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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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on the other hand, therefore, other institutions should be involved, even other international institutions that exist , for example, the institutions that russia is now a member of. putin may be able to do something. turkey has already done some things. i think turkey should also take more action and maybe another way is to stop the oil that goes from the republic of azerbaijan to israel, and in this way, with the cooperation of all countries , put israel under severe pressure to stop this genocide. finally , thank you. it was a conversation with mr. adinka makinde, a law teacher in university of london. i thank you too i was glad to be with you.
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and now the second case of tonight 's south african national election program is being held with 21 million eligible candidates to elect representatives of the national parliament and local assemblies. this election is being held while the anc party or the african national congress party has been in power since 1994 with its historical leader, nelson mandela. consecutively elected by the people and the winner
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of the elections , we are hosting mr. alireza masoumi, a senior expert on african issues , to further examine the elections in south africa. al-rahim, first of all, i need to express my condolences for the martyrdom of mr. raisi and also for mr. amir abdullahian, and in addition to thanking you and offering greetings and courtesy to the dear viewers, as you mentioned, the south african elections have started today, and various parties, including the ruling party of the african national congress party is one of the so-called main stage managers in this election. we
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are affiliated with the same anc party, another party was founded by the so-called former president mr. zuma in december last month, which is again a branch of the main party because of the debate that the zulu tribes have in this country, and the other party is the democratic coalition party , which is a strictly white party in this country. that the elections that are held every five years have their own section among these supporters. well, for the past 30 years , we have seen the victory of the african national congress party in the country's scene, and this time there is a strong presence, but this time due to the decrease and fall of the votes of this there is a lot of talk about the party in the municipal elections, which is likely to win the majority, which is 50%
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the party is unable to win, and due to this issue, the discussion of a kind of coalition with other parties is raised . south african president rama fazza, when he participated in the elections, he voted with confidence of victory. the expression of this dimension is one of the important topics now, but what we have been going through in the last 10 days is a very important action in south africa, one of which is the approval of the medical and health bill in relation to the people, which was approved by the parliament and ali's government. although he has to bear a heavy cost, but this work he did that this was a very important issue , it was a trump card that mr. rama fazaza for the other issue was that mr. zuma considering that sen. because it has been almost 80 years
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, they were also tried by the constitutional court in 2022 because of the crimes and issues they have in the court. proposing that he does not have the right to be the candidate for parliament with the so-called candidate of this new party, of course his party can be present in the scene, but he himself was denied, that is, according to your statement, even if the ruling party of that party, the african national congress party, cannot reach 50%. bring it with a small difference with one of yes, because you see that the parliament has 400 so-called members of the parliament, and in other cases, of course, they do this difference with smaller parties because they can have two-thirds of the votes. giving, of course, this time what has been discussed 42 44, but now, for example, 50
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% must be maintained, because in the previous elections that were held 5 years ago, almost 57% of the african national congress party voted. but due to the decrease of the votes that he had in the municipal elections 5 years ago, this caused that now it is said that this process will happen. there is a high possibility that there will be a drop below 50%, but with these measures and other measures that the government is taking, there is hope that they will be able to maintain it, but in any case, if this happens, it will be a process that is a kind of waste with other parties. they will be able to do this. continue to have a strong presence in the country's political scene. thank you very much and my final question to you, well, anyway, when we talk about the elections of other countries, the most important thing from an external point of view is what is the foreign policy of that country and how does south africa relate to us?
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what he did to palestine, the complaint he filed in the international court of justice was publicized, but not about the other aspects of foreign policy. south africa, a separate explanation from what your excellency mentioned, which was a very courageous action in terms of law, and now the country of south africa is also bearing this burden because of the pressure that is coming from different places , but especially did you know that mr. mandela's legacy was one of his valuable legacies, the issue of respecting the principles of human rights in africa. the south of your service is one of the countries that is present in the international scene it is very strong, the year of the heart, as you are aware that the so-called host, as the head of brics, is the rotating president , and in relation to the acceptance of the islamic republic of iran in brics, mr. ramafza
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personally plays a very important role apart from him in the regional and international scenes. in the regional scenes of crises in africa. it has been the congo crisis , south sudan, lesotho, swaziland, its neighbors and other countries, it always plays a kind of partnership that can solve the crises in the international arena, usually now or almost since the last 30 years. far to now he is a non-permanent member of the security council , which shows that he has a special position. and aside from the palestinian issue, which you said is a root issue , there are two or three very special aspects of the african national congress party , one of which is the 50% participation of women and men, which means that right now we are talking about 24 people. 12 of their ministers are women and
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they also hold important positions, and this makes them play an important role in the domestic scene. of course, because of the issues they have and the economic recession and the pressures they have i told you to endure these years, well, poverty , unemployment and these problems, but mr. rama fazza hopes that he will be able to solve these problems as much as he can in this second term of the presidency, thank you mr. masoumi. thank you for your presence in the world. the russian state duma approved the free trade agreement between the eurasian economic union and iran. commercial definitions and cooperation in the areas of processing and use of mineral resources , energy efficiency, research and innovation, education, medicine, telecommunications and
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transportation are among the axes of this agreement. trade agreement azad iran was signed with russia and other members of the eurasian economic union last year. an american f-35 military plane crashed in the state of new mexico, although the pilot jumped out before the fighter hit the ground, but he suffered deep injuries. this f-35 type plane. it was new and belonged to the us army marine rifle. so far, several f-35 fighters have crashed in america , which has increased the concern about its safety. the air temperature in pakistan, india reached more than 50 degrees celsius. in india, 12 people died due to heat. in pakistan hospitals are faced with hundreds of people visiting due to the heat, and water and electricity in some areas have been cut off due to high consumption. temperature of. more than 50 degrees has not been recorded in india in the last 5 years and in pakistan in the last 7 years. north korea
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sent balloons containing tongues into the sky of south korea. south korea's military says dozens of balloons have been sent across the north korean border. this incident caused panic among the people. seoul has warned pyongyang to stop such action. australian researchers succeeded in building a sidewalk using coffee concrete, which is 30% more resistant than pavements made with concrete are common. reducing the use of tangential noise, greenhouse gases, and construction costs is one of the advantages of using this concrete . the amount of cement required in coffee concrete is 10% less than normal concrete. but another election that will take place in the world in the next few months in november is the presidential election. it is the american republic that
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the same election is held for a number of candidates for a number of seats in the house of representatives and the senate of this country. tonight, we had this opportunity to meet with mrs. dayan serir, the independent candidate for the senate elections america, let's talk in the state of new york. we will go directly to new york, mrs. sir salam, thank you for accepting this conversation in terms of time in these election contests and the conditions you have. as the first question, participate in the american elections as an independent candidate. what challenges does it have? well, first of all, i have to
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convey my condolences to you and the people of iran for the tragic incident that happened to the president and other officials of your country in that helicopter accident . in fact, it is happening and there is a change. americans are very tired and upset about the lack of capable candidates in the elections presidency and they try. in fact , political groups are trying to
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choose one of the candidates and support him, but in my opinion , there is no capable candidate , that's why some people try to run as an independent candidate, and that's fine. it gives a different feeling. thank you. a more specific question for a candidate. basically, how independent is it possible to compete with people who have the support of the american mainstream media and millions of dollars in donations from the democratic and republican parties. see, it is very difficult. actually in new york. to the main that they are standing together, they are united to say that
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they actually limit those who can participate as independent candidates , so we have, for example , 15,000 for the democratic candidates of the republic. i saw in your election campaigns that you focused on foreign policy. what changes do you think american foreign policy needs? america? i want a lady your opinion about
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the changes that the american foreign policy needs should be remembered that we had a revolution against the british and british empire. our nation is not going to become a colonial country. i am sorry that it seems that i am actually one of the few representatives. more people should come forward with this thinking
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. i don't know if the americans have this awareness and if they know that we are in. sir, how much our country has destroyed its image in recent years and how much it has lost its reputation, especially in the past few months and specifically in relation to the conditions in gaza, what changes do you think the american foreign policy regarding israel needs ? we saw that during reagan's presidency, within 20 minutes of a phone call with menachem begin, reagan ordered begin to to stop the bombing of southern lebanon and this happened, that order was implemented. i now doubt and doubt that the biden government really wants and
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has the will to stop the israeli attack and crimes in rafah. stop and if he wants to do this, will he stop or not and will the prisoners listen to him or not? in fact, america is now complicit in the half-killing crimes of the israelis because it is silent about it. this is one of those things that must be changed. in my opinion , the majority of the american people are against what the american government is doing now. about i would also like to ask you about the nuclear agreement. a few years ago , the united states and several other countries reached an agreement with iran in joint negotiations, but later trump withdrew from the agreement and refused to return to the agreement. what do you think about this matter? i think it was a bad policy.
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he accepted it, and we have seen in history the commitments made for nuclear restrictions , which gaddafi immediately attacked when he agreed with the west and his nuclear weapons and nuclear facilities, and in fact, his own nuclear program. to overthrow america he should do something to show himself as a reliable partner in such agreements, he shouldn't say that under the contracts. thank you. now
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let's move on to foreign policy . did you introduce your election campaign? in our campaign, we wrote on the t-shirts that we have in our campaign that nuclear power is not equal to nuclear war. this is one of our views. the state of new york has a very rich past in the field of high-speed rail, which is now one, for example
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, in terms of language and in terms of national diversity. about 160 languages ​​are spoken there and we we can consider this as a model for the peace and tranquility of the united states and the rest of the world for peace and tranquility in the world. in any case , he is wanted in the united states for exposing war crimes inside iraq, if america is given talent, it is possible.
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who was a journalist and now became a prisoner , i worked closely with him, he even planned to run for the presidency of the united states and fight bakne amai and other intelligence organizations came to deal with him and these deals are still with other independent candidates more or less.
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my intention is this and my opinion is that we can spread goodness and we can see goodness in the american people because they reject colonialism and are good people . there are and everyone should force them to do something together . i
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am sincerely happy that i was with you and participated in this interview. we also thank you. it was a conversation with ms. dayan sar. independent candidate for the us senate election from the state of new york, mrs. sir mamnoon. we are coming to the end of the world today. i also need to thank my colleague mr. mohsen jalili for translating all three of our today's communications with norway, england and america. good night, god bless you.
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my servant, whoever i took a picture with has become a martyr, may god's son's end be good and be martyred. it wasn't long after this that his fate became similar to the one who was with him after. the operation in syria took a commemorative photo with his commander, of course he was the commander himself , he was a student, he was a member of the irgc's quds force, why am i throwing dirt on your face? for example, he was also a martial arts coach . he had started a party in their place. he would gather the children without charging any fee , for example, he would exercise with them , teach them exercise. he didn't agree, he said, "no, i 'm doing this for god's sake, i just want the children to be brought up properly. it's safe to say that when
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isis opened its doors to syria , imam hossein's foot was in most of the operations, for example, for the tragic freedom of the surrounding area." hama, where if it was not taken back, aleppo. and all the two important cities of syria were falling, hassan with a number of forces who were left in the main street of this city , he arranged the fighters there and with the help of other fighters , they took back the tragic fighters from the terrorist groups. hassan abdullahzadeh, or hamzeh, the children
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of resistance, in the last few years of his life. spent in the war with the takfiris. 3 years ago, his car was hit by a takfiri anti-particle missile in deir zor, syria, near the iraqi border, and he was martyred. held the ceremony of the third anniversary of his martyrdom. even now that the drum of war has been raised, the harem of women has become insecure, there is no cowardice, so let's move on. i know it's hard, it's hard for my wife, it's hard for ali akbar. but you are a tough person don't try to grow up. hasan abdullah, a man from the deserts of syria, became known to many. we were not with anyone, haj agha, don't mess with us, mohammad reza ahmadi, sda news agency.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time welcome to the football magazine program . we will start the program with a report of the games of the 29th week and before the final of the premier league, which was held last night . we will talk more about the sensitivity of the last week with two dear guests in the studio. shamsazer lost to press police, but saeed zachigi apologized to the fans of esteghlal for being inside the goal . i ask the fans of esteghlal in exchange.
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don't be funny.


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