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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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cooperation between iran and syria, and since iran and syria are among the important elements of the resistance axis , as a rule, this strengthening of cooperation should help strengthen the resistance front . i would like to express my regret and impression about the tragedy that occurred through the martyrdom of a number of righteous servants and senior officials of the islamic republic to the nation of iran and to all the nations of the resistance, and also in advance of the anniversary of the death of the imam, which we
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, in fact, initiated to this imam. it was a way, an era, a culture, and a revolution that is actually what we are today it is about to happen in the region and it has some kind of international reflection. in fact, we, the imam, know about its foundation. what i can say is that maybe the events that are happening in the region today are exactly the continuation of the islamic revolution, that is , it is not unrelated. now, it is interesting to tell you that a few days after 22 bahman 1957, the foreign minister of israel at that time said something that today
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the world is raising questions about what the israeli foreign minister said at that time . what happened in iran is an earthquake that will shake the middle east and the world after it. this word will shake, of course , it is also in the archives of the newspapers, which means that people can go and see it , and that's all. it was very wonderful, to be honest , for example, at that time, our country did not have a clear situation, the whole system has collapsed, all the devices are closed , but a person comes from there. and it will take us, well , today, apparently, this is, of course, the imam
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, in his own point of view, he also has a similar opinion to this matter, of course, from his own point of view, and that this revolution will remain with god's grace and our enemies will leave us. it seems that these words are also from the imam in a different interpretation. now, i quoted that conversation because , anyway, events. i have said the politics of the region and the world today from the words of a politician , but the imam also raised this issue from another point of view. the importance of this region is for the whole world. that is, what we
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call the middle east or, for example, west asia or even iran, this has played a role in global equations, not today, during the past several thousand years, therefore, any power in the world has come into existence everywhere in the world, east, west , north, south. dominating this region was one of their basic goals, so this region has always been somehow involved in these currents of domination and resistance from the other side, but when israel was established , the coming of western leaders stopped. these 2000
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years of going back and forth between the powers of the region are over , from now on we will permanently control the entire region, pointing out that the crusades are over, the domination of islam is over, but it is not very interesting to tell you that british foreign minister esfaq says that the day when we we established israel and thought we would have eternal dominion over this region. we would not have come across an inexhaustible source of resistance. well, put these things together, so the events that are happening in this region are not a moment, that is, not today, this month, and this year
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. second, it does not end with these developments . it is a trend that continues. yes , and the changes will definitely reach the entire global structures , that is, if we say, for example, that in 5 years, the global changes will be so extensive that they will be very different from what we are living in today. don't be surprised. now, why do you even compare this year with last year, that is , compare one year only with this year and 5 years ago. look at the changes that are very fundamental , don't only look at the changes in the government and political aspects, you look today , many philosophical schools, cultural schools
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, schools of thought in the west are being questioned by everyone , they are losing color, that is, in the world today, for example , nasinalism. does socialism have a color of secularism compared to 10, 20, 50 years ago? no" now , about the role of ayatollah raisi, if you want , please tell me what role you think he played for this resistance front. an introduction. and you mentioned history, but obviously the role of this is also important. i want to ask janabali what syria is like after the revolution. islamic until now, with the view that mr. hafez assad had and that view was transferred to bashar assad, was that this revolution is for
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the benefit of islam and even for the benefit of the arabs, this revolution is actually against the rulers who want to rule this region forever. this revolution will finally find out israel's duty. this is what hafez assad says and it is not transmitted to franzer. therefore, you can see that since the beginning of the victory of the revolution, hafez assad had good cooperation with iran in various dimensions, and this is always the case. he was speaking to the arabs, he was saying that you should not think that the islamic revolution. it is against you or even slightly in your favor, not the islamic revolution is for the benefit of all of us, despite this, it is natural that the world
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wants to destroy this base for the arrogant world for 10-11 years to start the civil war in syria, and here is a very important point. there is bashar assad. he really played his historical role, that is to say, the resistance he did, now this goes back to their intellectual views that in fact somehow they do not fall under the burden of western domination , in fact they use resistance as a standard. some of it goes back to the so-called teachings from memory.
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it is active in different dimensions, now the flow of isis takfiri groups and the fact that it is all very hand-made by israel, it can't be anything other than that mr. bashar assad can come to tehran at this point and have a few messages . the first message is that they want to tell us that we are with iran , we share in the grief of this tragedy, and we are still in the axis of resistance, and in fact it is a kind of announcement . or coordinate with iran , that is, don't think that, for example, now
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the issues that have arisen in gaza or the issues that we will separate from the axis of resistance, this is one point . the second point is that, naturally, for the future, there should be coordination, because there is a possibility that , for example, israel will come and enter the political phase , for example, or that, for example, in other international trends . there may be some changes, but in the course of resistance, there must still be perseverance on that goal, and therefore, you can see that the basis of the supreme leader's conversations with him is that basically, we have not accepted anything but resistance against domination from the beginning until now. well, thank you very much mr. dr. mansouri, allow us to speak with mr. mohammad reza bagheri, the former deputy of the ministry of foreign affairs . hello and good night, mr. bagheri . what significant role do you think ayatollah raisi
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played in strengthening the resistance front, and of course, regarding the role of dr. amir abdullah, if possible , please tell me. salam alaikum, in the name of allah, the most merciful, i am at your service, dear viewers. dear guest, mr. dr. mansouri, i would like to say hello regarding the issue that was mentioned. well, the late honorable martyr mr. raisi and our beloved martyr, minister of foreign affairs mr. amir abdullahian, are the reality of the revival of diplomacy they were resistance. this is an important issue that is being discussed and mentioned and followed these days regarding the defense of the oppression of palestine and the support of the resistance. similarly, supporting syria
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was part of the programs of this government, and they can be called the revivalist diplomacy of resistance. the fact is that with the victory of the islamic revolution and the promotion of the culture of resistance in iran , this spirit has become a component of soft power in the region as well. we are talking about resistance, resistance for stability. it is islam that if it is achieved, then the national interests will be secured and the history of foreign domination will not be repeated, so what our oppressed and powerful government has taken the level of this resistance to its highest level in the past 3 years. and the presence of the resistance leaders in the region with the encouragement that the supreme leader and the government
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actually followed in the resistance defense pact was able to put the resistance in a situation where we are witnessing the current situation of the zionist regime and therefore... i strongly believe that now in the anniversary imam's death, which you mentioned, i offer my prayers to you and dear listeners and dear viewers . the fact is that according to the imam, we should always have a jihadi management approach. sometimes we witnessed non-jihadist managements. in jihadist management, we actually experienced introversion , which was both scholarly and calculated
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, returning to oneself, self-confidence, trusting in the layered power of god. in non-jihadist management, we were extroverts. others were expecting action from others, we were sitting and watching, so in the circumstances. currently , our future government seems to be taking steps in the same direction . or western, hebrew and arabic arrogance to decide they beat him to the ground and made a condition with him that he should distance himself from iran and the resistance, otherwise we will humiliate him. he stood up and was dear
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. it has and has resistance. in a difficult situation , he helped the resistance forces, when he needed help from the resistance, the resistance came to his aid. bashar assad is truly the pride of many arabs. strong devotion to the imam and the supreme leader it was dr. bashar asad. it also seems that khalaf saleh is his successor, so it is a good opportunity for dr. bashar assad of iran to come to his holiness's service .
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please be very brief. thank you for the presence of mr. president. syria and the high-ranking delegation that came to tehran should really make serious business decisions, be operational, and not give others a chance to one day not have bashar assad, and now be able to lead commercial and economic affairs in syria. my suggestion as an expert who was present in syria and i know the views of the syrian government and people, this is really the time. that we have more serious work in the dimensions i mentioned with the shades , thank you very much for being on our communication line, mr. baqer , if we have a chance, we will reach you again in a few minutes , mr. sadr hosseini, another bachelor who is on our line, i say hello and good evening, mr. asad mentioned a few points in the leadership's vision today , the most prominent of these points is that they point out that as soon as we step back, the other side
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will come forward, which is very important in the opinion of the supreme leader of the revolution. it became evident and again pointing out and emphasizing that we have experienced this for more than 40 years . another point is that mr. assad pointed out that the discourse of resistance now in syria and in the region as the dominant discourse was originally constructed and conceptualized . it has been noticed and then another point that he mentioned was that now that point has escaped my mind, now these two points are in my opinion. do you think that in order to form this discourse of resistance in the region and the discussion, the third point was to point out that the cost of resistance is much lower than compromise. think about these three points. how influential has the islamic republic of iran been for this discourse to be shaped in the axis of resistance? in
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the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, mr. khosravi , mr. mujahid master, mr. javad mansouri, and dear telephone guest, i say hello and good night. i offer my condolences on the days, especially the anniversary of the death of imam , may god's mercy be upon him. i would like to tell you, mr. hathavi, that the necessity of coordination of the resistance front in various fields is not hidden from anyone. in fact, the diplomacy department of resistance with political brothers. the foreign policy apparatus and the subject of defense strengthening and field actions are with the brothers who are in the field complex of on the part of the islamic republic as advisers and on the part of the fighters of the resistance army , it is being done constantly, but it is necessary that
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these meetings should be held at the leadership level from time to time, so that the views can be closer to each other. especially the developments that we have in front of us, the successes that the resistance was able to find during the aftermath of the al-aqsa storm operation, require a new reading for the formation of a new region . in fact, those who are currently the main field of resistance is one of their main bases in syria. and syria as one of the frontline countries over the years he has been able to prove his superiority for a long time . well, one of the important issues is this. according to the victories of the resistance front and syria has not shown any wavering during the last 12 months, the last 12 years, syria
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is returning to the arab society. therefore, according to the changes that i mentioned, syria can definitely be the voice of resistance. be in the arab world and this position can really give a new information to both the arab world and the current high position of syria. well, one point your excellency pointed out that, in fact, the review of the last 45 years of the islamic republic and nearly 50 years of syria in the area of ​​issues of not retreating and moving forward and moving and narrowing the space in order to disrupt the growth of this cancerous growth in the region was the attention of the authorities today. and mr. assad
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became the supreme leader. the next point is that it was necessary for the people of iran to be alarmed after the martyrdom of their beloved president. it was necessary that on the part of syria, a country with which we have taken strategic measures in relation to defense issues over the past 12 years, this action was taken that today, mr. bashar assad
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, we are at your service to come to tehran to express our condolences and bring the views of the resistance leaders and vision for the future road map to tehran. thank you very much, mr. salah hosseini. he also puts together. in my opinion, arabs and muslims should make a pact not for the militancy of the enemy, but for the certainty of their future. the victory of the islamic revolution in iran and the mutual support of iran and syria is one of the turning points of this identity. officially, mr. hafez asad from the resistance front he supported and had a right and appropriate stance towards the zionist regime. syria in the years that coincided with the victory of the revolution and the formation of the islamic republic in iran. it has one of the most powerful armies of the islamic countries, according to a story , it was the third most powerful army, which sees iran alongside itself and not against it. your positions in the region
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are still the same brave positions of the temple. in iran, the common identity of the muslim countries in the region revolves around the resistance in the proximity of the zionist occupation regime grows and it is because of that that the zionist regime does not taste the victory in the war with the muslim arabs. putting these together makes it easier to understand one of the reasons for the creation of the isis terrorist group and its growth in syria with the aim of overthrowing the power in damascus, and this is where a common identity makes iran go to syria's aid. iran fought in defense of the syrian people and in this way gave blood. this experience based on resistance has shown that the cost of resistance is lower than the cost of compromise. the issue that the president of syria emphasized in his recent meeting with the leader of the revolution . hosni sadat shabiri, radio and television news agency.
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mr. dr. today, hazrat agha complains as the leader of a country that is the stronghold of the axis of resistance kenan from the meeting of arab leaders that was held recently in manab about the inaction of some countries and of course the appreciation of the good performance of other countries. how far do you think we are from the arab countries in particular? the region should be united and of one heart regarding the palestinian issue . well, according to the records of this government and considering that anyway they still do not believe in the axis of resistance or in the philosophy of resistance at all, and they think that the european and american governments, for example, the permanent superiority of daran is the failure of the name. below , for example, so they can tie their own existence, their own interests with them and their imagination this is that, for example, the islamic republic
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will be a temporary period, they have more or less such illusions, so we cannot be friends with this government for a long-term period, for example. if the islamic republic gains power , it will be to the detriment of the arabs, while we have constantly declared that no, we do not care about the interests of other countries in any way , and we all actually acted in line with their interests. islam has been skeptical about the palestine issue from the beginning until now in this case, there is not. i imagine that the events of the last one or two years will gradually, of course, because this is a culture that is the result of several decades that has been formed, so the impression that we expect will not change in a short period of time
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, but at the same time, in for the past year, this mindset has been emerging that changes must be made, and in recent days we have sometimes seen evidence that this mindset is actually being formed and is being implemented. if it really comes true, we can talk at that time. thank you very much, mr. bagheri short considering the developments that we are witnessing today in gaza and in rafah. in which direction do you predict the future of these developments? just tell me very briefly. these arabs , about whom examples can be given now, i don't know the reason to get into it, and their capacities
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are also worth considering. in the past, when it was like this, we didn't have access. now we have to have an agreement with the syrians. these countries exist, secondly, it is this realism that we must act to strengthen the axis of resistance , increase the communication with the arabs, and that there are concerns among them. in a sentence that when the same mr. dr. mansouri mentioned the goodness that he had said to some of his loved ones , god has guaranteed our victory, so let's believe this, or hazrat agha repeatedly said two or three times, we are moving towards the peak. i'm seeing you believe this, so politics too
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the title is not willing to give up its own interests in this region, and therefore, considering this issue , there is a possibility of continuing tension and conflict in the region, but at the same time, the axis of resistance against western domination is changing day by day. now, say whatever you want. and they can act in any way they want, but
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at the same time they say this sentence clearly . the former president of america said this sentence clearly. we will not be in the world, therefore , because of this importance, this flow is still going on here in fact, in a way, we have to say that the conflict of war, challenge and resistance is gradually moving towards victory. thank you , kak, but in general, in my opinion , dr. mansouri 's axis is there. good night news tonight.


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