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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] iran mahd farsh is being held all over iran. hello again, dear viewers , we are with you with this news section. the head of the broadcasting organization announced the preparation of the national media for the 14th round of presidential elections. referring to the establishment of television debates and talk shows during the presidential election period, mr. jabali said: all the capacities of the national media
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are used to create a completely fair environment for the candidates. from the program and the work of the disputes. the presidential candidates are established, the news that the head of the national media gave. designing the field's infrastructure we are production and technical for holding election programs, especially debates. according to dr. jabali , immediately after the news about the martyrdom of the president and his companions, the presidential election headquarters was formed in the national media. intensive meetings of our colleagues in different areas to first design the program and presentation. the proposals of advertising programs to the election propaganda commission started and during this period maybe daily meetings of the election headquarters of the organization were formed. the head of the national media said that in this limited period of time, we will try to use all the capacities of the national media. including holding debates round tables, conversation-oriented programs
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, performance-oriented programs. programs to talk with audiences and people in all provinces of the country, yes, and programs that will use both new structures and new programming formats, god willing, and will help more to make the honorable candidates in a completely to be able to use the capacities of the national media in a fair manner, according to mr. jabali, he also said that increasing the participation of the people in the strategy of the national media, sajjad wahabi, of sed and
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sima news agency, will hold the event. international to meet the needs of the petrochemical industry with the presence of scientific companies iranians and participants from 3 countries: china, india and uae. in this event, 28 creative ideas in the field of low-cost production, repair and maintenance of parts were presented by the technicians. for the first time, a petrochemical company will host an international event called id show. an event with the presence of knowledge companies. one idea related to the production of sodium methoxide, which is the cycle of methanol production, and the second idea of ​​using flare gases and petrochemical waste simultaneously to produce microalgae with 5 ideas entered this
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ideation process. in the discussion of pipe error control and fluid error control, participants from six the province and 3 countries of china, india and uae sent 28 creative ideas in the field of low-cost production of maintenance repairs and parts to the secretariat. one of the main problems in the cities of the southern coast of iran is the problem of concrete damage. the material that we presented can increase the resistance of concrete against corrosion by at least 10 times . tree waste and so-called cellulosic waste depends on the development of green space in the region and less water consumption. the agenda of this
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two-day event. using the scientific capacity of the country and the connection between the industry and the university and the scientific capacity together god willing, we can develop technological thinking in these areas. to be fruitful , we are looking for tripartite memorandums between the national petrochemical company and the university that can design the special license and the industry that needs that special license for the downstream industry, and in fact food and that license as it has its own product, we can put these three sets together so that, god willing, we can complete the value chain of the society, masoudi of sada news agency. sima bandar siraf of kangan city, the secretary of iran glass industry association, says the annual production glass in the country has exceeded 3 million and 2 thousand tons , according to mr. zajehi, the target
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production amount until 1404 is 3 million and 700 thousand tons , the increase of the 7th international exhibition of the glass industry and related equipment is open to visitors until tomorrow at the permanent location of the exhibition in tehran. doer we have produced glass bricks, which until today were imported from countries like china and europe. achievements that have a different color and glaze. one of the products that has recently been included in the market basket of this company's product portfolio is printed glass, soundproof glass. this product has a lot of audio manufactured glass. which you can see behind me now was produced in iran for the first time, which reduced the light transmission to 23%. in the autumn, we produced explosion-proof glass, which we tested with tnt and c4
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. so, with the help of the children of the ministry of defense, we saved energy consumption is one of the main concerns of glass industry producers. one of the technologies that we use is solar controlled glass, which is with the use of these glasses in the windows . the cost that we use for cooling and heating homes or that business unit to reach 30%, means to reduce by 70%. glass industry as one of the export-oriented industries has been able to export its products to 80 countries in addition to meeting domestic needs. we export our products, including our automatic doors, our automatic glass doors, and our accessories to around 10 countries. our bulletproof glass is available in about 10 countries. we are exporting to europe, on average we can say 40 or 46 countries, we can say that we have exports in the field of glass. when i tell you that 50% is exported, i know that this is possible for us, above 1
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million to 1 million. 200 thousand tons of export we have and we have our customers. although the glass industry is in a good state, but according to its producers, there are challenges in production. the most important challenge in today's production is changing the laws. our raw material is supplied from petrochemicals. it is dependent on the dollar rate and the fact that the dollar rate fluctuates, unfortunately , it causes us to face challenges at certain times of the year . in the matter of equipment, we should go to the production of consumable refractories. in the matter of export, we need circulars. one way or another, we have export stabilization, we have customers according to the laws of the other cases, the cases of other cases ali asghar amre of sada news agency. acting minister of foreign affairs and sima said in a telephone call to the minister of foreign affairs of armenia that iran is committed to playing a role in the stability and security of the caucasus. mr. bagheri expressed his sympathy with the recent floods in armenia and
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announced iran's readiness to help them. the minister of foreign affairs of armenia also emphasized iran's role in strengthening peace in the south caucasus and iran's cooperation in implementing the infrastructure projects of his country, especially the agarg- kach road. iran expressed satisfaction and unveiled the first wooden satellite in japan magnolia wood and designed after testing strength and efficiency in space. the body of the first wooden satellite is made with the traditional japanese method without the need for screws or glue and is equipped with solar panels. this body does not negatively affect precision electronic equipment.
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much já queera. ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, in a letter addressed to students who conscientiously support the palestinian people in american universities, while expressing sympathy and solidarity with the anti -zionist protests , considered the students to be part of the resistance front and to change the situation and fate of the sensitive region of the west. . asia to emphasize in the conversation the news feature of this hour is that we would like to discuss
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the content of this letter as well as various aspects that can be analyzed and examined in the studio . our guest in the studio is mr. dr. faad eizdi, an expert on international issues . they will be added, mr. dr. izadi, i greet you and i am welcome, and may god's mercy be upon the viewers , i have greetings and politeness, mr. dr. izadi, let's go back to the lesson and history of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution's message to the youth of western countries, i think it was around 2019. that the letter of hazrat agha was published addressed to this students, let's now look at why hazrat agha wrote another letter addressed to the students of american universities in the name of allah, rahman, raheem. the letter was written on the first of bahman 1993, and then after a few months, the second letter was written. i think that now that we are seeing the state of american universities, ingenuity it can be seen here, and the concern that the lord has and the trust
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he has in the young generation in western countries , at the same time that about 10 years have passed now, when the first and second letters were written, there were many questions in their minds, what is the leader of iran doing with the youth now? western and now we realize that investment for whom do you write a name for caring about these people and paying attention to them? when you have a crush on someone, you have a concern , you have something to do with them, now it is working in a way , and you have seen in the past few weeks in the best universities in america, columbia university, princeton , harvard, very large demonstrations, now the latest statistics that this cnn and the media other americans released more than 3,000 people, only the arrests of some of these people are still in prison and the case. cnn reports that more than 50
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professors have been arrested, a movement has been created for them it has been created very widely, now it has become clear that this young generation in america has a capacity that many people in our own country did not believe, and these people who are now in american universities are the majority of people of their own age , they pretend to be a minority. it is not a small population , for example, it is not a small one. we had the harvard haris survey. harvard university conducted the haris nazarji survey with this center. it was the question of supporting hamas, and what hamas did in the al-aqsa storm operation in 1951 , most of them supported 18 to 24-year-old american youths. young people from 24 to 30 years old 49 support now that the age has gone up, the percentage has gone down , but the young generation is important in america. in my opinion
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, mr. sir, it is important to pay attention to this generation in america , in other western countries, to pay attention to it, and this letter is creating a content for intellectual guidance as well. on the one hand, he is grateful for this movement , he is promoting the position of this movement, and at the same time, there are concepts in the letter that give direction to this movement. in this hour's special news talk, we are talking about the supreme leader of the islamic revolution's letter addressed to the students who support the palestinian people in the universities of the united states of america, dr. erazdi, pointing out the intellectual capacity of the content of the letter and also the reactions that will surely follow , which was a reference to the letter of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution in 1993 and 1994, which you mentioned in a way , is an intellectual and content investment in this category , mr. dr. ezidi do we have statistics on the number of
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universities and the number of students who demonstrated in this uprising on the issue of palestine and which led to a global uprising? you see, since the beginning of al-aqsa storm operation, that is, since october, we have had protest crowds in various american universities, but there was an incident at columbia university a month ago. a special thing happened, and that special thing was that these students decided to settle down on the lawn of columbia university and set up tents, and then the police came and confronted them. more than 100 people were arrested in some universities on the first night. throwing a plastic bullet at the students whose slogan was that we have a peaceful demonstration, which means that there was no attack on the police, however , they were severely dealt with when columbia university started this new movement, this mr. mike johnson, who happened to be a reactionary.
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he also went to hazrat agha's recent letter just a few hours ago columbia university to announce the support of the university administration for student harassment. and a month ago, that means maybe five or six weeks ago, more than a month ago, he said that at that time he first said that there are more than 200 universities, the problem that columbia university has is in more than 200 universities, and now i think there are at least 500,600 universities. now in america, they are involved in this movement from i and league universities. they say that those universities are elite universities, the universities that were established to train the next generation of managers. and the leaders of america started from there , but it has spread all over america he found a very small university in california , simona state university, and the president of this university joined this student movement and was fired the same day
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. it was cold and crowded, i don't know if the radio and television covered this or not , you know better tomorrow. at the university of california in los angeles, labor unions also joined the student movement, which was one of the concerns of the american government that this story would go beyond the student community and other communities as well. include a large labor union, we have united, which is a part of the university staff in rome, they are covering a large-scale demonstration in california, and because of this , even though maybe a month ago, you asked me when this movement would be suppressed. i might not have predicted that it would reach a month, but it is still continuing, it is still expanding, it has reached high schools, and for this reason, i think the importance of the letter increases , because what mr. mike johnson said
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, he did not say one more sentence, but then he explained the disaster to himself and said: who can experience it with harvard , columbia, princeton, and yale universities and the billion budgets that these universities spend in the fields of discourse, you know, we had other meetings for you in the field of america's decline, america in the economic field is declining in the field politics is declining, military is declining, but
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we used to say this in the past , we didn't see decline in discourse and propaganda, it was one area where the americans had not experienced decline and had no competitors in the world, and now with this the incident of this failure and this breakthrough and this decline started with you this field has also started. this is a very important point . look, why did the soviet union collapse? the soviet officials , the senior officials of the soviet government , were skeptical about their own structure and system of thought at that time, of course , now mr. putin and this understand what mistakes have happened in the past. they reform, but the soviet union collapsed. the country had made an empire for itself, one of two times it collapsed because of the failure in that failure, it was their first failure. i think this is a problem americans are used to winning in intellectual fields and discourse fields, and now
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you see that in the best american universities , universities that should train the next generation of american leaders are chanting the ayatollah's slogan , it's really the same. if it wasn't for iran's support, and this is the point that was also mentioned in the letter of hazrat agha , this would not have been the formation of the islamic republic, the palestinian case had been closed years ago, this support and this discourse that the islamic republic started with the cause of palestine and the connection it had with the cause of palestine. what happened, you have these words now you hear about the best universities in america and this creates a bad mood for them and they don't know what to do, of course. you don't stay silent like this, which means they will definitely make a plan, and by the way, this is the importance of the letter, which means that a state of intellectual leadership must be created for these students who have no other leadership, so the government. it doesn't allow the creation of leadership in these environments . it deals with leaders who may want to grow
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. the importance of the letter is much more than what you have time to talk about . speaker of the house of representatives of the united states, you mentioned that those who now get the ayatollah's approval of the united states have lost the addressee of this letter . from the author of this letter, from the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, whom they addressed as ayatollah , see, these people entered columbia university , harvard pinson, they must be elite students , these are people, because it is difficult for the elite to study history, maybe more than me and you. it is very difficult to enter these universities , there are also children from richer families, the annual university fee is 90 thousand dollars, some of them the students who participated more than once said that you
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have to repeat this semester, which means, for example , you want to charge an additional fee of 30 thousand dollars from them. they are familiar because they are elite, we have no shortage of elite students in the country, but i don't remember you as a student . i don't know about you in this field, what is your educational background, but students the elite in our country are people who study history, they are thinkers, they know what happened, that's why they are educated. that is why, when they are hit in the head with a stick, he goes around columbia university to demonstrate outside the university. i see a tweet. a female student tweeted her dismissal letter from columbia university . supporting the palestinian people. i participated, then because it was closed , there was no place for them to demonstrate at columbia university. he had gone to new york city
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. he had participated in the demonstrations in the city. he had been arrested. then he had gone to columbia university . you went to protest in the city and now you have been fired . these are the type of people. because they are educated , they are definitely familiar with iran in some way. however, the propaganda against iran is very widespread, because the zionist side, the american side knows that all these stories come back to your support. that iran has been interested in the cause of palestine, for this reason , there is a need to work more with these students in iran's own field , they are now completely familiar with the field of palestine intellectually, many of them are familiar in america, well, despite this line of thought and the media that we mention their image is of the leader of the revolution who sent this letter what did they write? it has definitely improved after
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reading this letter and you now . they don't do this. they are the only ones who dare to write a letter to american students with this content . it is the revolution of iran. from here , there is a feeling of dependence.
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do it is emotional, it is emotional, there is gratitude in it it is close to the door, it is gratitude, it is guidance, that last sentence about the qur'an is very impressive. this is my belief. my belief is that this letter will bring many people closer to islam, and some may become muslims. you know these verses that are used in the letter and the sweetness of the verses of the qur'an , now that you and i are familiar with these contents, sometimes we do not understand this sweetness because we are used to it, but for people who do not have access or do not pay attention, what happens is that this is the taste of the verses. do not oppress and do not
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go under the burden of oppression, resistance front with learning and action. with these instructions and hundreds of similar ones, he will move forward and achieve victory. the points you mentioned are touching and will make many people and students to be inclined towards islam . your reference was in the same direction as the letter it has an emotional dimension, it has a content dimension, and it also has an intellectual, operational, and guiding dimension . i will definitely talk to you about each part, but how can it be that what is published is based on its message, its main messages towards. let his main audience reach his main audience . before i come , look at the virtual space of hazrat agha on this famous network. it has had more than 4 million visitors , which has not been 24 hours, maybe 12 hours, maybe almost since the publication of the letter in these 12 hours , it has had more than four million visitors, now social networks now compared to 9 years ago, 10 years ago when
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the letters the previous one was published more widely. some of these networks, like tik tok , are not under the influence of the united states, that's why they want the american government to shut them down. the message reaches the audience more easily, something that we should have done 9 years ago and 10 years ago, because there at that time, we realized that in the field of communication with this type of professors, this type of students are not very open to us, we do not have a special relationship with these institutions that should work in this field, almost ladies. images are being seen in the islamic republic that everyone is surprised that you are in the best university in america. enough is enough. the slogan is violated
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. and beyond, beyond the american university , people who work in this international field should do what they should do when they understand that such a capacity exists and pay attention to this existing capacity. if you are indifferent to it, that is. the intellectual leadership they need now, because these intellectual leaders have imprisoned many of them right now and the organizations that founded this. these are the movements to close these in many of these universities. if you are in this area now, considering the capacity that is already there, we would have discussed these issues in these meetings in tehran. the first report i made about i wrote about the student movement in december of last year, a few months before these new movements, if our audience had a reformist mood that
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did not communicate at all, our friends are a bit more revolutionary. for this reason, in my opinion, this movement that exists now , at least what we should do is to find these professors who were arrested here and there , but there is no database that shows that these people who are paying fees are being fired after 20 years of teaching. after the next 30 years of teaching, when the professor is finished, will he be fired? why are they doing this ? we have to find out. the students who this is happening to are elite students who are being expelled. we have to find out who they are. now, what should be done with these? these are other stories that should be paid attention to , but the capacity is high and it is not just the issue of palestine, that is, if we find a more serious problem with america, the same people will go to
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the same universities to protest. they make a new problem for the american policy against iran. an important step has been taken. both thanks are accompanied by thanks and give a line of thought. the keywords used are special keywords for the audience who is now a young american with an awakened conscience and is walking on a path


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