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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] in this situation, we have seen that at the height of the so-called disarmament pressures against the s regime, the financial support continued with more intensity and the military support that actually existed, that is, practically always even these small achievements are being achieved with the direct military and security support and the support of the united states of america and its allies . these things seem to be the ruling body of the americans. sisti said that this sentence shows the depth of the depth of the foreign policy of the united states
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america was saying that it is the duty of the states. the united states of america is not to order the zionist regime , but to support it, which means that we are not going to tell them what to do and what not to do. only to support the scientific regime, but because of the domestic conditions, the international silence and some discussion of the arab world and the islamic world, finally. they cooperate with them, because their allies in the islamic world are under severe pressure in recent times, take some measures, we see that a series sometimes takes some actions, but in practice, the zionist regime, but the united states of america has shown that it is faithful in supporting the asani regime and will continue to do so, and in my opinion, the only way for the resistance of palestine and the palestinian people
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is the resistance that exists. along with the resistance approaches that exist in the media field and the propaganda that should be done and the support that we need to do in this field, the people of yemen are forming these millions of marches in the islamic world. it takes shape and according to that, it can be a bit of this space for the benefit of the palestinian people, but in the end , what it has shown is that it brings the scientific regime into a space that will be under pressure, it is the palestinian resistance that we witnessed in this field. we witnessed the reaction of the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs of our dear country, we also had the opportunity to see and hear the canaanite talks together, we will return and
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continue our conversation. well, let's continue our conversation with your excellency. my final question to you is , considering the indirect process of the ceasefire negotiations , how much can the attack on nusirat be? overshadow the ceasefire talks were basically announced by the palestinian side and the palestinian resistance from the beginning, and due to the discussions at the end, the oppressed people of gaza are willing to accept changes and enter into this framework, only with conditions, one of which is that the sunni regime leaves the gaza strip. and military pressure on
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the palestinian people. and people, let the matter be reduced, well, this is from the palestinian side, but the problem that exists is that the zionists themselves seem to have no desire to end the war, especially with their actions today , it was almost certain for those who monitor the field of the scientific regime. at the beginning of my crisis, the regime as a crisis-prone entity, sainisi always seeks continuity, because now the discussion of the ceasefire has been strengthened, and the discussion of the north is serious. according to the current situation and according to the current developments , it is looking for this crisis to continue , it seems that although the ceasefires are proposed now, it is actually the zionist regime that does not adhere to any international rules and regulations. and this is the palestinian side, which, on the contrary, because of the problem of the people of gaza, is looking to finally
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enter into this process in an honorable ceasefire, but it seems that the zionists are not looking for this. it seems that the united states of america has a hypocritical approach even though it is looking for a ceasefire. there is a slight reduction in the level of tension, but it is still seeking to inflict partial blows and control the palestinian resistance movement, and this process is not accepted by the palestinian resistance, especially since the palestinian resistance is still not fighting its own strength after 8 months. and it still has its power and strength. it is still entering operations at this level, but we have to consider that the palestinian resistance has a level of capability for the next developments and it seems that this operation
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today, in the coming days , it will show a level of resistance power in order for new developments to take place in this field. similarly, we see that the hezbollah resistance has entered a process, and it is showing a level of new capabilities, especially that of defense. the air he displayed in the last few days and the atmosphere that was practically a so-called pragmatic arena from the siminist regime shows that the resistance of the resistance front was of a high power , although it has a level of this power with the management in it takes place for humanitarian reasons it seems that you should continue this trend . very well, thank you very much, mr. dr. hossein
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ajolo, an expert on west asian issues
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, talas-sarukh, khabza al-kalmah. sick children, especially sick children. due to specific diseases , they live in very bad conditions in the refugee settlement centers in gaza without medicine and treatment . according to almanar network , these sick children want the world and human institutions to pay attention to their situation. ghazah children always have a smile on their face despite all the suffering and hardships. faces are imprinted in the mind of everyone who sees them. anast al-tallouli and his brother are an example of children there are patients in gaza who, in addition to the sufferings
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they suffer from seeing the effects of the brutal aggression of the occupying regime from about 9 months ago until now, they also endure the suffering and suffering of illness and deprivation of treatment. these children need several surgeries for treatment. they should be sent abroad. here is the possibility of treatment. but the aggressions and crimes of the occupying regime. until the siege and barbaric attacks on the health department and the hospital, closing the crossing and preventing the entry of medicine and food, anas rice has increased . these children need medical attention , but there are no hospitals here. war has destroyed hospitals. we have no food or medicine. no treatment facilities
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are available. al-tawaght al madrasa. israeli soldiers have been asked to leave their bases due to the dangers that threaten their lives. according to al-mayadeen network, at the same time, haaretz newspaper wrote: jang's cabinet is afraid of an all-out war with the hezbollah movement. the pursuit of israeli officials is uneven. the repeated threats of the israeli authorities at the political and military levels. in the massive attack on lebanon , especially by hezbollah, analysts
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have suspected these threats, especially the gap there is a gulf between what is said in public about absolute victory on all fronts and what is said in secret meetings behind closed doors. there is a feeling that the israeli army is trying to show that it is at war in the north. but this idea is not true. until now, it has not been determined whether israel. he is able to fight in the north and what is he trying to achieve? in the evaluations of israeli experts regarding the occurrence of any war with hezbollah, the amount of cost and benefit has been determined. they warn that the israeli army, due to the severe increase in its capabilities and resources in the fronts gaza and lebanon are not ready for war on a new front and are not able to solve many challenges that hezbollah faces in tel aviv. does not put one of the most important challenges
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is hezbollah drones. if israel starts a war with hezbollah , it will lose from the first day of the war, and this will be a proud defeat for israel. israel does not have the power to defeat hezbollah and destroy hundreds of thousands of missiles and all kinds of drones because hezbollah's power in managing and continuing the war is great. a perfect solution to deal with hizbollah probades . which has been regularly checked for the past 8 months does not have. these drones are able to deal with israel's detection and defense systems, and our systems have problems in detecting drones. in a situation where experts emphasize the necessity of paying attention to israeli demands and demands, others say that if israel attacks lebanon, it will not be able to control the fire of war. especially if hezbollah has any plans. to
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check with utmost care for practical action. the fighters of the zionist regime attacked kafr shoba in the southeast of lebanon. in this attack, three residential houses were destroyed and one citizen was martyred. saturday morning regime fighters zionists with heavy missiles and trench breakers donated by america with 6 missiles, that is to attack kafr shuba on the border of lebanon with occupied palestine , as you can see behind me, this three -story building has been completely destroyed, the damage caused by this attack by fighters the zionist regime has imposed heavy damage as a result of each rocket hitting a radius of 100 to 150 meters. these rockets have been very badly damaged. behind my head, this building has also
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been damaged by 30 to 50% of the total number of buildings in kufrsho as a result of the zionist attacks. there are 8 damaged buildings, 3 of them are intact as a result of these attacks, one of the citizens of kafrshu was martyred and 3 people were injured. in response to these attacks by the zionist forces, lebanon's hezbollah launched a single artillery unit along with the rally. from the zionist soldiers at the khirbat maer base , the car of the zionist soldiers inside the barketari shah base, as well as a group of the zionist army infantry, near the city of the extraordinary meeting of the foreign ministers of the eight islamic developing countries , on the 8th of december, with the axis of gaza, in istanbul,
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turkey. in this meeting, iran's proposals , including sanctions against the zionist regime, were welcomed by the members d8 expressed the practicality of the islamic republic of iran in several key areas of the discussions of this meeting. this meeting is the beginning of a process for the effective role of the member countries of the so-called d8 group. the proposals of the islamic republic of iran in this. there are very practical proposals. we have raised the so-called initiative in this meeting about cutting off relations with zionism, both in the political and economic arena, and also about
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the so-called initiative boycott of israeli goods. palestinian resistance in national and international authorities. another specific proposal of the islamic republic of iran was the guardian iran's foreign ministry met on the sidelines of the special meeting of palestinian foreign ministers on the 8th bahakan, turkish foreign minister mrs. retno marsudi, indonesian foreign minister and pakistani foreign minister mohammad ishaqdar and discussed the decisions of the 8th meeting and the issues of gaza and palestine and bilateral issues. in my opinion, it was very important that all the islamic people present at this meeting agreed that we should not tolerate the crimes of the zionist regime any more than this. the extraordinary meeting of the 8th foreign ministers in istanbul began with a tribute to the martyred president and foreign minister of our country and expressed
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sympathy with the iranian nation is over. hamid kameli , istanbul radio agency. the second meeting of the regional contact group for afghanistan was held today at the office of political and international studies of the ministry of foreign affairs. this meeting was held with the presence of representatives of member countries of this group. the second meeting of the regional contact group for afghanistan, which began with a minute of silence in memory of the president. the martyred president and his companions began. in this meeting, special representatives of iran, russia, china and pakistan on afghanistan affairs were also present. we started the meeting today by examining the
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internal conditions of afghanistan, relying on the structures and issues that in today's meeting, we will share and discuss the events that are happening in this country and the effects they have on the regional security environment. mr. bagheri, the acting minister of foreign affairs of the islamic republic of iran , emphasized in a message to this meeting: yesterday's defeated and occupiers cannot once again play a role in afghanistan under political titles. we can say that the root of most of afghanistan's problems and pitfalls was the occupation of this country and the lack of attention to its development and economic growth and the imposition of lack of development by the occupiers . talk about taliban interaction and exchange the opinion about the third meeting in doha was one of the topics that were raised in today's meeting. we seek to contribute to
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stability and security as a result of afghanistan with any combination that we can together. we welcome work in the economic fields or any other fields such as security and those who are really looking for help in construction, because no matter how stable construction and improvement in afghanistan happens , it can actually prevent the problems and challenges that have been faced so far. today , it should be reduced and this will help the honorable return of afghan immigrant brothers and sisters. the first meeting of bahman regional contact group last year , it was held at the suggestion and initiative of the islamic republic of iran and hosted by kabul. amir hossein khademi, the special representative of the president for afghanistan affairs, said: relative security on
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the border is the result of measures to physically block the border and the security cooperation of regional countries. mr. kazami qomi, on the sidelines of the afghanistan regional contact group meeting in tehran, which was held in the presence of the representatives of china, russia, iran and pakistan, about improvement. the security situation at the borders has been announced and it is in a collective cooperation that we are dealing with terrorism in the issue of creating relative peace in borders well, the fact is that in the last few months we have witnessed an improvement in the security conditions, but the fact is that we must guard and create conditions so that we can stabilize this relative peace
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, which is one of the measures i mentioned. the students of depaul university chicago in america protested against the dismissal of the professor who presented the plan related to the gaza war to the students, according to the report of the cbs network, the students supporting this professor presented a letter with about 1500 signatures. this raises the concern that if the professors and staff
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are not supported in the face of strong and quick reprimands of this university, the students will definitely be affected by this as well. the subject will not be safe. in the beginning of the month, this professor was teaching human pathogen in the health department. he
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was fired two days after giving an optional assignment in which students were asked to focus on the biological effects of the war in gaza. he said he asked the students. in this way , we have reached the end of the world today, the 19th day of june 1403. along with all the hardworking colleagues in this program
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, i will leave your presence. have a good night and god bless you. we were sad about what our president is going to do to them. good luck and god bless you we prayed for it to happen, but whatever
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happens, the destiny of whatever happens must be very much in the behavior of our enemy. they are happy about the sadness of a nation and happy about someone's sadness, this is not surprising at all, and by the way, when they insult and mock , it shows us the right way much more easily , and in fact right and wrong can be determined very easily. i myself had voted for mr. raisi , but after he was martyred. and now their services are much more open. in fact , we regretted saying why you lost them. in the faith front, people with faith are very hard to find. they have to struggle a lot to grow and it is a pity for us that we had a person with this level of sincerity and
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piety and in fact the ethics that he observed in the world of politics. well, it makes us a little sad that we lost that person now. i think one of the first things that caught my attention was his presence in every region, in fact, every province he travels to. the most places where it was not possible for anyone to have gone there before, even later, the local officials
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, isfahan and sari in the best places. it has been made available to you! hello and courtesy to you, dear viewers, good evening, welcome to tonight's football magazine. the first practice of the national team after returning from hong kong. the players of the national team


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