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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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the reason for this organization's action is the announced security concerns . in the past few days, the zionist regime soldiers martyred more than 270 people and injured more than 600 people in nusirat camp under the pretext of freeing four prisoners. these soldiers entered gaza from a temporary floating dock. the united states claimed that this pier was built to send humanitarian aid to the gaza strip. yoo elant, minister of war of the si-
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dan regime, announced in the south of the gaza strip. in this operation , a bombed building collapsed on the zionists in rafah. qassam surrounded this house at the same time with the presence of regime support forces with mortars hit according to zionist sources, in this operation, four gefati brigade soldiers were killed and several others were wounded. the american consulate in sydney was attacked. australian police said a person who covered his face to the window. the american consulate was damaged and the entrance door of the building was painted. the spokesman of the american consulate confirmed the attack and said that the employees were not injured. south korea's ministry of defense put all its forces on full alert on the border with north korea and announced that it will resume broadcasting propaganda against its neighbor from today. this action then it happened that for several days in a row, north korea gave south korea balloons containing tongues
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bigger than seven football fields. the largest wind turbine in the world and the area of ​​the circle it forms when it rotates annually provides 72 million kilowatt hours of electricity, which means the energy needed by 36 thousand chinese households. i will continue today's world with the most important development of the gaza war in the last 24 hours. the third resignation in the zionist cabinet in less than 24 hours . yesterday, benny ganses and gadi eisenkot from the war cabinet. zionist regime to withdraw resignation
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these three members of the government and war cabinet of the zionist regime have opposed netanyahu. israel is engaged in a war for existence, and now is not the time to apologize. despite this advice of the prime minister of the zionist regime to maintain unity among the war cabinet of this regime, it seems that the 8 months of war in gaza did not make the members of the cabinet to stay with netanyahu. some time ago, netanyahu had said that he was a member of the war cabinet of the zionist regime to defeat hamas, and he resigned. the one who claims soon the same. we will destroy and
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return the captives, he lives in illusion. next from gantt and eisenkot, the resignation of hailey tropier, another member of the zionist regime's war cabinet, marked a difficult 24 hours for netanyahu. now the dominoes of resignations from the war cabinet have reached the israeli army. avi rosenfeld, the commander of the gaza brigade in the zionist army, also called himself responsible for the failure in gaza and resigned from his post. 8 months after the war. i failed in the main mission of my life, which was to defend the settlements near the gaza strip. serial resignations welcomed by netanyahu's opponents . the time has come for a prudent cabinet to ensure security and the prisoners to replace this radical cabinet. the serial resignations of three members of the national camp party, which experts say will be a heavy blow to netanyahu. ganses and his party, not only his party. a party with complete military and security superiority
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means that he himself was the chief of the general staff, izenkot was the chief of the general staff, only in the benigan party there are 3 chiefs of the general staff and a few others. they are present at the level of the deputy of the army. it is a completely military party and naturally it can give good advice to netanyahu in the field of war management. at the same time, the internal differences at the political and military level in the zionist regime have increased, which the ebrizban newspaper haares announced that the economic sanctions announced by various countries against israel have worsened the economic situation of this regime even in war conditions, mojtaba. shah soni of radio and television news agency.
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but the second file of tonight's program that we want in it. let's check the results of the european parliament elections. the elections, which were held today after four days, were held with 50% participation. before the program , we had an interview with dr. nader noorbakhsh, an expert on european issues, to
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tell us more about the results of this election. european parliament elections are an event it is an important political election that is held every five years for the member states of the european union, which are 27 countries, and regardless of its performance, many citizens of these countries see this election as an opportunity to protest or support the ruling political factions in their countries. one thing that should be noted is that the number of seats allocated to each country is proportional to the population of that country. therefore, a country like germany with 96 seats takes the first place in terms of the number of seats in the european parliament. members of the european parliament, but not by country
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rather , they join groups or blocs in the european parliament based on their political ideology. at the moment. there are various blocs in the european parliament, the most important of which belongs to the center-right wing, which is called the european people's party. in the recent elections, based on the results, this bloc still managed to take the first place. but the loser of this election is based on numbers. thirty and decrease in the amount of support, we can know the block of green parties and liberal parties, which were actually facing a relatively large decrease in seats at the level of the european union, compared to the parties
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the radical right, which is known for its characteristics such as opposition to the entry of foreign immigrants and criticism of the european union, was able to grow relatively large in this election. this growth in some countries such as france, italy and austria was such that they were able to assign the first place to themselves, and in a country like germany, the af party. for example, all three ruling parties in the shorz coalition government succeeded. go to the top and get the second place. one of the important aspects in the election results is the increase in the seats of the right-wing and radical currents, something that in some the country caused a major shock to the extent that, for example
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, the victory of the right-wing parties in belgium led to the resignation of the prime minister, but the most important aftershock was the hard defeat of macron's party against the extreme right-wing parties of france. i know that after this defeat, macron used his special authority to dissolve the parliament and announced that he will hold early elections at the end of this month. generally, geographically, we see a pattern of support for radical right parties at different levels it is true both at the local and national and transnational levels. and that is that small towns and villages are usually the main base of radical right parties
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, and people like workers and citizens in general who consider themselves losers of the globalization process and are afraid of the arrival of immigrants and asylum seekers and especially claim that the european union caused the loss of their culture and identity. due to the dismantling of the borders, their security is jeopardized by the arrival of immigrants, usually such people form the supporters and the main base of the radical right parties. however, some votes donors do not necessarily have an ideological affiliation with these parties and simply express dissatisfaction with the parties. the main thing is that they support the radical right. as mentioned, the first place
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is still in the hands of the center right at the level of the european union and this political faction will be influential in the next term of the parliament. but the influence of radical right parties has increased significantly . an obstacle for radical right parties. there is a lack of solidarity between them, so that unlike other groups and blocs, the radical right parties have not succeeded in forming a single bloc and mainly , they were divided between the two blocs of identity democracy and bloc of european reformists and conservatives , and between these two blocs, the first bloc is identity. the european union has
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a close relationship with russia. finally, it should be noted that the results of these elections have caused reactions at the political level of different european countries. for example, in france, emmanuel macron, the president of this country, talks about dissolving the parliament and holding elections. he did it during the parliament in this country, which of course cannot be done by holding a similar political event in countries whose system is different from france there is a parliamentary comparison because this will be more closely related to the internal issues of france and the position of the president in france directly and by vote. the people are elected and at the end we want to
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see the report of our reporter in paris, reza shahzovar hosseini, about the reflection and reactions of the election results in france. after the resounding victory of the national unity party in the european parliament elections and the humiliating failure of emmanuel macron's party , there have been many reactions among public opinion and political circles in europe and france. we have seen that the ruling party of france has used all its efforts in recent months to prevent the victory of ms. marine le pen's party in the european parliament elections, but he could not. they all scare us not to vote for marine le pen's party , but i voted. according to the announcement of the french ministry of interior, jourdan bardella, the candidate of the national union party with 31 in the first place and ms. valhia from
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and here they also announce the dissolution of the national assembly . according to the opinion of political experts and even some members of the ruling renaissance party, the dissolution of parliament by macron was a mistake and an inappropriate decision, because in case of failure and loss of majority in the next parliament, a coalition government must come to power. it will not be desirable in the current situation. the early and nationwide elections of the french parliament will be held in about 3 weeks on the 10th and 17th of july. shahzovar hosseini of paris radio and television agency.
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we are coming to the end of the world today. good night, god bless you. these days gonabadi farmers are harvesting the golden wheat ears of this divine blessing from their fields of approximately 3 to 4 hectares. we have a harvest and the rains after eid helped our work process a lot to be able to harvest a good crop . the wheat harvesting operation in gonabad has started with the operation of 24 combine machines since the beginning of june is. there are all types of combine harvesters, both local
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and foreign, disinfection operations and technical inspection are carried out by the private sector. currently , the wheat cultivation area of ​​the city and gonabad is 850 hectares. between 3 and 300 kg in basheh city, wheat storage with a capacity of 35,000 tons is underway in silos and factories in gonabad city. this year, more than 50 shopping centers from government silos, silos adjacent to flour mills, rural cooperative management centers and private sector silos are ready for this service. and will provide services. this year , wheat at the price of 1,750 tomans per kilogram with the
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base price for a 1% drop, useful and not useful. and 4% of the useful drop of this rate will be paid. it is expected that more than 2,800 tons of wheat will be harvested from the 850 hectares of wheat fields in gonabad city. lucky boys and girls. a place to revive and strengthen the culture of marriage mediation. 3 years ago, on these days at the same time as the marriage week, adam and eve matching center started its work. where until today bonnie has had more than a thousand marriages , where the average age for girls
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was between 20 and 25 years and for boys between 205 and 30 years. it means a relatively suitable and good marriage age. i mean, look at the young people of your age. there are marriages. visiting this center and getting married is an interesting time. of these over a thousand marriages, 7 have been divorced. well, this is not at all compatible with our divorce statistics. the divorce statistics in the country are much higher than this, especially in cities like tehran, our big cities. these are the majority of marriages for it was a big city and the low divorce rate means a successful center in the visit of islamin stadt national jamiat organization of islamic propaganda from this center about authentication procedures. boys and girls and their families were told, the steps that seem strict from the eyes of some. some people tell us how good it is that you are so strict, sometimes they tell us what you are doing, we users who criticize us for being strict , but instead they tell us that you are the most reliable system in this field. but what saddens us is that
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iranian families still don't know the centers and young people still don't know if there are acquaintances around them. themselves men, women, or men , they don't know their own suitable man or woman, they can get service from such centers and trust them, that trust has not yet been formed, the capacity of these centers to provide services is much more than what is happening now. currently, 170 approved matching centers are operating across the country . their names can be accessed. we like that their wedding night is the best night of their lives. in order to turn the wedding night of young couples into the best night of their lives , they start working long ago, from buying dowries and wedding favors, even
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for some of them, the house was left to provide all the necessities of a wedding party . they started their work 18 years ago, and now they are planning marriage counseling and helping couples find employment. we would not do such a thing. a group of women living in a city who dressed up 900 girls and boys have been the joy of their years, according to their own taste, now they choose any dress they like for their wedding night and we present that dress to them with a series of we are talking about friends, they come voluntarily they provide their own car, we will arrange their cars for the children who want to go to the hall , in short, pack bags in this car, the mothers of the students. in allameh tabatabai university of tehran, and there is no phone to listen to their demands , i went to my faculty's education to continue my education virtually, and at the very beginning, with the laughter of the
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education officer and saying, "why didn't we listen to the virtual education?" the statement of the officials of this university that they are not aware of the tasks set for them by the youth law of the student's mother, who gave her the right to virtual education due to her pregnancy. and it has made it difficult for other students to want to have children. should there be a conflict between the roles of a woman in the islamic republic of iran that she has to choose? the videos they sent to young iran from the conference they held to convey their demands to the university authorities are empty. it shows the officials, we have left them empty here , that the officials are missing, that the mothers came despite the most difficult conditions and the presence of these little red shirts last week in the celebration of the championship of their fathers , they also opened the foot of football to
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young iran this week. the children of their children said that this was really their step in my life, for persepolis, for my football, for my life, and even without children , they would like to appear with a child in the picture frame. maybe many of you, including yourself , think that ali nemati's son is with us, but ali nemati says, "i don't know who he is. he really says, 'i brought him.'" in the world to solve this problem of water reducing polymer help. they get a product that is now made by the specialists of the technological unit the product is actually known as water reducer in the construction industry, which is generally used
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to increase the strength of concrete, and now these concretes have different types, such as precast concrete or concrete that is sometimes used for foundations or other things. it can be used in all of these because it increases the resistance of concrete and in terms of appearance. it also gives a better form, because the porosity of the concrete is reduced, the cracks are reduced, and as a result, the quality of the building, whether in terms of normal resistance or in terms of resistance to earthquakes and other things , in a way, this leads to an increase in resistance. the material used in our construction is one of those materials that was strategic and had to be in a reaction condition. with the investigations we did, we saw that it can be replaced in the country and with a huge difference in price. reduce the costs of the manufacturing company a lot, that is, now i would like to serve you in dollar terms, that foreign sample in that section, that is, the material that foreigners give to the company
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was about 8 dollars per kilogram, the material that you supplied inside it can be said that it was between 4 and 5 dollars, which means almost 90 to 95% reduction in price in that raw material, this was good in two ways : the costs were reduced and it was good for the production company, and it was good for the raw material supplier company, which is a customer. he found a new one and practically added it to his customer's field, and finally, when this process went forward, we again implemented the technical knowledge in the same line . there are properties that are already produced, and this company started selling again, which means that it used some of the material itself, and some of it was actually sold. sell ​​water-reducing polymer production technology in the domestic market. it is a member of marz danashi technologies , so that the imported samples entered the country without compositional information. many materials
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were transferred in the form of code names such as a and boc. this company or, for example , the reaction temperature, the reaction speed, only brief information was given, and finally, although this company had moved the production line inside, it was affiliated with that foreign company, because it did not have any finnish knowledge, that is, it did not know what material it had. where are the sources of this material? we just told them that we will give you this material and you can use it, and that was the reason why this company got into trouble, that is, after some time, that foreign company raised the price of the raw materials so much that this company announced in the meeting that with we have the fact that the purchase price of our raw materials is higher than the selling price of this product in the market, which means that if we have the knowledge and produce it, we face a loss, that's why this line was dormant for a year and a half, if there were no problems with the equipment, it's just a problem. it was a formulation. zero to 100 production of technological products within the country is localized and it has reached the production stage. first stage. well
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, the raw materials, the so-called monomers, must be added during a specific process and given a specific time . finally, the product that is internalized and produced inside is added as the reaction initiator and given a specific temperature and a specific time. after that, in fact, the product will be produced in the form of a solution, which is an example here. he wanted the same foreign grade that now, for example, the same example that is now open there is also a state that is actually thick. the same point that i told you increases the resistance of the concrete and reduces the water. it is because of its concentration that it is in a solution condition, but we came with the optimizations we made and the technical knowledge that existed in the company. we even produced a better grade , that is
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, a sample that is much stiffer and thicker. yes, it means that apart from the product that was entrusted to us, we went one step further because the technical knowledge was available and there was sufficient mastery . well, now if there is no place, because usually the customers also buy it in solution in the market, because they want to use it in the mortar, and it is much easier in solution, but if there is a need now, you can use the same solution as well, so to speak, that substance. he separated it and delivered it to the consumers in a solid form, which we actually put here as a sample, but usually in this form, the solution is actually sold as one of the concrete additives. it is actually used in the concrete mortar. that mortar is now in a special condition that it must be construction now or i don't know if it is a shed now, wherever it is used, it hardens within a certain time , and the point is that in this time between use and the state of molding and hardening of the concrete, the water that is needed is actually injected into the concrete, so
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it becomes less, this is a pardon. forgiveness is after the story of the trip, which is the same resistance in the company. in fact , it can be said that with the production line they have in each batch or each stage of the reaction, i think they can produce about 5 tons of the material, the existing water-reducing polymer, increasing the quality of the concrete. it is built and according to experts , it reduces the rate of unexpected accidents by 40%. beloved delangiz of the radio and television news agency. hello, this is girnas publications, national examination exams , possible questions 1616, tips, tests, and general techniques. only and only in the book, you heard it exactly right. nostrazist , a star type in the sky of life in the country, a different work from gilna publications.
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get 60% from me and gilna publications as a gift now. send number 5 to 3085 gilna publications. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the vice president of iran's national pistachio association said: last year, 20 thousand tons of pistachios were produced in the country, of which 120 thousand tons worth about one billion dollars were exported and the rest were consumed domestically. according to mr. karbakhsh this year, like last year, the export of 120 thousand tons of pistachios is estimated. based on the statistics of the first two months of this year in total.


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