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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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it has created an inflationary limit for the country , it has created a livelihood limit for the people, and it can be solved at the same time. these are our priorities in the next layers . naturally, part of this operation will be eaten. let's make it up , these will be the small, limited but effective parts that, along with this big goal of ours, along with this big design of ours, god willing, is being implemented today, and god willing, the fruits will reach the people, god willing, because you mentioned the topic. foulad, i wanted to ask you during the next questions, i am asking now perhaps one of the biggest purchases of steel in the history of the country took place, the purchase of more than 90,000 tons of steel for the national housing movement, which , god willing, will be repeated . please inject such a volume into the national movement or request to be present as you said, according to the new law, alhamdulillah, this apparently inflated and in fact intelligent law
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was obliged to include the basic parts of housing construction in order to manage the price increase, so it is our duty. we have management of financial resources as much as goods if it is cheaper to buy, the rest will be more and more effective for the next parts of housing construction, so if i can instead of a steel part of the building , which is going to cost 500 million tomans, for example, 300 million tomans in a building. if the cost is converted to a lower number, the remaining amount will be converted into the quality of the construction or the finished cost will be lower. commodity exchange was done for the first time at a price lower than the commodity exchange, which means we are 7% below the base price we bought this to ensure that both the internal consideration of the ministry of urban development and the process and guidelines of the ministry
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of economy and financial affairs were observed at the same time. this happened. today, this steel is available for our projects. and god willing , it can be extended and repeated. we hope that with the resources we attract, we can reach one million tons , god willing. steel to provide the projects for the value of riyals steel is transporting it to different parts of the country , it costs less than the whole, it can be reasonable considering the concentration it creates, its benefits can overcome the limitations of its transportation costs, but cement is not like that. we have cement factories in almost all provinces. the price of cement compared to the cost of transporting it is such that if i buy cement from hormozgan province , it is not reasonable to transport it to kerman province. it is better to
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do this from the same province, from the nearest production place. yes, so we are obliged to cement before we start the process of buying cement , we should conduct a study and feel about the production capacity of different provinces of the country , and match that production capacity with the needs of the housing construction sector in that province, as much as possible from the nearest cement factory. let's do this process for them now, our friends, we use the capacities inside the ministry of home affairs, even the intellectual capacities and study areas outside , to match the distribution of cement consumption and the distribution of cement production, and god willing, the purchase will be done. malisham, whose financial resources have been secured yes, we do not have a problem with resources for these two operations, because although these two operations are large and effective, the figures are available to us today. god willing, we will be able
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to raise our scale by injecting more numbers . okay, another issue that i want to discuss more is the description of the duties of the national housing fund. how much was paid for this qarz al-hasna education, mr. doctor, and god willing , what are your plans for the year 143 and what statistics do you have? present it. yes, thank you for your presence. this is the sixth resolution. this was a meeting of the supreme housing council that , as you said, to the one to four deciles one and two million deciles, 2 and 5 million, and this, of course, to increase the loan of the borrowing. it is very effective and in fact easy to respond to
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the national movement or not any other construction in the heart of the movement. in the form of the normal process of taking us with note that many of these cannot. the rest will cover the construction costs . we have come to approve that approximately with this number , something like 950 million tomans will be paid to one person. they can get a loan from the fund . yes, there is a point. well, if we had received the penalty that the banks are upset about following up , we would have paid it directly from the cash sources. well, those sources did not come, and we were legally obliged to implement this. a good understanding was formed with the weakness that exists in the provinces, the resources that are available to the provinces, from the land that is available, it was decided that we will sell the land from our own resources, the internal resources of the ministry of land, or
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give it to a contract. the contractor has been placed and sold housing for the low-income classes of drags one to four. we will implement loans of 300 million and 400 million for these people. a memorandum of understanding was signed in stages with maskan bank, which bank maskan as our agent in the form of the second type of agency now or the first type of these resources after payment. collect and from the place of collection this operation will be circulated today as we are talking to each other , the first phase of this project is in the form of an operation of about a thousand loans. the number of loans in the central province is being implemented with the efforts of our colleagues in this province , the land will be given to the contractor , god willing, and this number will only come without the applicant actually wanting to do anything, you will not pay the applicant based on his request to the contractor yes, he comes to the contractor and says, "i
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request that this loan be paid in my time ." he gives us his request legally and undertakes that after paying the installments, he will take it over . we will automatically provide this to the contractor. on the other side of the land , it will be deposited in the fund. the book is issued in the same way as the 500 million tomans book, the installment book of 400 tomans or 300 tomans is also issued. only when these two have two separate processes, mr. doctor, it means that i , as a citizen , will receive a loan of 55 million in a separate process, a loan of, say, 300 million in a separate process, and pay these facilities separately. yes, at the same time. it means that it starts at the same time, but there are two notebooks, about 20 it takes a year, this one takes about 15 years , but at the same time, the installments of gharzalhasnam are much lower, because both the number is less and the profit period is actually less. this makes the payment shorter and easier
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. he says that when a person settles in the house , a 550 tomans installment book is issued, automatically a 300 tomans or 400 tomans installment book is issued, and god willing, he can use this service. i think this can be a problem. in fact, they cannot afford to pay those initial amounts, god willing, well, maybe many of our viewers have a question now , mr. doctor, they know what bank they should go to in order to get a loan of 550 million, for example , where should they go to get this loan of 300 or 400 million? . only these strata after the introduction of subversive institutions, that is, the relief committee of the welfare organization, and in fact the institutions that in our country are in charge of identifying and all the support of these deciles one to four, after the introduction of these deciles , so the person does not need to refer independently
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, then covered these are the characteristics of these information they will be introduced to the relevant provincial general office , the kol office will call them , they will commit to these loved ones, if they are interested, they will receive this , they will ask for the commitment of the installments, and we have nothing to do with these loved ones. we will work with the housing bank and contractor in parallel , the installment book of these loved ones will be implemented in maskan bank . for now, god willing, in the next periods , there is a preparation for us to add other banks to this operation. you know that this operation has attractions for banks, that is, when that money enters the bank from where it is deposited.
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there are two efforts for the year 2043, but we need much more than this. i said that because it is from the sale of internal resources of the ministry, it is a very difficult task because the land is worth 100 million anyway. this means that this is also a problem , except that, god willing, the next part that i will open right here will solve this issue itself, god willing, the investment funds that we will launch this year according to article 5 of the law on production leaps. we have done the work, the regulations were prepared last year , god willing, the instructions will be announced by the financial authority of the ministry of roads and urban development, god willing. became capacity investment funds. there are those people who are going to invest in the housing sector, god willing, instead of buying coins, the solution
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is yes, they can, god willing , buy the shares of these funds, in parallel with the fact that these people will benefit from the profit from their own purchases, the resources will be available for loans. al-hasna is placed and the cycle of selling land due to this limitation that we have today that we have to do large sales , i said that the applicant is limited, it turns out that a land worth 100 billion is bought by thousands of people who have small figures, god willing. the method of the project can be defined, it will be built, and god willing, in parallel with the fact that we are giving loans to qarz al-hassan, that land itself will become another project in the process of production, in which some people will sit inside and others will benefit from the place of investment. and god willing, they will be useful . in this program , we honored the memory of the martyred president on the first page, and a good mention was made of his actions
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. big and wide construction when such a workshop it is formed, it means that efforts are being made in all the geography of the islamic republic of iran, efforts are being made , and activities are being done in order to achieve a goal . low income, well, the government will invest or the people will bring their own . this process and operation will begin and housing will be built within a certain period of time. in addition to this, it is not just housing, mr. doctor. we have a series of measures to build the vital infrastructure of that complex. let me tell you that both superstructure and infrastructure services should be provided for. i want to see that the national housing fund in this area services means infrastructure services and superstructure services in
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all parts of the country in all provinces, what actions have you taken so far and do you have any statistics in this area because this is different from housing itself? if it doesn't happen, we are almost double the cost of the building that people see and their own housing is underground. and in the process of actually building this housing , we spend money in the form of what you said, the transfer of the infrastructure , the preparation of such costs and, in parallel , the costs that we are required to provide services. we should do public services such as mosques, schools, and clinics, so that maybe a place doesn't become a dormitory, that means we don't build a city, there are 10,000 houses, only dormitories, no workplaces, no health facilities , no education facilities, no health facilities, nothing. this has not happened in this process. . last year, we
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provided 3,700 billion tomans, 37,000 billion, in fact, from the resources of the national housing fund, the cost of infrastructure transfer, this will reach 70,000 billion rials in the next year, god willing. in the year we are in, god willing, this is a very large number. we will help the ministry. power in the transmission of water and electricity, god willing this will happen sooner and people will be happy that if they have a building, water and electricity will be supplied in parallel with this number. related to the transfer of 70 thousand billion rials infrastructure, god willing, up to 470 thousand billion tomans, or 7 thousand billion tomans rials , yes, in the field of superstructure and public services, we have spent up to 2300 billion tomans to complete the projects that remained unfinished or perhaps the project those who have been forgotten in a town built without a school, there is no school for them. we built a clinic for him, we built a police station , we handed over the police force, this process over the years
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alhamdulillah, it was done. 2,300 billion tomans were spent in this area. i think we will pass 5,000 billion tomans by the end of this year, god willing. you know , we are not the finalists in this operation, which means we cannot go at our own will. let's build a school , education and renovation of schools may not know it technically, that is to say that the class here should be like this. if the specifications are like this, then you will act according to the needs of the organizations. after all, they have rules and instructions if they want to establish a military security health institution. the services must comply with the principles of the institution in charge . this makes our process somewhat difficult. in terms of financial resources, i assure you that in the field of superstructure services in the country, we do not have the problem of financial restrictions in the ministry of roads and urban affairs in our own area. devices, god willing, those construction processes, because you know that the construction sector is generally
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difficult to attract resources, we write a recipe in the field of costs, we put 20% on salaries, 20 % of the cost is done, but if we want to do 20 additional construction costs, it is very sweaty. it should be poured, very hardworking, it should work in the sun he must work diligently until this construction is done . the construction process is a difficult process. mere financing will not solve the problem. if, god willing , my partner institutions will enter into more serious cooperation with us in this field, god willing. we will cross a billion tomans, mr. doctor, a discussion was raised during the lifetime of the martyred president regarding the creation of a few new coastal cities. we will have to add, of course, the national housing fund
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the field of new cities also has very good measures . the construction of new cities itself requires a study of research and a series of very basic measures before the start of executive operations . the executive operation will start and the national fund will also enter the pit. we have a completely different path here, god willing, we will travel in new cities in such cities where the city is completely on the map, which means that it is being designed first , and god willing. the new model of this city should be built. what is our process? we use capital investors and suppliers of economic resources of the private sector who can participate with us on a large scale , we form consortia, in those consortia, in those economic organizations
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, we summarize the financial sphere of a city, if, for example , this city is supposed to be now, for example, with a specific number of buildings and a specific service sector, that operation is economical in general, so that both the people and the big investor can finish this project at once . we are currently negotiating with 3 different areas. we moved forward , i can't mention the titles, naturally, up to finally, but in three different parts with 3 heads. we led various investment groups, fortunately all three are iranian, one is a bank, and two are private economic groups. good things have happened. that is, god willing, if this comes to fruition, we can be sure that except for the process that existed in new cities before, from the beginning of the process of building new cities, that
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it would become a company, the construction company of a new city, that company he used to go and manage the lands... he would define the use on them, from the place of sale of commercial uses, the cost of preparation for the construction of residential uses provided and little by little the city was formed , after the city was established, he gave the municipal twill , this is the process of new cities, this time instead of doing this with an investor, with a group of investors, a part, for example, the city of the persian gulf, the city the trust of makran city, for example, the makran district yes, or for example shahr tiz. these are the cities that have economic attractions, besides the building and the residential area, there is the possibility for the investor to realize zero to 100 cities, god willing , this is also one of our actually new operations in the ministry of roads and urban development, in which the fund is also a partner. in some of these cases , we have negotiated different operation models, for example
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, we told the partner bank that you invest 50, the amount you invest will also come to the fund. it invests and creates a mutual peace. this means that the people know that the operation is not only in the hands of the bank. a government institution is present here and is regulating. the bank also knows that if it is to be the return on capital, this is the profit. if the operation is limited to a certain extent , it is not only him who loses the game, the fund is beside him as a guarantor of the profitability of this investment. it controls both the positive range so that national resources are not lost, a project is not too profitable, and from the negative side, it controls the low range so that the project does not become less profitable, so that entering paradise is no longer economical. this is a model. there are other models based on the lands that the fund owns. well, you are a witness. you yourself
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mentioned that the lands of this area will be provided to the fund. now, this has happened extensively and our construction company, specializing in new cities, will provide the land. the allocated fund for this operation will be available for these lands an investor is placed and becomes a partner. god willing , after my investment, a multifaceted positive event will take place in the country. form a principled economic model so that the country will benefit at the same time. build the city based on a principled and economic model . we can say the same thing for ourselves. let's set that as an example. i want to ask in this way that the national housing fund itself is a young and newly established institution. we know that there are many young people in our country.
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those who have established companies in the form of knowledge-based companies and are providing services in various fields, whether in the field of product production or in the service field, are part of these knowledge- based companies that can be considered as producers. named technologists of new technologies are working in the field of construction industry . what kind of support is the national housing fund going to give to these companies , companies that may even be able to provide you with a new model based on what we have in our country? we say , for example, iranian islamic architecture or islamic economy let them design and offer you new patterns. are they going to be supported ? as you said, these are very important for us. knowledge-based technologies reduce the cost of construction, increase the quality of construction
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, and increase the welfare of the family living in that building. helping the current banking process means, in fact, the complication of the current banking process is that this does not happen. that complication is knowledge-based technology, which means that a building, a house is built in the company almost within 24 hours, we see all the work here , all the operations are done in the company before its implementation, it will bear fruit within a short period of time. we will pay you 20% of the money we say, come in two months, we will give you 20% . he says that i will take the project to may 70 within 20 days . you have to speak to me, mr. dr. mion . we have seen a project built in 75 days in tehran. zero to 100 and that's it. president shahid came to the project in march of last year opening yes, well, now the point here is the solution to our entry, this is the issue of funding, that is, if the fund does not enter here, this project
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will never come to fruition, because that company danesh foundation wants to finance it within a short period of 70 days, saying that i have invested all my capital. you have to finance me quickly so that i can go to the next round. i can't stop at 20. now, i don't know your ceiling. if you hit it , i'll give you a second 20%. this is the housing technology research fund that was formed in the ministry, and the private sector has entered it . god willing, these sources are through the research fund the technology of the ministry of home affairs, the location of the fund's resources, should be entered , and the payment to the contract of the person who is doing the work should be done in a convenient time, his debt should be dealt with and settled by the fund for the next parts, that is, the fund comes between the bank and the contractor. is placed
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thank you very much, dear viewers, for following the first page until this moment, may god protect you, you are very kind. yaba allah
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hasbi allah and naam al-wakilil ali al-rooh patience or murad patience or murad the minute
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wave of amazing excitement is endless mashhad blue waves sports complex is opening. the largest health center and jacuzzi complex in the country with an area of more than 1,500 square meters in an astonishing and magnificent global scale, jacuzzi with different temperatures, two huge dry sauna halls, two large steam sauna halls. this week, mashhad's blue waves sports complex is next to the 8th shining star of the province, looking forward to meeting all zaherin imam rauf. how long will baby koleri halaki be? didn't i say that he doesn't know his name? your father doesn't like him. don't we cool down by not saying his name? then, when
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it's so easy, one of what was this name we were talking about? its name is shenyar. it is a low-power name. they say that i bought it in installments and it is very economical. now, why not bring this name here? where is the place to buy an affordable installment? it is known that the iranian sarai sells special types of coolers with exceptional conditions in the big iranian sarai in the cities of qom , isfahan, and the only branch in tehran. i have a discount of 30% on my date. dad, can i pick it up? it has a discount. my tea has a discount of 30% . it has a discount of 20% . yes, everything here has a discount.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , good evening, at 20:30, i am at your service with some news, the minister of the interior, in the meeting of the joint arbaeen camp of iran and iraq, from the borders of iraq. he informed about the traffic of non-iranian pilgrims. citizens residing in iran. with the agreement we had with friends, it will be almost the same as last year. in the visitors who from


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