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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 7:00am-7:30am IRST

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[000:00:41;00] according to the law, today is the last day of the guardian council's initial five-day opportunity to review the qualifications of candidates for the presidential election in the final stages
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, and if necessary, this opportunity can be extended. the minimum use is to announce the results of the investigation and the names of the candidates as soon as possible . the cases of the individuals will be raised. i mean, not me i don't know if the person next to me is close to this candidate. his opinion, for example, whether or not it was confirmed is considered completely special, and it is announced that our basis has been the same since the past years, as long as i was in the council meeting, we do not have a party view, a faction view, a group view, basically we treat people regardless of their political affiliation. we check the person himself. naturally, if he is qualified, then the political groups can introduce him as their representative, so we
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are also responsible. as i said, there is a law, the discussions in the meeting are quite serious, as well as the intimacy of the opinion we express ourselves , we express our arguments, but we cannot enter into anyone's opinion, for example, your recommendation does not make sense. several health and treatment plans were put into operation in ardabil, including these plans, which were introduced during the visit of the minister of health to ardabil province. put into operation. it is the province that minimizes the waiting of patients to receive these services. also, the two projects of martyr ayatollah raisi's student dormitory and martyrs' cultural and educational center of ardabil university of medical sciences
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were put into operation with the presence of the minister of health and the officials of this province. june 31st the deadline for families to register electronically is the school service. this year, the municipalities organization has undertaken the registration of school service supervision. the lack of proper supervision is always the main concern of parents for using school services. about 17 million tomans are the cost of school service, which is the last year's level of families. from the rates of school services , the amount they charge for the school is up to 14, 16, which was not the reason, the service manager in the schools said that you should go there and bring your name. now from this year municipalities organization has taken over the service of schools from zero to 100. the registration of parents' request should be done on the platform of arti us 35 system, sms to
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parents. it will be sent and they will refer to the system again to conclude a contract with the authorized contractor companies and the process of completing their registration will be done, god willing. it is possible to change the school and home address in this system. we choose the number of days of the week we want to have service and choose whether the service is available. has your address changed? you enter the variable of the second address , the service information is successfully registered, the floor and ceiling of the service rate is determined by the council of each city , it depends on many variables, including the distance to be traveled , the traffic situation of the area, as well as
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the steep surfaces of the area and the increase. arbitrary rates on the part of the contractor and driver are illegal. after the approval that happened in the islamic council of each city and the payment that was made, the hudud system informs the parents about the fare. 100,000 drivers and 12,000 companies, including internet taxis , announced their arrival for school services. every company and every car and every driver outside the system , as a rule, the parents sign a contract with them, no legal framework has been followed for them, and the parents are responsible for the consequences of the issue. on june 31, the end of online registration for school services. 80 thousand families registered. this year, the school service contract is signed directly by the municipality with the families, and the schools do not have the right to contract with the families. amir sessin zarfaqari
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of the radio and television news agency. gaza is the subject of the meeting of foreign ministers on the 8th in istanbul. acting minister of foreign affairs of our country to turkey to participate in this meeting traveled to give a speech about the crimes of the zionist regime against the palestinians and how to help the people of the gaza strip. istanbul, turkey hosted the acting foreign minister of the islamic republic of iran and the foreign ministers of 7 developing islamic countries on december 8. dr. ali bagheri arrived in istanbul at the head of a delegation and is scheduled to speak at the meeting of the d8 organization, which is dedicated to the issue of palestine and gaza, and with foreign ministers. the member should meet and discuss the importance of the palestinian issue and the efforts of islamic countries to end the zionist genocidal crime, as well as
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help and support the oppressed people of palestine, especially the people. this meeting is actually dedicated to the issue of gaza. and the solutions that the 8 developing islamic countries can design and plan in this field to implement effective political aid to end the zionist installation and help the oppressed people of gaza. acting minister of foreign affairs of our country later emphasized the islamic republic of iran's entry into turkey. it plays an effective role in supporting the resistance movement and the palestinian people in this meeting. the islamic republic of iran in its active diplomacy to support the resistance
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of the oppressed palestinian people against occupation and aggression zionists will effectively participate in this meeting. islamic republic of iran, turkey, malaysia , bangladesh, indonesia, egypt, nigeria, etc. pakistan, eight islamic countries are members of the economic organization of developing countries, on december 8, when the heads of their diplomatic bodies meet on the issue of palestine and gaza. the meeting of the foreign ministers of the organization will be held on the 8th of june in the morning and in the evening of saturday, the 19th of june, in the delma baghche complex in istanbul. hamid kameni of the provincial airport news agency.
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the us president's announcement of aid. the president also apologized for the delay in signing this package and blamed the republicans two months ago, the us signed a $95 billion national security package, which included $61 billion in aid to ukraine in its war with russia . the heads of some countries of the world have gathered in normandy, france, on the 88th anniversary of the entry of the allies in world war ii. adolescent brain changes with internet addiction. a new study by university researchers in london shows that such a change in the brain of teenagers leads to behaviors. and it leads to more addictive tendencies. according to the medical express website, internet addiction is a person's inability to resist the urge to use defined from the internet. scientists believe that
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this situation has a negative impact on the mental health, as well as the social, academic and professional life of teenagers. the end of this news section, god bless. good morning, dear viewers, continue with the journalist's greetings. stay with us today. in this section , we will have a look at the event of rejuvenating iran that is scheduled today. to be held in tehran, hojjat
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-ul-islam hossein nazari, the secretary of this event , are the guests of this part of the program. hello, good morning, welcome . i am at the end of the day, greetings to you and dear viewers. what is iran is chasing the event of a problem and that is to create more synergy between the governing bodies involved in the issue of population in a sample farm format with the size of 60 cities, which means that we are clearly the target society in this event of this five-fold combination that imam friday, as the commander of the cultural camp and the cultural leader of the city, along with the honorable governor, along with the director of the advertising organization , along with the honorable official of the health network and the commander of the district army, god willing, together they can have a strong determination to develop a coherent plan regarding the issue of the city's population and deal with it. the issues their own city in this matter means. this combination
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that you mentioned, from different cities, we are at their service for about 60 cities, because we said that almost every province has two cities, this is how it was selected from this city, considering the various factors that we can, because we said that we are in the testing stage can we consider this method as a method later in its development or not , so based on coordination. the group that we were invited to serve with the goals of this event is the main indicator that we can serve them, of course, it is a reminder of the problem of our national crisis population, that is, in all the cities in the whole country are affected by this issue. we tried to keep this variety in mind. both the cities that are more involved in the issue of population and the cities that are prone to population growth should be included in this composition
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. objectives in continuous coaching that will be used in the event of continuous monitoring that will be included in the event . how will your monitoring program be implemented? see what we have in mind for the relative position of the river we got what i have mentioned in the title now, one is continuous coaching, in the sense that in the event itself, capable coaches in the issue of population , god willing, are focused on the city's activities, and we are on monday, which is all about teamwork from morning to night, the presence of cheshgavir. we will have professors and trainers, and after the training, the trainers will accompany them as needed and at the invitation of the cities to meet their needs . monitoring both through
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the event secretariat and the connection established with the national headquarters of the population, god willing, at appropriate intervals it is taken and continuously monitored, both with mr. imam juma and with the rest of the members that we serve, if there is a disturbance, it is monitored, and the field presence of the secretariat is also monitoring the activity in the city, and we compile and analyze the reports as a whole. and according to these analyses, god willing, we will monitor the activity of the city , we will have the service of the teachers of the workshops, we will also examine the main issues in the population field , we are at the service of our respected secretary, and god willing, this knowledge will be transferred to these 63 in the field of skills. planning and cultural ideation
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in this regard, the community will practice based on a special canvas designed in this space, god willing, the team will also receive a workshop in the field of reviewing existing statistics and mastering the analysis of existing statistics. in addition to the workshop, what other program will be followed in the event. these 3 days? you see , we have an axis under the title of memories of the dangers of each of these devices that we serve in this city with the senior representative of the device. they will have a special meeting and they will narrate their own issues, investigate them, and naturally, the machine will solve them with this recognition of the closeness it finds. their problems are success. apart from the workshop and other than that, we don't have any other side programs other than the main focus on the topic, that is, we put the principle of the work on the fact that in a synergistic atmosphere, these governing bodies of the city should really sweat and take the trouble to develop the city plan with a scientific and broad supervision. i did
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my post-event period, which is the main goal of ours, and god willing, it will last for a period of one year . to consider the production of the national code , we consider one year as a reasonable time to get feedback and develop an implementation plan did you do it or not? after the event, it is supposed to be about the implementation of the event and what point you will reach at the end. yes, i said that we considered the improvement of the critical indicators of each city. in the event, its introduction should be provided and it should be monitored, and it should be continued. it is also the main goal of course to improve the critical indicators and, god willing, to improve the state of the city. finally, thank you for your kindness and your good program for providing this opportunity. let me tell you that we need more work in this field. in our country, in this creation of co-operation like sex our problem in this regard, as i mentioned
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, is one of participatory governance and we need these governing bodies to sit together more and exchange opinions and be able to repeat the same program on many other issues. thank you very much, mr. nazari , thank you for accepting our invitation and being present at the reporter's greeting. be with us , dear viewers. we will see you again . i am with you. he should be neglected. ways to facilitate marriage. the possibility of marriage for young people it should be foreseen that some of these ways do not have any financial cost, only decision-making is necessary and attention is needed. whatever we can do in the society
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to solve the problem of the sexual problem of young people, this is for the benefit of our society in this world and the hereafter, and for the benefit of our country in this world and the hereafter. . i am afraid that the indifferent attitude towards the issue of marriage will create difficult situations for this country in the future, those who shake the foundations of islam in the minds of those who seriously attack the main slogans of the revolution . those who make the family institution look worthless. he pretends that marriage is meaningless do this is what is happening in our society today. you can't
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remain indifferent to these. marriage does not and cannot cause family formation. that situation people's livelihoods may become difficult and difficult, but marriage may also create an opening. there are some misconceptions and traditions about marriage that are troublesome. it prevents the spread of budding marriages. these traditions should be practically violated. the motivation for marriage should become a practical action, that is, marriage should be realized. this is what the almighty god says, that
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the poor and the poor are god's wealth. this is a divine promise, ma must to this promise. like other divine promises that we trust, we must trust those promises . hello dear viewers. a look at the marriage week programs, the topic of discussion in this part of hello reporter is in the presence of hojatul islam mehdi motaqefir, director general of social development of the ministry of sports and youth, mr. good morning , welcome. peace be upon you and hazrat zahra. peace be upon you . i congratulate you and dear viewers. may you be blessed. i am at your service . what are your plans for the week of marriage and what actions will you take today, which is the first day? well, as you know, every
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year on the occasion of the marriage anniversary of hazrat amir (peace be upon him) and hazrat zahra (peace be upon him), we start the marriage week and organize many programs throughout the country, especially in the field of promoting easy marriage and holding celebrations. the wasal celebration with the easy and heavenly slogan, which has been going on for 3 years now , alhamdulillah, has flourished. in the past two years , we were in the service of the national wasal celebration in the service of our late president, ayatollah shahid raisi. alhamdulillah, this was a very good building for honoring the issue of marriage and the issue of youth . this year, alhamdulillah , we will have these programs all over the country in all our provinces.
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our most important and central program in the field of promoting easy marriage, cultural and media works advertisements for holding easy and heavenly celebrations , educational workshops and counseling discussions, which, as you mentioned, the ministry of sports and youth understands. licensing of specialized family marriage counseling centers, well, these centers will provide free services to our dear young people this week, so that, god willing, we can have a start a good, stable and enjoyable marriage , god willing, what kind of services do these counseling centers offer our loved ones in counseling centers in the field of pre-marital counseling and educational discussions, as well as counseling through the national system of companion counseling training
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, which is in the field of counseling, education and marriage services. the presentation serves the dear youth. the centers are in this system. yes, atlas counseling centers are in this system. with the points given, you can choose the best centers and the nearest center . they can choose in their own province in their own city and apply and benefit. one of the most important work that cannot be completed in a week . yes, no, this work takes years. yes, yes . see, we have free consultations throughout the year. how is it recognized for disadvantaged families or those who cannot afford to pay the full cost of counseling anyway? dear ones , this happens with the support
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we give to counseling centers in the field of premarital counseling . this happens throughout the year. this year, god willing, we have a plan to make this happen. of course , you have evaluated the results of these centers. yes, you see, in year 1, we conducted an interview on how much the effect of visiting our counseling centers was and how much it helped. more than 80% of the clients were satisfied and the course was successful. the estimated time is how long after cohabitation . see, these are 3 years after cohabitation, which, dear ones, is the most golden time that can stabilize a life
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. it is 3 to 5 years, which can help anyway. do both skills training and counseling as much as you can it is not enough to choose a spouse and to help in the continuation of life in order for a stable life to happen and take place. the three free counseling sessions offered by our loved ones, but in any case, our ability is such that we can help loved ones who have less financial means to use this opportunity. counseling services are used , are these counselings only for before marriage or not during the period after the start of cohabitation, for example, the same three years that i mentioned continue. yes, see the counseling center. our counseling
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is active both before marriage, during marriage and after marriage. now, more than 880 of our counseling centers are working all over the country. the country is working. well, a very good thing happened in the last two years. we had a significant growth. since 1974 , when the national youth organization was established, the licensing of counseling centers had started. until 1400, 340 licenses were issued, but alhamdulillah in this in the past two years, we have issued more than 440 licenses, and alhamdulillah, it has happened that we can have centers and provide services in cities, especially underprivileged cities. if you allow me, i would like to point out that now, on the occasion of marriage week, the issue of facilitating marriage of young people is one of our tasks and the government duties of the ministry of sports and youth. well, in this area
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, we have started the wasal shirin project, and today , god willing, we have completed it. we will have in the same companion system that the discussion of the services of providing cheap marriage services and appropriate services, why the total services of the fourteen services that are used in the formation of marriage from the wedding car and wedding dress and pants and the wedding hall and i don't know , photography and all of these, jewelry and accessories home and all these are participating in this service now that i am at your service more than a thousand services across the country have been uploaded to the system. dear friends , you can get an introduction letter by visiting the system and use these services for a limited period of one week , or throughout the year. yes, no , it will only start from today, god willing. and my unveiling will be done , god willing. we hope that we have taken a step in the direction
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of comforting young marriages. thank you very much . a very short final point. one of the most important points that comes to my mind to mention is the role of education and culture in the field of youth marriage and mediation. marriage, which is one of the activities that we pursue , we issue the license of marriage mediation centers, the participation of our dear people. well, in the old days , this was very customary . it helps, this helps to choose the right option for marriage, so that, god willing , our young people
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will choose the right option for their marriage. come back, pour silver into kou, gold, sprinkle sequins, venus is light and sonnets are put into flowers, to the laughter of the father of soil the sky entrusts its heart to the sound of the angel's wings of the ethnic groups
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. today is the first day of sanayeh dasti week, which is supposed to start online in the provinces with the presence of the minister of cultural heritage from tehran. well , how many programs do we have, including the meeting of the mayors of the cities of sanayeh dasti internationally registered? we have 16 cities and villages of sanayeh globally registered. we have a hand that according to this number and according to the number of living fields of anesthesiology that we have in iran, we


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