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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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they don't actually have multiple accounts with the banks, well, since the single account was created , they said that all the devices should receive all their payments through one account with the central bank so that it is clear how much their inputs are and what their outputs are. there is an amount and we should have transparency in the financial functioning of the devices and these are monitoring. well, it helped a lot so that in fact, government agencies can find better discipline and financial transparency , better control the accounts on them, and make a better entry to the court of accounts. now i think that the major part the devices happened to them, except the devices that have a special license for special reasons. as far as i know, some of the devices of the ministry of oil have licenses from the relevant authorities. that
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they have a certain number of accounts, in fact, they have other accounts to support , should their main accounts be the same or not, they can also be connected, yes, these can be transferred at the stage of these, but according to the needs that there is, especially what is related to the sanctions and external conditions, there is the requirement that a number of accounts are still allowed. be out of the unit account. also, the university of medical sciences , according to the type of activity they perform , they mainly have several accounts with different banks, of course, these must be transferred to the account of the treasury unit at the same time , that is, with with this explanation, you can say that a very good percentage of this happened is very limited, those that are left now are special cases with permission.
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so, with this supplementary explanation, your excellency, we have to say that all the connections are finished, they are not going to be connected anymore, and now we can check every day. for example, in the ministry of roads and urban development , how much balance is there in the total accounts of each of their companies and their subsidiaries, as well as all other devices, that is , we have this monitoring capability now, i can tell you right now that what is the total account balance of all our government agencies and what was the use of deposited resources ? let's pay immediately, but now at that point and in that. actually, our receiving account
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does not have enough money, we can do this from other balances, pay and actually return this with a short schedule . it has caused that in the last 3 years, the government, that is, the central bank, the treasury and the organization of the program, are in trouble. we have practically stopped these things from the central bank, and this tool has made the work of the government very smooth. now you can clearly say where these deposited resources were used. wheat farmers or, for example, yes projects , a part of the wheat farmers' demands we received last year, which is lacking. we had resources from these
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centralized accounts and we moved the accounts. well , you are sure. our resources are realized throughout the year. our payments, especially for wheat , must be made in 3 months, so we have to move the accounts in an orderly manner. let's make sure that our short-term obligations are fulfilled at the same time in a few months. we can do this again, the next step is to pay the final zinef from the account of the execution unit. yes, one of the actions we take in managing a financial fabric of the government we have to implement it. payment to zainaf is final . paying for the ultimate benefit means that instead of paying the money , it will be written in the account of a device. it will remain there until a beneficiary is found and that device will pay zainaf . we transfer the account of the device to we actually provide a credit statement. as an example, let me give you an example
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. let's assume that now we are charging your account with 200 billion tomans, but this 200 billion tomans may not actually be a cash flow, it's just a credit when you spend it, you want a contractor. pay or make a special payment , you declare and at that time the payment is actually made to zainaf, the main payment cannot be made to the machine, the main payment is made to zainaf , the only benefit is that zain afan's demands are paid or donated on time, that is, we know exactly the agency should tell us that the amount you have seen will be given to these people, because this is actually a special issue and therefore it
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will prevent any deviation in the expenses. the list and the list of their salary earners they declare their salaries in a database in an information file to the treasury directly from the accounts they have with the central bank. those information files that the devices provide, the treasury controls these files so that we know whether. the program organization controls whether these salary calculations are done correctly or not. therefore, two stages of control are being carried out now. when these controls are done, actually in one moment in one hour all payments to government employees are made.
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this year, the same thing has happened to government or construction purchases, which means that it is almost final. we have taken another step in menandi's goal . he gives the recipients to the treasury or to the targeted organization of the subsidies . the targeted organization of the subsidies also pays this directly to them. now our next step is to do the same thing in the construction projects. providing a platform for payments to the beneficiaries of construction projects. and we hope that we will be able to start implementing the final zainbat payment, that is , your plan has not yet been implemented, the infrastructure has been provided, the software and these have been done , and preliminary tests have been carried out before this , there
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is an obstacle in the other cases that you explained, not now. there is no longer any obstacle for us to do this. in fact, i think that our colleagues in the program organization and in the treasury have to advance these things step by step with devices that are more ready and willing. for example, by the end of the first six months, you can say that this issue has been finalized and the construction plans are on the same track. now, i may not be able to tell you the exact time, but why is there an obstacle ? if it happens, it means that all our devices must be ready for this work. all of this will not go back to the treasury, but each and every device must be ready for this. the devices must be accompanied and the same for government purchases. yes , all the cases are no. i mean, it 's on the way, or maybe it's about time it is also on the way to completion, but it is simpler because government procurement is actually
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done in a centralized system, and in fact , doing government procurement in that system, which is the so-called master system, facilitates this work , thank you very much. but one of the important issues or should we say important measures that were taken in the government of ayatollah shahid raisi was the completion of half - finished construction projects. the old construction projects have been completed as part of the government's policy in the last 3 years it was the explanation of the credits, especially the allocations , as well as the regulation. at the time of the budget bill, in such a way that the plans to terminate them are put into operation as a priority, and fortunately , i think that more than 300 thousand billion tomans
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were allocated only for the approval of mr. president's travel in the form of approvals for travel. it makes a billion tomans. for the whole trip or not only the half-finished construction projects that were approved during the trip , so it was possible that the construction projects that were started during the trip were either progressing slowly or stopped due to the reasons, it was decided that in a period of time for resources to be provided and these
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to be exploited, less new plans were created in the trip, but it was a prioritization over the plans that had been started in the past and a long time had passed and a final result would be reached. yes, do you have a number? please tell me the percentage, for example . yes, i think that the number of plans and projects last year, because when we say plan , a plan itself may include 50 projects, and therefore the number of projects that were put into operation last year was over a thousand. it was a project, how much is left of this half-finished and the old ones are very, very many many of us, in fact, one of our problems in the budgeting system is many half-finished plans that are written on top of each other. now, the actual number of this project and the amount of credits that are required to complete it are uncertain amounts
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, for example, if we allocate 10 years of our budget for our construction budgets, we may be able to complete these, but we cannot the capacity of the private sector was used. one of the initiatives is that we implement government projects in a cooperative manner . because government plans are mostly not very attractive financially and the transportation flow that it creates it is slow and does not provide a suitable return for the investor. some of these projects are not well received. for example, the road construction project is well received because of tolls , etc. now
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, the investors who used to be mainly banks and come to invest in road projects , their motivations have also decreased, we have less cooperative projects in the road sector compared to the past, for example, in the 70s and 80s, and therefore we have to accept that if there is a part of jealousy invest in construction projects. however, because the view is usually supportive of the people in the government, and therefore they want to make decisions easily in the body. the government that increases the definitions and increases the fees
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will face some obstacles and this will make the private sector not very motivated to enter into construction projects and another point in this regard is that the most important national projects with this view and this approach that you explained , what are the plans to be completed and opened? yes, we will inform our colleagues about the titles of these plans. all areas, for example, in the rail area, in the large road area. university buildings, culture, greenhouses, in all of these, a significant number of yes , these have been exploited . a hospital was started more than 15 years ago. we
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worked hard. it has been completed in this period. for example , i had success last year in yes . i think it was one month or two months ago. i said that the year 2008 has started so people are now benefiting from this hospital. after 14-15 years or for example , let's assume that a road was opened in kokd vir ahmad province from patawa to dehdasht, it started 30 years ago . and now it has been put into operation, or a dam was completely stopped 30 years ago, which means that it is a lot of trickle-down work, and it is assumed that 5 kilometers will be done every year, and therefore, until the entire road is completed , it cannot be used, and it will have other consequences. it was in this situation. yes, it becomes a profession . this plan is a half-baked plan, usually
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due to warming and cooling and climate changes. and etc. etc. and this is usually damaged. a generation itself is 30 years old. alright , let's see another report. we will come back. god willing , i will continue talking with you. get this money as soon as possible so that we can pay off our debts. i expect 9 months of hard work. we pulled and got our money as soon as possible. the wheat harvest in the tropical regions started in early april and according to the statistics , 1 million 600 tons of wheat were delivered to the silos until one week before the end of may. hemat paid to the account of farmers from approximately 28 hemats the value of this theme is 1 million 600 thousand. purchase
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and payment of farmers' claims in previous years by jtc or the same company. iran's state-owned commercial specialized mother used to do this, but this year the method of payment has changed, even jtc will not pay this year. this year, it was decided that the targeted organization would pay directly , but the targeted organization says that it has a little problem in providing resources. he is going to do this in due course and pay when they tie the payment of the purchased wheat to the targeting organization of the helpers. this problem arises because there is a there is no stable and predictable income that can pay the wheat farmer on time . according to note 2 b clause 1 of the decree of the pricing council of basic agricultural products , iran's state-owned mother takhsa trading company, the central organization of rural cooperatives of iran, farmers are required
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to pay the price of working wheat within 24 hours from the time of delivery. the ministry is not happy that 24 hours will be 25 hours for the goods purchased by the iranian government trading company. this money should be collected by a targeted organization and put into the farmer's account. finally, our pressure has reached this point. when we say in the media that we want help , according to the statistics of the ministry of agricultural jihad, more than 50% of the wheat in the tropical regions has been harvested, which is the amount.
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how much is it in the target table for the guaranteed purchase of basic agricultural products? which was announced by the honorable president of the parliament the budget tables , our forecast was that this year we will buy something like 10 million ten and a half million tons of wheat , the guaranteed purchase price this year has been set at 17,500 tomans per kilogram, so we calculated this there is something like 180. 190 thousand a billion tomans should be spent on buying wheat, only for wheat, how about the collection of products? yes, what is the guaranteed purchase of wheat, the way it is done, in fact , it is the guaranteed purchase of wheat, the rest of the agricultural products have a guaranteed price, in other words, a collection in the ministry
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of agricultural jihad regarding some items. importantly, they declare a guaranteed price. it means that the farmer is responsible for the purchase of wheat. the purchase of the wheat is only done for wheat, but there is a guaranteed price for the rest of the goods. so, how much has been purchased? this initiative that has been implemented last year and an increase this year the government has predicted a good price for buying wheat to encourage farmers to produce more wheat and wheat self-sufficiency. from the point of view of the government or the farmers , yes, the farmers welcome , last year about ten and a half million tons of farmers actually produced our wheat in the previous years. we used to import a significant amount of 3 to 4 billion dollars to import wheat, and now it is almost less than 1
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billion dollars, and it is only for the strategic reserve , if necessary, the import is done with a guaranteed purchase policy and with price determination. that for this is an attractive farmer. the report said that in the first two months of the year, the amount of purchases made is about 2 million tons , but the important thing is to multiply by the same 17,500 tomans , for example, i paid. you see, the purchases started almost from the middle of april, so those who are gradually delivering
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these should receive their demands. the important thing is that we have to anticipate a mechanism because our targeted resources will be realized throughout the year. but the farmer can't wait until the end of the year or in 6 months to pay us, we have to provide now, the law is 24 hours. but this is not the legal obligation, because this kind of thing cannot happen in 24 hours. now, whatever ali is, whatever is the law is what is important. it is that we have to provide and implement a mechanism so that the farmers can receive their demands in a short period of time, and now they are demotivated, they may not participate in the plan and
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it will not actually happen, or for example , it will take a few months as you mentioned. discouragement will arise. i said that we could not look for the mechanism now. it was already designed. for example , in the previous section, we talked about the single account. we did, this could not happen. there should be a mechanism that suppose that now it is not 24 hours, as i said, it is 24 hours until the law is reviewed, but a limited time, for example, a maximum of a week , has limitations. now, we do not want to enter into an expert discussion here. one of its limitations is the use of article 125 for the budget. it is used in general, not for targeting the subsidies, we have to get a special license legally to be able to use it here , now this is one of those processes that the organization.
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i think that in the first days of next week , there will be some good openings for the rest it is paid, we can update a part of these demands, this flow continues , it means that everyone sells their wheat, we have to arrange that within an acceptable time frame , we can do whatever is determined in the law or in the constitution. looking back to next week, as you mentioned, at the beginning of the week, we have saturday and sunday , and the two days in between are closed, so the farmers have the hope that they will be able to receive their demands. and what is
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left behind, yes, we can almost say to finally, there will be no more demands , it will be updated or we will move towards updating, god willing , next week i told you that the resources are equipped, these are being worked on, god willing, our friends on saturday from the beginning of the week , but usually at the beginning of each year, resources are provided in one the first two months of the year
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are usually less than the other months, because the first half of the year is closed, it usually takes the first 15 days of the year for the resource equipping devices to start working and the resources to be received, and these are done with a delay, but of course the government considers its own debt as a privileged debt and uses all its capacity to do so we have less than two minutes, about one and a half minutes to hear saliu's final points and conclusion. my final point is that all the efforts of the government and our colleagues in the government are to be able to satisfy our dear compatriots. let's provide more reason, see the ranking law in education was proposed to be done for more than 10 years, but finally this government implemented the ranking in the first year
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. it costs up to 50,000 billion tomans per year, or the related issue of adjusting pensioners' salaries is another one of them. there are important measures that fortunately have been foreseen in this year's budget law and now our colleagues are preparing considering that the budget tables have been announced in the past few days, the rulings related to the pensioners in the government funds. we hope that in the coming days we will actually see the amendment of the decrees of dear pensioners . thank you very much, mr. dr. manzoor, head of the program and budget organization. thank you for your attention , dear viewers, with this program. first of all , god bless you.
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5:00 am
good morning viewers. dear viewer , you are watching the 5 o'clock news from khabar network. the official commemoration ceremony of martyrs ayatollah raisi and dr. amir abdullahian was held at the united nations general assembly. in this ceremony, the members of the international community paid their respects to the martyred iranian president and foreign minister and renewed their role in strengthening international peace and security.


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