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tv   [untitled]    June 2, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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and today we are going to offer you 60% of your educational resources for free. just by sending the number 5 to the sms system 3008 55, you will receive 60% of your educational resources completely free. get 60% of gilna publications as a gift right now by sending five to 3085. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , the secretary general of hezbollah emphasized the need to work hard to quickly destroy the zionist regime, which is the source of all the problems and calamities .
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it is the first time that the resistance front has expanded and the students of american and western universities against crime the israelis have demanded. we are witnessing the same widespread human and moral position at the global level. sad hassan nasrallah considered the destruction of israel as a cancerous tumor to be everyone's responsibility. he said: israel's defeat in this battle will have strategic gains for the entire region, and anyone who can must be part of the gaza battle. club secretary
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give up his own religion, take those commonalities , put aside the differences. the ceremony honoring the martyred president and his companions started with a memory. he came towards us from behind his desk. all five representatives who were together all kissed. and up to us we didn't sit, they didn't sit. we had 15 minutes.
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they gave us 35 minutes to tell the person in charge of his office in this room, in front of these dear ones, they said unity of ethnicities and religions, which the martyred president likened to our rainbow. when is our rainbow beautiful? whether it is red on this side of the sky and yellow on that side of the sky or they are next to each other, this rainbow is beautiful when they are together. they told the president that his slogans are followed by action. he expressed this same commitment to fulfill that promise that giving a part of their existence can be understood, i was just not fluent in the language during my provincial trips. i used to get tired, but i was surprised that he didn't get tired , he didn't know fatigue, and he was tired of being tired . in the province and even in the regions where
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it was forbidden to have a chief of the holy defense commanders who attacked the enemy in advance . and more than all the forces endured the hardships and the martyred president who made the duties of the future president heavier. every president who comes should not forget the people, because he comes with the people's vote, with the people's trust and with the people's belief this position is due to the same spirit of commitment , the same tireless spirit that they have , the same spirit that they have wherever they go. being a worthy representative of the islamic republic of iran. our president was martyred. let's do something so that their line and their way will not be martyred. zahra hosseini sarasht, sed and sima news agency. during the past fourteen years, iran has been able
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to reduce the number of deaths of pregnant mothers to less than 20 per 100,000 live births. special medical infrastructure in the field of mother and child is one of the requirements of iran's success in the world. in the context of maternal mortality she was pregnant. today, with the opening of the mother and child hospital in iranshahr, the number of special beds for child care has reached more than 17 thousand, which has more than doubled in the past two and a half years. according to the announcement of the world health organization, iran is a leading example in the field of health and health in the eastern mediterranean region, which during recent years has played an important role in improving maternal and child health indicators and
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mother and child education in underprivileged areas in the past year, 25 % of statistics infant mortality decreased in zahedan and this city was recognized by unicef as one of the world's successful model cities. baby care was introduced to the world. in 1953 , the infant mortality rate per thousand births, this is the most important indicator, we were 32 per thousand live births, 95 96. now
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the statistics in the world are over 20 deaths per live birth, per hundred thousand births, 100 thousand births, 200 deaths. the world has planned several times to bring this number to 70. for example, they once designed the millennium development plan that all countries should help to bring this number to 70 by 2016. in our country, there are now 20 deaths per 100,000 births stay with us.
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the hand of the first page, the line of sacrifice is over there on the other side of the fence , see the joy of meeting is there, you are sitting, sit on the first page, stand up for justice, what is left on your shoulders, the burden of trust, stand up, the first line, the first line, the first line, the line of service, the line of humanity is your stronghold. this is the table and there is hope for you. on the other side of the table
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, there is a martyr in your eyes. in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful . greetings and respect to you , dear and respected viewers and companions of the khabar channel. i hope you are well, my dear compatriots. thank you for watching the khabar channel. in today's program, we are going to talk about the latest situation in the production of basic agricultural products the beginning of the agricultural year, which started in october last year , achieving self-sufficiency in the production of 5 strategic crops , wheat, rice, barley, cotton and sugar , was mentioned as one of the main priorities of the ministry of agricultural jihad, and the issue of self-sufficiency and domestic production of basic products is also among the priorities of president shahid mun. in
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today's program, for the second time, we are honored to be in the service of the honorable deputy minister of agriculture affairs of the ministry of agricultural jihad, to discuss the latest production status of these strategic products and other agricultural products, as well as the support that should be provided to farmers in order to reach the set goals, mr. dr. wide hello and respect. you are very welcome. i also offer my greetings to your excellency, colleagues, and the martyrdom of the president, the minister of foreign affairs , the imam of the tabriz community, the governor of east azerbaijan province, and the flight crew and bodyguards to the honorable family. shun and all the honorable people of iran, i offer my condolences. we are at your service . peace be upon you, may your soul be blessed and may your journey be blessed. mr.
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alireza mohajer, deputy minister of agriculture, ministry of agricultural jihad, mr. dr. let's start with the crop season . it has been about 8 years and 8 months since the start of the crop season. and we are at a point where time actually took there are many products
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, and i would like to tell you that the products that are considered as the strength products of our people, such as rice and beans , and products that are called it is secondary, for example, for livestock and poultry, everything in this area should be provided and available to the honorable people of iran. well , there are farmers who produce almost all these products. it does not produce directly, but it is a producer with the participation of the people. mr.
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doctor, you gave a brief explanation about the production of basic products. now let's go to the product. let's talk about the product. if you agree , let's start with wheat. please let us know the status of wheat production and purchase until today . we started with the purchase of 4.5 million tons of wheat, and with the planning that was done, the hard work of the farmers and the grace of god , which included the iranian nation, in 1401 , our purchase amount reached 7.5 million tons. in 1402
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, we reached 10.5 million tons. million tons, so self-sufficiency in bread wheat has been achieved. and the whole need of our society wheat should be provided inside the country, god willing, this will be achieved. god helped the farmers as well . we had a 3-year plan to achieve self-sufficiency. well, alhamdulillah, it has been achieved. i have a place for all the dear farmers who put in this effort and this production is successful. well, i would like to thank them . in order to reach this issue , i have to tell you a few parameters. one of them was about nutrition . well, nutrition was very important and
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it was placed on the agenda of the ministry of agriculture, because if we do not pay attention to nutrition, according to more than 70% of our lands are small lands of farmers we are subsistence farmers , they cannot provide fertilizer, and the government should provide for them so that they can use it on time. well, the government , despite all the difficulties it had, has the right fertilizers, fertilizers, and pesticides. it was procured and provided to the farmers at a very reasonable price, yes, and because if we don't pay attention to these farmers, they will not be able to provide this, considering that 70% of the land is in the hands of this, so as a result, 70% of our production will be damaged.
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that's why we can easily get 7-8 tons of wheat per hectare. and that's it because we are looking to improve these lands so that our average production will increase in the irrigated lands and we will reach self-sufficiency from these lands . we do it with the executive headquarters of farman hazrat. imam, well, it was a very good help because most of our dry land farmers are poor farmers and they have less resources and less blessings, so with the help of the executive headquarters and the ministry of agricultural jihad
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, we covered nearly 500 thousand rain land farmers. . and in in addition to that , we employed several thousands of agricultural engineers , we use the colleagues of the ministry of agriculture in this double field, and through this headquarters and the ministry of home affairs , we provided excellent food facilities, extension training, and good farm conditions. fortunately , this leap in production is happening in the real sense, because on the one hand, we have 500,000 farmers participating in this project, and we have several thousand agricultural experts participating in this project, and the leap is also happening , which is the slogan of the year that the military officials want
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, god willing. it will come true, god willing, mr. doctor, but until here the story is all positive and good, but now our farmers have herds whose demands have not been paid anyway. for example , we have paid our wheat for 2 months now, but we still haven't received the money. what action did you take to pay on time? as i read , it was like this that in the price setting council, and now it was explained that the adoption of support policies , if the farmer came, mr. we have to pay the money within 24 hours, mr. manzoor said on thursday that as it was in the news , the payments will be made early this week, but today in the news conference. again, in two days , please clarify the duties of these farmers . thank you. first of all, on behalf of the ministry of agriculture
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, i apologize to the farmers because we promised to pay their money on time for the reasons i will state. this matter did not materialize, so we have a discussion. we are serious in the country , i will tell you the reason, we are having a serious discussion. at the beginning of our government, the price of wheat was below 5 thousand tomans. well, in this government, we were able to raise the price of wheat from about 4 thousand tomans to 17,500 tomans. we have we are you, and in these years we have not increased the price of flour, so to speak, the public opinion is that these subsidies all belong to wheat
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, if these subsidies are given to flour , because flour is 600 tomans, 700 tomans, 800 tomans. it has not changed in these four or five years, so the gap between the price of flour and the price of wheat is increasing every day , so that now we have left, but the price of flour has remained the same number , so the system should think about this issue that this gap between flour and wheat is
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it should be covered in such a way that it is not considered that this money given is for the grain of the ministry of jihad as a trustee if you have any suggestion in this regard, yes , let me tell you. well, we were looking to separate the guild and industry from the bread, at least it will come. he should procure his wheat freely. second, in 1400, we imported about 7 million tons of wheat into the country. just look at the budget for last year, 4 billion dollars were allocated to import wheat , which, thank god, increased production to 60. 700 million dollars decreased and this year it is not needed at all. we don't have to import, so if we can convert the same money we allocate for importing wheat into rials if we make farmers, we will definitely not have any problems
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. this is the first proposal of the ministry of agriculture . the second proposal is that we have been at your service since today. we are harvesting barley , we are harvesting rapeseed oilseeds , we are harvesting camellia oilseeds, we are harvesting many products now, we are planting, for example , we are planting corn , we are now planting many ambassador vegetable products, we are planting sunflowers, we are planting we are planting soybeans, which means at the same time we are harvesting a series of products , we are planting rice, we are showing them, so this will continue until the end of july, so in this situation, we should be able to manage all of this so to speak, nothing should be missing, the fertilizer is low
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now, mr. doctor, a question arises here, people say, sir, why is the government giving the money it is now giving to import wheat, why is it not giving the same money to farmers now? well, that's all , anyway, yes, i said the same thing now, in the situation we are in, by the way , we had a meeting today, so i will quote. from mr fortunately, he said to sit down now and come up with a plan so that next year the wheat price won't be a problem for payment like it is now, so this is the last news i have. tell the farmer clearly, sir, in how many days will it be paid? i can say that it won't take more than a week for the farmer's money, god willing, within a week . my payment right now, the demands
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of the farmers who are harvesting the so-called rapeseed are now being paid, as well as the payment for wheat is it possible for us to solve this problem with the help of the government and the circumstances that are happening, god willing , so let's skip wheat and go for rice, another product that the minister of jihad agriculture emphasized in many ways as one of the goals of self-sufficiency. and our martyred president, in this last trip to mazandaran , they emphasized on that, but before that, let us see a report for the viewers to come back , continue the conversation, we have been in service for 10 months. we don't have any other income, we hope everyone farmers
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produced 960,000 tons of white rice in mazandaran with the same rice last year with a 20% increase in the yield of mazara. mazandaran agricultural jihad had announced to the ministry of home affairs to the government, yes , we estimate from the beginning before the harvesting begins, but what happened was the government import of 400,000 tons of rice alongside the private sector. it happened, it certainly had an impact , the work of farmers became more difficult, and the radio and television followed this. the organization came to rely on about 600 tons of rice from azadeh farmers on the use of highly responsible cultivars of neda shiroudi and bought 600 tons equal to there was very little preparation to take the amount of production. we said yes, sir, we will buy the rice at the lowest price, the lowest price. we did not accept. the planting season has increased with the production cost
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. in the meeting, mr. agriculture minister , two governors of our northern provinces are also present in the meeting , the chain of planting, growing, and harvesting is in the process of explaining the whole chain, which can be fully studied and controlled so that this rice can reach the consumer. and these brokers, we will continue to follow this issue, zainab nejati of mazandaran radio and television news agency well , doctor, we saw and
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heard part of the speech of the martyred president in connection with the discussion. and now that you have reached this point, if you agree , let's make a short section about our martyred president's view on the issues of self-sufficiency in agriculture, support for farmers. let's make our president martyr, then let's go to the issue of dahanj. yes, i will tell you that i had this honor. also, in the service of the president during his provincial visit to mazandaran province and on friday, when this unfortunate incident happened 48 hours later, we had a meeting in the presence of him, the honorable minister, and one of the ministers of the honorable head of the management and planning organization, and they gave us some instructions that
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we could let's solve the problem of reducing the price of rice and buying rice . i remember the first time we came to his service in the so-called year 140 and i think it was 1. i gave them a report on the progress of wheat production, and they said that wheat is very important for us, so look for it because both the supreme leader and hazrat rehmatullah, may god's mercy be upon them, wished that let us be self-sufficient in wheat. then he said one sentence to my servant: "go and keep the people hopeful and work more . we also had a so-called meeting in the ministry of agriculture because you said cotton . there we made a report. of the situation.


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