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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 7:30am-8:01am IRST

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the day honoring the best of the best providers of goods and services is among the observance of consumer rights, and this is the 22nd celebration of this event, the 22nd, which they say is annual . of course , the consumer has rights and privileges, and in order to be honored and recognized, the organization designed a solution in this direction, and to be able to introduce the best of those who respect the rights of consumers and this trend started in 1380 now we have the 22nd period, so we know that the consumer has rights, including the right to information.
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the goods and services that are enjoyed are the right to choose , the right to enjoy the safety of the goods and services that are enjoyed, and also the protection of the government's support. followed that fortunately with a very good reception centers. it is also faced by the economic enterprises that supply goods and services and every year these enterprises in the form of volunteers nominate themselves to achieve this issue and according to the indicators, points and mechanisms that have been designed, this selection is followed in the specialized working groups of the organization and finally leads to the day when they are honored. in the official calendar of our country
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, we also have a day called the national consumer rights protection day, which is meant to really give more importance to the importance of this issue and pay more attention to it, and we even have a consumer protection law. in connection with this issue, one of the compatibles of honoring it is one of the best places in respect of consumers' rights and in order to be better known
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by the provincial offices, at the national level , the indicators that are considered are the scope of providing services and the provision of goods. and there is service, which is very important. the question is whether those stations have the necessary mechanisms to receive and handle people's reports and complaints, and also customer satisfaction has a very high position in this evaluation . as well as other related indicators discuss the quality of the product, the quantity of the product, and having the so-called standard conditions and the conditions that a service product needs to have, and other components that have an effect, all of them in the so- called direction. or the availability and
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availability of the possibility of providing after-sales service or the possibility of providing the necessary guarantees that the seller gives to the customer. in this matter, we will follow how many you choose , that is, from today. the event is organized by the evaluations finally, in the committees of the necessary documents and documents for this conference and for this technical and various councils, this discussion is followed that we are for the 22nd conference. now today
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is the day of honoring the best of this subject, 280 units have volunteered at the national level, after following the various stages of the so-called evaluation discussions, today from 36 economic enterprises in the field of goods and in the field of services, god willing. there is another point about today's program, please let me tell you right here that it is about consumer protection and consumer rights the producers in the chain of production to core consumption means one. there is no special place in the so-called, that is , it is exactly from production to consumption, and it is a chain. when we support the producer, we naturally support the consumer, because when we choose a unit as the best unit in respect of consumer rights. today we are honoring that
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producer or service provider unit , we are actually paying attention to the consumer and these are in mutual relation with each other, so i am requesting from here that the producers should better to be able to respect the rights of consumers and what is the inalienable rights of individuals and people should be respected from the goods and services that they enjoy, and from that side, we expect that, god willing, our dear people will be able to encourage and welcome iranian goods and domestically produced goods and services. so that we can follow other economic factors in this way, god willing, based on the same explanation that you gave, what kind of support can consumers expect from the consumer and producer support organization? a complaint
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to have some of the few problems that occur in the so-called sectors, what kind of problems in the goods and service sectors that we employ. if the supplier of that product does not pay attention to the term or fails, they can reflect this report with the system of 124 support organizations or by referring to the general office in the provinces and it will definitely be followed up because our goal is that, god willing. so that good goods and good service can be available to the dear people of our country and on the other hand they can consume . what kind of support can be given to producers? it is possible for them that this is the occasion that the 22nd
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so-called event will be held today, which means that they are really selected in a very heavy and continuous evaluation, and the important thing is that they volunteer to be in the middle and announce that we are in the narrative. we were the consumers of the so-called works and we were diligent, so they are honored and for the chosen ones , there are also privileges that can be enjoyed so-called, god willing. the issue is the so-called access to the exhibitions. and the same as the certificate and they confirm the observance of consumer rights in this idol. this is the best supporting document and certificate. when the customer sees this certificate in their hands, they fully understand that this is the unit that
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is doing the most effort to respecting the rights of the repeat consumer . thank you, sir, for your presence. stay with us , dear viewers, with the continuation of the program. bring the glad tidings of rain to the breath of the desert, to the dry vein of the trees,
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to the tired night of the porch. the smell of spring in the heart of a trembling branch, the desire of winter, the heat of the street, the fever of the life of a fairy. open your ointment, open the path of childbirth like siavash alone, pass through these fires let the storm be fierce, my homeland, iran, light a candle. boil the name of god, break the claws of the devil, my homeland
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, iran! bring the glad tidings of rain to the breath of the desert, to the dry veins of the trees , to the tired night of the porch, bring the smell of spring to the heart of the trembling buds, to the wishes of winter, to the struggle of the street, to the fever of the troubled soul. you grow from your soil, every
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time you see a garden, i see a dream in your eyes, the sun of tomorrow, iran, i kiss this flag, sell it. stay with us, let's talk about international news in the presence of mr. nikmin. hello , good morning. in the name of god, i am serving you and dear viewers. hello and good morning. well, today, mr. honorable acting minister of foreign affairs of our country bagheri arrived in russia at the head of the diplomatic delegation. a few hours ago to participate in the brics foreign ministers' meeting.
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i am talking about the details of this trip with mr. darabi, a reporter of sed and sima news agency in moscow. mr. darabi, hello and good morning , i would like to ask you about the details of mr. bagheri's presence and meetings in russia, and also what is the main focus of the talks between the foreign ministers of bilix in this session of the meeting? in the name of allah, the most merciful, mr. between mr. hosseini, your presence and all the dear viewers of salam reporter program, i say hello and good morning well, around 2 o'clock in the morning today, mr. ali bagheri, acting minister of foreign affairs, arrived in the city of nizhny novgorod, the venue of the meeting of foreign ministers of the group of emerging economies, which coincided with brics, the first meeting of brics foreign ministers. after the islamic republic of iran joined this group, there is
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a group that currently has a very effective role with about half of the world's population, about one-third of the world's economic capacity and one-third of the total area of ​​the planet, and now with the holding of the ministerial meeting foreign affairs conduct political and diplomatic consultations at a high level. it will be 5 countries the initial core of brics is brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa, after 5 other countries including iran, egypt, saudi arabia, kenya, and the united arab emirates were added to them, now they make up 10 brics member countries, and it is interesting to know that many other important countries of the world want are members and their ministers of foreign affairs are present in addition to the 10 countries that are brics, the ministers of foreign affairs and high-level diplomatic delegations of 15 other countries also entered
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nizhny novgorod to consult for membership , one of the most important of them is turkey, mr. hakanfidan said yesterday he entered the city of nizhny novgorod and it is one of those interested in becoming a member, considering that turkey is a member of nato, this is also interesting in its own way, and the interest of this country to participate in brics, but the negotiations are ongoing. first, today, which will start in about 3 hours , is about brics cooperation, international regional issues , including the gaza issue, and on the second day, with the presence of those 15 countries, issues will be held at a wider level, mr. darabi, reporter. i thank you sed and sima news agency in moscow, but the zionists are still protesting and condemning the warmongering policies in the occupied territories. they are netanyahu, while in fact, on saturday, netanyahu was able to invade
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al-nusirat camp and was actually martyred. to free more than 21 people from palestine and 4 of his prisoners, but it seems that this alleged victory of netanyahu was not accepted by sahinosta and at the same time it was reported that three senior members of the zionist cabinet, including the war minister of this regime, resigned in this regard. i am having a conversation with mr. shahvardi , an expert on west asian issues. accept netanyahu's claim they don't hello, mr. naveen and mr. hosseini and all viewers of khabar network. in fact, this is not a victory, mr. nikbin. mr. netanyahu is trying . after almost 9 months of war, hariyeh is oppressed people. the oppressed people of gaza should now claim that
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the promises they made to the zionists before that this war. the main goal is to restore the zionist era . now, after this period of time, it was able to reach this conclusion , while now the zionists say that, sir, we have at least 120 prisoners in gaza , of which we have no news, and there is still no accurate statistics of the number of those who are still alive and those who we don't exist and you after a very long time. you were only able to rescue 4 captives, and these four captives, who are now returning to occupied palestine, were definitely not by the zionist army, but with the help of other countries, especially the united states and countries like england, and the information they were able to provide in this
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this operation has again provoked the international community against the zionist regime for the very large crime it has committed, as you mentioned, at least 210 palestinians were martyred, which the statistics show. it is said that the hundreds of other people who were injured, some of them may be martyred in the coming days. it is possible that the number of martyrs of this operation will reach 400 or 500 palestinian martyrs. yes, mr. shahvardi , this is short. it will be. please give a short answer. the situation has definitely
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become very difficult for netna. this dissolution is possible, especially in this war cabinet, which is not only at the beginning of the al-aqsa storm operation. it has been done and it is getting stronger. with the departure of two of the most important members of this cabinet, which took place yesterday , it is possible that netna will be forced to dissolve the war cabinet, and the pressure is also increasing in the zionist community that the entire cabinet
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is campaigning for the election candidates. . the 14th term of the presidency will start from today, and the various programs prepared by the broadcasting organization, mrs. zwanati, the reporter of the broadcasting agency, will
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say more about this. hello, good morning . programs from today it will start on the one sima channel, after him, the program with the people, and it is supposed to be hundreds and maybe thousands of minutes later. the program with different themes and axes should be broadcast on radio and television. last night, as dear viewers may have seen, the lottery was held at the time of the broadcast and the order of their broadcast , it was a very different atmosphere, mr. hosseini, that is , i participated in many lotteries , from the fajr festival movie screening lottery to the lottery. other aspects of this funeral were very different in terms of its guests, from families of martyrs to athletes to artists to singers
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the presence of the quran, which means representatives from different walks of life, exactly representatives from different walks of life, and they came with the hope of coming with the demand . i spoke with gol ali babaei , the writer. i spoke with the director mr. varzi , he was concerned about education . i spoke with the athletes, mr. farooqi. they said that god willing, we hope that our honors will be more than this in the world and i spoke with the families of the martyrs . they say to the people, god willing, they will be able to to help, the head of the national media also explained the programs . of the five debates that are going to be aired for 3 hours, starting at 20:00 until 24:40, yes, 4 hours, sorry, i made a mistake because
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i was tired last night, last night, and this morning, and up to 3 specialized meetings, whose topics and questions are designed by elites. a university is in charge of tv and radio documentaries, programs facing the camera of the candidates, and a very special event that happened in this period is that satra has also provided the organization of whistle and comprehensive image in the virtual space for the program and facilities for different news agencies. that news agencies for the first time, they can broadcast the debates with the permission they get from satra. also, tvb with millions of users allocates a special page for each candidate, and the candidates can upload their programs and documentaries on the tvb page.
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it is also new that 30 documentaries for each province can have candidates. there are 31 for each province. the audience looks. yes, the program will be on the front page of the election. it will be a special election news discussion the program without compliments from 20:45 to 21:00 talks with the candidates. thank you very much, mrs. qanati, for your presence in hello reporter. together with one flag, we tied the mine to abadii, this
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world is not us when we are together, valimi hosseini's soul , vali's soul. an election that everyone should join hands and bring it to the end in the right way. and there should be more unity from the beginning, i am afraid that god forbid it
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will cause differences, if for god's sake. someone who wants to work has chosen himself to serve islam muslims, if he wins, he should not be victorious , because he has been promised a service and the difficulties of this service are very severe.
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today is the hot season, how high is the electricity consumption ? what did the electricity father say? what did he say? now the excessive consumption is very bad. we don't waste electricity. this is the right way. we don't waste electricity. this is the right way. if we reduce it together, we can increase our country's energy . indiscriminate consumption is a very bad thing. iran is clear here . big iranian somewhere
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that you can very easily choose your favorite sports equipment from all this impressive variety, then take it to your home with an unbelievable price, long-term shipping and free shipping, just like that. alone tehran, in serah afsariye, hello, akbar, sir, yes, i want to check my father's account. tell me, your father's account has a lot of credit. i will pay with tara's credit. tara 's credit is very creditable with us. tara's credit is up to 5 million tomans for all ladies and gentlemen. now it's
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time to go city of home appliances. shut up my good i don't have a check. goodbye, everyone. goodbye. no , i don't want a checkbook. will you be my guarantor? i don't want to be a guarantor. i don't want a prepayment. i don't want a prepayment. a special purchase for the dear retirees of social security from the city of household appliances. the city of household appliances is a specialized reference for household appliances.
8:00 am
hello, welcome to the 8 am news, sir. the radio and television advertisements of the six presidential candidates from today are in accordance with the lottery of the head of the national media, five debates, three round tables and four documentaries, among the programs prepared for the candidates. the crisis in the zionist regime's war cabinet resignation of three members.


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