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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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for example, one of my friends, one of the ministers of the previous government, i was surprised why he gave such a ratio. well , their statement was that it must be because they knew that we have a lack of production, and we said in our capacity as the trustee. now the automobile is another field in the ministry of home affairs, but in our field , we will show it in practice, god willing.
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it is a strange thing for the minister of industry to come there. coming on friday for two days means that i am no longer going to come here to take my photo as a souvenir. i will take it and go and say that he was not a photo of a souvenir photo, but that he is now , not at all. you are saying that a president came to the exhibition for two days in a row and then he was at a distance that if someone wanted to do this. one day, he would walk around it for 3 hours, and now there are videos, photos, etc... on friday, the africa summit will be held with the presence of african businessmen. you know there are a large number of businessmen from different countries. having a representative for many years , no one had seen the president on the export day, mr every year, during these days, the president comes to the public for export day. on the day of industry, our industrialists
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did not see the president, he came every turn and mentioned the industrialists as economic leaders , and this was not at all a discussion that, god forbid , he wanted to claim, for example, in his soul, i said that no news would make him happy. unless, for example, we said that a new unit was revived, and no news would upset them before we said, for example, that a product was restricted or, i don't know, that a unit was closed. or any subject that is really produced in this field you love the industry, one of the famous producers of the country. now i have a problem to express. maybe they will interview them later and say that on sunday when this incident happened, he was in my room . before this incident happened , he was giving me a report that i there was a meeting , i arrived at the office of the president, the president told me to speak , if i have 5 minutes, i want 5 minutes to be private and the rest not. after the meeting, we
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will go together in a private conversation, he says, "i went together, and these 5 minutes lasted more than half an hour, and we became a bit intimate, and then i told them that i am a he was telling a point. when i saw that he was doing a favor, i said that i should tell you something . i did not vote for you in the presidency, and i did not think that you would be so noble in the economy, so noble in industry , so friendly. have people you don't know at all, for example, you only know that i am an industrial producer. and they themselves said that i had even voted for your political rival at that time and today when i see that you have such a large amount of control, i feel sorry. and one of the greats of the industry, for example, there are our machine carpets in the country, who will probably interview themselves now , or many of the sabans of the industry will invite you on the radio and television, or friends of the same unit that has been revived, yes, yes.
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let's go to the workers, let's go to the producers, let's see what they say, like , for example, the workers who came from haft tepe pasha for the preparation ceremony, they brought themselves to tehran hepco and they came to hold the sign, they took the bus, they came to sit on their own. and they said that mr. raisi had visited us many times in that factory he was sitting, he was standing, he had talked about the people coming to some kind of time before his presidency. many times during this trip, the collections that he was talking about now were handing over and privatization and various issues that he had left and he entered anyway. what is the pressure of this trip to karaj , sir? allow me to say yes to this
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. well, anyway, i knew that hajj is from russia , and for example, they will arrive late. we calculated that we wanted to come from tehran. programs start. well, the rule of thumb for this delay in the russian flight is, for example, 3 halves the night of arrival must be 8:30, for example, the start, yes , we saw that the program started even earlier than the schedule, that is, we arrived late from tehran to karaj until haj agha came back from russia. after that, we realized that they did not return to their office directly from where they arrived. coming , going, settling down, if they were supposed to take a break , if they were supposed to rest in karaj and then start the plans again, because i was very sensitive to these issues, i said, "surely, haj , sir, he has started the plan now, and now that nikah." i'm curious, ma'am, now maybe like other people
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, we are always in these fields , we are looking at some criticism and criticism. i thought, haj agha has started the program and then he will rest. i looked at the program for about an hour. i said that it is scheduled for half an hour , so he will definitely rest during these half hours . some of our own factories who were in that area said, sir, we went and talked during that interval. you could have rested for half an hour of your program. you spoke for the whole half hour . he said yes, i am giving his examples now i know that factory, now maybe it is not necessary to say it again, for example, i even saw someone come to me during those breaks, mr. yeh , give me some time. they said that this means their love for the subject of employment, their love for their subject is an expression. i have time to say this , i have time, your problem is not to worry, you go and get things done, that is , let's say, for example, you
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were in russia last night, you came on that flight, you didn't rest, now at least there will be a more comfortable rest between these two sessions. yes, not during this half hour, for example, one in the quarter between two ceremonies, for example, there was a schedule. i saw that our producers were going there, and then we were informed from there that they called us that such and such a producer had come like this. yes, it means that it should be recorded and even those people who are in this process should not be based on my claim or the narration of another person. this is the minute-by-minute timing of their presence, and they are following this same page in sari. the textbooks were made of internal paper , which made them very happy with other different units
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now the people themselves are aware, but i wanted to say that this was not really an administrative work, this was love for the production field. i say emphatically that there is no president in iran. he has not loved the industry so much. he has sat so much with the owners of the industry. it is true that he was less than 3 years old. but more than many presidents, he has sat down with industrialists. the industrial owners, who maybe even the deputy minister could not see, could easily communicate with the president, with the minister, with the vice presidents. apart from the provincial trip, they had arranged follow-up meetings. well, the rule of thumb should be at the level of deputy ministers follow personally, they come one by one and say, sir, as if there is an issue. the department could not solve the problem in the central bank. there is a problem in the standard unit. bring it. if the executive vice president could solve it, if he could not solve it, bring it. at our own level , we will follow this . he didn't just come for the inauguration, he
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had solved the problem of rome , he had found the problem, he had visited it, he had respect for the issue and he was very proud that he had ordered to solve it and he had followed it up personally, that is, because it was not like this. only the opening has been ordered, sir, this number of units should be revived. they should be revived . really, no one played as much a role in the revival of vayta than the person of martyr ayatollah raisi, that is, if i tell you this statistic, yes, we have 8770 economic units now. from the industries of various fields , which the main effort has been taken by the organization and the rehabilitation headquarters
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, there are 4,000 of these. add to this the new development lines that we were able to rebuild our old lines only, for example, at a cost of more than 500 million dollars. this means that the sum of these actions gives us a perspective it shows a very good outlook that shows us that we can achieve the creation of sustainable value chains in production with the capacity we are working in and we can hope to follow the exponential trend of our exports. now, if you have the time , i think we have time for another 6-7 minutes. yes, in our industrial sector in 2019, we exported 20 billion dollars
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in the sector in 1402. this has reached 45 billion. export value between 1399 and 140 and we had the value of export value industrial or i welcome your presence in the industry itself. in general, we reached a figure above 4 billion dollars in 1402. these are the measures that i really expressed, the spirit that was created in the country , the spirit that if you said that growth would be produced , the focus of the discussion would be if they said that the president would jump in production . pay attention, sir. a jump in production is different from a rush in production. this must be a jump, and this is their provincialism that i mentioned when hazrat agha exhibition. they counted immediately. we were sure that the president would come and follow up so that the orders given by you would not be delayed even a day
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in the same exhibition, mr. beit agha, i said, "if you can have a cup of tea in our booth, they would tolerate it, then i will explain." my issue is, i know how much he has mastered, then until later, for example, if there is an obstacle. this amount of spirit is a kind of service. now, yes, i was successful in the knowledge circles that they organized. that is, the owner of their own opinions it is said from the narrations that i was present, but
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these were really manifested in the endowment of their endowment in my work . yes, i remember that because the issue of inflation is one of the issues that people are really concerned about, their concern is justified. we were always ashamed of the people, of course i said that we are point by point in the field of inflation in the field of industry. we have reached 23% today, although if we continue with the same momentum, we will reach that promise of under 10% in the fourth year of the government, which, for the time being , we hope that the next government will be a government that lasts 3 years , that is, 4 years, and the government will be 7 years old. that's all you can do rondo, keep going, the commitments we thought we should make in the coming year should be implemented and we should achieve those results, but this expression of this memory, i really think it is today, i
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remember that in those early days when we served the president they were very happy that we were able to serve in this field in the first months of april 1400, 1401. they had a trip to karaj. their first trip to karaj was by subway. a lady had approached them there and said that she bought some clothes i bought it last year, for example, 300,000 tomans, this year it is 400,000 tomans, they immediately said that sir , the manager of this work, isn't it the brothers, for example , one of his fields is nastagieh, let's say, let us come . haj agha are really upset, even though they have a personal favor for us and thanked us a few months before our presence in the government, but not now in office. the book, the address and the rebuke , what is the story? brothers, when
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i was in charge, i always bought my own house, even when i became the head of the judiciary, again friday. i used to force the security guards and the security team to come and buy the house. now that i'm the president, i can't do it, but don't think that i 've lost contact with the people of my area. during a certain trip in the subway, a lady like this came and said that some clothes have increased by 1000 tomans . you have to explain to me what is the reason for this. and if in the position of atab, address and tolikh, well, i was not really ready to face this volume of address and address, no matter how much we tried to persuade them, for example , to let them go now, haj, sir, we are the first to go. first of all, what did that lady buy ? she doesn't have an official price for the clothes. someone might
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have overcharged her. now they can make a thousand excuses. again , they wanted to understand me in the position of education in the position. hedayat is really a father who takes people's pain seriously and takes people's grief seriously. they told me that i heard the same thing sometimes . it's not like that. i can easily pass him by. the grief of the people and to the extent that our family says, well, rest, you will say again tomorrow morning at work that i will say, how could the people be sad? i don't know if i want to sleep comfortably if i sit like this. well, these were the discussions that are clear today. for example, when he saw the high price of chicken, it was difficult for his family to use chicken or feed, or at that time. they take these things as jokes, but these are the facts
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that really happened. the president has reached the level of the islamic revolution. that everyone should be revolutionary, everyone should live simply, everyone would not taste it , he told me that you should spend more time on traveling , he gave us a lot of advice like this, like a he said that you don't go to such and such a radio station and report to the people. well, time limit and exigencies, or he said these trips, he said, i don't go on foreign trips at all. if i am domestic, he said, well, you are doing a good job, but if i go on one trip, you have to go on two trips, that is , they are really the limit, that is, whatever you said, they did something more than the content, that is, they did not say to serve them, very well, they thanked me, thank you. i don't know
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how many times during this trip to mazandaran, we thank the minister friends, thank you for your kindness. to other friends, but immediately afterwards, besides thanking you sir, make this time shorter, people are expecting more supplementary measures, more work , for example, at the same time, sir, some of the orders he gave us still could not be at our table, that is , if 10 days have passed giving, for example, saying that in the same wood and paper of mazandaran, saying that you did a very good job, that a town, for example, in a kind of stationery. besides, you gave him permission to create this chain, from paper to office and stationery, and this is a very good action for the benefit of there is also a factory, and actions mean having nobility , being concerned, and being persistent , having a serious advice, they always tell you twice to do three things, managers, one follow-up, one follow-up, one
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follow-up . i'll be happy , i'll do a follow-up from you, where did you get the identification of the product , the id of my product, i must give you this good news, it must have been more than 10 years since it was a legal duty, we have done the identification of our product in just this last year for d million and 400 thousand today. we have reached a specific analysis, which means 2 million and 400 thousand. product type i mean, for example, this diwan is an identifier, so far , something good has happened, sorry, because we have a minute, i want to say that the product complementing ring is a store system with all the features that you know about the store system, and still, we are witnessing the sex.
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we are still smuggling contraband goods in the street in the shop, you know that the share of domestic goods has increased during this period. to prevent the supply of any smuggled or counterfeit goods , i would like to tell you that with the coordination we had with the general tax organization, today our system is connected, that is, if anyone if a store uses it, it is immediately known to the single person who buys that product, the exact characteristic, the tax, the identity of the product, and the originality of the product . in some product groups, we have completed the chain absolutely now. in some product groups, we have announced our readiness to follow this work. in total tracking, we have reached more than 1 billion and 300 numbers , we have reached 300 thousand numbers, and these are it means that the growth has been a leap, of course , we estimated that this year and in
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the final period of the government, which has now become very short, from one year to one month, this project will be completed. i hope, god willing, with the seriousness that our colleagues in the ministry of economy and the organization of economic affairs will follow up on this. to those who watched this program, have a good night and good times and end , in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful .
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the pure and royal body of this martyr was found with the notification that we received from tehran today. it means day.
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a big step towards the ideals of the mashhad blue waves sports complex is opening. the blue waves sports complex of mashhad has endless exciting news near imam raouf's shrine for service run to the pilgrims and fellow pilgrims, we have a guest near me , the guest is now my daughter, is there any tea
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, come another time and enjoy this affordable shopping . big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh. bashland prize draw festival. congratulations on your new home . the first prize is a two-bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary. washlam a land full of prizes. it is better to pay attention to these points from wherever you are going to buy. the remaining cash consumer price. what does it mean? i will tell you now. suppose the price the consumer of this washing machine is 20 million tomans. now the remaining cash. let's count together. if we pay 20% in advance, it will be 4 million tomans. now we have to subtract these 4 million from the consumer price. it means minus 20. 4 in this way
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, our debt will be 16 million tomans, so the installments and fees should be calculated based on this amount, while you should be aware that the fees for installments should be from zero to 1%.
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hello to you, welcome to the news of half a day, to the almighty god. i swear to the almighty god. with 198 votes, bagher ghalibaf became the speaker of the islamic council once again


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