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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm IRST

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welcome to news 21. leader of the islamic revolution in a meeting with bashar assad. resistance is the privileged identity of syria. this important feature must be preserved. the end of the first day of registration for the 14th presidential election with the presence of 5 candidates in the ministry of interior. the complete preparation of the national media to provide the necessary platforms for
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election candidates' advertisements, the extensive coverage of the revolutionary leader's letter to american students who support palestine in the international media, the special reaction of the american community, from academic figures to political officials, to the revolutionary leader's letter. in the special news conversation , we will check the two expressions on the right side. history and scrolling what does it mean in the letter of the leader of the revolution addressed to the students who support palestine, why did the leader of the revolution, the students who support america , invite the american students to meditate and read the quran, and the workers of haft tepe appreciate the actions of the president in reviving this large agricultural and industrial company seven times face to face the face of martyr raisi during his tenure as the head of the judiciary and
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the executive branch with the workers of this factory in the past 3 years , the salaries have been updated, the tool is 40% salary as an equalization plan . a 200% jump to the previous year it produces raw sugar. in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate, greetings and good night to you , dear and honorable countrymen, we are in your presence . we present the detailed news of 21:00 together with my colleagues . the supreme leader of the islamic revolution today visited mr. bashar. asad raees the republic of syria and the delegation accompanying
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the resistance considered syria's privileged identity and said that syria's special position in the region is due to this privileged identity and this important feature must be preserved . the leader of the islamic revolution thanked mr. bashar assad for his presence in tehran in order to express his condolences to the iranian nation for mr. raisi's prominent role in strengthening iran-syria relations pointed out and added: mr. amir abdullahian also paid special attention in this field. ayatollah khamenei assessed the strengthening of relations between iran and syria as important in terms of the fact that the two countries are the pillars of the resistance axis and said: syria's privileged identity, which is the resistance , was formed from the time of the late hafez assad and with the establishment of the resistance and resistance front. this identity has always helped the national unity of syria . he stressed the need to preserve
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this identity and pointed out that the westerners and their successors in the region intended to fight a war against syria launched a plan to overthrow the country's political system and remove syria from regional equations, but they did not succeed, and now they are planning to remove syria from regional equations with other methods, including promises that they will never fulfill. . the leader of the islamic revolution, praising mr. bashar assad's firm stand, emphasized that everyone should see the special privilege of the syrian government, that is, resistance, before their eyes. ayatollah khamenei pointed to the political and economic pressures of the united states and europe on iran and syria and said: we should increase cooperation and regularize it from this. let's pass the conditions. he pointed out that mr. raisi is ready to work. the two dear ones
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mentioned to increase the cooperation between iran and syria in various fields and now mr. mokhbar continues the same approach with the powers of the president and we hope that all matters will go well. the leader of the islamic revolution also criticized the positions and inaction of some countries in the region regarding the gaza issue and pointed to the recent meeting of arab leaders in manama and added: in this meeting , many shortcomings were made towards palestine and gaza, but some countries also acted well. hazrat ayatollah khamenei emphasizing that the islamic republic's view of the future is positive and clear, they said: we hope that we all can fulfill our duty and reach this bright future. in this meeting, mr. bashar assad , the president of syria, expressed his condolences to the leader of the revolution and the government of the nation of iran, addressed to ayatollah khamenei , and said: iran-syria relations are a strategic relationship
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that is progressing under the guidance of his highness and at the top of the implementation. these guides were mr. raisi and mr. amir abdullahian. syria, referring to mr. raisi's wise and ethical personality, is a clear example of the positions and slogans of the islamic revolution. he read and added that in the last 3 years, mr. raisi had an important impact on the role of the islamic republic in regional issues and the issue of palestine, as well as deepening iran-syria relations. mr. bashar asad also pointed to the issue of resistance in the region and said that after more than 50 years of the line. resistance in the region has progressed and has now become a religious and political approach. emphasizing that our position has always been that any retreat against the west will cause them to advance, the syrian president emphasized: i announced a few years ago that
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the cost of resistance is lower than the cost of compromise, and this the issue is now very clear for the syrian people, as well as the recent cases in gaza and the victories of the resistance . he also proved this issue for the people of the region and showed that resistance is a principle. mr. bashar assad thanked and appreciated the leader of the revolution for his significant role in supporting the resistance in the region and also for supporting syria in all fields . after the speech of mr. bashar assad, the leader of the islamic revolution, they said: your speech had important points, but one point was more important for me, and that is the issue that you emphasized. and you said that as long as we sit back, the other side will come forward. there is no doubt about this it does not exist and this has been our slogan and belief for more than 40 years.
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in his meeting with the syrian president, the acting president of iran stressed on the expansion of economic cooperation, the activation of the private sectors and the acceleration of the implementation of the agreements between the two countries. mr. mokhbar listed the expansion and strengthening of iran's international regional relations as one of the achievements of president shahid and foreign minister shahid and said: iran's international interactions have changed the power equations in the world. mr. mokhbar continued to consider the enemy's plot to attack the axis of resistance and friendly relations between tehran and damascus as failed and he said: despite the support of several major world powers, the zionist regime has failed against the current of resistance , and has not achieved any of its goals. while appreciating the condolences and sympathy of the government of the syrian nation to the people of iran, the first vice president also
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said that the safe passage of our country from the current critical stage is due to the strength of the pillars of the leadership system. in this meeting, mr. bashar assad also considered iran-syria relations to be based on immutable principles and said: the islamic republic of iran is facing huge crises. it has been watered down and bitter events do not disturb it. the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters advised the candidates to run for the 14th term of the presidential election . don't postpone your name until the last day and moments, especially on thursday and friday, when the crowd is less.
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head of election news, registration of volunteers for the 14th presidential term has begun. this program was the first step to register for 5 days , confirm the qualifications for 7 days and
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be from or equivalent and have at least 4 years of executive experience. registration of candidates will continue until 18:00 on june 14. according to the head of the country's election headquarters, the election day is on the 60th. fixed branch voting is done by the people. we
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have planned 60,000 branches across the country. of course, we vote in almost 90,000 points because some of these branches are located in different places. according to article 37 of the election law , only people who are directly responsible for the elections should use their positions. and gave due to this small opportunity. in the name of god, thank you very much
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for this opportunity. well, in less than a month, we are facing the very important event of the presidential election. we will see that in the holy system of the islamic republic , elections have both a method and a subject in the sense that through the election of the people's representatives in the islamic council, the council of experts, and the executive director of the country, who is the president, are elected. republic and various elections in our country , in every election period, especially the presidential election , people and the society are aware of the views of saelig. different approaches to the administration of the country
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are familiar with the sensitivities, complexity and difficulties of the administration of the country from the program and report card and suggestions and criticisms. there are various things that are known for the executive management of the country, therefore, perhaps one of the biggest political events in the country is the presidential election. it is definitely one of the most important areas of people's awareness and participation of people in determining their own destiny . well, we are in this. during the presidential election period , we faced a complicated situation, like other election-organizing bodies. in the past , the election processes were formed at least one year before the election , and the election headquarters were formed in the national media. it was possible to gradually make suggestions for programming and design the infrastructures were being formed. well, during this period, we
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did not have this opportunity in less than a month. therefore, on tuesday last week, that is, one day after the announcement of the martyrdom of the honorable president john gadaz and his companions, the election headquarters of the national media was formed. immediately intensive meetings of our colleagues in different areas to first design the plan and will. proposals for advertising programs to the election advertising commission began, and during this period, maybe on a daily basis, the meetings of the election headquarters. the organization formed at the same time is designing the production and technical infrastructure for holding election programs, especially debates, and we are preparing proposals for programming in various programs that help the people to know about the respected candidates, and the first meeting of the
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election commission to review the election advertisements was held yesterday, and the proposals that the organization's election headquarters fortunately , it was approved by the election advertising review commission, which under the supervision of the central executive board, according to the election law , must actually approve the arrangement and regulation of the national media's election advertising programs. these proposals include holding debates and round tables. conversation-oriented programs, career-oriented programs , programs for talking with audiences and people in all provinces of the country, yes , and programs that will use both new structures and new programming formats, god willing , and will help more. in order for the respected candidates to be able
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to use the capacities of the national media in a completely fair environment , i said that the complications are much greater in this period than in the previous period. in the previous periods , there was more opportunity for election advertising . there is an opportunity for us in this distance we will pay attention to the opportunity that the honorable candidates need for their trips to the provinces to attend public gatherings and programs that should be broadcast live on the national media . that the honorable candidates should be present in the national media and these programs should be recorded and broadcasted. in general, we will use the textual formats that i mentioned so that , god willing, we can fulfill our duty properly as much as we can inform the people. and our dear people of programs, opinions, suggestions, candidates dear sir, we
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will definitely see more participation, god willing. the national media should help to increase the mesh. by providing the necessary facilities for people to familiarize themselves with the views of the candidates, the more participation in the elections, the more power and strength the future president will have to run the country, so we consider this as one of our main strategies in all elections. especially in the presidential elections , we intend to help increase participation in the country as much as possible in order to increase the power of the country's executive management during the next president's term. along with it, in the virtual space, we will dedicate a dedicated page or in fact a dedicated channel to all honorable candidates, as in the past, in the television system. various infrastructures are being prepared, and proposals are being prepared gradually. and in
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the fields of infrastructure preparation, preparation of the debate decor, i request to your presence that even providing the necessary administrative space for the establishment of each honorable candidate and their accompanying groups in the form of a 24- hour establishment in the national media, if you want to use these facilities, provide them. necessary requirements for holding the program and everything that is necessary will be done by using the very valuable experience gained in the national media from the past elections and considering the damage and problems that may have existed in the advertising programs in the national media in the past periods. god willing, these injuries will be resolved during this period, god willing, thank you very much , doctor, your explanations were complete and you answered all our questions. thank you very much for
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your presence and your answers. sponsored american students the palestinian people emphasized that you are now standing on the right side of history. at the beginning of this letter , it is addressed to the american youth who support palestine. you have now formed a part of the resistance front and under the cruel pressure of your government, which openly defends the tyrannical and disorganized zionist regime , an honorable struggle. in this letter, the leader of the islamic revolution emphasized the causes and factors of the formation of the great resistance front and the reasons for its struggle against the zionist occupation regime. from the first day, the zionist regime used the iron fist policy against the defenseless people of palestine and disregarded all the values conscientious, humane and religious day by day
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increased brutality, terror and repression and the american government and its partners did not even frown against this state terrorism and continuous oppression, ayatollah khamenei stressed that the resistance front from the heart of this atmosphere . and the establishment of the islamic republic of iran in iran expanded it and enabled it. are? the leader of the islamic revolution addressed the american youth supporters palestine noted: i want to assure you that the situation is changing today. another fate awaits the sensitive region of west asia . many consciences
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have been awakened on a global scale and the truth is being revealed. the resistance front has become stronger and will become stronger, and history is turning its back. ayatollah khamenei, referring to the demonstrations in support of the palestinian people in other countries, as well as the support of university professors to the students and against the severity of the police action, said: i feel sympathy for you young people and i respect your stand. the leader of the islamic revolution ended his letter to the american students supporting palestine by advising them to familiarize themselves with the quran. the lesson of the qur'an for us muslims and all the people of the world is to stand on the path of truth and the lesson of the qur'an. it is about human relations that you neither oppress nor be oppressed. by learning and following these orders and hundreds of similar ones, the resistance front
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will advance and achieve victory. god willing american and zionist media reacted to the supreme leader's letter to american students. american students are part of the axis of resistance. he was the leader of some of these media. if you have satisfied ayatollah, then you have lost america. this is the reaction of mark johnson, the speaker of the american house of representatives, to the message published by the supreme leader of the revolution in cyberspace. the addressees of this letter are students who support palestine conscientiously. in america. the ones who have been protesting against the zionist regime since the beginning of ardi behesht. in the gaza strip , they started in different universities of this country, and in this way ,
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they faced an iron fist for protesting against the authorities of their country for participating in the crime of gaza. now, although the addressees of this letter are awake consciences, american officials like mike johnson, who during the last 8 months supported the zionist crime more than before, made this university react. with their budgets of billions, their job is to help produce content for these officials in this intellectual war all over the world, who can then lead and manage them in the intellectual fields of the world. they have been trying to overthrow this islamic republic for years, and with billions of dollars, it sends a message to these students and tells them that you became a part of this axis of resistance. leader's letter at the same time that the revolution is taking place in the virtual space and has come under the control of the american authorities,
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it has also attracted the attention of the american and zionist media. fox news covered the full text of the leader of the revolution's letter with the headline iran's leader thanked american students for standing on the right side of history. while publishing the contents of this letter, jorzalem postat wrote the following headline: iran's leader asked american students to continue fighting israel's genocidal policies. times of israel with this headline: iranian leader's welcome to american students who entered the front line of resistance hashad, addressed the contents of this historic letter addressed to the american youth. this message also helps, it gives a heart strength, a self-confidence, and even if it is suppressed, it still means belief. it is that they suppress by using hard and soft tools, but even if it is suppressed , this fire will remain under the ashes and will continue to fight . muhammadan nikmin sada news agency.
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anti-zionist demonstrations continue in american cities and universities. thousands of people demonstrated in chicago in support of palestine. those who believe in the freedom of palestine and cut off aid to the regime they asked zionist. student protests continue in american universities. groups of employees and professors of three california universities began their strike in protest of the violent police treatment of pro-palestinian students in los angeles. last month, the police
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arrested more than 200 students of los angeles university by suppressing the students. in canada , students still set up tents in some universities . greece has announced that foreign students who participate in demonstrations in support of palestine will be expelled. the indian police in laha also beat the demonstrators who were in support of palestine had gathered.
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the zionist regime has apologized for the wounding of 14 zionist soldiers in shaban yesterday in the gaza strip. the quds battalions, the military wing of the palestinian islamic jihad movement, published pictures of a zionist prisoner. this zionist prisoner asked the protestors in occupied palestine to continue putting pressure on the cabinet of the zionist regime. this zionist captive. in this picture , he says: the only viable way to return the prisoners is to agree to a prisoner exchange agreement and a ceasefire. the leader of yemen's ansarullah movement, referring to the role of america and england in the zionist attack on the refugees' tent in rafah he said: these attacks were carried out with seven american bombs. the enemy with about one bomb of these people.
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until today, these crimes have been carried out with the support of the united states and england, and all of these crimes show the way of the enemy . he called arabi regrettable for the crimes committed by the zionists and said: more countries should cut ties with the zionist regime and recognize the state of palestine. the leader of yemen's ansarullah also said that the positions of some western governments are more extreme than many islamic and arab countries, but unfortunately some arab regimes such as egypt they continue their relations with the zionist regime
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. linsey graham, the american senator who traveled to the occupied territories , called the current era as the most challenging era for the zionist regime. kraham said that the problems and challenges that israel has faced are many, but the united states will stand by tel aviv. this american senator called the international court of justice a corrupt and ridiculous institution due to its anti-zionist positions and said: america will act to suspend the orders of this institution. the former us ambassador to the united nations is also in the meeting with the prime minister of the zionist regime , he called the victory of the zionists in the invasion of gaza as the victory of america and asked this regime to continue its operations in the gaza strip. nikki haley called for the continuation of the killing of palestinians by writing the sentence "finish their work" on israeli bombs.


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