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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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sombra para cá ó sombra chegavam aqui ela produz muito proprio. we arrived at 5 o'clock in the morning, dear compatriots , exploitation of three sides in the field of gas and 28 sides in the field of water and electricity in sistan baluchistan province, according to the minister of energy, 20 thousand billion tomans have been invested in water and electricity in this province, the amount of rainfall in the province sistan. the province
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has an average of 100 milliliters, which means that this province is in the category of low rainfall, therefore, water management and bringing drinking water to this area requires jihad work. more than 100 the water transfer well from abkhan east is in another area next to zahedan. we also have a long-term plan within the framework of the water transfer law. it is from the oman sea for sistan baluchistan province, which our legislator has obliged, and we have it on the agenda. 10,000 cubic meters of drinking water is supplied through zahedan offshore fresh water. collection systems from the pipes from the electricity supply , the pumping station of a hundred blind cities, water supply to the city of hidoj and the rural water supply of 75 villages in this journey of water. it hydrates. not only
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the water reached zahedan and sistan, but also from the north to the south and from east to west of this province benefit from gas. we had the opening of iran pipeline in chabahar city. the implementation value of this project. it was 420 million dollars. with the arrival of natural gas to only one chabahar power plant, about two and a half million liters of oil and gas per day will be reduced in consumption, and this means we removed bazoil between 70 and 80 cents from the energy basket of that region and replaced gas, which is part of the economic status of our country, with a value of 20 to 30 cents per cubic meter. the rate of return on investment of this project will be less than one year only from fuel saving in chabahar power plant. another one of the goals of energy supply in this province are the nationwide connection of gas lines from the east to it is in the north-east of the country to
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complete the eastern ring road, which we have gasified for 90 km, 50 million dollars have been spent so far, and our prediction is that, god willing , within the next two months, we will be able to cover 176 km, which is the first part of the completion of the country's eastern ring road, to the community. and we present it to the gas network of the country, the work continues in this province, rena zarbanian of sed and sima news agency. as the time of holding the 14th presidential election is approaching , the movement of foreign media to discourage more people participate in the elections. our reporter went to the people to ask their opinion about this. trying to dissuade people from participating in the elections, the regular news line of daneh media, except for boycotting the elections
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, there is no political photo today in the current political situation of iran, ms. broman , what is it now in front of such a government that once again started a ceremony called the election you should have a short position. in my opinion, you should not participate in the elections. why are the enemies trying to reduce people's participation in the elections? the whole problem is that they want to change our leadership. that they can rob us, iran is almost becoming an independent country. well, it is moving forward against oppression, its progress has been excellent in the field of technology industry , it has been excellent, but the reasons of people to participate in the world elections show that the vote we cast, we voted for this system, first and then for our president, every iranian, every compatriot, should be happy. his country will burn. every person should
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take a step for his country. the country is now in a situation where it needs progress both internationally and domestically. declare the revolution and vote once more so that the threats that are directed at our country will be nullified and people's expectations from the future president must be true to what religion, sharia and law says should be done, put experts to work he should know the pain of the society, be a man of action, not all of them want to make a slogan, and then they should first of all be truly muslim, truly religious and truly serve iran and iranians , think about the people, solve the people's economic problems , think about the livelihood of the people, be a representative of the nation. be that you make decisions on their behalf and this decision giri needs wisdom and pragmatism
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, most importantly, he must be a people person, the president must work without discrimination, the president must be brave, the president must always be on the scene, the president must seek the rights of the people and the poor. nasser ashkariz of the radio and television news agency. according to the head of the administrative and employment organization, 3% of the labor force recruitment quota of the executive bodies has been allocated to people with disabilities, and this 3 % quota this year, taking into account the commitments of the previous years. will be the first employment test to attract more than 4,000 people with disabilities , it was held this morning. i was majoring in public administration and now
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i have participated in the financial affairs expert. it is true that they may have limitations in one area, but they have capabilities in other areas. in education , we will attract the most teachers , about 3 thousand people, especially in exceptional schools, which has been a successful experience. these loved ones use we did. those who passed this test will be employed in 49 institutions and in 91 different fields. what is important is that during the last 9 years , about 5,500 people should have been recruited. in these 9 years , our statistics show that 1,600 people were recruited into the institutions by the order of the president himself , ayatollah raisi , who paid serious attention to people with disabilities. this test was held, god willing , out of these 12,800 people , about 4,300 participated. in 46 agencies of the ministry of foreign affairs
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, ministry of oil, welfare organization, banks, institutions and various collections, god willing, wealthy people can our disability is attracted and the subject of expulsion. socially , disability is not a limitation, but our sisters and brothers that we see today have many capabilities. this exam was held in cooperation with behsi jihad academic organization based on the needs and capabilities of people with disabilities. my daughter has a master's degree in international law and is blind. this is the first time she participated in the disabled people's exam. the test is very good, which means it is very good for everyone because take the trouble to study and serve them. yazidi installation of sed and sima news agency. researchers have devised a headgear that focuses on brain waves it helps the person to sleep better. according to the website
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, this device connects to a mobile phone and the user can get details about sleep patterns, duration, efficiency. it captures the time to fall asleep in each stage of sleep as well as the movements during the night. thank you for your company.
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in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, i would like to say hello to the audience of the khabar channel. we are pleased to be able to present this special news interview to you tonight, considering the upcoming presidential election on the 8th of july and the statements made by the supreme leader of the revolution recently on the anniversary of his majesty's death. imam khomeini, may god's mercy be upon him, said in a special news interview tonight, while explaining the statements of his holiness
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about holding elections in line with the islamic revolution, we will discuss what characteristics and indicators these elections can have , and then about the people who registered. as candidates for the presidential election and of course other issues including the symmetry of the parliament's activity. and how much can the government create opportunities for each other in the new period, and as far as time allows us , we will talk about these topics in the presence of mr. dr. haddad. adel, a well-known political figure and former chairman of the islamic council, i greet you very welcome, mr. doctor, i am at your service and dear viewers of the khabar network. if you agree, first of all,
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let's see a part of the leadership's statements together and we will come back and talk about these statements with your excellency. the election that is ahead of us is a big deal. this election is a successful phenomenon. this election, which is in front of us, if, god willing , it will be held with good and grandeur, it will be a great achievement for the iranian nation after this tragic incident. above, elect the next official. this
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is a wonderful reflection in the world, so this election is very important. our iran , in order for the iranian nation to be able to maintain its interests in complex international equations and stabilize its strategic depth and natural and human capacities and talents.
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it needs a active, prolific, knowledgeable president who believes in the fundamentals of the revolution. well, very well, mr. doctor , what characteristics do you think an election that wants to be at the level of the islamic revolution should have? the first feature of elections is that they should be free, that is , people should be able to vote for whoever they want. this is the achievement of the revolution for the iranian nation.
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many of today's youths do not know that when we were young , we never thought of going to vote in the elections because we knew that the elections were not free. we knew that there is no democracy in iran and everything is predetermined it used to be that in the assembly elections, we had mostly only the assembly elections, no one participated in the elections. however , some people who conduct themselves bring a show of elections after the elections at the level of the islamic revolution. the first is the freedom of elections, and we see that within the framework of the constitution, some people go freely
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and volunteer . it is announced that they talk freely, they criticize each other's thoughts , they see my people on the radio and television, they vote, and the health of my election is one of the conditions of the election, which is at the level of the islamic revolution, which we have never seen before in elections. in fact, we did not have organized fraud. in the case that someone or some people may have committed a wrongdoing in a fund, but it was not possible to force a person on the people by cheating in the elections in an organized manner.
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others secretly said that it was not really rigged. this is one of the characteristics of the elections in the islamic republic. now , the leadership once again at the beginning of this year, in the beginning of 1402 , mentioned four conditions for the elections: one is health, the third is security, participation. the fourth competition, well, this includes elections in my opinion, these are the features of the presidential election that we are facing on the 8th of july. now that the leadership is pointing out that in the complex international equations
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, this election can be very useful for protecting our own interests and maintaining that strategic depth in the world. if it is effective , what effect does it really have, that is, where does it take place? once , i came to talk about the parliamentary elections through this news network, and i said that elections in any country are an opportunity, a situation where the nation feels its own nationhood and more importantly , it proves its nationhood, that is, to boast. it kills others. elections are a political action on
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a national scale, which means it is a matter for the whole nation. look at the people involved in this presidential election with him , from the most impoverished villages to the biggest cities, men and women, old and young, workers, soldiers, soldiers, soldiers, and everyone, minorities , all as iranian citizens, holders of iranian birth certificates, all they participate in this action. this is an opportunity for a nation to feel its existence, its identity as a nation. this is a point. another thing is that this revolution was a people's revolution from the beginning
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and it was won with the presence of the people. reached by the presence of people it has also been maintained that we went through difficult times like the war in the presence of the people, that is , the presence of the people in the fronts, the presence of the mobilization that was made up of the people , the support of this defense became sacred, the people were there, and there is nothing like the presence of the people on the stage of the enemies of the revolution. . failure does not disappoint. many of them are afraid that people will appear in political scenes in this revolution. it is that they always try to discourage people from
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political action in different ways. and the glorious presence of the people with high participation also has an encouraging message for the people in the friends of the revolution. both inside and outside the world, especially in our region also has a message for the enemies of the revolution , that the iranian nation is still on the stage, these are the meanings of the achievements and benefits of the revolution, the benefits of the elections on a macro scale, now, of course, the election has many other details and subtleties , and they are also important in their own place. we are now in a situation where nearly 80 candidates for the presidential election have registered and
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are waiting for the guardian council to announce the definitive and final names. now we had more than the previous times yes, now we are shocked that with these arrangements and measures that have been adopted, the mass influx has disappeared, but we found an opportunity in this election , we visited some of our friends whom we had not seen for years, yes, and we are happy about that. we saw some people whom we hadn't visited for a long time. well, it's free and they must have made a calculation to see if
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they have the conditions to register and come, but this is not too worrying. after all, the guardian council also declared eligibility according to a set of criteria according to the constitution. and introduces people to people who according to a as a politician, these people have the ability and talent to become the president , so now i am asking how many of these 80 people will actually reach the final stage of this competition and participate in tv debates and other advertisements. and people will vote. now the point is that the leadership
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introduces several indicators, for example, they point out that it should be active , productive, knowledgeable, and believe in the principles of the revolution . our country is a bit of a choice original person it is difficult for the people, especially now that it is being held in an intensive period, how many people, for example, from the work records and performance of those who are nominated as candidates, are fully qualified to measure whether or not there are any of these indicators that have been mentioned. they have a track record, some of them may not have a track record that is strange to the current mind of the people, that is, many years ago, for example , having the responsibility, now people do not have a lot of evaluation of them. don't you think it makes the choice a little difficult? in general, this election is an unusual election. unpredicted and to
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we had to hold these elections in a compact way. therefore , there is no doubt that this election is different from the election of 1400 in terms of timing and many other aspects. and being aware of and believing in the principles of the revolution, these are, to some extent, a measure in the hands of the people.
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in any case, the country has been under the most severe economic sanctions for more than 10 years and these sanctions have created livelihood problems for the people. there are troubles, unemployment. there is a need for a president who, like martyr raisi, with his hard work , his activeness, and his awareness and familiarity with the basics of the revolution, can enter such a field. my people should see if these titles are examples of these
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concepts. we do not have a party in iran, but political currents. we have clear political currents and the people who finally reach the final stage belong to certain political currents. they refer to the solutions that each current has given to solve the country's problems and see which solutions
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have been useful or not . we will do it and we will not leave the negotiation table, but we will not tie the administration of the country to the outcome of the negotiations, and for the administration of the country, we rely on the capacity and strength of the nation and the country's facilities . the politics of the stream that mr. raisi belongs to, well, people can see which side for example, what theory does another current have against this theory, for example, theory. the next thing is
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to postpone everything, even the people's drinking water , to resolve the issue of sanctions and negotiations, and then , for example, to enter into negotiations , to do whatever we have promised, and not to do whatever the other party has promised, well, this is in the people's memory. and should be based on these political experiences. let's see who with what thinking can actually benefit the people in this election, and then where the leadership points to the economic and cultural holes, now the economic holes are counted by the people. i know, but perhaps the cultural holes that he mentioned have been less noticed . what do you think about this breach and our cultural holes that elections can solve
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? these cultural warnings of the leadership, which are nothing new, mean, sir, from the very first year of the leadership, warning of cultural invasion, even interpreting it as a night of cultural blood. it has become so much , emphasizing more on this jihad means that the issue of cultural gaps is not something that no one knows about. what is the problem and surely the future government should be for this, along with efforts to solve the economic problems


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