was in the month of april that from the meetings of the heads of the powers that we attended and were present at the end of the meeting, mr. president mentioned that i read your letter and the matters related to the area of ​​cross-sectional discussions in rome must
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be followed with the same view as the area of ​​expertise of the commission. let's do it . i coordinated with mr. dr. mokhbar, the first deputy. you should hold a meeting. well, we had a meeting about 20 days ago, 25 days ago. the reforms related to this area are now in the agenda is one of the actions that should happen in the 12th parliament, in my opinion, and we presented our proposal to our friends, of course , a good work should be done in the commission. to all the representatives who attended this 12th session. we invited representatives who were coming for the first time with economic expertise, economic education, or economic experience. about 50 people, 60 people were on our list of names. what is the work we have done so far and
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what are our suggestions for the future path of serving the dear members of the 12th term representatives? what i am referring to today is one of them in the field of currency policies. the country's trade balance has become negative by nearly 17 billion dollars, so what is the reason for this, why has the country's foreign trade decreased , why has the country's imports increased sharply? we will take this as one of salah kishore our very important issues, which i think will definitely be one of the actions of the 12th parliament, and we propose. we are doing it in the area of ​​financing. well, wait. now, over the last two or three years, we have separated from the average growth rate of almost half that we had during a decade. according to the 7th plan
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, we calculated to 8% or the 6th plan. in 143, which we are now, we have nearly 4,000 financial resources. to be able to achieve this growth rate is the biggest economic challenge of iran at the beginning of his speech, mr. doctor mentioned in the beginning of his speech, in the current situation of the country, the provision of financial resources for us to realize the growth rate, if we want to achieve the economic growth rate, financing solutions , yes, the production and infrastructure financing law is one of the most obvious actions of the 11th parliament in the field of economic issues. but aside from this issue, the issue of financing is one of our basic challenges , financing solutions now, for example, attracting foreign investment in the government's program, it was almost the beginning of may, we had a joint meeting with the head of the program organization, the minister of industry and mines, the minister of economy regarding this year's program based on the decree of the supreme leader, which we followed this year to name the year of production instead of production, we
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see a very small amount of foreign exchange in their program. we paid so much for it. remember how many criticisms there were last year , how much in the media space, well, all of them should come today and put a number on the head of the country's resources to say that i will determine this year in the field of production and turn it into an investment process in the head of the country's public resources. today i think one one of the main issues that can be the basis of the case in the field of supervision and estimation is the issue related to currency policies, the issue related to the provision of financial resources to ensure the 8% economic growth of the country. the issues related to the field of regulation in the country's economic operations, one of which is the field of market regulation issues and other issues that i have left before, such as the issue of the development bank, i would like to point out that in the limit of one sentence, we
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also brought this report in our proposals in the 11th parliament, but to the public stage for the approval was the stone's turn, and of course the report is ready, but it was the stone's turn it did not reach the final approval, and that is that if we want to take some measures in the field of development , we must make changes in the structure of the country's executive system with the proposal we made , we proposed the development bank, now the amendment of the banking law and the development bank are now in full cooperation. between the 11th parliament and the government has been completed, this is also your report, which can be included in the agenda of the 12th parliament as the priorities of the dear ones. thank you very much, mr. shakri, mr. pour ebrahimi, referring to the foreign exchange policies, inflation, financing. other points that were summed up were to reach the theme and slogan of the year people's participation, level of production , what do you think the 12th parliament should do for each of these topics, regardless of the macro view and development that you mentioned, mr. pourabrahim, i had some points for him . i think that the first issue is to emphasize again
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that all these you have to look at it side by side , see when i explain, for example, when we talk about currency, the issue of currency is not only the price of the currency, it is also the problem of the market structure in the absence of structure. foreign payment, practically, the situation we are facing is that the central bank cannot have any kind of future price orientation to the market price and it's not like that nima is the place where we register , it's not the place where we trade, so you can't separate this when you're talking about currency and not foreign policy, when you're talking about both. you cannot separate this from monetary policy. i will give an explanation about what i mean by this different role for the parliament. it is clear that the role of the parliament is. there is no doubt about this, but the situation we are in now should lead us to
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legislation that is in line with implementation, meaning that the country knows what will happen in the next 6 months and a year. he has priorities, what he wants to do, and in practice, this issue is not resolved between the government of the parliament in joint sessions, even together , to produce a law, which means that we really need to change our hand, and changing our hand cannot be achieved by changing the laws separately. this is under the program. 5 -year development cannot be, cannot be, because basically, the approach of the development plan in iran is a horizontal development plan. the horizontal development plan means that we write a series of rules , we write a series of governance rules, which are 5. he wants to work, this is for the higher law, this is planning for 5 years
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vertical vertical development program means no. i don't want to have a plan for everything. i have 5 questions for which i want to be focused. i am talking about a foreigner . our law was written vertically, which means that the goals were specific and limited, and only those were talked about, even before my revolution, we were mostly like this, and this is how our model is now in a situation where we can't expect that the structure of the country will change. obviously , in fact, for the representatives who know how to move through the lens of legislation, a competitive parliament is for them newcomers, but nevertheless. because of the need we have , we have to look at the question in a different way, limit the questions
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and create quick answers for them. now, at this moment, our screening system, the type of relations between the parliament and the government , cannot produce this at all. i am here to make this recommendation. that the twelfth parliament will take office at the same time as a new president that one type. legislation should be tangential to implementation. if we want to say, see, in the sense that now, for example, suppose i talked about a series of weaknesses. i said that we have a series of weaknesses. the weaknesses are clear. the supply of basic goods to the afke channel is the way we sell our oil, and it is possible to count the number, it is not many, it requires answers, and these answers are all at the same time
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, we cannot go in this direction at all, so i think the type of interaction between the parliament and the government the new period should be compared to what is in the parliament 11th, we saw a difference. second , as i emphasized, sahan himself should not pursue many other domestic policy issues because. regarding the slogan of the year, or rather, the leadership's command in relation to economic issues, we think that the biggest challenge in the field of production in the country is securing finance, as i mentioned in my previous section , our capacity is mainly secured now. because the traditional structure of mahm had a bank-oriented approach, we
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moved less towards the capital market, and naturally this situation has put a heavy pressure on the banking system, as well as the reform policies of the central bank. in the last year, the supply side has been severely affected, and now we are witnessing an increase in financing rates in the informal market to very high numbers, which cannot be the basis of production at all . we invited them to the economic commission in the presence of the governor general of the central bank , we asked them for explanations and a report, and each of them spoke. one of the common points that all of them emphasized was that this contractionary policy has caused our liquidity growth rate to decrease. now, how much effect has it had on inflation? that is another discussion . we have another belief. now we have to discuss it separately, but the fact that the liquidity growth rate itself has decreased is acceptable, but at
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what price has it decreased? did the financing rate in iran's economy change from 4 to 1 in 1402? now , if we want to look at the unofficial financing rates, let's see which production activity can have a rate of return above 35. the rate of return on investment resulting from implementation economic project to be able to cover the highest number, which is the financing rate, will increase the benefits resulting from, in other words, the group that formed the company, the shareholders and the company, so we are one of the most important issues in the fulfillment of the decree. the leadership that is the production, the financing of the production, the financing of the production , in my opinion , is the most basic pillar of the year, the pillar of actions in this year, if we don't think about it, we definitely cannot be successful. it shows that there are more than 60 months of loans. below 60, i mean loans
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for any reason , they update the previous one, the main and the main, and then they make new usages, then it becomes a new study. now, let's act smartly , we regulate our own relationships based on certain rules , we don't need to provide these finances in different ways, it's not necessary directly. therefore, our next capacity is in the field of financing from the space of the same amount of liquidity at the disposal of the people, which is completely forgotten . with recent actions i think
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you have observed the effects of this performance in the last few days in your market area, so if i want to summarize it in the area. production, in my opinion, the amount of financing and the rate of financing is the most important pillar for an economic operator. if these two parts are the amount of resources that are needed, which i will present based on the report of the program organization , the proposed number or the estimated number of the organization is 4 thousand. the program in the meeting of the economic commission is that now the central bank and others accept almost the same number and mr. dr. farzand said in the meeting that we accept almost the same number, so how about you? we have to see what we want to do , what part of our banking system is able to provide financing, it is a new currency, and we don't consider it. the next point is very important. if we mention production, that industrial strategy in the production system has been locked for such a long time. we tried very hard, of course, maybe it was not the direct mission of the
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economic commission. we want we are supposed to be successful how many priorities should we work on in the field of production, in the field of the oil and gas industry, in the field of the automobile industry , we are in the field of all industries, the thing that must define the industrial strategy in the country's economy, which if we want to deal with in the field of production, that is one of the challenges. it is our basic, and besides that , it is the currency policy to provide the raw materials for a set of capacities that we need in the field of investment equipment, and most importantly, the possibility of selling the unit. muslim, now mr. doctor pointed out that the rate may not be very important for us, i want to say that the rate is not very important, it is not the relationship with if it does not have other parts, monetary policy must be defined in interaction with currency policy, it must have other tools that can be considered along with it , but if we do not put these together, what we expect will not be achieved. we have good news for the people
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, in spite of all these problems and issues that i mentioned today, some of them, in the twelfth parliament , god willing, it will be given priority in the agenda of the colleagues of the eleventh term. the average growth rate of the decade is expected to be approximately one the decade is almost a zero or a positive two-tenth , the average of negative rates, our positive rates are now in a routine that is reaching a stable positive number with one approach. this is good news in iran's economy that we raise this, but because in order to continue it, we need you to follow up these challenges that we have mentioned in the field of reformation, in the field of supervision and in the field of the missions of the parliament with the government , god willing, mr. shakri. regarding the salaries of the slogan of the year , the point that mr. pol ebrahimi mentioned in the field of financing rate and your currency policies what do you think the 12th parliament should put in its order? i am very worried that the
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12th parliament will pressure the central bank to abandon balance sheet control. the car is at a speed of 200 km. why do we do this because we don't have a foot brake. otherwise, we understand that the foot brake is much better than the hand brake, and from the first day it was emphasized that controlling the balance sheet is not a magic wand , but we are making a trade-off between controlling the growth of liquidity and outsourcing. the private sector of financing means that from the very first day of this matter, it was repeatedly said that we will face the problem of financing and if there is a point. the way we want to focus is this is where i say that the issues are limited and we should focus on the limited issues. from the period of more control, the period
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of balance control, you limit lending . it is a great opportunity for the capital market, which is the possibility of direct financing or increasing the role of bonds in the form of have the company's papers. these are all the things that have been said and predicted in advance, or even pishran's servant left the balance sheet for control from the first day. done when it comes to today, when the market rates and the unofficial interest rates are going up, there should be a controlled political solution and a rationed flow of liquidity for specific development goals. what has happened is that, in addition to the effect of balance control, we had an issue with the deposit interest rate increase at the end of last year, which the rates of direct decisions of the central bank should
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be offered directly. this was a very direct decision of the government, and when this mistake was made in fact, the rates that were high enough before that went out of control, but today i am worried. the output of the political pressure in the parliament due to its closer proximity to provincial industries , etc., is that, well, sir , let's put balance sheet control aside, because this has led to the fact that it has controlled the market interest rate , while the balance sheet control is the tool , where you shoot with this tool , is a separate issue from the tool. you have the level in your hand for a while, but on the other hand, they are wide , but you decide that you decide. take, for example, to say that this year's liquidity rush is set at 23 plus minus 2, while
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last year's experience told us that basically we should set a higher rate than 25, not a lower rate. today, the worst mistake is to bring political pressure to let 's demolish this entire structure and the best idea is to preserve the structure at the same time. both through the direct intervention of the central bank , the interest rate of bonds can be controlled in the free market, in the market other than the biliki market, and that it can be used as a driver without the control structure of the balance sheet. this should be used for development, but the balance sheet meter should be added next to it. it has been in it since the beginning and has not been used. now, i have a point that you should have a development program for which , for example, you can also use pishran. it is a political issue before being technical, in the sense that when you want to have a plan , it means which good work you don't want to do, and this is where everyone says, well, what is in
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my province, in my city, this is the priority, is there such a preparation ? regardless of what the political system wants in the real world for a development program it is limited to understand this political and technical question, and then now for financing. this is where i say that the issue of legislation is actually a very important point, because you see, when you are the last person to speak, you have a minute to point out. the point here is to understand that many times words cannot be simple words, and each of these has its own details. they have me a lot. it is expensive for the parliament to take an approach and a political position regarding these technical details in the 12th parliament and actually say, well, i am defending the rights of the industry
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and the rights of the people. i defend and and and things like that this and the tools that were really made with the blood of the heart, during this period, the original tools, not the way they are targeted, should be destroyed. thank you very much , mr. shakri, mr. polehbandi. you had two or three points. one of my points was that we do not negate the central bank's actions in using its own tools to manage the bank guidelines. one of the challenges that we had , that this process has shown its negative effects in the country's economy in the past years , this action is the right action, but if the way of management do not consider the effects of this action on other economic variables. it certainly cannot be effective and efficient. now, mr. doctor, tell me that the effect of the growth of the balance sheets of the banks, which has led to the growth of liquidity in the iranian economy, which the head of several the burden of announcing
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how much it will affect inflation. now, it is possible to say yes, inflation is not caused only by this. yes , i agree, but this was a factor. now, if this causes us to move towards a market where the financing rate is at least between 30 and 40 percent due to the limitation in the supply of resources. increase to last year he found that sometimes it has increased up to 50% . well, this financing will definitely have destructive effects in the economic field in the medium and long term . now , what is our proposal? financial issues and all these types of capital market and money market . see them all together. we believe in using these tools to optimize decisions in the country 's economic system. i want you to accompany us until this moment god bless you yali.
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i didn't see the faces of these workers like this even when they didn't have bread on the table, now with, for example , one. we are talking about a man without whom this factory would have really turned into a pile of dirt, a device that can be produced in iran, why should he enter that blessed journey of those days when he directly and fearlessly spoke next to the president of his country. they used to say to me, sir , you have the facilities of the treasury, the officials
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are telling me why you are not producing , there is no need to thank me at all, my duty is to come here and visit those slogans from the heart. that the heads of the children are indebted to mr. raisi. when we were at the bottom of the street , no one reached out to us, and it reached the heart of the servant of the nation, with your efforts, with the grace of god almighty, inshallah, the news of the death of esteli is painful. they say that today their hands and hearts are not used. we really have the right to be a father, but tomorrow we will pay for those efforts.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. researchers have developed an innovative wound dressing company to reduce bacterial infections. hospital researchers in estonia invented this bandage by combining copper with silver nanoparticles. according to these nanocomposite experts new bandage.


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